Remembering My Dead on Memorial Day

  • Today we honor our war dead. In the spirit of being antiwar I’ll discuss the deaths I saw during my tour as a flight surgeon in the Central Highlands. 
  • In Pleiku we refurbished helicopters and specially trained pilots had to test fly them before general use. One evening (against rules) the two pilots took the “new” Huey up, but the crew chief sat in the chair meant for the co-pilot. The copilot and some casual observer sat in the back riding along in a flight that was known to be risky. It  crashed at the end of the runway; I remember seeing the JP4 flaring off; the aircraft itself was buried in 10 feet of mud.  Analysis showed that the “co pilot” had turned the fuel shut off instead of the hydraulic, bad mistake. The 4 got posthumous purple hearts for being stupid, I guess. 
  • Three black renegades were confronted by 2 MPs one evening in Nha Trang. They pulled pistols and wounded one MP while the other ran away. He watched one of the renegades shoot the wounded cop in the head.  
  • They caught one guy right away. At court martial he was sent to prison for 3 years and got a bad conduct discharge. The MPs were infuriated. 
  • They found the second guy some weeks later hiding in a “beach house”, picture a grass hut used as a bar on the shore. The deserter was asked nicely to come out and when he didn’t they brought up an APC and used its 50 cal on the shed. I remember the burst of 3 rounds and 10 seconds in between- going on for maybe half an hour, and asking Sgt Dorsey about what was happening? He shrugged. I don’t know what happened to the 3rd renegade. He might still be there and I’m here.
  • Late in October ‘71, during the coastal typhoon and 2 weeks before I was supposed to leave, two guys in the air traffic control tower were watching a large blob moving south, offshore in the middle of a dense storm and fog. It suddenly disappeared which troubled them enough to record. Three days later some Army outfit up north sent out an alert-”who has our Chinook?”
  • Right- my little transport company had to go out onto several islands as bodies popped up. I had to do the picking up and the paperwork. Turns out that the pilot had become disoriented, the aircraft had turned upside down and he’d flown it into the South China Sea, the blades cut into the cockpit and fuselage, the transmission exploded, chunks of soldiers everywhere. 
  • The problem was that the aircraft had taken off and landed in 3-4 places, people had gotten on and off, and no one knew who or how many. It was a minor glitch in the vaunted Army Regs (the Air Force actually recorded who/how many…). That aircraft could carry 58 soldiers. A crash like that could account for an awful lot of MIAs.
  • And Alas! no posthumous purple hearts. 

Title; Does the Apparent Massing of Businesses and Populations on One or the Other Side at State Borders Indicate the Relative Freedoms in Those States and Can It Be Used As a Political Weapon?

Erwin Haas
Summary: I Tested My Hypothesis Developed During Years of Travel That Businesses and Populations Gathered on One or the Other Side of the border. and That the Favored Side Had Less Government With Initially Encouraging Results.
I practiced locum tenens medicine around the country driving over 30,000 miles PA for 17 years. I especially loved the hours of being alone with my thoughts, free to wonder about the passing scene. Recurring patterns of the travelling life emerged during those stretches of road like the observation that inexpensive motels, diners and large gas stations crowded on one or the other of the various state borders. It influenced times and places for refueling, eating and sleeping. I suspect that many travelers, especially truck drivers, have intuited these clusters of places to get better prices on traveling expenses but none to my knowledge have tried to formulate and document it.
Simple economics suggested that travel services and neighborhoods would collect on the side of the border with the less intrusive government and avoid the one with higher taxes and regulations. I never tried to support my speculation (I’ll upgrade it in scientific lingo to the “Haas Hypothesis on Borders”) until last month when my wife and I did our annual hegira from western Michigan to southern Georgia. The Garmin alerted us as we approached state borders so that we could start making observations. We each estimated and agreed on the number and health of business and presence of neighborhoods at the crossings. Distinctions were fairly clear cut except in one case as documented. I used the per capita tax collections by the states listed in Wikipedia as a proxy for assigning the state with the higher levy the label of being the more obnoxious.


The first crossing was on US23 going from Ann Arbor, Michigan to Toledo, Ohio. The Michigan side featured abandoned farms, overgrown fields and no businesses. There was a pleasant looking neighborhood in the woods on the Ohio side and numerous gas stations and restaurants at the first Ohio intersection. Per capita tax collections, $2718 in Michigan, $2438.34 in Ohio; the Haas hypothesis supported.
We proceeded south on I75, crossing into Kentucky at Cincinnati. We observed a major city on the Ohio side and a few miles of suburbs in Kentucky. Ohio collected 2438.34 per capita, Kentucky, 2621. The hypothesis was again supported.
We continued south on I75 but were unable to see much in the rainstorm as we crossed into Tennessee, but one can roughly measure populations and economic activity by using Google Maps. I took this screen shot, (cut and paste to see if link won’t work),-84.1030207,3058m/data=!3m1!1e3


Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
which shows the medium sized town of Jelico on the Tennessee side and only a few streets and farms on the Kentucky side. The per capita tax in Kentucky 2621.24, and only 1925.33 in Tennessee. The Haas hypothesis was supported.
We took I40 from Tennessee to North Carolina but this passes through the Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, a 50 mile stretch that is uninhabited and we had no way of deciding about populations and businesses.
Our next crossing was on I26 from North Carolina to South Carolina. We observed woods and swamps on the North Carolina side, farms and gas stations on the South side. Taxes in North Carolina, 2497.37 and 1968 in South Carolina; hypothesis supported.
Our last border was on I95 from South Carolina to Georgia which is in the winding Savannah River. It was difficult to say but there wee clearly more buildings further in on the Georgia side, near the major city of Savannah. Per capita taxes in South Carolina, 1968 and 1933 in Georgia. The Haas hypothesis narrowly supported.
We crossed 5 borders where we could test the hypothesis. In all cases the side with the lower tax attracted businesses and populations. I have long since forgotten my statistics but it seems to me that this finding resembles getting “heads” five times in a row in a coin toss, a bit unusual and interesting enough to stimulate further testing.
Let me summarize with the following;
  1. Low tax states collect business related income and sales tax from its obnoxious neighbors.
  2. More sophisticated observers can undoubtedly devise more objective measures of economic activity near borders and of relative heavy-handedness across borders.
  3. The locals on the more heavily burdened side wear out roads and their cars traveling to the freer state to shop and dine.
  4. It must be embarrassing to the politicians of the more heavily burdened states to be shown that people and businesses avoid high taxes and “great services” when they can.
  5. Relevant to libertarians, the results of more properly done studies might be used to score political points.


An Infectious Diseases Doc Tries to Make Sense of Our Pandemic — Its Spread is Asymmetric.

An Infectious Diseases Doc Tries to Make Sense of Our Pandemic — Its Spread is Asymmetric.

The draconian measures, shutting down the US economy and menacing our liberties, are based on what?

No one really knows how this virus is spread. Via hands with contact with the face? Or from surfaces in the environment? Droplets? With direct air to air transmission, or via contaminated objects? Shoes, or stools?

How many are infected and have no symptoms? How many of these are carriers and can spread the disease?

What is the incubation period? How many are non symptomatic? How many and when do non symptomatics carry the virus — and spread it? How many have had the disease and are presumably immune?  Believe it or not we don’t know the answers and what’s more, the validity and relevance of our tests

  to try to get answers is problematic. We are led by fools at the FDA, CDC and NIH who, blinded by their influenza virus cliches, try to rule the world.

I’ve been pondering the apparently explosive spread and morbidity of Corvid-19. The AT article on Sunday that seemed to show a 30-50% prevalence of antibodies (once more problematic) in a population that qualified to be tested caught my attention. Another as yet not peer reviewed article, estimates that the diagnosed cases represent 1/100 or even 1/1000 such cases. The possibility that most of us are already infected opened a floodgate of ideas.

 Let us assume that corvid-19 is first presented to susceptibles in ways that make it highly contagious, stipulating some habit or practice common among school children, say touching their snotty faces so contaminating the inside of schools and buses and then rubbing the miasma on each other’s faces. The infection will explode through a school after an index case is introduced. Other schools in the community are infected a fews days later as kids bring it home and spread it to siblings and parents, all of whom are young and unlikely to get terribly sick from the virus. No one at this stage investigates the “thing that’s going around.” Adults who have children generally work but usually aren’t quite as grubby as the kids so the spread among working adults is more leisurely.  They are unlikely to end up sick enough to see a doctor. If they happen to go to the ER they get the test for influenza which will be negative and dismissed as another false negative. In this scenario most of the children and middle aged healthy individuals in the community have been infected at a time when the medical community remains ignorant of the epidemic.  Few workers are elderly or have immunosuppressive conditions.
These kids and their associated adults occasionally visit their old parents or cough around that sickly neighbor while they are contagious. One at a time the vulnerable are exposed, get clinically ill and it evolves into a national catastrophe. Among those in whom the infection spreads rapidly, most will have had viral exposure with no symptoms. The elderly and chronically ill are exposed later because they are often socially isolated but they call attention to the pandemic as it passes its peak.  The virus is already dying out when it seems to be raging at its most deadly. This seems to be what happened in Wuhan, Korea and Japan months ago when the sickly presented in their thousands, various none consistent and I might add probably excessive measures were taken, while in the background the infection has pretty much faded on its own.

The virus is thought to have been introduced into cities at various times. Washington State-Seattle, New York City and Detroit were afflicted earlier, let’s say in early February. At first a substantial number of kids got the virus, and a week later their parents and teachers became seropositive and immune. Occasionally an apparently healthy younger person who is contagious has his elderly parents over for a Sunday meal or sneezes in the subway near someone who is on steroids. These vulnerable victims sicken. The elderly do not spread it among themselves except when the virus is introduced into a closed community like a nursing home.

I would intuit that African Americans have more children and live in legacy type households and so those who are prone to clinical illness present earlier and in larger numbers.

Populations in states with fewer young people and who are dispersed, as in farming states, may still be afflicted but the schools are closed or closing and it may never become a serious problem in rural USA.

My hypothesis party incorporates the ”Ro”, the basic reproduction number that is applied to viruses to describe how contagious these agents are. I add to this the very obvious factor that habits and environments of people are the major influence in how rapidly and to whom viral diseases spread. Ro in this formulation is not, strictly speaking, a property unique to each infectious agent but is conditioned on the potential host. For covid-19 it may be high in school kids, intermediate in working adults and low in the elderly and sickly. It is only late in the contagion cycle when many are already immune that the vulnerable individuals sicken and potentially clog the medical care facilities. The “curve” does not flatten as a result of something that our government does but rather exhausts itself in herd immunity.
If many healthy people have already been exposed and only an occasional vulnerable older person sickens we can dispense with the draconian measures imposed on us and return to our normal productive lives. In this scenario only the endangered self isolate until the brouhaha passes or until a reliable blood test is developed.

The hypothesis could be supported in part by checking the serologic status of children and young adults, blood specimens that are readily available in pediatric hospitals and blood banks.

But Alas! Getting back to my introduction; These tests may not be reliable.


“carnivals of buncombe.”

the basic truth of the chaos principle:  complex systems are unable to be controlled to desired ends because of their unpredictable nature.

Chaos is destroying our faith in linear processes

Truthful hyperbole

The pedant seeks error, not truth,

Henry James asserted that goodness is apt to be weak, that folly is apt to be defiant, that imbeciles are in great

in Newspeak: facecrime

Following a bearded Jew, Jesus or Marx.

Max Weber’s words, “the various value spheres of the world stand in irreconcilable conflict with each other.”

Thoreau wrote, “O for a man who is a man, and…has a bone in his back which you cannot pass your hand through!”

We learn from history that we do not learn from history.—Friedrich Hegel.

every people has a god-given right to be misruled by their own people

“Some folks are wise, and some are otherwise.”

“I think for my part one half of the nation is mad—and the other not very sound.” Smollett

“What though success will not attend on all?”

“Who bravely dares, must sometimes risk a fall.” Smollett

“the whole world is a circus, if you know how to look at it.”

Christians, then, may wish to pray for a little sympathy from the devil.

You never know where a joke can go.

He that gathers not is himself scattered.

No matter what the aim is of a particular government policy, the consequences of government action are nearly always worse than government inaction.


Two idiots, one idea

A free and prosperous society has nothing to fear from anyone entering it. But a welfare state is scared to death of every poor person who tries to get in and of every rich person who tries to get out.  Browne

a great French lady felt herself beginning to die at the dinner table. “Quick, bring the dessert,” she whispered to the waiter.

a bulletin of moral instruction

Two bald headed men fighting over a comb

The difference twixt a dialect and language is an army.

‘a sunny place for shady people’. London  maughn

creating reality on the ground, all right. But the prime real estate liberals hope to colonize is in every American’s head.

the ordinary intellectual lives in a shallow world of empty word games.

Sociology as human naval gazing

media has its own script

knew all of the lyrics of populism but could not convincingly carry the tune,

Their appetite were so vast and their teeth were so bad”

vaguely sentient dung beetle

The situation is excellent, but not hopeless

You can see a lot by looking”  yogi

My wife is picky for someone who picked me

I just love the smell of Zyklon B,  it means that I’m properly deloused.

hysterical fervor of someone who desperately wants to burn his Inner Fag at the stake.

H. L. Mencken observed in 1918: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and hence, clamorous to be led to safety—by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

A writer of Hallmark cards

These are my shallow thoughts

who does not obey does not eat.”

Cafe intellectuals

We confuse nice ideas with good ideas.

Psychobabble recovered memories

“those general laws to which all alike can look for salvation in adversity,” Thycydudes

“Just? For what class?”  Lenin

Bluster followed by surrender has political legs both short and shaky.

the parent is almost constantly in an act of willful rebellion against the teenager.

Does the school maked the student, or the student make the school”

Foley is its own burden

to go from having your diaper changed to changing a diaper.

positive destruction; not just the conscious integrating of ideas, but the conscious abandonment of falsehoods.

the world is not answerable to their moral sentiments.

The voting herd  lenin

The hand that feeds you, controls you


someone once defined a social problem as a situation in which the real world differs from the theories of intellectuals.”

There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking.” edison

Worse than a crime, it was a mistake

Ahead of an election, most polls aim to shape public opinion rather than reflect it

Guilt by association is now the highest form of refutation

as we all regard bedbugs in beds

A single modernist building in a townscape is like a dead mouse in a bowl of soup, that is to say you cannot very well ignore it however splendid its surroundings may otherwise be.

pleasing an aesthetic experience as a foreign body in the eye.

In other words, it is intellectual and moral cowardice that makes the world go round.; the emporor’s new clothes.

they needed some Preparation H rubbed on their souls.

white supremacy by ventriloquism,

Unctuous drivel, Uriah Heap

But which end of the leash are you?


leftwingery is an impressive mantle for scoundrels

“Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.” Kenneth Boulding

Karl Kraus’ quip about psychoanalysis: that it is itself the illness which it purports to cure.

“Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving one’s self,” wrote Wittgenstein


Tame birds talk about flying. Free birds fly.

Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants.

was full of unwise intellect, asking and re-asking stupid questions”

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur (The world wants to be obtuse deceived, so deceive it).

“I have abandoned my search for truth and am now looking for a good fantasy.”

“Set for yourself goals, high and noble goals,” a young Nietzsche instructs, “and perish in pursuit of them.” If you arrive at a final destination, it’s a sign that you’ve set your sights too low,

This is why most news about government sounds as if it were federally mandated — serious, bulky and blandly worthwhile, like a high-fiber diet set in type.” —

seems to have his headquarters where his hindquarters should be   linco

We’re more likely to fear our own reflections…

Tall men are more likely to bump their heads on the


“the people who wrote as though they were at the centre of things might be revealed as the provincials.”

I was shouting at a hole for being hollow, which is rarely productive.

it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view,”

“I will not say that women have no character; rather, they have a new one every day,” quipped the poet Heinrich Heine.

“I don’t pay them for sex.  I pay them to leave”. Charley sheen

Polishing a turd.

Indeed, the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts Screwtape letters

One who handles honey licks his fingers

Thomas theorem: that ‘the situations that men define as true, become true for them.’

reflexivity refers to circular relationships between cause and effect, especially as embedded in human belief structures. A reflexive relationship is bidirectional with both the cause and the effect affecting one another in a relationship in which neither can be assigned as causes or effects.

Red pilled reference to Matrix film in which the pill lets takers see reality as it really is….

“Politicians have always lied, but it used to be if you caught them lying they’d be like, ‘Oh man.’ Now they just keep on lying.”  Obama.

They choose, but they do not discriminate.

Thumbless grasp  

if you’re afraid of going too far you might not be going far enough.

“complicated truisms.”

“Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?”

But men are rarely entirely consistent where their emotions are engaged

From a correct if partial perception, however, any wrong conclusion can be drawn; for conclusions do not draw themselves. The desire for a sense of purpose often precedes the choice of purpose.


“Take away this pudding; it has no theme,” said Churchill


Pitchfork wielder

Emperor Hirohito’s radio announcement after the Americans dropped the atom bombs that developments had taken place that were not necessarily to Japan’s advantage seem brutally frank.

G.K. Chesterton, “A great nation ought not to be a hammer, but a magnet.”

Stalin said, “Education is a weapon,”

a successful snorkeler in the swamps he once sought to drain.

whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate admoment to prefer the latter.”  Jefferson

“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper,” he wrote in a private letter. “Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle…. [T]he man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”  Jefferson

headed Truths, Probabilities, Possibilities, and Lies.,  and the first the shortest. The first amendment guarantees freedom of the press, not respect.  Respect has to be earned

studying authoritarianism without need for unpleasant self-examination”

high resolution thinking vs low resolution

They pick the most dangerous enemy they can find, and it’s themselves.”

“a postmodern man is one whose moral virtue consists in his harmlessness” Peterson

when the shadows on the cave’s wall no longer make sense. pet


Where there is no meaning, of course, there can be no refutation


You must cherish your illusions if they make you happy”  Jo in LIttle women

screeching fetus

“one politician lies and the other swears to it”

: “It does not happen that there is more than one tyrant (meaning himself) at one time.”  Zengi

Cross the river by feeling the stones

“To every hairy bag of water, the delusion he desires.”

Dr. Johnson, “I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding.”


Off the leash”

Calls for “equality” have always been just a pretext for the desire to achieve supremacy.


Normal You can’t have Bad Thoughts if you don’t have any thoughts

Don’t look back, something might be gaining on you, Satchel Page

The Gods do not like cheap signaling

Men in power have no opinions, but may be had cheap for any opinion, for any purpose, Emerson

“Nothing ever happens in Mexico until it happens.”


“A politician who is poor is a poor politician”).

George Washington had applauded the region for farming as it “contains an inexhaustible supply of manure.”  It still does.

in the kingdom of the foolish, a man with one cliché may appear wise.

Tacitus: ‘they make a desert and call it peace.’

people’s opinions are distasteful at best and worth a hanging at worst.  That’s why they belong to other people.

To do them yourself means you might get a smirk.  You force them on me, and you’ve started a war.

if enough people signed a petition, you might have to throw on a burka and then marry a transgender.

The leftists realize this, and that’s why they’re terrified of free speech.  They believe, sanely, I might add, that our thoughts become things and that the game we play so casually, the little chats at dinner or in the break room, might turn into sanctuary for a Mexican or a banishment at the border – in essence, that what you’re speaking isn’t words, but lives.  When you drop that ballot into a box, you are dropping not a piece of paper, but little sheets of life and death, riches and poverty, harmony and hatred – your will over others’, your children over others’, your future over others’, whatever-you-want über alles.

We open up our dinner tables to the enemy because we don’t want our front doors kicked down by policemen.  We pretend to not be offended – we say hit us with the words so we can avoid getting hit with the things.  We are too prudent to look righteous.  We are too righteous to look bigoted. We abandon the grandstanding and move in for the substance.  We are the last of the classical liberals.

Signal to noise ratio

a monumental expression of semiotic vacancy

When powerful men decided they were their own moral authority.
Drowning in bilge, we excrete our own and happily guzzle it all.

“Those who have knowledge don’t predict.  Those who predict don’t have knowledge.”

No one is this insane on their own

A modest man and much to be modest about.


Shuck and jive..

Saving ——–one platitude at a time”

the wise should rule but who then decided among competing wise men,

Mistaking emotion for logic.

“Something unpleasant is coming when men are anxious to tell the truth.”  D’israeli

Four legs good, two legs bad”

A struggle session was a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Communist Party of China in the Mao Zedong era, particularly during the Cultural Revolution, to shape public opinion a

nd to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and class enemies.[1]

Evil gets the upper hand and folly make the most noise.  Shopenhauer

Don’t sue somebody who can’t pay for your next Ferrari

“need”??? It’s not called the Bill of Needs.

Hiking the Appalachians


placidly drooling on antidepressants

Athens, possessed of great wealth in which citizens felt themselves entitled to share”

The kind of novel I’d write if I were foolish enough to not know that I couldn’t write.

My belief that I could mold the mind of an 18 yo dwindled.

Highly immitative people of small imagination

Jonathan Swift in 1733 that political lying is the “art of convincing people by necessary falsehoods.”

If this be treason, make the most of it,  Henry

When men perceive that nothing is restraining them but their consent to be restrained,

emotional life of which is too shallow to be plumbed.

omnipotent moral busybodies

If I’m not going to let God tell me how to live, Who in the hell do you think you are, trying to make my decisions for me!”

when telling lies, or eating fish, you have to be very careful.


Politics is the predatory process through which the figment of sick minds is weaponized.

Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.”

In defense of their world salads, our ideological overlords never argue or prove their case. They simply assert it.

Create political reality,  never reflect it….

Linguistic onanism”

they often do is assert opinions about the phantasmal world they want to inhabit, the actual world being too painful, too tragic.


“People plant trees though they are certain that the fruit will benefit only the next generation.”—Archabbot Boniface Wimmer

DemOcracy is the worship of jackals by jackasses.” HL Mencken


put it gently, unclear what such bromides mean, or whether they mean anything at all

Chairman of the bored.

Napoleon “broke France’s sword by striking it unceasingly.”

“conjectures that wear an aspect of probability”

as we allow the oak to hold its own beside the rose, Mommsen

“To continue an injustice is to commit injustice.”

“The world, however, belongs not to reason but to passion.”

“In ancient times it was necessary to be either anvil or hammer.” “History has a Nemesis for every sin—for an impotent craving after freedom, as well as for an injudicious generosity.”

Evidently at Harvard civilization has reached such a pass that head-hunting and cannibalism cannot straightforwardly be called savage, unless white men are practicing them.

There is no third sex—not even clergymen  GBS

“Political orthodoxy knows nothing of compromise and conciliation.”

I look at my descended testicles and realize that there is a difference.

crimes aren’t committed, but are caused. Perpetrators don’t do the crime, but are driven to do their deeds by a confluence of uncontrollable factors.

“the glaze of civilisation and culture shows very thin in spots.”

Circular or backward reasoning of psychiatrissts

behind every baneful idea in the popular culture there lurks a German intellectual.

America as a therapeutic society. Today we resemble a gigantic asylum.

A prisoner entered prison with a burnt hand.

“I was trying to burn a car,” he said.

“Why?” I asked.

“To get rid of the evidence.”

“It looks as if the evidence nearly got rid of you.”

I ask her to turn off the televisio         “I don’t know how to.” turn off the tv.

who wish to demonstrate to others how strongly they feel about something, think themselves under no obligation to obey the law or to keep their protest within bounds. Their virtuous sentiments give them the right to deny the rights of others.


A view from nowhere.

The food is rejecting me.

A lot of people don’t believe I’m not well, I don’t believe it myself, but I am. They don’t have to put up with my Raynaud’s, or my arthritis, or my tempers, like my wife does.

If I get any more letters from Social Security, I’ll take an overdose.

I thought it was my head playing games with me.

I was under the influence—of older people.

If I’m moved, doctor, I’ll go on hanging myself.

I don’t let my thoughts rule my head.

You can’t take me to the police—I’m a schizophrenic.

I’m having memory losses.

It makes me very disgrumpled.

She’s putting the words into my wife’s mind.

I could talk until the dogs come home.

It’s not that I’m ungrateful, doctor, I’m very grateful, it’s just that nobody’s doing anything for me.


All are welcome to share in this expression of national and personal grief.

That worthy gentleman, Mr Fergusson [later, by the way, Queen Victoria’s surgeon, and obviously the inspiration of Robert Louis Stevenson’s story “The Body Snatcher”], was the only man that Questioned me bout the bodies. He inquired where we got the woman Mary Paterson, because she would seem to have been known to some of the [medical] students.

Every country is a differently shaped cage.  Every nation is a different twist on a straitjacket.

So over civilized that we can no longer be civilized.

Used doctors.

migrating to allow their barbarism to flower,

“cut flower culture” to describe the spiritual rootlessness of modern European

wantonly sticking your plug in every rusty socket

Men of distinction.

Never attack down.”   It’s corollary is, “Don’t negotiate with weaker parties, dictate terms.”

theories discussed here aren’t designed to reflect reality or the facts; they’re designed to advance specific political causes.

a sort of poisonous jungle where only weeds can flourish

Democracy, according to John Dewey, the “father of Progressive Education,” is a tool, not a form of government.

What doesn’t kill you gives you some unhealthy coping mechanisms and a really dark sense of humor.

Without the drama and the crisis and the powerful opponent, he’d be just another guy.”


men, “to go to paradise, think more of enduring their beatings than of avenging them.”, Machiavelli

where the deed accuses, the effect excuses, own words, “the philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.”


Ludovico technique, aversion therapy administered forcefully, clockwork orange.

Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.

“Oozing charm from every pore, he oiled his way around the floor.”  my fair lady

empty vessels make the most noise

information is the mother of humbug

necessity is said to be the mother of invention.

Exaggeration is a substitute for sincerity.

Shilling for….


You can’t find good Nazis anymore.

Outpouring of cliche”

Hamster herding. Git along little furry doggies.

the article in El País seemed to me to have the authentic ring of humbug.

We want to be told where to march”

How unmeasurable things affect other unmeasurable things”

“Every talent,” said Nietzsche, “must unfold itself in fighting.”

pissing into a violin,  French phrase

Mutant fish in murky waters”

“A virtue untested is no virtue at all.”

Simple to everyone except the simpletons

the dark night of fascism is always descending on the right yet arriving from the left.

Consequently, the Constitution grants administration no independent or autonomous authority. The political branches participate in establishing the ground of administrative authority, and controlling its effects as well. Only within the modern concept of the “rational State” does administration acquire a new kind of technical and rational authority, derived from scientific or universal knowledge, which both establishes its autonomy and assures its status.

“every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.”

“top entrusts the understanding of detail to the lower levels, whilst the lower levels credit the top with understanding of the general, and so all are mutually deceived.” For Marx,

“Isn’t it pretty to think so?” Hemingway

History is a lie agreed upon”

Mere facts, Shakespeare suggests, won’t trump blind lust for destruction.

Winston Churchill once called “terminological inexactitudes,”

C.S. Lewis put it, “[i]f we are to be mothered, mother must know best.”

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.” – Prov. 26:11

“Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another.”

Kids with teeth chattering from all of the aldarrall.

Burke thought manners more important than laws.

To construct a universe within ourselves that allows us to master the universe outside ourselves

Able to rebel against youth

“This planet is largely inhabited by parrots, and it is easy to disguise folly by giving it a fine name.” housman.

Cobra effect. Breed cobras to get the reward for killing cobras.

Benjamin Constant wrote in 1815, “It is in fact the degree of force, not its holders, which must be denounced…. There are weights too heavy for the hand of man.”

A gun barrel has a small mouth but we got the message.

Cheif Joseph of the Nez Perce

“Something can (has) been said for sobriety/but very little.”

Ideals are peaceful, history is violent

Out of nowhere the mind comes forth”

I need air in-bangkok

Madness is everywhere

The universe is composed of pairs of opposites

Grinding poverty as our share of globalism

In times when honesty is hard to come by, those who possess it have it in high measure

Indolence is a national weakness

Spend time with the morbid and you develop a taste for the wholesome

Michigan dogman

The poor have no selves to destroy, They get a little power and know that it is transient. They have no practice in preparing for the future, know that they generally don’t have one. Birth is a primary disaster, conferring a body that has to be maintained, the only drive being reproduction, and death and change being only kids stuff.

The mob, dealers in—-the FBI

The next life is determined by how generous we’ve been, not on market forces

It’s a culture of hypocrisy.

Homosexuality as a growth business, emerging spiritual essence, like smoking among women in the 1950s or bell bottoms in the 1970s

There is an art to lying without telling a lie, which is a story that every doctor knows, or should.

Modifying our interpretation of western capitalism (Med ethics, insurance laws)

NOKO, and testicles, transplant or eat them

Sorry, I feel a digression coming on.

Gangsters see opportunity where others see only darkness.

No one colonized us; we have no global norm to guide us toward degradation.


End the school to prison pipeline

Get ahead of your skis

“In America,” observed as Oscar Wilde, “the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.”

“the secret is not to make your music louder but to make the world quieter.

If you’re not paying for the service, you’re not the customer, you’re the product.

Citizens vote annually, corporations lobby year around. The people live in a republic, and corporations in a democracy.

If we are to obey laws, we have to know who’s making them, so that we can vote them out

Managing competition, not competitors.

Shoppers, the insolvent in pursuit of the unnecessary.

Clapping seals

to burn always with this hard gem-like flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life.”

hatred is an enjoyable emotion. It gives one a sense of moral superiority to whatever is hated as well as a possible source of purpose in existence, if one takes up the cause against it in any practical way. But it is also restful or comforting to the mind, insofar as it obviates the necessity to think any further about other things in all their tiresome complexity. The latter, complexity, is apt to frighten or overwhelm us, to reduce us to a state of paralysis or powerlessness. Monomania empowers. Dalrymple

An intellectual might be defined as a person who perpetually seeks easy targets for his critical thought and mourns the passing of a problem.

people are inexhaustible in their complexity, and at some point we must confront the inconstancy that can make them so dangerous to rely on.

Another major source of loneliness is diversity. As Thomas Sowell has often said, diversity is an idea that many people praise—without ever showing what good it does anyone.

Perhaps progressives, with their incomparable talent for minding other people’s business, might work up a new campaign of tolerance and inclusion, for indeed, not everybody can be a self-reliant porcupine

Tom Stoppard once said “Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.”

strong flavor or smell of elaborated bilge, which no amount of mathematics can dispel.

If one of the only things standing between us and the new Dark Ages is the European Commission, then all I can say is that those new Dark Ages will be very dark indeed.

indoctrination with the current secular pieties.

pessimism so much more interesting than optimism, this was good news indeed. (Optimists smile, but pessimists laugh.)

“If you cannot or will not imagine the results of your actions, there’s no way you can act morally or responsibly,” Le guin

Back to the Future universe where changes to the law in the future alter the law in the past

Don’t set out to raze all shrines — you’ll frighten men, Enshrine mediocrity — and the shrines are razed.” rand

Error has no rights

Midwives 2 our hypocrisy

Lumps of Earth often conceal veins of gold

A shaved beard grows in more luxuriously

sloppy nostalgia for Soviet certainties

dOgs bark but the caravan moves on

Rubber ruler”

Joint holders in a thought collective”

Believe that bad thoughts caused bad realities

Paint sick

Participation trophies


Each generation of children born is a fresh invasion of barbarians who must be civilized before it’s too late.

Shoehorn into your own frame of reference.

“Society cannot exist,” said Burke sagely, “unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there is without.”

Humes fork and guillotine,  is-ought.

To which office do I go to get my reputation back?

There must be a pony in that dungheap, somewhere

Alliances, after all, are the transmission belts of war

Anatole France, who observed: “Those who have given themselves the most concern about the happiness of peoples have made their neighbours very miserable.”

Cigars that are smuggled into Cuba

as a form of inflation isn’t not always dangerous

Free range children

Pessimism has it pleasures

I reserve my feelings for mrs. Marshall

Vox populi, vox dei

Environmentalists above all , don’t care about the environment.

Out of some vague impending sense of doom, we kept on inventing hope

Kill rats for a reward; start a rat farm `

Only I can tell you where the shoe pinches me”

Generally despised by whiners and people with consistently bad opinions

The papers have given us a caricature of a man because nobody asked for a portrait.

When Caesar falls, the cheering for Brutus and Cassius tends to die down rather quickly. Then their turn comes.
Relocate to the magic dirt,  immigrants

People exploding because they were holding their farts

Your nation’s IQ is more important than your own

in converting Jews to Christianity you raise the price of pork

groupthink unto others as you are commanded.

After Hitler took power in 1933, he authorized the eradication of “useless eaters” in the Third Reich.

“Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.”

Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again.

the entrepreneurial idea of inventing fake catastrophes to attract vast sums of government money.

“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

until god says come join the other angels”

It’s simple until you make it complicated.

Too much tail to teeth,, us army

Women and Minorities Hit Hardest.”,  Sobran of an earthquake

“Freedom has ceased to be a birthright; it has come to mean whatever we are still permitted to do.”

whatever happens must be possible.

carrion has no rights and therefore no moral duties are owed it.

“As flies to wanton boys/Are we to the gods,” wrote Shakespeare

one apple short of a strudel.

“he had no single redeeming defect.”

“If our furry and scaly friends were still evolving, none of them appeared to be gaining on us.”

“Man is not a rational animal.  Man is a rationalizing animal.” heinlein

Today’s altar-cloth is tomorrow’s doormat

journalists, are more apt to believe “the pictures in their heads”   Lipmann

Almond–Lippmann consensus

“there are more idols than realities in the world,” Nietsche

‘Every people has the god-given right to mismanage their own affairs’

Money should be left to fructify in the pockets of taxpayers

Nature aims high, not at producing social justice warriors.

“authentic” content instead of “agendas or propaganda.”

A lawyer’s vision of the world should not be influenced by visions of the paradise to come.

“There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts.”


Gold sinks but poop floats.

cannot behold a mountain if there’s a molehill anywhere nearby.

orthodox medicine often hurried its consumers into their graves.

something is not curative just because it fails to kill.

As Napoleon once said, repetition is the only rhetorical technique that really works

But was not my own surprise at their gullibility a manifestation of my own gullibility, in supposing that intelligence and education make a man wise, rather than more sophisticated in his foolishness?


We suffer today a great deal from the  bogus certainties and precisions of the pseudosciences which include all the social sciences including economics” Cosperthwaith

everything that wasn’t banned was compulsorary

“Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to suit the vision. Progress does mean…that we are always changing the vision.”,  Chesterton

The political space that they have

grazing on the commons

Failure ism

path dependence

politics is Downstream from culture

Democrats wanted to have every group with a grievance to set the rules for participating in America claiming rights and observing obligations that it wishes.

go reproduce yourself


Family heirlooms from a family with poor taste.

prosecute environmentalists for making predictions that don’t pan out as fraud


stutter up with saliva passed off as tears

Left reduced drunk driving by taking cars away from sober drivers-gun control

marriage when dating goes too far

Repurposes events to make counter arguments

The Bill of Rights is not an international treaty

disruptive innovation vs. disruption

Cambridge ladies who live in furnished Souls

comfortable Minds

murky borders do not mean that there is no country

evolved enlightenment

Noble I am

the educated are not wiser but they are sure of themselves

End assembly of dim bulbs with bright names

Jazz isn’t dead it just smells funny

no right to clean air

dwelt among the untrodden ways

Standard of the Poetry does not improve with the flat and carry adulation of the crew

Visions without execution Izmir hallucination

a term invented by fascists to be used by cowards for the manipulation of morons

Paralyzed by the threat of being accused of being a bigot

complacent about actual terrorism

blowing out the moral lights

obsessive on the  future because he has been such a failure on the past and present

color inside your lines paint inside your numbers

facts are stubborn but statistics are more pliable Mark Twain

caracalla’s Grant

If you followed your principles and your principles brought you to this what good are your principles

low wattage

discussion meant to be as efficacious as dissent

easy to turn eggs into omelets but harder to make eggs from omelettes

foot wash

some cracks let light in others let the darkness out


Unequal to the task of governing themselves and so are made for a master George Washington

there is no nothing that’s in history

The  peril as Arcane sounding as it is in his mind

Everyone is a moon and has a dark side

man’s heart is a chunk of dark meat

he that lives on Hope dies fasting Benjamin Franklin

both makes the poison

we weren’t born into lives that matter but have to achieve them

accent needs subtitles

comrade Napoleon  is always Right

Reli On eclectic forays into sociology Posner

The nadir of quietness

feeding the monkeys bananas

formerly we suffered from crime now we suffer from laws

order is often real and much more is conjured into being when fallible order seeking mines go hunting for it

great writers and artists should take part in politics only as a defense against politics

The human race to which many of my readers along

fortune tellers are harmless until politicians start listening to them

Spencer’s law the more that things improve the greater the calls that would condemn it

Arguing with fortune tellers

channeling the orderly flow of sin

No honest man could live on such a modest salary or move quietly through the Shadows of the underworld

every fool can make a rule every fool can mind it

Nazis calling us Nazis

 Policy based evidence making

swim in a small pool

Image Maker substance in material

prom night dumpster babies

bouncers are socially constructed rather than natural phenomena
anger gives meaning to many people’s lives: I’m angry, therefore I am. Also: I’m angry, therefore I’m right. And what a good person I must be to be so frequently angered!

Political correctness counselling as mandatory chapel

The Gish Gallop (also known as proof by verbosity

Property as a bundle of rights-John lewis

Blackstone-that sole and despotic dominion in which each man and exercises over the external things of the world, in total exclusion of the right of any other individual in the universe.

Property changes its owner, the becoming use of what is our own.

The owner ought to be able to dictate the rules of behavior on what is his.

Authority is based on ownership, not on social optimization.

A person owns his body

A thing can become part of the person, blood sweat and tears.

Ownership begins at creation, ends with destruction, or continues as long as the owner or creator breathes life into his property.

Moist robot”

Shopping as the pursuit of the unusable by the insolvent.

Zelig ,a “human chameleon

Joining a tribe makes you more powerful and blind”

“Ars Gratia Pecuniae”

if all sinners went to Hell, there would be no room for the rest of us.

Man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind. He was not planned.”

wanted to make his horse consul.

Skull full of mush

A church without a cross is a wharehouse

Socialism is the theory that the desire of one man to get something he hasn’t got is more pleasing to a just God than the desire of some other man to keep what he has got. Hl mencken

When offered a choice between two politically intolerable alternatives, it is important to choose neither. A mcintyre

Hickam’s dictum; a patient can have many diseases at the same time

A vapor, not a jewel in the box

.”The act of defending any of the cardinal virtues has today all the exhilaration of a vice.”-G.K. Chesterton

-Truth is not a —— value

-When the water is high the fish eat the ants, when low the ants eat the fish.”

-“mind-forg’d manacles”

-self-image as charitable guardian angels of lesser beings

– humanity is related to Pond scum

-Germans discover a sense of decency when they visit a classical country”

-I am good; therefore I go to church’; , vs I am bad, so I go to church  Waugh

theological certainty regarding the truth of his own beliefs  Chomsky

“Much water weareth away stone,”

There is no physical exercise that can compare to that of holding one’s tongue.

When === wants to know what… is thinking, he interviews himself.

Stalking horse, hiding behind someone else to advance an idea.

Follows tangents


hiding brightness, nourishing obscurity, Chinese theme

“The trouble with you John, is that your spine does not reach your brain.” thatcher.

Have you seen them?  Which way did they go?  I’ve got to find them; I am their leader!”

-All this fuss about sleeping together.

the higher his ideals the lower his practice.

If a problem is intractable,  make it bigger

half a truth is a whole lie,

Roman collapse stage when the emperor appoints horses to the Senate.

“Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that the people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand.”,  goebels

empty barrels make the most noise”

advocates absolutized their own moral values.

Cheese with that whine”

Blue sky is just another shade of gray”

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Useless laws weaken necessary laws,” wrote Montesquieu

gaslighting has been popularized in psychology to describe a form of mental and emotional abuse in which a domineering person denies and contradicts the memories and perceptions of an intended victim until the victim begins to doubt his or her perception of reality.

For physical pleasure I’d sooner go to my dentist any day.

My love of my daughter has waned, now I despise my 7 kids equally, Waugh

It is rowing without a port.”

Samuel Johnson (“No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money”),

Horst Wessel of the left

people look at long term endeavors and place small windows as an example of that big picture

The effort and resources expended are prodigious,but to what purpose? Writing classical music, bassoon quartets, enormous talents and effort deployed, but to what purpose. No one will ever hear them.

“individual breakdance,” but “it takes two to tango,”

organized larceny

As the Jacobins held:

…every increase in governmental authority, every increase of political – at the expense of religious, economic, and kinship – authority, is ex hypothesi an increase in real freedom for the people.


Quintus Fabius “the delayer”(enlisting for a long, indeed perpetual, retreat

the cherub charged with guarding paradise

Koestler coined the phrase, “one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.”

“Wish in one hand, crap in the other, and see which fills up first.”


You cannot hope


  • to bribe or twist,

  • thank God! the

  • British journalist.

  • But, seeing what

  • Incentive the man will do

  • unbribed, there’s

  • no occasion to.[3]











when the American people decide to “get involved” in a problem, it is best not to let them have any sharp implements. ~ Dave Barry (Dave Barry Talks Back)

“never steal anything small”

what an artist dies in me.

doctrine of optimism, a philosophical system which implies that such events should not occur.  Leibnitz, God would not allow bad things

a panty raid yielded combat boots and Field Jackets

Harvard was harder to get into but Chicago was more difficult to get out of

Labor under the misapprehension that blank is an intelligent man

Candide, young idealistic man has shit happen to him and changes,, “we must cultivate our garden”

A simplistic ideology that is distasteful to people who think seriously about politics


humankind cannot bear very much reality—

Republicans want the world to look like us and Democrats want us to look like the world


they criticize the world from the standpoint of an impossible ideal, not to improve the world but to stir resentment

Though we are enjoined—less and less frequently, to be sure—to count our blessings, it is far easier and more gratifying to count our curses.

a happy birthday at my age is a terminological inexactitude.

“Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.”, will rogers

Children venerated the memory of their fathers but no longer shared their faith.”

“Reign of error” is as good a definition as any of economics. o’rourke

the thirst of military glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters.”

all crimes to the losers, to the winners all things are pure.”

When the enemy is making false movement, we must take good care not to interrupt him.”

a traditionalist in an age of chic conformists.

horse and rabbit stew,

They bark without biting


Superstition springs eternal

A man’s foes, shall they be of his own household”

corruption is the operating system”

The North might have won the war, but the defeated South had most of the best tunes.

glamping or glorious camping

with some, what is heard is not necessarily what is said

“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

“came a king who did not know Joseph”

in a single drop of dew may be seen all the colours of the sun.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.  Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed , our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” Bernays

Artaud, “You are quite unnecessary, young man!”

Character is not created by———- but revealed

the breathe of kings who float upon the tide of state.”

A lighthouse and the dusk of virtue signaling superstition

I need air in-bangkok

Madness is everywhere

The universe is composed of pairs of opposites

Grinding poverty as our share of globalism

In times when honesty is hard to come by, those who possess it have it in high measure

Indolence is a national weakness

Spend time with the morbid and you develop a taste for the wholesome

Michigan dogman

The poor have no selves to destroy, They get a little power and know that it is transient. They have no practice in preparing for the future, know that they generally don’t have one. Birth is a primary disaster, conferring a body that has to be maintained, the only drive being reproduction, and death and change being only kids stuff.

The mob, dealers in—-the FBI

The next life is determined by how generous we’ve been, not on market forces

It’s a culture of hypocrisy.

Homosexuality as a growth business, emerging spiritual essence, like smoking among women in the 1950s or bell bottoms in the 1970s

There is an art to lying without telling a lie, which is a story that every doctor knows, or should.

Modifying our interpretation of western capitalism (Med ethics, insurance laws)

NOKO, and testicles, transplant or eat them

Sorry, I feel a digression coming on.

Gangsters see opportunity where others see only darkness.

No one colonized us; we have no global norm to guide us toward degradation.

“striped-pants boys”

You cannot abandon all flags; you can only switch them.

an acceptance of terms that have already been chosen for you.

Life is never more conformity than in a commune.

What you can’t accomplish with talent you force on others with rules.

They offer better so we offer trouble.

rule-counting self-glorifying goosesteppers who used to infest our churches but can no longer defend the book of Genesis

more to life than the political arrangements under which it is lived.

a belief in various ‘certainties’ accepted on insufficient grounds”

“a phantom which cast no shadow”

stamps, so that we can thumb their noses and lick their behinds”

state as a polygamist

reverse rape, refusal to rape someone with wrong body type,  just as offensive as usual rape

SJ- there shouldn’t be any unearned privileges

Bursts of awareness  in a dark age

US attorney general Robert Jackson warned federal prosecutors against “picking the man and then putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him

a spear carrying middle ranker

societies can’t cluster together without desperately clinging to collective myths

“I stand astonished at my own moderation”

free cheese can be found the only and a mousetrap

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.” mencken

ham-handed points were being made by actual hams.

a smile in which the lips draw up over the incisors.

modernism has trouble remaining modern.

“Their next big lifestyle choice will be death.”

You tell them the truth and they think you’re lying then tell them a lie and they insist on believing you

even the divinely-anointed monarch could not command sea level , canute

A Saturday night bunkup

Soccer as the only world religion.

organ grinder’s uniform

“Guanxi“Guanxi” literally means “relationships”, stands for any type of relationship.especially a shady one

The great delusion of our time that someone is listening.

In—-, conspiracy theories are well founded.

sociologists, non people who study people in the hope of becoming people.

Reality starvation”

attacker is willing to cover himself with mud in order to try to make some it adhere to his target.” –Christopher Hitchens

“Coincidence is the word we use when we can’t see the levers and pulleys”


line between acts and omissions can blur when stared at too long,

money makes a bald spot look like a part,


Tontines, money collected pays out dividends to survivors, a form of insurance against running out of money in old age.

working moral thermostat

destructive creation, tatooing


tarring… with thin innuendo.

“LIberty” and Freedom are words that have become corrupted. Many understand Liberty and Freedom to mean free food, sex, or the lack of an imperative to earn a living. We’re fighting a battle using weapons that conflict with our message. I’m enthused by another approach. It seems that essentially all of the big government programs and misadventures are based on the findings of “social scientists”. But these social sciences are not sciences at all. They are armchair theories which are often (but not always) subjected to experimental exploration. The experiments are poorly designed, usuallc +1 x11 c www eff gaff fff f2f c qq 1a card q cutoffs f qq aaa qq qq zzz qx y structured so as to support the a priori assumptions of the researcher, and are d1 $ a cancel the disaster, but rather politicians will devote time and money to correct, adjust or patch up the scam. We libertarians should castrate these social sciences on our way to smaller and more responsive government.

“is an assumption which the evidence permits.”

socialist society where “the result is mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, accompanied by attempts to straighten the stooped and shorten the tall.”

like Stalin in his desire to expunge a purged person, such as Yagoda,

I fell for the description instead of the reality

you are never permitted to persecute the real villains

“They make a desert and call it peace,” Calgacus

When you see light shining through the crack in your coffin, it

s hard to pretend that you’re dead

Socratic nitpicker who rained on the paranoid parades of others.

for man is a natural seeker after superlatives and does not want to experience the merely average.

the butter and the money for the butter.

anything less than having all our desires satisfied simultaneously is anomalous or unjust. And our demand that incompatible desires be met at the same time imposes strange obligations on others.                                                                                                         a communist dictatorship, in which the law of noncontradiction had been abrogated in favor of dialectics, under which all contradictions were compatible, but which contradictions had to be accepted was a matter of the official policy of the moment.

how could I expect him to give up burgling when he was a burglar and burglary was what he did?

he duchess who stepped into a brothel by mistake said, “Er…something’s very wrong here.”

Denial is more than a river in Africa

‘no good war, no bad peace.’ Franklin

12 apostles, and 18 of them are buried in Spain.”

luminescence is all that you see: Any troubling material on the periphery is lost in the glare.

“a fire bell in the night,” Jefferson

voyages into the ocean of the public mind

Emerson’s words: “What you do (or don’t) speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”).

the “rich” don’t spend, save, and invest their money as efficiently as Democrats and bureaucrats do.

ambitious sacrifice of the many to the aggrandizement of the few.” madison

no drops of blood on a rusty dagger.

Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein persons of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is.

manque a person who has failed to live up to a specific expectation or ambition.

repeal will deprive Americans of eternal life

jeremiad, meaning “a lamentation; mournful complaint,”[59] or further, “a cautionary or angry harangue.

all that gives meaning to their lives is the belief

A money driven morality is no morality at all.

The easiest crime to solve is the one you plan yourself.

The card is so high, he’ll never need to deal another.

Both Hungarians and Romanians would sell their mother for a dollar, but we’d deliver.

One way to get rid of nukes is using them\

I’m educating you for once in your stupid life

It’s a blessing to have idiots as enemies.

Islands of honesty

There’s really no dignified way of going to seed if you’re a woman

Make the fact jump through familiar hoops

If you want to lead the orchestra you have to turn your back to the crowd

it is not the Kingdom of God only that is within us: It is Soviet rule also.

disconfirmatory reality,


mescaline, blotter acid, cocaine, uppers, downers, screamers, tequila, rum, beer, ether, and poppers.

Molly crystals

amen-corner rah-rahs in plenty


I wish he would explain his Explanation

It takes a lot of work to lose to Donald Trump

Washington without any question is Sauron

Coup signs say things like: “The power of the people is stronger than the people in power,”

“No, you cannot take my rights, I’m still using them” and

“The pilgrims were undocumented.”

Trust in God but row towards the shore

someone who believes in many ideas may not hold any of them

chop shop

But is it art?” we should perhaps be asking instead, “Is it government-funded?”

Mencken — the itch to save mankind

Oscar Wilde, it takes a heart of stone to read Mario’s wailing – without laughing

The Deal of the Art

you have low testosterone.”

“Appointment in Samarra,” the old fable in which a man, seeking to flee the Reaper, ends up riding straight toward him.

“pure fool, enlightened by compassion”

as long as the feedbag is strapped on their heads, they will follow you anywhere

. There is nothing as feeble as the human mind when it is in the grip of the desire to be fashionable.

constitutional duty to work honestly for the good of the motherland

“paranoid reformist delusion

the joke also has a hinterland,

a good dowry, but a bride they can’t like

fell into the cool aid without waterwings.

“sluggishly progressing schizophrenia”

Bonaparte put it: “In politics, absurdity is not a handicap.”

physicians to society, when they are only the disease.”

We have a duty, then, to control our indignation, for most of the time it will be liberally admixed with humbug.

psychobabble and talk of chemical imbalances,

Americans to think and speak clearly about President Trump’s inability to do either,”

All is not pain that shouts its name

serve the political prejudices of its bureaucrats.

George Orwell’s 1984 was a warning, not a technical manual.

The inflammation of feeling, in fact, is sometimes an end in itself, indulged in for the sheer pleasure of it,

“To ignore, to disdain to consider, to overlook, are the essence of the ‘gentleman,’”

not pretend to a refined degree of accuracy with these numbers

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce, said Marx

‘rebellious and out of God‘s will‘

One side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.”

long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.

God gave them up unto vile affections:

leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,

leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,

now politically incorrect to call sodomy perversion

homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God

abomination is something God hates

Pennsyvania German which has no word for homosexual


Wimps can now survive and thrive. Everyone gets a trophy.

found it not only difficult but perilous to predict the past, though memories linger on

Money must circulate, and she’s giving it in the same spirit as she got it…..



The difference between public schools and modern industrial livestock farms

a man with a cat is a woman.

Sauron was become now a sorcerer of dreadful power, master of shadows and of phantoms, foul in wisdom, cruel in strength, misshaping what he touched


I wish he would explain his Explanation

It takes a lot of work to lose to Donald Trump

Washington without any question is Sauron

Coup signs say things like: “The power of the people is stronger than the people in power,”

“No, you cannot take my rights, I’m still using them” and

“The pilgrims were undocumented.”

chop shop

Birds born in a cage think that flying is an illness”

But is it art?” we should perhaps be asking instead, “Is it government-funded?”

Mencken — the itch to save mankind

Oscar Wilde, it takes a heart of stone to read Mario’s wailing – without laughing

The Deal of the Art

you have low testosterone.”

“Appointment in Samarra,” the old fable in which a man, seeking to flee the Reaper, ends up riding straight toward him.


it is always preferable to be a man of shadows, even in the darkness if necessary.’

Marie Antoinette, who liked to play the shepherdess

Hubie Brown, ex-NBA basketball coach used to tell his players that they were all three steps from the gutter.

Machiavelli wrote that “If sometimes I do happen to tell the truth, I hide it among so many lies that it is hard to find.”

‘Proles and animals are free.’

The hive”

Prepare your child for the path, not the path for your child”

The ADL without enemies is like a tobacco enema without an asshole; a whole lot of noxious fumes with nowhere to go.


He throws stones only in the directions officially approved

On the false grounds that it is better to measure something than to measure nothing,

Resentment Studies at a university

desire to be good was much shallower than their desire to appear good.

The Painted Word: It’s not the art itself that matters; it’s the “persuasive theory” the viewer cooks up in his own head when staring at something that is purposely blank or purposely chaotic.


It’s the criticism, not the canvas

Facts, if not true were well invented Trollope

Ignorance hardly surpassed by its arrogance.  Trollope

We reason to to find the best possible reasons why somebody else ought to join us in our judgment.

Wagner’s law; as societies become richer, government tends to take a larger portion of the net…

. Too much direct quotation from the professor’s text might be mistaken for unkindness.”

Cicero said that nothing was so foolish that some philosopher had not said it.

much admired for the indiscriminate fervor of her sexual enthusiasms,”

“smug complacency, self-glorifying certainty, and primogeniture crowded into so small a room”

LiebigS law states that growth is controlled not by the total amount of resources available, but by the scarcest resource (limiting factor)

Wright said….it was “ the entrails of the final enormity”!

a man eternally polishing his spectacles without ever looking through them. Popper of Wittgenstein

Intemperance of expression is the enemy of distinctions in meaning.

This is important, for actions are often predicated on words rather than on realities or things; if we are intemperate in our use of words, we are likely to become intemperate in our actions, to our own detriment but, more important, to the detriment of others. Intemperance, far from being cathartic, breeds intemperance.

Gnosticism is indeed a dangerously “knowing” attitude toward the world.

Snollygaster, viscious unprincipled person

Munger uses the term “Lollapalooza Effect” for multiple biases, tendencies or mental models acting at the same time in the same direction

by his own diaper pin

Churchill who said: “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”

Narcisitic press

Chesterton was right: “The business of progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.”

Chinese “kill the chicken and let the monkey watch”

Invention is the mother of necessity

return year after year to face that humiliation, he told me, “Make people cheat you to your face, son.”

“Most of our problems come from changing what works to what sounds good.”

Kubaki theater”

Rickover, “If you are going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy. God will forgive you but the bureaucracy won’t.”

Daytime juvenile detention centers, Public schools

Scold’s bridle”

Burning on a slower fuse”

The proposer of such a concept has to prove its existence, a testable and falsifiable theory,  not I to disprove it”

“habits of wishful thinking.

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.” Kipling

You cannot reason a man out of a conviction that he has not reasoned to in the first place” Swift

Mistake the power to compel with the power to inspire”

Hillary Doctrine, o declare the subjugation of women worldwide a serious threat to U.S. national security.

Words are congealed thoughts, and some are a congealed lack of thoughts

Glasnost and perestroika.”

‘Parthian shaft.’ It refers to the favored tactic of the Parthians, a Persian people, of turning while on horseback and firing arrows while retreating.

an appetite that grows with the feeding.

know a little about the speaker and a lot about what isn’t said.

“the glory, jest and riddle of the world.” Pope

he middlemen almost unconsciously adulterate the food which they supply. It is because of teachers that so little is learned, and that so badly.

“Keep the yokels scared, and the money never stops.”?

the top dog and President Obama was the fireplug.


he is cognitively fused to a relational frame that is contextually functional for him.

Stephen C. Pepper’s 1942 book World Hypotheses: A Study in Evidence.

The crazy does not need to be tacky”

An appearance of solidarity to pure wind

Think that the map is the terrain

“put the conclusion first, and then let confirmation bias ‘prove’ it” methodology


Like hanging out in  a nursing home”

Self annointed betters

Einstein: “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”

Hunch newspapers,,,

Creating more silence than speech”

gone to that sauna-like place below

“The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the State”

Exhortation is seldom effective in making the foolish become wise.

bone on which intellectual rodents, such as myself, can gnaw.

no longer a Fourth Estate, but a Fifth Column.

The Soylent Green of…..

[I]n England, it is good, from time to time, to kill an admiral, to encourage the others.” Voltaire

if scientists have reason to lie, we have reason to not believe them.

“We don’t need no education. We don’t need no thought control.” Pink Floyd

they fear to have their doggy dishes taken away.

The kids are in daycare, the grandparents are in nursing homes and the adults are tax slaves for the progressive state.

Knowledge is always finite, ignorance infinite.

Lady Harbury, who has recently lost her husband:I never saw a woman so altered; she looks quite twenty years younger. Algernon, Lady Bracknell’s nephew, says: I hear her hair has turned quite gold from grief.

Just because the state does something doesn’t mean it’s producing anything.To be productive, the value of the product has to be greater than the value of the resources used. In other words, economic wealth has to increase. If economic wealth decreases then you consumed, you didn’t produce.

Today’s mental illness is tomorrow’s social policy

her ruthless self-righteousness and self-righteous ruthlessness,

a lack of imagination on your part does not equal or represent a foul on ours.

Cities like Detroit now have a growing demographic of comfortable poverty where people are content with the basics in life and pass that same culture to their children.

Going with their gene pool”

Run to the nearest frontier”

They now ring the bells (of war), they will soon be wringing their hands” Walpole, 1739

It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake                                                   H. L. Mencken

Spreading compost on the leaves/grass

academia’s huddled rodents,

to quote Evelyn Waugh this is like drowning in Honey . . stingless

just a blackened oval.

Why not award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to a celebrity chef

I am not of that parish”

Prize for Peace, given that the sentiments of Hallmark poetry are so well-meaning and saccharine.

Limited purpose public figure”

universal moral “uplift”

No worsts there is none”

Passivity takes less energy

There are many things that should go permanently unsaid.

Mark Twain said, “If you don’t read the papers you’re uninformed. If you do read them, you’re misinformed.”

It is only the truth that hurts.

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”  

careerists, pettifoggers, hypocrites, ideologues, racketeers, power seekers and snobs

John Quincy Adams’ injunction about not search the earth for monsters to destroy

When it came to vulgarity, this newspaper faced in more than one direction: In theory it was against it, but in practice it actively promoted it, thus getting the best of two readerships.

editors manage to pack so little into so much space.

“The fewer things politicians control, the less it matters who controls the politicians.”ruwart

Often wrong but never in doubt?

Failing upward”

Off the shelf journalism, nothing interesting or dangerous.”

a man who does two things at once does neither: Nowadays, a man who does only one thing does nothing.

The beauty of adolescence is that one doesn’t know why one’s angry or unhappy. The tragedy of old age is that one does know.

No government, no thieves,”


A two legged adjective  who thinks of himself as a deep thinker.

birthplace privilege

We love him most of all for the enemies he has made,” Cleveland

The great leap forward, economic development by the state.”

we know how to give people degrees. We no longer know how to give them a college education.


Neither a leader nor a follower be…

the mysticism of apparatchiks, the romanticism of bureaucrats, the poetry of clerks.

Pravda, Der stuermer

Gerry, it’s not a lie if you believe it. Seinfeld.

Like Alice in the garden of Looking-glass House, feminists always seem to be walking in the opposite direction from where they really meant to go.

I was born at night, but not last night”

shoot an arrow into a barn and then paint a bull’s-eye around it.
when it comes to sanitation and sewage they are a silent fart.

Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through. Jonathan Swift

Section 8 housing

Mark Twain’s joke about the girl back in Missouri who sought to excuse her illegitimate child on the ground that it was “so small.”

home in carpet slippers, baffled by the world they had survived into.

Louis XV, who put his mistress, Madame de Pompadour, in charge of French military forces during the Seven Years’ War. The French were routed by the Prussians. France’s foe, Frederick the Great of Prussia, named one of his dogs, ‘la Pompadour.’


I’m a parent. I haven’t got the luxury of principles.

They even manage to amuse themselves with astronomical nonsense on the lowest of budgets. NYT

ZProlefeed, 1984

lose faith in the PhD standard in monetary management.

tyrannies demand immense efforts of their populations to bring forth trifles

Citizens or prisoners?

False equivalence

Virtue signaling

Mentally comatose

an open-air mall, where anything and everything American can be sold, traded, bartered or discarded


Libertarianism is concerned only with actions, or the threat of actions, of aggression, not ideology. One’s personal judgments about religion, morality, ethics, values, or sin are immaterial.

“After the uprising of the 17th of June

The Secretary of the Writers’ Union

Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee

Stating that the people

Had forfeited the confidence of the government

And could win it back only

By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier

In that case for the government

To dissolve the people

And elect another?”

– Berthold Brecht, 1953

democracy, the God that failed, is a farce.

with bad governments are more agreeable than those with (relatively) good ones

e). Many people, perhaps most, object to massacre because they think the wrong people are massacred, and not to massacre as a genre of human conduct

“We shall tax and tax, spend and spend, and elect and elect.” Ickles

A. J. P. Taylor discovered from studying the Thirty Years War of 1914-1945: “Though the object of being a Great Power is to be able to fight a Great War, the only way of remaining a Great Power is not to fight one.”


“An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy.”

playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.” Orwell

perfumed political princes

you will succeed in disarming and keeping disarmed the friendly Indians because you can, and you will not succeed with the mob element because you cannot.”V.T. McGillycuddy.

Just because a cat has her kittens in the oven don’t make them biscuits,”

It takes a good many mainstream media shovelfuls to bury the truth” and “A taxpayer is the only animal that can be skinned more than once.”

Keep it up, and I will cancel your birth certificate.”

“gatekeeping” assures “distilled” information,

boor trafficking most vociferously in untruths.”

Warhol liked to say, “Art is what you can get away with.”

not one of “trust,” but rather of “accountability from that government to the citizens.”

important to demonstrate our mastery of socially preferred locutions.

the reigning dogmas of our day are smart in form yet stupid in content.


Goering instructed officers to have “no qualms about using firearms.”

life is not a right but a privilege to be earned by some kind of usefulness.

It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you place the blame”

hiring astrologers for the astronomy department and witch doctors for the medical schools.

Stay on the side of the fallen angels

Living rent free in the other guy’s head”

The mountains strained and groaned, labored and gave birth to a mouse, Horace

stale, pale, and male.

his version of complete knowledge (“here’s what we know so far”) must command our deference.

they squeezed out soldiers on the soggy end.

Perfumed princes

Force equal outcomes on unequal contributors


Nurse Ratchet to a Failed Generation

Only lies need to be protected by law

Violence is the main expression of those who can’t compete in a productive society”

Those are my opinions. If you don’t like ’em, I have others.”

Federal Foolishness, LLC for the so-called solutions.

a pulp diaper only a slight step above the clumsy, drunken oaf of an independent newspaper so pathetic they have to give it away free.

hate feeling propelled, rather like a cat in heat,

HOw’s that change working out for you?,  one stupid ruling class catastrophic disaster after another?

As Nietzsche warned, beware those in whom the urge to punish is strong.

You can rely on the old man’s money

Grass doesn’t grow on a playground. I’ve heard this (fortunately not too often) in reference to a man with no chest hair.

   If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.

“terror-motivated” bombings and other mass killings of innocent men, women, and children, are convenient explanations for the conflicts, contradictions, and other institutionalized forms of violence that we prefer not to question. Better to tell ourselves that a mass murderer was driven by racial or religious bigotry, easy access to guns or drugs, or some twisted sense of “justice,” than to confront the myths, philosophic premises, and long-revered organizational systems, to which we have been conditioned to subordinate our lives.

make our kids go to their daytime juvenile detention centers (“schools”)

Being a Republican generally carries with it a presumption of asinity”

regression to the stupid was inevitable.

“a spectacular marriage of traditional falsehood with original fantasy” that it was “beyond the reach of ordinary criticism.”

Fail again. Fail better.

A textual critic engaged upon his business is not at all like Newton investigating the motion of the planets: he is much more like a dog hunting for fleas.” AE Housman

I suspect that the best, most certain way of prophesying correctly is to prophesy often. That way one will, by laws of chance, sometimes be right. The human mind’s propensity to remember its successes and forget its failures will see to the rest

He who serves the revolution ploughs the sea.

a tropical parrot to Europe’s more soberly plumaged crows

find a roundabout way to get it as wrong

Insist on tuning the radio before you turn it on”

veer, then, between optimism and pessimism. But pessimism is much more fun.

Universal contentment and peace are our greatest enemy”

, from the great height of his own moral authority

Lost to follow up”

a pragmatic recognition that the ability to concentrate is a skill that gets valuable things done.”

Graphing statistical noise”

zombie bloggers on antidepressants.

Just as mainstream history has Photoshopped all the warts off

shellacking history with a paintbrush soaked in modern pieties

want as their master’

Nostalgia about napalm

not random but predictable

it takes seven generations to make a gentleman

endless talent for innovation

12 years without a mustache

steal a red hot stove

I lost four cases in a row and people thought that I was an expert

Guam would capsize if there were too many marines


protected by the idiocy

wherever there is animal worship there is human sacrifice

Russians captured and castrated then butchered jihadis in 1984 , send organs to relatives and got their captives back

Trump wades in polluted Waters but he swims

a t-shirt slogan is a well-thought-out policy

government as a problem to navigate rather than a source of help

Refuse to hate Jews More than is necessary

an id among the superegos

selfie Nation

Curs piss on

In politics every man must skin his own skunk

you can’t imagine how much a dead man weighs

old Apes  in human clothes

true but very little general interest

so poor that he doesn’t know where his next bottle of champagne is coming from

at best a half-truths

why trade a tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away

policy preceding science  r kepel

Big player equals big Banks

push yourself away from the table

weigh things with a different balance

Tin ear

history as a variable version of plausible fiction

 if the truth came out who would know

a ghost of the Moon hardly visible as the sun shines

treated in a manner befitting the ruler of the world’s largest jungle

neither picks my pocket or breaks my legs

Are controlling power on will and appetite be present and the less inward the more there must be without

Forced into politics by weaknesses in other directions

a sufficiently stupid utterance will lead to some truth

who refused to stare at a blank in a clear-eyed way

tennis without a net

new dark ages

You can’t rob a bank on charm and personality

the way to predict the future is to invent it

the only thing necessary for evil to Triumph is for the obvious to be ignored

the attraction of humbug is permanent

golden age of humbug

approved opinion

High sounding phrases of no application


Sundown towns

statutory Bandit

a leader without any followers is just a man  out for a walk

Painting takes me into a better world.

Like Moonliglht on a sundial

attitude adjustment in Thailand means going to a meeting

every sinner brings his own Brimstone along

France neither winter or summer nor morals Mark Twain

journalism with the dialectic features

subverted by sweet of vices

insincere social grimace

I can only take so much excitement in one day

Bloom where you’re planted

with whom I am still single

surge pricing

Hail as you shoot

you can wring the rooster’s neck but the sun will still come up

Islam Rushes in where marx can no longer tread

nothing is so foolish that some philosopher has not said it already or so absurd that people cannot be Found to believe it

anchoring bias

framing bias or affect

Protestant prefer to eat well while Catholics prefer to sleep well

folks who aren’t sixes but think that they are nines

obsequious deference of a court eunuch

fine in practice but will it work in theory

smug alert

An experienced hunter can read this spoor

Enlightenment as permanent Darkness or night

gives crime a bad name

obtuseness may not rise to the level of a virtue but it is often the norm

vulgariized tribute to a deity who is an extension of themselves

 toggle from place to place and carry up my little duties

As a soldier I walked in the footprints of the French legionnaire

Flogging our bullied dirge

Crossing the wrong Rubicon

fine words butter no parsnips

Maintain his rage

A zinger not allowed a seat in the Parlor

Humans evolving into monkeys

Weather policies work as intended is not a matter of good wishes

social desirability bias

takes a village to raise a police snitch

Admittedly my education was more patches than most

like a payphone you put in your coin and dail in what you want

constitutional separation of head and heart

God may not pay his debts but he keeps up on the interest

the cupboard is bare

The wordly priest who has seen everything and knows to the penny the price of forgiveness

words are only a  vibration in the air

physics Envy

Only a very mediocre writer is always at his best

a soldier’s comfort

it ain’t dog food if the dog won’t eat it

there’s a pain somewhere in the room but I am not sure whose

no matter how much water is in the sea it still receives rain

they become good sheep

the reason to be jolly had passed

Christmas trees with the bad side out

a face in the of a lift or redo

hair had said to a small band over his ears

Economist laid end-to-end point in different directions

the devil cites scripture to his own purpose

tyranny directed to further another’s good is without any break because the Tyrant does so at the approval of his own conscience

wonder about General insanity but I don’t wonder at all

they pick the wars we paid for them and bleed

golden calf

process trumps meaning

a society so perfect that no one would have to be good TS Eliot

pissing on your back telling you it’s rain

What I told you three times is true Carroll

its mother must have been a most immoral woman

a lot must be riding on that ass

modern kids snowflakes each unique precious delicate

higher shamelessness

I’m not dressed for church

God save us from those who have no God but to burst at the seams with religion

I think I’m becoming a god

lodger evil, circa 1900

we don’t submit the terror we make that error

one free grope

look at Bill Gates and wonder how you can become so Wealthy by giving money away

public vs private we know everything about them and they know nothing about us

smartest pigs who How to walk on two legs

you have to flap a little if you want to be a high flyer

plumber’s crack

 sounds like the labor pains of an idea

progenerative duty

The stick has too many wrong-ends

licensing psychics

promulgating standards for snake oil

linear no threshold for poisons

I’m responsible only for what I say not for what you understand

froth on barroom philosophy

pornographic thoughts in the balloon over your head

vulgar films for vulgar people another way to  take away their money

ripped from the headlines

when the legend becomes fact print the legend

correlation of acne and left wing opinions

ideas second hand ready-made

don’t give them the keys to the city change the locks

A brechtian phrase; it pays not to look behind it

don’t confuse personality with Attitude personality is who I am attitude is who you are

what meat has a seizure fed

the time Japan nuked America

Unforgettable chunks of cement

exuding a gentle steady spray of smug

pissing on the eternal flame

graphic novels

there’s never an earthquake around when you need one

a cheap holiday on other people’s misery

buried shovel problem

The scum floating on the gene pool as a protected species

what natural bedfellows these fleas make

when the people are armed there are occasional tragedies when the people are disarmed there are genocides


Conspiracy theories are gratifying and popular not because there really are conspiracies sometimes (or is it often?) but because they give overall meaning to events. Perfectibility requires that events should be controllable, and they can only be controlled if they have a larger meaning. We want to live in a perfectible world.

fibromyalgia fraud,

in feminism a revolt against domesticity, in environmentalism a new birth of upper-class asceticism.

journeys of creativity are difficult, and made harder by the old saw that many are called [to creativity] but few are chosen. We should expect, therefore, that those not chosen would seek out creativity on the cheap, much as we moderns imagine ourselves as bold adventurers when we travel the world in the utter safety of jumbo-jets and cruise ships.

Lightning strikes more trees than grass”

Men like power and will seize it if they can. But if they can’t rule, their next preference is that no one rule over them.”

Bossed around by santimonious hypocrites, puritan or progressives.”

Transgenders invading my bathroom and I can’t invade their bedrooms”

History repeats itself,” Marx quipped, “first as tragedy, then as farce.”

Belmont and Fishtown, Murray

Beacher preaches to 7-8 of his mistresses on Sunday Mornings”

Hi government, you probably don’t recognize me in my clothes.”

crown government”

Political correctness is the means by which we try to control others; decency is the means by which we try to control ourselves.

gluing white hats”

In the “Disneyfication” of cities, the rats will be replaced by a giant mouse”

affluent alms seeker who passed from the age of Pampers to Depends while never once earning his own keep.

Bureaucratic sclerosis”

“delighted” if reality occasionally confirms their superstition. The evidence is no longer required for any of these daring assertions, providing the appropriate feeling is present.

Warren Spahn said about a pitch that Willie Mays put in the seats: “Gentlemen, for the first 60 feet, that was a hell of a pitch“!

Oculus Rift world, device over eyes that delivers games and fantasies

Learning, schooling “a supreme capacity for getting its possessors into trouble of all kinds.”

bathroom deodorizers to mask the stench of this candidacy.”

a loudmouth vulgarian appealing to quieter vulgarians.

populism loves the poor so much [that] it multiplies them.”

vox populi is not vox dei”

“on the basis of my conclusions I base my facts.

Making a forecast is easy. Being right is the hard part.

Astroturfing, push poll

“the government should be confined to those who carry arms.” Aristotle

witchcraft] is nearly pan-African then perhaps some of it came to the New World. Prominent and not so prominent talkers from the American Black population come out with similar theories of vague and invisible forces that are oppressing people, like “institutional racism” and “white privilege.”

so unbelievably incompetent at conveying information that they should actually be allowed to keep their jobs, if only out of pity.

Terror is the handiwork of people who’ve heeded, not hijacked,

Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

Mark Twain

“The narrative was correct, but the facts were wrong.”

Infantile egoism

The issue for Student was that data were expensive while potential explanatory factors were cheap. Today, the mirror image often reigns: Data are readily available, but honest explanatory factors can cost you your job.

cunning – never clever”

The very pretense that the moralist for all his theoretical insight is the savior of mankind is as thin as the diaphanous gown, and much less seductive

In Greek tradition either ethics was concerned as relating to the good life

A quite different  orientation was introduced by the Judeo-Christian ethics.  In this tradition, the ideal of righteousness before God and the love of God and neighbor not the happy or pleasant life constitute the substance of morality If we make an effort to reconcile these diverse views,  we are faced with the difficult task of defining the relationship between believing what is right and being happy..

Theory of ideas -general concepts are prior to experience.  -education

teleology-the good is at once the final goal which all things in the universe are seeking to realize and the ultimate source of these intelligibility and meaning

The idea of the good is the highest good

Anomalous individuals, not the average ones, propel civilization.

Ch2 of Albert

Aristotle born in Stigia in macedonia,  Father was an MD-tutored Alexander-was with Plato til age 37-founded Lyceum-scientist and encyclopedist

Matter vs Form-

man’s good is self sufficiency is the ultimate need for man,  then the final end which is attainable and is happiness

Man actualizes himself by reason.  a virtuous man lives according to reason

Teleological basis is 1 chief good   in the politics, but don’t expect much precision.

Good for man is happiness,  but there are various accounts of happiness.  Time and people. The morally virtuous man acts according to the golden mean.

Epicurean school.  Born in Samos. Happiness is in serenity,  through simple pleasures which presume health and peace of mind.  The happy man chooses his pleasures judiciously. duration is better than intensity.

active pleasure end pain of unfulfilled desires.  Seek ataraxis. freedom from trouble of mind and pain in the body.

Philosophy is practical

Fear of death and fear of divine retribution therefore atomism of deocritus.  When death comes, then we do not exist. We must sometimes experience pain to heighten the pleasures.

Wealth does not produce happiness,  but frugality and simplicity do

Man controls his destiny,  not chance events

Justice is required in community life,  a kind of compact not to harm or be harmed.  Retreat to a community of select friends.

Ch five  Stoa poikile,  zeno was founder.  Epictetus a Roman was developer. Born in Heirropolis in Phrygia,  50 AD. The moral man lives in accord with reason. Self sufficient,  capable of disciplining his desires and remaining indifferent to life’s vissitidudes.Formation of character-conformity with a rational nature unites men with each other and with the universe.

Cynicism of Diogenes are related.  God is creator and cosmic intelligence.  The wise man limits his desires to matters within his control   We can control our attitudes about things. One is only a fragment of God.

Faculty of will is within man’s control.  is source of ethical behavior. Epictetus P93 And what has a natural power of restraining the will.  . Nothing beyond itself, only it’s own persuasion. Therefore the will is vice, and the will is also virtue. Virtue the inevitable with equanimity.  It is not poverty that causes sorrow, but covetous desire.

Nozick p 130 Responsibility is not a bucket in which less remains when some is apportioned out.

Idiot identities (Kostelanetz.

Rawls,  original position.  Nozick. P 215.

Certain equilibrium demands are not motivated by envy,  but rather by resentment of injustice” about Rawls.

P 230 “to introduce socialism as punishment for our sins would be to go too far”

“carry something too far into the forest of….”

“auditioning for the voices of Richelieu on Mores”

“Dead moons circling the burnt out sun”

‘Pedants envious and embittered”

“self appointed  guardians of the nation’s conscience wish to be consulted on matters that almost none of them understand”

Education doesn’t fit into the job description”

All dialogue has been reduced to a scream”

The cock who goes from hen to hen knowing no fatigue, Mobutu of congo


Ideas are to be judged,  not by the use they serve,  not by their inherent moral or intellectual worth” equals pragmatism

Holmes “If the will  of the majority is unmistakable and the majority is strong enough to have a clear power to enforce its will,  and intends to do so, the courts must yield”

Emotional Fan dance”

“feudal retinues of basically useless flunkies.”

How clever goats stumbled upon substances that for eons were as commonplace as garbage:  How these goats made us believe for a time that these substances were special and would make us special:  and why it is that the goats have left the herd and all we see is the garbage”Dan Kunit on Drugs Harpers Oct 01.

Refuse to put their John Hancock on the declaration of interdependence” P287


P 323.  Unanimity is only as strong as its weakest LINK.




Incapablable of philosophical moral reasoning”

Cosmopolitan ecunemists”

Fathom the gulf”

Moral lingua Franca”

Find sound moral arguments”

Individuals have priority because moral authority cannot be determined from a canonical concrete moral vision”


Only morally authorized social structures are established with the permission of the individual involved “

Deafness to God”

Moral strangers meet as individuals born again”

Sparse morality”


Large scale peculiar pluralistic societies”



Anonymous perspectives of reason-of any person”

Outside of history”

Marginalized the skepticism”



Morality could be known and understood through reason without faith”



Western Christian religious synthesis

character of the good life”


Secure moral substance and authority “



Tower of Babel”

Many competing philosophies–ethics”

Moral orientation”

Dissidence,  diversity”

Procedural morality”

Contentful persons convey to common endeavors the moral authority of their consent”

Incomprehensible to each other”


Rational argument does not quiet moral controversies”

“Hitler,  and Stalinism are the result of trying to make one moral community from states”

The state is not the hand of God”

Diversity is often perverse”

Vacuity of the landscape”

Means are meager”  

no transcendent fulfillment

Secular religion without belief,  Hopes are vain”

A secular moral warrant to authorize coercive force to protect persons.’


Collaboration among moral strangers’

Calliopes of the modern philosophical project”

Cannot show that general secular ethics is good”

No common understanding of a good and goals”

Markets,  limited democracy,  consent can create the best secular morality that we can hope for”

Amid the runs of once powerful orthodoxy’s”

Virtue and shame cannot be understood in the common secular morality’

Provides procedures for negotiation”


Shattered remnants of a once vibrant and integrated moral vision”

Moral intuition ,  severed from the moral sense and meaning,  persist as prejudices, unsecured sentiments,  taboos, moral intuition”

Morality commands,  content is not chosen.

Heuristic,  invent, discover,  learn by finding out by oneself”

Offended by liberty’

Forbids unconsented to force,  but not moral affront”

There are many evils against which one cannot secularly justify the coercive intervention of the state”

Postmodernity a loss of universal narrative in terms of which to interpret human experience”

Permission is license,  consent, opportunity, leave tolerate”

Assume a particular moral viewpoint in order to gain moral content”

Dog in that fight”

Orwell He loves big brother”

Mohammed Ali  Thank God my Grandaddy got onto that boat”

Devotions to many gods”

The divine perspective unifies that Ground of being,  the justification of morality, and the basis for a motivation to be moral”

Natural law is not accessible by reason alone”

Numerous ambiguities at the root of ethics”





Etiquette and ethics””

Settled moral judgments”

metaphysical accounts”


coincide coherent”

canonical view of reality”

secular access”

a number of equally defensible,  but quite different amoral perspectives”

Character of arbitrary and conventional”

Chastity is but little valued”


Morality as a matter of taste”

Morals fashioned under the influence of historical sociological influences”

As soon as one attempts to justify particular customs or opinions as those that rational individuals ought to acknowledge,  one has entered into an attempt to free oneself from mere accepted viewpoints”

Scientific is falsefiable”

ad hoc assumptions”

crisp choices”

deliverance of the gods”

ethics,  unlike science,  directly authorizes coercive interventions in the activities of persons”

Toehold on intersubjectivity”

Point of reference for comparison”

a rational secular encounter with a reality all persons could share”

Hedons or Hedon units”

Constrained choices”

consequential or utilitarian accounts”


Does one appeal to the intensity or the quality of interests”






Rawls”rational contractor”

Original position, “



conversions and convergence”


smuggle content”


a general secular defense”

Enclose, embark”

Sparse,  limited sphere”

acquiescence in constitutional democracies as an expediency”

Collaborate hypothetically rather than resort to violence”

silent freedom fighters”

must be partisan”

Nozick “from each as they choose,  to each as they are chosen”

fortuitous consensus”

generating mass public hallucinations,

Too many pigs for the teats.”

Infinity can be measured in units of human stupidity.

One takes control of the agenda for the meetings”

Why would a preponderant consensus convey moral authority”

Political power in which individuals with diverse moral sentiments find themselves forced to collaborate and acquiesce in what they find morally disturbing to avoid even worse moral outcomes does not establish moral legitimacy”

gift of a particular history”

an ideology in service to the ruling class”

Simply announcing one’s moral prejudices”

Morally deviant”


Jus Gentium,  natural law”Nuremburgtrials,  Kangaroo courts star chambers, show trials”

Temptations of a will to power”

of trying to impose moral tradition on the public”

God is dead,  not all hear him.”

a secular substitute is not available”

No moral constraints”


a goal of ethics is to determine where force can be justified”

Accessible to those not blessed “

agreement is only secular authority for secular moral direction”

Authority of the agreement of those who decide to collaborate”

Permission  is of no value”

resolve moral controversies in ways not based on force”

Immanent,  remaining inherent Present throughout the universe,  as God”

Assent without proof”

fundamental equality among persons”

Persons need to have this space to exercise morality”

not to generate a peaceful community”

Grace of conversion”

P71 Thus a justification account can be given,  the market and limited democracy”

Competence to give permission is ability to so will”

Modern secular myth of the special moral authority of a majority”

Moral rectitude”


if conditions do not permit greater perfection anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly”

Aristotelian ideal of a state formed as a morally cohesive whole”

Spanning numerous communities”

grammar of ethics”]

the world would be better off without belief”


you are not isolated and separated from other people and things”



an authoritative alternative to the resolution of disputes through force”

Jaw jaw jaw not war war war”

Aesthetics vs moral life”

unburdensome obligations”

subdued moral commitment”

eschew fervor of belief”

lived morality”


fairness fascists”


innocuous desuetude”

Wm. Osler “fixed period of theocracy?”

chloroform men over 60″


state as a neutral matrix”

New age”

moral claims, simply express emotions or function as ways of persuading others to join in action”

Rorty,  a gift of history,  and a need no further authority”

Throw away some of the ladders used in their own construction”

Natural law-St. Paul.  

Gentiles had the requirement of the law.  written in their hearts”

therefore reason could discern law”

burning heretics”

p94 determinism ref 81 the claim that we are not free or that we are determinate is itself a moral act of the mind:we are perforce moral.  Determinists paradoxically suggest that we should acknowledge determinism”

Here is not the occasion to show”


The most general characteristics that mark legitimate public policy are not its goals but the procedures for its fashioning”

Texas-Fallen man acting within moral constraints of mutual respect created a political fabric where individuals can with consenting others achieve various peaceful understandings of the good life”

Athens Political assumption that the concrete character of the good life can be rationally disclosed”

Jerusalem where the political character is disclosed in light of a communal  relationship with god”

Quest,  insipid, effete”

Finding no opportunity to die as a martyr,  they invoke force to martyr others”

Moral tensions”

Benefficiences is exhortatory

Possibilities exhausted”


retaliatory force”

Malevolence to acts done without permission can occasion retaliation”

Golden rule’

Marriage as other than sharing a BR”

Canonical,  accepted, authoritative normative established or standard”


Lexical,  of language”

Lexicography,  the act or art of writing a dictionary”

Ranking of values”

Teyku-insoluable problems”

medicine practiced in tragic circumstances where all patients die and most suffer illnesses before death”

Future is opaque”

Infer Niagara Falls from a drop of water”

Embedded in”


Imputable charge”

Ascribe as a crime”

Moral outlaw”

P137 We are in the domain of morality where we think of ourselves as free and responsible,  i.e. we abandon any truth claim when we assert that we are determined not because it is true,  but because we are caused to say that we are determined”


inner sanctum”


Nozick “utilitarianism for animals,  Kantianism for people”

Tender feelings”

Sexual congress”

contingent happenings  chance, accidents, conditional”

Halo effects”



centrality of persons”

By rendering other object a product it is brought  into the sphere of persons or their claims”






Persons are not angelic powers  who exist as a geometrical point of no size”

Black market”



Divine right of sovereigns”

Impute to someone”

Constitution “why should the dead rule the living”

God of battles”

Hereditary consent”

Do it with a little ship and you’re a pirate,  with a great fleet and you’re called an emperor”  Said of Alexander

How to exempt various illegitimately coercing groups from taxation and regulation of government

especially where there is no canonical moral vision”

The free ocean makes the spirit free” German proverb

Frei abe einsam”

Goethe- Faust_He alone deserves liberty and life who must daily win them anew”

Unquenchable markets for-Black markets”


Government can have no view of the good life”

Plato,  an ample city is requisite for the luxuries of life”

What can be salvaged in light of nihilism,  relativism, diversity”

Procedures for limited collaboration”

consent,  contract free market,  limited democracy”


A specter is haunting Europe-the specte of communism”

Marx,  The proles have nothing, they have a world to win”

Working men of the world…

of the bourgeoisie

P23 Rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of the rural life”

P30 the dangerous class,  Social scum that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layer of old society”

to be…..a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue”

P43 ?goals of communist parties”

p48 Monks write silly lives of catholic saints over the manuscripts on which the classical works of ancient heathens had been written.  German literature is written under it”

Dershowitz Has an eternity to be dead…I denied him much if I deprived him of several additional hours of death”

“defense against his beak an d claw”  

Mills P4 King of vultures”

P8 Who aspires to the character of philosophy that their feelings on subjects… are/or better than reasons”

Helicon,  Greek mount-home of muses”

hellion person fond of deviltry”

Helot-serf or slave in Sparta after a nearby town”

Roturies (broken field) French commoner heretical


De Jure”

Unlimited deference”

It is not too much to require that the wisest…find it necessary to  submit to a collection of a few wise and many foolish individuals called the public”

devils advocate”

P26 Unless reasons are good enough for an extreme case, they are not good enough for any case”

The present age “destitute of faith and terrified of skepticism”

The claims of an opinion are not so much part of the truth as on its importance to society”



Bill Clinton couldn’t be a liar, you have to be moral to lie”

P33 Laocoan (Greek town) instantly hung the proposers of a new law that didn’t pass”

Men are not more zealous of truth than they often are for error”


Time servers for truth”

Mental development is cramped”

Yoke of despotism”

Parroted opinions”


Felt adversaries”

Both teacher and learner go to sleep as soon as there is no enemy in the field”

The deep slumber of a decided opinion”

Trammels – confines,  restrains, hobbles”



Drowning alone”

(society gains)  by not rejecting the stuff of which heroes are made because it know not how to make them”

No more than a steam engine has character”

Pinched and hide bound type of character “

genius..are less capable of fitting themselves without hurtful compression into any of the small numbers of molds which society provides in order to save its members the trouble of forming their own character”

Render mediocrity the ascendant power among mankind”

It does not hinder the govmet of mediocrity from being a mediocre government”

Is it easier to fit him with a life that a coat”

Extort acquiescence by the multitude of their adherents”

Like a Chinese lady’s foot’-vain”


the case lies between two principles”

It is not freedom to be allowed to alienate his own freedom”

Too important to be discounted in a parenthesis”

p122 vouchers for schooling”

p132 A state which develops its men in order that they may be more docile instruments in its hands even for beneficial purposes-will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished:

P137 Utilitarianism- humor dissatisfied”

148 It is better to be a pig satisfied ,  Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied”

They only know their side of the question; the other party to the comparison knows both side”



p200 Ought should grow into must”

lex talonis”

Bent policemen”

sharp end of the war”‘

John Locke 1632-1704 -2nd treatise”

All government,  in the world is the product only of force and violence”

Men live together by no other rules but that of beasts,  where the strongest carries it-and so lay the foundation for perpetual disorder and mischief,  tumult, sedition and rebellion”


But though this be a state of liberty,  yet it is not a state of license”

p 17 Freedom of men under government is to have a standing rule to live by,  common to every one in that society and made by the legislative power erected in the “

criminals condemned to death can be enslaved”

Has given the earth to the children of men”

everyman has a property in his own person”

He both mixed his labor with it and joined with it something that is his own”

Nothing was made by God for man to spoil or destroy”

There was still enough and as good left”

Labor was to be his title to it”

The extent of ground is of no little value without labor”

In the beginning,  all the world was America”

p33 The end of life ? is not to abolish or restrain ,  but to preserve and enlarge freedom”

For liberty, is to be free where there is no law”

every other man’s humor might domineer”

Arbitrary will of another”

p37 America where,  when the husband and wife part,  which happens frequently, the children are all sent to the mother”

Who being in the unrestrained state of nature”

is yet corrupted with flattery and armed with power”

animals”are taken care of ,  not out of any love the master has for them,  but love of himself, and of the profit they bring him”

deploy literary contaminants”


The rise and fall of ideological hemlines”

Everything in the state,  nothing against the state,  nothing outside the state”-Mussolini

She deserved our pity,  not our respect”-Falupi

An intellectual taxi”

Rich man’s  John Rawls”

Cultural commissar”


Any light from history”

For no one can transfer more power to another than he has in himself over any other”p75

p77exposed to the arbitrary power of one man commanding 100,000 than etc.”

Where the legislature is in one lasting assembly,  always in being, there is a danger still that they think themselves to have a distinct interest from the rest”

Flourishing mighty cities come to ruin”

A state of war with another(law breaker)”

p97 Great robbers punish little ones to keep them in their obedience”


p109 Properties applied to other ends and are made to impoverish,  harass and subdue-tyranny”

Wherever law ends,  tyranny begins”

Authority-gives the right of acting”

and against the laws there can be no authority”

Rebeliare-bring back to war”

Servile flattery”

discard him”

crowned with martyrdom”

The world is in a manner a state”

23 of meditations”

Take away the complaint,  “I have been harmed” and the harm has been taken away.p24,  how much trouble he avoids who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does, or thinks,  but only to what he does himself”

Thou art a little soul bearing about a corpse”

p27 Think continuously of how many physicians are dead after often contracting their eyebrows over the sick”  

What was yesterday a little mucous,  tomorrow will be a mummy or ashes”

The legacy of Hegel

(the dead) weighed heavily on the living”

Marx and carbuncles”

Maxim,  Marxism,  Lenin speak in the name of their friends more often they speak in his voice”

Kant1724pretext-the church invisible is living relationship to God”

Incapable of inflaming the sparks within us for study,  but could certainly blow them out”

Simulacra -image or sham”

monad -elementary being”


feelings as their internal oracle”

In the night,  all cows are black”

Owl of Minorca”

Plato time as a moving image of eternity”

rhetoric of trivial truth”

There is no royal road to geometry”

Boozy flashes of inspiration”

keep your chin up”

Marx p162 They,  the creators have bowed down before their creatures”

p163 once upon a time an honest fellow had the idea that men were drowned in water only because they were possessed with the idea of gravity”

p185 It must not be forgotten that the law has just as little an independent history as religion”

p188 when there is nothing more to take,  you have to set about producing”

A kid with a paper hat”

p242 The whole population shall be armed”

254 Swindling of the proletariat”

261 Lumpenproletariat reborn at the top of bourgeois society”

293 a nation and a woman are not forgiven the unguarded hour in which the first adventure to come along can vanquish them”


p300 How many classes?


p316 16 M Frenchmen live in caves,most with one opening-troglodites”


p36  Strong government and heavy taxes are the same thing”

Mount Sainai to give or receive laws”

p321 the peasants are to be helped”

He cannot give to one without taking from another”

p322 You are counting up your estate,  you should rather count up your years” Carthusian monk.  They count up by minutes”


France has often suffered a government by mistresses,  but never yet a government of kept men”

p323.  He strips the halo from the whole machinery of state”

considered deep stuff by shallow people”

436 signs of the times,  not to be hidden by purple mantles or black cassocks”

social heiiroglyphics”


Money without any certificate of birth”

Herd of independent minds”

education,  process of learning to agree with me”

greatness is IQ less vanity”

The line between good and evil runs through every human heart”

public short shirt about the waist”

PELF -plunder or mere money”

government with its irresistible allurement of place,  pelf and patronage”

p529 State function is in the hands of a trained caste-state parasites,  richly paid sycophants”

p553 government and church should equally be excluded from any influence in the school”

554 child labor is necessary”

I have spoken and saved my soul”

War of all against all” Hobbs

563 The peasant forms a class only in the sense that a potato in a sack forms a sack of potatoes”



Sybaritic-voluptuous, fond of pleasure”

I take no pride in watered down degrees” Heinlein

Search for creations of eunuchs”

Government 3/4 parasites and the rest fumbling”

Marx,  founder of one of the world’s great religions”

Easier to be rich than poor”

Marx p84 If legislation cannot enact morality,still less cannot accept immorality as law”

The legislators-as scintisnts-does not make laws,  he does not invent them, he only formulates them”

p91Bureaurocracy sees itself as the ultimate final purpose of the state-It’s a hierarchy of knowing”




p108 But liberty is not based on the linking of man with man, but rather on the separation of man from man

Right of this separation”

The right of self interest”

It allows every man to find in other men not the realization of his freedom,  but rather the limitation of it”

Equality–that every man is equally regarded as a self sufficient nomad”

Security___that the whole of society exists only in order to guarantee to each or its members the preservation of has person,  his rights and his property”

Civil society does not rise above egoism through the concept of security; security is rather the guarantee of its egoism”

The only bond that keeps men together is natural necessity,  need and private interest in the preservation of property and of their egoistic person”

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature,   the heart of the heartless world, as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions.  It is the opium of the people”

p122 I am nothing and I should be everything”

p140 Labor degrading,  spontaneous activity, free activity to the level of a means,    alienated labor makes man’s species life a means for his physical activity”

Marx must hold a deep meaning for shallow people”

Easier to be rich than poor

Only an egg,  nestling”

The pot could not hold itself”



Tree of the fruit of knowledge”


Dionysian excesses”


Starr chamber”


MArxp158 Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways,  the point is to change it”

Aspersions on my ancestry”



Closed society”

Running argument”-progress

Scientism-settled knowledge and certain answers to legitimate questions”

Historical destiny is sheer superstition”

there can e no prediction of the course of human history by scientific or any other rational method”

Inexorable laws of human destiny”


Aristocratic disdain of the of the middle classes or lower orders”

duped by socialism”

Cosmic visions of those-personal gratification”

Quest for cosmic justice”

We didn’t kill enough people”

Perfectibility of the human race”



Draw real physical rabbits out of purely metaphysical silk hats”

Bombastic (Hegel)”


Teaching Hegel is a raid on the public purse”

Hegel tried to prove scientific principles”

Hegel defended the state that sponsored him-Prussia”

Show trial”

Conjectures and refutations”

futurology is bunk”

Against stupidity the gods labor in vain or contend in vain”

Ayer,  logical positivism,  only verifiable events have any meaning”

emotivism-moral language is exhausted by expression,  evocation or endorsement of powerful feelings-eg.stealing is wrong-a strong way of saying that I believe something, and try to influence others to concur and so influence conduct”

Mystifying cant”

Militant ignorance and grotesque ignorance”

masquerading as—“

Hegel saw logical contradictions not as evidence of falsehood,  but as steps in the production of higher and more comprehensive contradictions (ietruth) paving the way for frank adoption of overt hostility to logic and rationality”


apotheosis-elevation to divine status or quintessence”

Pontifications,  verbiage”



public purse”

public choice”

Only universals are real”

Hegel turns the universal into the concrete while individuals are abstractions”

both reason and history progress from abstracts to the concrete,  from individualism to universal”

Therefore the state is real and rational,  and a dissenting individual is objectively irrational”

The most real individual is the one that uniquely embodies a universal (Napolean did the spirit of revolutionary France)”

The moral claims of the individual are dismissed along with the ontological claims of individuality- therefore the universality of the state is indistinguishable from the good and the right”

The individual conscience or suggestion that the state is imperfect and corrupt is meaningless for Hegel”

Fashionable statism”

Heteronomy-subject to external rules-lack of self determination”


Transcendental pretense”

Differerence in is an ought”

Hegel  the state is the march of God through the world”

Hegel the state is the actually existing, realized moral life”

Vonnegut’s question,  why have people in our time often been treated like garbage”


multiplication of negatives”

Marx p162 the phantoms of their brain have gained the mastery over them”

low brow”


chiaroscuro,  light and shade without color”

peroration-highly rhetorical speech”

plumbers sheik”

abandoned a manuscript to the gnawing criticism of mice



running arguments”

cosmic visions”

It’s better to kill 100 innocents than to let one guilty person go”

Swiss bank socialist”

their battle cry must be revolution forever”

Aroused by_____foreplay”


anomic-social instability,  leading to breakdown also personal unrest due to lack of purpose”

The crazy that comes from too much choice”



rodomontades-boastful leader of Saracens,  arrogant vainglorious blustering ranting talk”

What a difference a long life makes”





workhouses,tenements, projects”


incubus-nightmare or demon who tries to do women”

necromancy-claim to foretell the future through communication with the dead”


in this sign you will conquer”


pythian oracle Delphi or the q 4 year games”

cretins,  imbeciles morons”

Marx p310 The parties competing in turn for mastery regard the possession of this monstrous edifice of state as the principal spoil of the victor”

p3116 Strong government and heavy taxes are the same thing”

318 The enemies against whom the French peasant has not to defend his property are no longer Cossacks but bailiffs and tax collectors”

Mount Sinai-to give laws, and to receive them”


spouting off”

tediously dry”


Many advantages of being a poor country in 1700, among them that there was no intelligentsia to impede progress with unsubstantiated theories counterproductive to propaganda”

The subject obeys the ruler out of fear for his life”

Glossy apparatuses of a modern death”

When skating on thin ice,  safety depends on speed”

psychologists are cautioning that 100% approval ratings do  not make someone smarter”

The pursuit of happiness is still our most radical idea”


Hegel”When philosophy paints its gray on gray, then has a form of life grown old and with its Gray on gray it can not be rejuvenated but only known: the owl of minerva first takes flight with twilight closing in”-the wisdom that comes at the end of an epoch,  or in hindsight”

The owl of minerva was a coin used by Socrates and Plato-Minerva-goddess of wisdom Owl hovers only at the twilight of civilization”

Diana of ephasus”

ideology is less a straight line than a circle”

Marxism is like a divine right of kings befuddled”

Commissar class”

Has a broad back and endures anything”

It does not behoove slaves to reason about freedom”

Not a _____invention but a _______institution”

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”

sacralize”-make sacred

focus on something greater”


chick flick”

clanking of phony brass balls”

DeCartes could only demonstrate the reality of the empirical world by appealing to God’s veracity,  his inability to tell a lie”

superfetation-the fertilization of an ovum during a pregnancy already in existance-accretion reaching  an excessive degree”

pretentions of pleasers and politicians”

educated butterflies”

Hostile incomprehension”

Feeble culture”

dithyrambic-short poem to an impure,  wild irregular strain with an exalted writing”

Lumber of an obsolete civilization”

crass oriented superstition”

one’s household gods”

The hour hand on the clock of your existence”

Wings of insects and honey gatherers of the mind”

We had no right to isolated thoughts”

Morality of customs

noxious emissions”

The low esteem in which they hold pity”

devotion to mediocrity”

halcyon-bird or kingfisher-thought to lead to peace-peaceful,  happy golden”

heuristic empirical,  discovery of truth”

hermeneutics,  study of the methods of interpreting (bible)

aphoristic-terse formulation of truth, ppl”

The skill to ruminate which cows posses but men lack”

shibboleth”,  catchword, slogan, language of a particular group used to tell Galiadith from ephasians”  

sherpa guide”

Nietzschep170For I have a great deal to be silent about in this matter”

Drudge,  beast of burden”

His soul squints”

the smell of failure of a soul-that has gone stale”

stink of lies”

Dante over the gates of hell “me too the eternal love created”

It is always well to divorce an artist from his work and to take him less seriously than it.  He is after all only the condition of the work, the soil from which it grows, perhaps only the manure on that soil”

God’s ventriloquist”

Of Schopenhauer”It was his enemies who kept him alive,  His rage was his balm”

A married philosopher belongs in a commedy”

Modest and submissive bowels industrious as millwheels,  but remote”


Whatever enters his head comes out dull and thick,  fraught with the echo of great hollow spaces”

Madame sophistry,  the clever whore-Luther”

to castrate the intellect”

a newborn misfit”

Nursing homes of culture”

Pascal’s maxim “we must stultify ourselves”

the congregation”

If God is dead then nothing is forbidden”

The plural of anecdote is not evidence”

Sorry doesn’t put thumbs back on hands”

One is equal to 2 for sufficiently large values of 1″

Every day computers are making people easier to use”

Linux is free as in beer or speech,  Windows like in sex”

There is no emotion for what I am feeling”

A biologist calls something that stable dead”

Somebody with one watch knows the time,  someone with 2 knows chaos (or something)”

I have my own god and my God finds me to be incredibly funny:  that’s why I chose him as my God”

Please leave your values at the front door”

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it” Churchill”

My opinions may have changed,  but not the fact that I’m right”

Don’t fight evil on an empty stomach”

I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals,  I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants”

90% of politicians give the other 10% a bad name”

Chewing the cud of—-

Mandarins are in the saddle”

consumptives of the spirit”

They worship the question mark itself as their god”


weakened instincts”

The union of god and goat”

Both art and life depend wholly on the laws of optics,  on perspectives and illusions”

Power to intoxicate and befog the mind”


Popper p4 we may become makers of our fates when we have ceased to pose as it’s prophets”

Nobody whether male or female should be without a leader-Plato”

A people ought to fight for the laws of the city as if it were its laws-Herodotus”

The arrested  state of the state-Plato”

Moral and political decay 36000 year cycle-Plato”

Cosmic history or setting”

Utopian social engineering”

Means of salvation”

Modest degree of exactness vs pretentious muddle”

Joe Louis” there is nothing wrong with this country that Hitler is going to cure”

Useful idiots Lenin”

Show trials”

The new state power creates a new flagellate-Stalin”

Plato-Man the highest animal is made by the gods.  The others cede from him by a process of corruption and degeneration”

Certain men,  cowards, villains degenerate into women, and women into animals”

A sheep has always found a wolf to devour it” Pareto

The statesmen might be a physician” Plato

Circulation of elites”

Possession of precious metals was forbidden in Sparta”

Pharisees and Saducees”

Ideological platitudes”

Mrs. Jelleby in Bleak house (Dickens)  A lady devoted to public duties”

anonymous altruism”

Nag thy neighbors”

Gnaw your leg off”


Plato,  community of women, children, and property (or Chattel)

Samuel Johnson “Man needs more often to be reminded than instructed”

Misery industrial complex”

Xenophanes” if horses could draw,  they would draw their gods like horses”

redolent of incense”

Caste system”

political hygiene”



state worship Vs first commandment”

political morals

p115 of Popper The strength of laws does not lie in the sanctions  in the protective power of the state which enforces them, but in the individual readiness to obey them,  the individual moral will”


p121 How can we so organize political institutions that base or incompetent rulers can be prevented from doing too much damage”

Praetorian guard”

Paradox of fredeem-that a tyrant might be elected-theory of freedom”

125 of democracy “for although the people may influence the action of the rulers by threatening dismissal,   they never rule themselves in any concrete practical sense-“

126 Institutions are like fortresses; they must be well designed and manned”

democracy provides the institutional framework for the reform of political institutions-Makes possible reform without violence.  It cannot provide reason”

Wisest men aren’t the learned ones”

Plato’s myth of blood and soil”

As long as war lasts…nobody may say “no” to him.  Accordingly if a soldier’s wishes to make love to anybody,  whether male or female, these law will make him more eager to carry off the price of valor”

Fruit of the passion tree”

low lying fruit”

taboo,  magic,mysticism,superstition, phobias,  fate,astrology, historicism, oijiboard,”

Pray for chastity, but not just yet”

Men must be taught that justice is inequality”


Tyrants must “stir up one war after another in order to make people feel the need of a general”-Plato

Pareto “to take advantage of sentiments, not wasting one’s energies in futile efforts to destroy them”‘

P 200 Our dream of heaven cannot be realized on earth”

For those who have eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge,  paradise is lost”


sanitized gangsterism”

The great vs the small society”

Tribalism,  collectivism, clanish”

Heraclitus “greater death wins greater destiny”

Astrology shares with historicism the belief  in a determinate destiny”

Saddling someone with an idea”


Popper’ Aristotle about whiling away one’s time ”

Nobody would arrange a war for that purpose”


The state is the march of God through the world”


“the way east and the way west are the same”

-identity philosophy”

Kant “May God protect us from our friends-from our enemies we can try to protect ourselves”

War as a continuation of the absence of potatoes by other means”

Events were on strike”

A hurricane resulting in the flexing of a butterfly’s wings”


Self evident half truth”

Waiting only for the color of their money (Of revolution) in Farewell my concubine

Mariana trench”

A nation (Hegel) is united by the common foe and by the comradeship of the wars it has fought”

Their thoughts are largely the products of intellectual inheritance”

Popper p59 book 2″

Materialism answers a need-the desire of men to find and know their definite place in the world,  and to belong to a powerful collective body” Popper p64

The Frontier—creates the enemy Freye”

Hegel Successful wars have checked internal unrest”

Hegel said of his own philosophy “the most lofty depth”

Man  (and monkeys’) instinctive aversion to smoke”

Mill p191,  Men are not, when brought together converted into another kind of substance”

Loudspeaker diplomacy”


vulgar Marxism”

as a first approximation”

The legal system grants to rich and poor the freedom to sleep on park benches”Popper p144 According to Marxism,  the proletarian revolution should have been the final outcome of industrialization, and not vice versa”


“workers of all countries, unite” THAT EXHAUSTED THEIR PRACTICAL PROGRAM”


even THE SMALLEST HAIR CASTS its shadow”

Closer to the age of faith than to the age of reason”


Captive good attends captain evil- Shakespeare”

Wishful thinking”

Barely anchored in their tradition though just firmly enough to speak Hegelian as their mother tongue”

Madness as the other of reason”P236 Of Hegel?Marx of popper

“but I insist that no emotion,  not even love can replace the rule of institutions ruled by reason”

The saving of souls through the Inquisition”

To fit a lame concept with new crutches”

A philosophy of escape”p257

Toynbee “to Planning to reach heaven by raising a gigantic tower of Babel on terrestrial foundations”

P270 The worship of power is one of the worst kinds of human idolatry”

We are educated to act with an eye toward the gallery”

Eye sore”

Repeating,  not reporting”

Paltry pretensions’


Wright mills Cheerful robots”


Foucault “death of man”

respect difference”

Discontinuity as a blight on the …..narrative”

carceral archipelago”


Individuals are classified excluded,  objectified, individualized, disciplined and normalized”

There is no locus of great refusal,  no soul of revolt”p56 of Best




Reactionary fad”


There is no social system that does not leak in every direction” Delueze-Guattari

Delphic pronouncements”

The science of imaginary solutions”

Historical trajectories”

Baudillard “the end of this century is upon us like an empty beach”





political drag queens’

discursive-rambling desultry, digressive,  wandering from one topic to another one that’s unrelated”

noble savage”

More Nitzshean that Nietzsche readers Lyotard”

Privileged discourse

Postmodernism is incredulity toward metanarratives”


Lyotard A Diffidend would be a case of conflict that cannot be resolved for a lack of a rule of judgment applicable in both arguments”

One sides legitimacy does not imply the other’s lack of legitimacy”

Lyotard “invention is always born of dissension”

Picture is nuanced”


Hegel “there are some crayfish seen to be forever scuttling backwards into the darkness (of Napoleon 3)

Red Queen Running in place Alice

Singer “p12 The notion of living according to ethical Standards is tied up with the notion of defending the way one is living”

Studied social opportunity more than themselves”


lager mentality”


Sahibs,  sheiks, Brahmins”

B Fuller of Hiroshima “the day that humanity started taking it’s final exams”

Lapham-Governments regard the privatization of terrorism as unwarranted poaching of their market”


Nonsense upon Stilts Bentham on natural rights”

Queen Victoria commanded that Bolivia no longer appear on maps made by British governments instead of war”

Unaccustomed to the sunlight”

One is free to act but one must act to be free (jakes in Big Bend)”

Cohan When you’re away from old Broadway, you’re only camping out”

Marxist boiler plate”

Tethered citizens Richman Cato”

Wound it not be simpler if the government dissolved the people and elected another”- Bertold Brecht

Statistics must be our practical assistants and not scholastic” Lenin

Always think of it,  never talk of it” Clemenceau of Alscase Lorraine

Seldom do men of the same trade gather except to conspire against the common good” A Smith

Only the guilty flees where no man pursues”

concocted reality,

By their grimaces shall you know them”

“He who serves the revolution,” said Bolivar at the end of his life, “ploughs the sea”;


Jumping the shark is crossing the point where something that was once popular no longer warrants the attention it has previously received.

The absence of competition is not cooperation,  its collusion”

No one has shoes-problem or opportunity”



Dismal science” Thomas Carlisle”

The age of chivalry is gone:  that of sophists, economists and calculators has succeeded and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever” E Burke

If you laid economists end to end,  you would never reacha conclusion_Shaw

Imitation is also a form of battery”

If conditions do not admit of greater perfection,  anything worth doing well is worth doing poorly”

Ortega Philosophers watch stars that move slowly”

The signs of journeys attempted through the eternal jungles of problems still virgin in spite of repeated violations”

A loose exaggeration of the mystics”

Disloyal to themselves and defraud the cosmic intention deposited in their keeping”

The resting of our generation is not to be liberal, conservative, but merely to put that ancient dilemma our of mind altogether”

Schlegel alleged that the historian was an inverted prophet”

p29AS Hubert said,  every sound originator is a skeptic but no skeptic is ever anything but an originator”

p35 It is illogical to guillotine a prince and replace iim by a principle,  the latter, no less than the former places life under an absolute autocracy”

Culture in the bud and flower”

p56 Saying what we think vs pretend to think what we say”

p 76 Napoleon may have been a bandit-a proposition BTW not so easy to prove unless the demonstrator first takes care to enrole himself in some definite school of thought”

St. Augustine- the  virtues of pagans are splendid vices”

P79 of the 1890s Science art,  Justice were considered to be self sufficient.  People devoted their lives to them just as the man of the Christian era floated on  an ocean of profound and living faith in God”

Art in the 1930 as Spartan”

p99 It enumerates the sins it has not committed”

p110 Pure reason never passes beyond the circle of superlative and absolute – endows concepts with perfect attributes-in the area of politics attributes to itself the conviction that a civil constitution or code which is perfect and definitive- the result is a strange disdain for reality”

Men turn their backs to the latter and become impassioned slave of ideas as such”

Napoleon-Vanity made the revolution, Liberty was only the pretext”

Intoxicate its devotees”

Life is taken up in the service of ideas, not as tools of vital necessity”

The service of the rationalist temperament is to mold the society at all costs to the concepts framed by pure reason-utopia”

History, like the grape, is an autumnal delicacy”

To impose what is capable of logical proof on the real world in the interest of its salvation”

133 In these epochs,  the human harvest is left to whither and the national populations dwindle. Not so much through famine, disease or other similar calamities as because the generative potency of man diminishes.  Simultaneously, there is a decline in typically virile courage. Universal l-cowardice begins to prevail; a strange phenomenon which appeared equally in Greece and Rome and has not yet received it due emphasis. In times of security man possesses but half the measure of personal valor required to encounter the vicissitudes of life without disgrace”

How long were Lincoln’s legs-long enough to reach the ground”

p144The point of view of eternity is blind;it sees nothing and does not exist.”

…Instead of regarding non’european cultures as barbarous, we shall now begin to respect them, as methods of confronting the cosmos which are equivalent to our own.There is a Chinese perspective which is as fully justified as the western.”

145 For the most troublesome feature of utopianism is not that it gives us false solutions to problems-scientific or political-but something worse; the difficulty is that it does not accept the problem of the real as it is presented, but immediately ,viz. a priori imposes a form on it which is capricious.”

146 ..the moral acts of man will be explained simply as tropisms”

science is full of problems which are left intact because they are incompatible with the methods is,  apparently, the former which are to overcome the latter, and not vice versa.”

The infinity of the cosmos is an intoxicating invention of the Renaissance:

The limit signifies an amputation for us” p151

Radical ideas,like in agriculture get their nourishment not from the heights, but rather the valley”

Europeans feel no debts to their ancestors, revere  their descendants-no ghosts at the side-No shadow like Peter schlemeleth at noon with the sun at it’s highest”


spontaneous generation,  

Where everyone has luxuries and no one money

lumeniferous ether”

Never let you con get stale”

A fireplug with leprosy



scientific beatitude”


The left no longer concerns itself with its future-secure that it holds no secrets or surprises-the course is set, so enjoy the ride”

Circumstances are the dilemmas constantly revived, in the presence of which we have to exercise our free will”

The state is at the mass only  in the sense that it can be said that  2 men are identical because neither is named Bob”

Centurions were admonished to remain awake on watch to put their fingers over their lips to stay awake. Silence as a form of power”

Tallyrand to Napoleon-You can do anything with bayonets except sit on them”

To rule is to so much a heavy hand as a firm seat”

Lives lost in their own labyrinth”

When kings build castles,  caterers have something to do”

Schiller clings to….”

Gestures of the shipwrecked-looking frantically to grab onto some of the wreckage that they might cling to”

Official white noise”

Noble simpleton whose moral clarity is his stock in trade”

Aristocracy of pull”

A platitude is 1) everyone agrees is true 2)is not true”Mencken

Professors prefer to learn by or from hard experience”

Mutton dressed up as lamb”

Hegel- Modernity  is good Friday without Easter Sunday”

It is of men, and only of them that one should always be frightened”

Wog-worthy oriental gentlemen”

War kills (pets) – Cats and Dogs are collateral damage”

The USA is now the world’s leading rouge state”Daily Mirror in England

A magnificent grasp of the obvious”

Preservation of poverty”

First God created idiots. This was for practice.  Then he created school boards” Twain”

Bayonet the wounded”

Begotten on the wrong side of the sheets”

Printing presses create illiteracy”

Every day is April Fool’s day” Mencken

Poverty as a mental illness”

Diapers on their heads held on with fanbelts”

Bedwetting liberal”

Life like a roll of toilet paper.  It goes faster as it goes towards the end”

Socialism works only in heaven where it’s not needed and in hell where they already have it”

Senators see superiority in other members that outsiders find invisible”

Arrested by a fair privateer”

Eva Braun”

Berserker manner”

Plastic saint”

Forget what you came to say”

Talented grammarians”

a woman seen from the side resembles a drunken dollar sign”


White slaver”

Mencken of Bryan Jennnings “Imagine a gentleman and you have imagined everything that he was not”

Pills and philters”


Niagara of Bilge”

Hookworm belt”

Mencken of Cooledge “He had no ideas and he was not a nuisance”

Intellectually underprivileged”

Democrats may take a shine to liberal Republicans,  but don’t expect them to respect you in the morning”

House Negro”

Golden Calf”



Thinking deliberately from the depths of my estranged consciousness,  I have intuited that the error of a moment can ruin a lifetime”

Not giving is the same a stealing”

people’s action have reasons, not causes”Szasz

National Liberals”

Lingering upset feelings”

Designer Stalinists”

Fog of war”

An excuse to do something rather than a cause of something”

Archimides point outside the moral universe”

There was war in Heaven”

Money had to compensate for the lack of ideas”

The Swindle included”

To put the democrats to route you have to call the army out”

A field too far-Grass

More came out of his mouth than out of his head”


Religion vs horoscopes”

None of my cars are up on blocks”


Painting is terrible but his French is good”

Missing  a few beads on his rosary”

Ecumenical sauna”

Ill suited for rapid connections”

excessive strength of the loins”


Horizontal collaboration”

yellow peril”

The ruling masses”

You could lose your guardian angel in the maze”

A male patient’s desire to be cared for by a female RN or just another symptom of disease”

Swimming in deeper water that is over his head”

Knew what he liked,  and liked what he knew”

Hell is someone else at breakfast”Sartre

A tyrant needs a noose around his neck at all times to keep him straight”

No stress,  no evolution”

Voting for Clinton allowed Blacks to vote for a Republican without vomiting”

Marriage -a friendship recognized by police”

Mistress as well as a wife”

We look down at our feet thinking only of our next small steps”

How can you know about justice if you don’t know injustice?”

Spanish Fly”

doesn’t stick to my bumper”

Crowd considers something deep if they can’t see the bottom-Nietzsche”

Markets are voting machines in the ST,  weighing machines in the LT.

Pliars,  useful tools for pinching women that you wouldn’t want to touch”

useful idiots”

A need for illusions”

Disposal of the old”

The line separating the doctor from the mortician have become blurred”



Heal, die suffer, are intransitive verbs”

Hospitals as cathedrals”

Sold my shadow”

Normal-carpenters square-a right angle to the ground in England 1830s”

men..born into original stupidity were supplied with 8 years of schooling by society, now are patients who stand in need of treatment if they are to lead the good life

Market failures-compared to what?”

Idealized socialist politics”

People do not become economic eunuchs when they shift from market to political activity”

Designated losers”

in the political lottery”

Rent seeking-free loaders-people will invest resources to capture values available through politics”

Compassionate chic”

Medical nemesis-Ivan Illich 1976

Somewhere is better than no where-Flan Oconner”

No thread in the bobbin, no thread in the needle,  but the machine hums along smoothly”

Ideas have a property like melodies that once loosed and sung freely -become corrupted and trite”

To live is to change and to be perfect is to have changed often”

Would not join an organization that counts among it’s members those who refused to join”

Victors do not believe in chance”

Cranks who major in moral messianism”

Order to divert attention from what’s really wrong”

I have to contain my impatience with folks who are not content with the perpetual monitoring of their own  moral pulse, but are eager to help me by monitoring mine as well”

Lion and lamb together,  -every AM a new lamb”


Hitler vs smoking and a vegetarian”

Drang nach Osten”

Getting away from the sour smell of ___well beyond it sell by date”

Linked to website about Elvis sightings”


Civil War as “recent unpleasantness”

Wilde “the problem with socialism is that it leaves you with no free evenings”

People will give their lives for a mystery,  but not for a question mark”

my irrepressible niceness”

Do not seek for further explanations when stupidity will do”

Believes he creates light by flipping a switch”

Academic wind storm.  “

Minorities are individual or groups of individuals especially qualified. The masses are the collection of people not specially qualified.” (from The Revolt of the Masses, 1930)

“Conversation is the socializing instrument par excellence, and in its style one can see reflected the capacities of a race.” (from Invertebrate Spain, 1922)

Pascal that “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”


The distinction does not correspond to “upper” or “lower” classes, but goes between people who live in the service of ideals and myopic scientists, the prototype of “learned ignoramus.” ‘

The modern world is a civilized one; its inhabitant is not.’

yo soy yo y mi circumstancia – I am I and my circumstances).

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice . . . moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

“A friend is someone who does not call the police”.

I loved education,” Hess said in a 1976 interview with Playboy magazine, “which is why I spent as little time as possible in school

“When [FDR] died I refused an order to work on the obituary stories extolling his Presidency,” Hess later wrote. “I regarded his regime as social fascism then and I still do.”

a garrison state.

Libertarianism is rejected by the modern left-which preaches individualism but practices collectivism. Capitalism is rejected by the modern right-which preaches enterprise but practices protectionism. The libertarian faith in the mind of man is rejected by religionists who have faith only in the sins of man. The libertarian insistence that men be free to spin cables of steel as well as dreams of smoke is rejected by hippies who adore nature but spurn creation. The libertarian insistence that each man is a sovereign land of liberty, with his primary allegiance to himself, is rejected by patriots who sing of freedom but also shout of banners and boundaries. There is no operating political movement in the world today that is based upon a libertarian philosophy. If there were, it would be in the anomalous position of using political power to abolish political power.

Sure, and why reach for the musket if all you need is a custard pie.

Pareto Optimal refers to a situation in which you can’t make anybody better off without making someone else worse off.

Stochastic =partially random or uncertain, not continuous; a stochastic variable is neither completely determined nor completely random; in other words, it contains an element of probability. A system containing one or more stochastic variables is probabilistically determined.

You can take a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think.”

Moral hazard” is a term frequently heard in recent debates over the reform of international financial institutions. In other words, critics argue that the knowledge that IMF financing will be made available in the event of a financial crisis makes the crisis more likely to occur. The idea is that creditors know that IMF financing helps crisis-prone countries stave off default and are therefore willing to lend to such countries at lower interest rate spreads than would prevail if the IMF did not exist.

Buchanan p114 The individual will not be forced to suffer unduely large and continiuing capital loses from collective decisions if he can move, nor will he invest time if fellow citizens prove stubborn-ie less homogeneous”

becoming author of vs being editor”

Ordinary citizens pay dues and obey orders”

Make original mistakes-don’t repeat the mistakes that others have made”

academy of decorous mediocrity”

amid the broken eggs of his righteousness”

Calomel and bleeding”

bed with a circus of doctors around it”

Intellectual belch”

Portrait of the artist in middle age”

cerebral cortex represents the same bottleneck as always”

Is that her Husband-No, that’s her lunch”

The love that dare not speak its name”

Leftists who don’t have the faith,  but don’t have the fun-lighten up”

Wilde-The virtuous poor,  one can pity, of course, but one cannot admire them”

Invertebrate Spain”

Chiliastic=believing in the millenium

National and international socialism”

Coercion dressed in the slogan of social justice”

Translate unfortunate circumstances into unfair circumstances”


Take the temperature”

Christianity and christians do not exist to make the world a better place,  democracy possible or liberal government feasible”


Health is ability to cope with problems life presents to the individual”

conscripting others to their compassionate causes”


Poisonous heart of things”

Spin arguments”

Modern gloss”


enthusiams of special pleadings”

Given  ew and ns traffic a green light ath the same time”












superficial, tedious, and as boring as the most pedantic middle school teacher you ever had.William Pfaff’s words, in the International Herald tribune, are immutably true: “Traditional morality says that war is justified in legitimate defense. Totalitarian morality justifies war to make people or societies better.”

Built in gyroscopes to right wrongs”

If CON had been around,  there would be no hospitals”

Heart beats on the left”

Legendary mistakes”

Gales of creative destruction:”

Clogged toilets,  repeatedly flushed and the feces keep on getting deeper’

Rents a blessing agency”

When it is not necessary to speak,  oit is necessary not to speak”

Errand into the wilderness”

Grey reperesented death,  black was the color of ignorance”

The cattle know that they are valued only for their meat,  and sometin]mes they resent it”

She’s built so its hard to get to her face”

Not amusing to send oneself back to High school”

Untreated sewage odors”

Campus writers”




Prefers the promising might be  to the defective is”

We all have strengths enough to endure the misfortunes of others”

Socialists as nudists,  vegetarians, teetotalers,  sexual deviants, cranks”

Gigantic rats and rat poison”

go native”

Willi Schlamm comes to mind. He said 50 years ago in private conversation, “The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists.”  

Capitalism cures greed”


Bruise tones”

Marx,  classes defined by means of production,  BOBOs by means of their consumption”

Fish and visitors stink after 3 days _B Franklin”

Heroic images of their own importnace”

Things are in the saddle/ and ride mankind” Emerson



a famous 1920 article “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth”, Mises went on the attack – arguing that pricing systems in socialist economies were necessarily deficient because if government owned the means of production, then no prices could be obtained for capital goods as they were merely internal transfers of goods in a Socialist system and not “objects of exchange” (unlike final goods) – thus they were unpriced and hence the system would be necessarily inefficient

Friedrich  refined his position in response to this new argument. He did this in a series of seminal articles (1937, 1940, 1945, 1948, 1968) where he essentially argued that a state-run economy could not achieve greater efficiency in resource allocation than a capitalist one largely because the information conveyed by the price-mechanism of a market economy was greater than the information any planner could possibly acquire

“Economics and Knowledge” (1937) and “On the Use of Knowledge in Society” (1945) – Hayek composed a response which advanced the ” debate to a new level. Succinctly, he claimed, countering  and the , that prices are not merely “rates of exchange between goods”, but rather “a mechanism for communicating information” (Hayek, 1945). Hayek argued that people have little knowledge of the world beyond their immediate surroundings and this is what forces them to be price-takers – the crucial ingredient that makes the price system work. If, on the other hand, a particular agent’s knowledge were greater, agents would then refuse to act as price-takers but rather make decisions in a way which would manipulate their environment to their advantage thereby destroying the price system. In a complex, uncertain environment, Hayek argument, agents are not able to predict the consequences of their actions, and only this way could the price system work. In Hayek’s words, the “fatal conceit” of the Oskar  and other in the calculation debate was that they believed this order could be “designed” by a planner who just gets the prices right, without realising that a price system evolved spontaneously as a result of lack of knowledge. The same limited knowledge which afflicts the agent’s predictive power must necessarily constrain the planner’s as well.


bruise tones

Bobo p60 Marx,  classes defined by means of production,  Bobos classes defined themselves by means of their consumption”

fish and visitors stink after 3 days”

heroic image of their own importance”

things are in the saddle and ride mankind” Emerson



self aggrandizement is the opiiate of the anonymous”

Says law,  The more that is said,  them omre needss to be said”


Laugh at a joke that no one has bothered to tell”



evolutionary remnants,  vestigial”

servoer of choice’

Choice vs church”

God and the archangels ranked behind him”

the importance of being vulgar”


Justice is what happens when you reject salvation”


ethicists advocated advanced directives which don’t work”

Ritilin deficient”

Children’s crusade”





mystical healing accomplished with the relics of martyrs”

made voluntary offerings of h9is reason on the altqrs of Jupiter and Apollo,  while disdaining the salutory youke of the gospel”

appetite for the marvelous”



Gliony fanatic

rosecrucians (Rosencranz) an order with a secret rites and power”

Doctrine of signature-rx with natural stuff that resembles the affected organs”

Jerome Cardaan 1501-physician sarved himself to death so as to fulfil his own prophecy of the time of his death”

deification of the expert”

The dung of flocks and herds”

Ich habe nie uber das denken gedacht”‘Goethe

Rouseau Man was born free,  but is everywhere in chains”

Advances have not blossomed in a desert”





punching above their weight”

lost themselves among the hilltops of speculation”

Rush to medical student”Should have 2 purses,  one small one for fees earned, and a large on for insults”

A fat unctious doctor on whom the cloack of religion rests ever so lightly especially on fast days” vs the cadaverous one ,  an excellent understudy for an undertaker”

Francis Broussair 1772-1838″

medical practice is only the art of indulging the patient”s vain hopes”

Worthington Hooker 1806-1865 “The science of patient getting is often more assiduously studied than of patient curing.  Real success is not so much desired as the mere appearance of it”

Using a new medicine that promised cure was the same as curing” Haller 1981

“Few truths could boast immortality”

“Unwilling to give up a theory under the shock of a fact”

“Like a clergy who spoke of miracles from habit rather than intellect”

Constitutional pathology is honors as services of diseases”

Grow strong in modesty like a violet under the snow”

Nostrum peddler”

Titular doctors who could sign a death certificate but not understand the patients aches and paings”

public credulity”

Listless waiter upon providence”

Spencer”instability of the homogeneous”

Do not bring wisdom beyond their years”

Wordsworth:The good old rule sufficeth then,  the simple rule that they whould take who have the power, nd they should keep who can.  Rob Roy”

As if his whole vocation were endless imitation”

in my noisy years”

in yoears that bring the philosophic years”

spirits overwrought”

We’re making night do penance for a day spent in a roound of strenuous idleness”

Only the mediortities can be at their best”

The truth is nearly always funny”

Obsessive compassionate disorder”

Lenten visitor-too old or drunk to perform-G Greene”

We no longer kill heretics,  we kill political prisoners”

If you’re going to shave people,  rub on some soap first”

spent shell casing of temporarily suspended wars”


tarts doing sentry”

Translating English into English”

Circumscised from the neck up”

tartan clan or family”

pray that you don’t live long enough to experience the results of your own bad advice”

don’t expect logic from authority”

twice promised land”

rewrite yesterday’s weather”

I am called (death)


Isaac Israeli “medicine is concerned with the pssible, rather than the necessary”

Death is certain and unavoidable: it is outside the power of the physician “

The physician should determine the fees with the patient while sickness is serious,  otherwise, when he imporves, he will forget what you have done for him”

Trust nature rather than a mediocre physician”


Give me the luxuries of life and I’ll do without the necessities”

Take little fees which make heavy purses”‘

Perspetual lent

water on the brain”

shop stewart”

They just give themselves up to the nearest concentration camp”

Every cat needs its strut”

Which hill to defend”

Cut their coat according to their cloth”‘

Mcfarlane’s law “When conflicting theories exist,  any point on which they all agree is the one most likely to be wrong-” Lancet Jun 03


Orwellian fraud”


A theory was invented in Australia and that’s the only place where it’s true”

Specialize in primate behaviour”

Was the most brilliant undergraduate at ___and still is”

Pillow of the mind


dead tree media


we’re destroying the words-syme

Who controls the past controls the future,  who controls the present controls the past.

Nothing was you own except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull

Sanity is not statistical

The meek who do not control the earth

Put the wrong egg into the nest

If he was merely stupid, the laws of chance would dictate that an occasional ….

Has scarier flashbacks

civil service Geisha


Fluecht no vorn

Too many heads under his hat

Everything is forbidden that is not expressly permitted-of Prussia

Gellhorn-Sex is like sandwiches-you must give some to get back to the real business of drinking and talking

His political needs exceeded the financial ability of the government


Armed evangelism

Assholes who can make something our of nothing, can also make nothing out

of something

Old lady’s symptoms

Those who disagree with me are bigots


Demands of the world are expellent  bedside manner


Face on mount rushmore


The elite can usually escape the consequences of big ideas


The constraint of camp


Saints should always be considered guilty until proven innocent


The rich world has a poor conscience


Error does not improve with repetition

The third time is not the charm


Yellow journalism


take of the shoes to enter the mosque


How the arabs came up with the idea of zero


Cheap to pay for oil than to steal it


Who am I that I should not make a fool of myself


Do what you want, just not out in the streets where it could frighten the horses

Hard to lift


For bureaucrats,  procedures is everything, outcome is nothing.


Murderers conmdemned to death for no remorse,  are they condemned only because they lack acting skills?


WEalthy buy justice and the well connected get it for free


Why hire a lawyer when you can buy the judge?


Stand watch on the eternal flame of….


A wastrel’s life might be the shortest road to sainthood


One cannot breathe in and out at the same time


Boot licking




Boot camp for heaven


Pancake so thin it doesn’t have 2 sides

Nose picking

The followers of tomorrow’

Singing from the same hymnal’

If his lips move, he’s lying’

No atheists in the_____party,

When something goes wrong or fails, it’s always an act of God’

He wanted to please everyone, but having little to give gave expectation’

Fanaticism is redoubling your efforts when you  forget your aim’

Most Harvard grads went into the puritan ministry, and still do”

To live by his wits was impossible’

A wise and salutory neglect’

Dependence on one another discourages making arguments; rather we validated each other”

vast parking space for human Fords


The Government had to choose between shame and war, they choose shame and will have war”

Like a 5 pack a day habit”

Social enzyme”

Bench warmer”

War on  terorism is an abstract noun or vs abstract enemy”

Human nature is not on the operating room table , ready for alteration”

One sheep jumping a fence makes no sense, they all do it”

A man of startling insignificance”

Democracy is the act of running the circus from the monkey cage”

Appealing to the not very plausible innovation in the shape of____”

Portside tilting politics”

Political ministry”

The superficial in pursuit of the superficial”

Bride at every wedding, corpse at every funeral”

A straight jacket will keep you out of trouble, but is unsuitable for work”

Vested interest in depression”

You had to know T Dewey to dislike him:


Occam’s razor”

Buridan’s ass”

Baalam’s ass”

Saint’s triad, 3 unrelated things that happen together “

Agreed with his whole platform, and said it was heading for disaster”

Reliable disappointment”

A dying man has freedom of speach”

That fellow seems to possess but one idea, and its is the wrong one”

Anyone who has been to a public school should feel at home in prison”

There is nothing more debasing than doing well what is not worth doing at all”

Punishment by my sins, not for my sins”

Fig leaf”

Take charge of the real world by turning the game off”


Might interchange a vagina and an anus”

All the manna on earth will never raise the bulk of a mouse to that of an elephant”

Sheep are happier of themselves rather than  under the care of wolves”

Honesty bought with money”

if Wisdom were hereditary”

Medical tyco”

Extinguishing forever the ambitious hope of making laws for the human mind”

Procrustes Bed, makes everyone the same size by stretching them on a rack, or cutting of the legs”

Husband as an afterthought”

People as wallpaper”

Fail to protest”

Jonah inside the whale, Orwell”

Live would go on as it had always goes on, that is badly”

Anger management counsellor”

Sepia toned memory”

Man has no property in man”

A meteoric disappearance”

I’n not sure that Kingman believed in God, but God beleived in Kingman”

Explaining to your wife why she needs a penicillin shot for your kidney infection”

H did not accept the rule of law, unless he made it”

George Bush’s lips are where words go to die”

To cling steadfastly to ever changing concepts”

No national multiplication table”

Pool of Narcissus”

Cheeseburger as an enemy of the state”

The reigning rdeity of rumor”

Same age, but I had a harder time getting there”


Education rears disciples, imitators, and routinists, not pioneers of new ideas and creative geniuses. The schools are not nurseries of progress and improvement, but conservatories of tradition and unvarying modes of thought. Von mises


Danger of placing my family upon the parish”

Booze, bad women, cigarettes, this is no place for a Prysbyterian, which is why I’ve stopped being one”

Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for  you”

Before I had children I had 3 theories about raising children;now I have 3 children and no theories”

Social gospel”

Homo lupus hominis, unfair to wolves”

Islands of government in a sea of liberty”

Geo Hermann,”be able to sleep in his park undisturbed by the forces of law and order”

This was my country andit might yet be, but something came between us and the sun”

Technology imperative”

The ability to act does not justify the act”

Irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas”

Cultured people the shimmering scum floating on the deep river of productivity”

He cliung feebly to some of the lsee important virtues”

Torture or massage the data til it speaks”

If I’d known that npr were conservative, I’d have stopped listening to it years ago”

Reverse Dyneyland”

Resume polishing”

An army that has a country:”


It is a darkenss that is visible”

Clings to the skirts”

Serve virtue as aclu as profit vice”

Sanity is not statistical”

Gravel rich republic”

When we’re all billionaires, there will be millionaires struggling behind”

When looking in the mirror____are too stupid to see themselves as socialists”

Refugees , poor people all that the have in those bags are clothes, paper stocks, bonds”

Psychoanallysis as a form of aggressionn”

Perfume their spitballs

Married uup”

Stock character”

My reptilian brain”

Why bother with the never ending, genuinely hopeless search for truth when a truth can be had so readily, all at once in the form of a doctrine, all of the difficult questions are answered at once”

Doing something stupid once is stupid, doing something stupid a 2nd time is a philosophy”

Silk hat and silk stocking”

The white man’s burden is around his waist”

We are here on earth to do good for others, what the others are here for , I don’t know”

Noble lie; of Plato, false, but one hopes will produce a good result if generally believed”

Votaries of equality”

Curing the economy by semantics redefinition”

Botox media”

Become tone deaf”

Smelly little orthodoxies”

Every head a world”

No town has taken itself so seriously with so little reason”

Envy is nothing if not industrious”

Special is a eupheism for retarded”

Either eat well, or sleep well”

God’s favorite banana republic”

Gather estates without regarding the whimsical impropriety of being richer than their neighbors”

Thoughts are subterranean without being profound”

The constant whetting  of a knife is tedious if it is not proposed to cut anything”

Nothing is further from the common people than the corrupt desire to be primitive”

To invent a philosophy would be not to understand it”

An unhallowed perversion of the means of salvation”

The people have spoken, the bastards”

Medicare payments to the dead”

Purest and loveliest of mirrors”

Parker, you depraved bastard, there were only 5 democrats in Hinsdale county, and you ate all of them”

Wrinkled chemical cyborg”

Capricious, erratic, whimsical, fickle, mercurial, unpredictable, volatile


Maginot line”

The government had to choolse between shame and war, it cholse shame, and will have war”\42

Like a 5 pak a day habit”

Social enzyme”

1 sheep jumps a fence, and the all do”

A man of startling insignificance”

Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage”

War on terror is an abstract noun”

Anyone who has been to public school should feel at home in prison”

No national multiplication table”

Defining deviancy downward”

A hotbed, fermenting manure”

Hedge has outgrown the ca STLE”

So this is where the  gangsters go to buy their Tupperware to arrange their wares”

The Lubyanka without the laughs

in drag”

Worry beads:

Peaked early”

Why do you want light if you’re blind”

Take the veil”

Nanny in chief”

You’re only old once”

Warming myself at the fire of youth”

The look of a diner in a restaurant who sees a better meal passing by”

Sets his Sails to any passing wind”

Longevity as justification”

Wore the sign of my neglect”

Small memory to remember small things, big memory to forget big things” Le Carre

Punish you parents by imitating them”

You shall not crucify mankind upon the cross of the children”



Generally stupid populace is well represented in the media”

Kick in the ass, straighten up”

The sacred cow of education”

Leader of the commune”

Condemned to be free”

Government stenographers”

You can’t delegate a right to government that you don’t have”

Cloak of virtue, made of itchy cloth”

Im not young enough to know everything”

A social problem is one that differs from the theories of intellectuals”

We seek to spread knowledge everywhere, but who knows, there might be a university dedicated to the re-establishing of former ignorance”

You can get away with anything if you sing it”

Mirage in the desert”

God has grown tired of Geo Bush”

Man remains a problem creating animal”

“You have to put some truth in to sell a lie.”

Following a white rabbit- pursuing an unlikely clue and finding, unexpectedly, a magnifient truth.

Reading your book makes me want to walk on all 4″

Consensus is a lack of leadership”

A government ‘s power of eminent domain over the hearts and minds of –“

They play by the rules that they see others playing”

The nest of office is too small for both of them to cuddle into at once” Jefferson

Two parties, the ins and the outs”

It is not obligatory for a generation to have great men”

Press reports as credible, or credulous”

Legislatures are organized hypocracies”

It offends by professing to help those whom it will not allow to help themselves:

Transformed into a grown up baby”

Political schemes”

9 parts self interest gilt over with 1 part philanthropy”

Preparing people for heaven”

Keeping on the windy side f the law”

Few discoveries are more irritating than those which explore the pedigree of ideas”

If any financial interest were involved in denying gravity, that most obvious fact would become a matter of dispute”

Who does not abey does not eat”

Where to employ 100 is exploitation, but to command 100 is honorable”

“Wickedness frames the engines of her own torment. She is a wonderful artisan of a miserable life.”

“It is a desirable thing to be well descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors.”

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” -On Listening to Lectures “But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh, we deprive a soul of the sun and light and of that proportion of life and time it had been born into the world to enjoy.” -On the Eating of Flesh

“The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits (largess.)” Plutarch

A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but no aircraft”

Politicians lie, they see themselves written about in the press and believe them, and then call it public opinion”

Behind each great fortune is a great crime”

The 5th husband of Barbara Hutton on his wedding eve. Knew what tod do, but didn’t know how to make it interesting”

Viewing the past through the wrong end of the telescope”

\His religion was so private that he won’t even obey it himself”

Food is for the man who owns it, not for the man who is hungry”

When caught by the head, the rest of the snake is only rope”

Reverse Midas Touch”

Indestructible Intellectual weed”

Reverse Alzheimer’s -Everyone forgot who I was”

Never get an education; it’s a continuous process”


Academic Perch”

Yoked together”


World’s no one renewable resource is panic”

Have your ears heard what your lips just uttered?”

Officially constructed blight”

Reverse Monroe Doctrine”

Plowing the sea”

Government’s faith in its own propaganda”

Owning the copyright to the cosmos”

We have to worry about the ignorance of college grads”

Press one for English, two for a new president”

Socialists are judged by their promises, not by their achievements”

You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of __________”


The doctor pushed aside by the priest”

Trials borne more with pagan stoicism than with Christian fortitude”

Progenerative duty”

Trapped under a fallen woman”

Tickle and Slap”

2 crabs in a basket”

I am my own Mexican”

I can’t be that humble, I’m not that great”

The mob didn’t know who t lynch”

Free people are not equal, and equal people are not free”

For it is your business when the wall next door catches fire”

Public Servant, secret servants”

Unspoiled by failure”

Little ships cannot change courses as easily as the winds that drive them”

Make heavy weather”

Democrats stir up apathy”

Fantasy as socialism”

everyone can fantasize” few can imagine”

Fantasy is fun; the refutation is heavy lifting”

The world is short on foresight, but never runs out of dreams”

Puts the state into statesmanship”

There but for the grace of ____goes God”

Any lasting erection must have a firm foundation , they say”

In times of Bush, America produced great crises”

What is the difference between God and X; God doesn’t think he’s X”

Men can always be blind to thing if it’s big enough”

If you want to run for public office, buy it like a man”

We don’t lynch them outside the courthouse anymore, we lynch them inside”

Prostitution in the daylight is what they want to see, at night they want money”

Powerful centralized government at the service of the greedy”

I have never seen ____in a modest mood”

These are people who are so narrow and shallow that they can’t understand how anyone could disagree with them or in what they believe without being batty or bad”

He never lisped a truer word than that”

Best of talkers, worst of speakers”

The man deserved his fate, but did fate deserve this man”

Slave on the world plantation”

Forsaking the sunlight uplands of______”

Don’t object to one group bullying another, they just want “

Going to _____was like visiting the scene of a crime and finding that the murderer was still there and tha the corpse had fled”

Evolved in the back seat of a car”

Living–reversed suicide”

Enjoy living in apocalyptic times”

Inhaling is bad breathe in reverse”

Drag on a cigarette cleanses the lungs”

Above all gentlemen, no zeal”

Tax payer funded child abuse”

Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods”

Make us your slaves, but feed us”

The smallest minority, the individual”

We are all embryos in various stages of grace”

;Teaching kids to read, write, and do math is kind of like writing a script for a pornographic video; does it even have to be done?”

Like a frigid bride onoher wedding night, w wanted this to end”

What would you do about the poor; be sure you’re not among them”

One’s god is not allowed to sin”

An excess of international leadership is usually numbered in bullets and breadlines”

Get visas to go to Mexico to get jobs”

Careful to keep the peace so that no one had any”

The 90s, a 10cent conscience brandishing a 20 dollar cigar”

The worst people always have an abstemious streak”

Backed up public policy toilet”

Hay breath”

Fat people beep when they back up”

A poor man can’t build a shed over his tool”

Average mouth breather”

I was drunk sounds better than I was stupid”

In Washington, some men grow, an others merely swell”

The problem with capitalism is not too many capitalists, but too few”

One useless man is a tragedy, two is a law firm and three is a congress”

Getting old is like adolescence in reverse; you keep on discovering organs you never knew you had  are failing”

MSM imputes motives, don’t report the facts”

Earn a little, spend a little less”

If you don’t go to far, you’ll never know the boundaries”

Left wing ideals count, not the results of those policies no matter how disastrous; Individual acts of compassion in not valued”


Antole France

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

“I prefer the folly of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom.”

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.”

“Irony is the gaiety of reflection and the joy of wisdom.”

“Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.”

“For every monarchy overthrown the sky becomes less brilliant, because it loses a star. A republic is ugliness set free.”

“She fought him off vigorously, scratched, cried that she will die before she submits, but the chevalier paid no attention to her words and took her. Afterwards, she smiled coyly and told him: “Do not think, dear chevalier, that you won me against my will. Better thank our good preacher who reminded me that we are mortal, and a pleasure missed today is missed forever. Now we can proceed, for I missed too many pleasures while being too prudent for my own good”. (Fable by Anatole France.)



“If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.


Doctors cannot stop you from ruining your health in a hundred different ways, so statistics on everything from infant mortality to AIDS are not proof of a need for government to take over medical treatment.

Buckley wrote, “The man who in his essays proclaims the normalcy of his affliction [i.e., homosexuality], and in his art the desirability of it, is not to be confused with the man who bears his sorrow quietly. The addict is to be pitied and even respected, not the pusher.”

America wasn’t founded so that we could all be better. America was founded so we could all be anything we damned well pleased.

Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.

Earnestness is stupidity sent to college.

Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there.

If government were a product, selling it would be illegal.

If you are young and you drink a great deal it will spoil your health, slow your mind, make you fat – in other words, turn you into an adult.

Let’s reintroduce corporal punishment in the schools – and use it on the teachers.

Making fun of born-again Christians is like hunting dairy cows with a high powered rifle and scope

Politics are for foreigners with their endless wrongs and paltry rights. Politics are a lousy way to get things done. Politics are, like God’s infinite mercy, a last resort.

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.

The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop.

There’s something about Marxism that brings out warts; the only kind of growth this economic system encourages.

When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators

Boris vs Ivan, Genie, “Want to kill Boris’ goat”

Civilization is the process of setting men free from men”

We should find a program to provide politicians with the resources to leave the profession”

Spit in their faces and tell them that it’s raining.

Politicians are not born; they are excreted”

The progress of evlolution from Washington to Bush was alone enough to evidence to  upset Darwin”

Suspicious of  one variable explanations”

It’s easier to learn from history than from the future”

Politicians and diapers need to be changed and for the same reason”

Form follows failure”

Turning people into drones”

Yoking the peasants behind waterbuffalo”

Since when is difference of tastes a public problem?”

Confusing tastes with politics”

“MIch. Transforming itself into the shallow end of the gene pool”

One man, one vote, once”

Printing useless (worthless) money to pay useless workers”

Fairness doctrine, a minority of truth cornered vs political space”

Porn on the radio”

Old people all look alike, as if age is another country, a country of relationships and where anyone not a relative stands out like a sore thumb”

A woman with a past that was a little too full”

See how nature had the good sense to make rivers flow exactly under bridges”

Induce a curvature of the spine in elites”

Making small talk smaller”

Where there is no solution, there is no problem”

See a shiver running around looking for a spine to run up?

A Crisis is a terrible thing to waste”

We’ll redeeming Petty vices

Equality of education; take the really bright kids and deny them schooling beyond 3rd grade, then force average kids to go through high school or college. The real dimwits have to go to Harvard and MIT. That’s what happens anyway”

Unemployment varies directly with level of education, in Inda”


Taxation with representation is the worst”

Hypotheses masquerading as evidence”

Green projects are unsustainable”

Defend our being  their diaper pail”

Age as an epidemic for which there was no vaccine”

Heren of politicians Why is this lying  bastard lying to me?”

He gets rid of people like it’s a bodily function”


Redeeming petty vices”

Chloroform in print”

Graduates only smart enough to count their money in their wallets”

Masters of the universe”

To live outside the law, you must be honest”

I’m treated like a defective woman”

Brownian motion”

Baseball is 90% mental, the other half is physical”

Restaurant; nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded”

When you come to a fork into  the road, take it”

It’s dÈj‡ vu all over again”

You can observe a lot by just watching”

Always go to the other people’s funerals or else they won’t come to yours”

Marriage, the end of hope” Mencken

Forgive some sinners and wink your eye at some homely girl”

In large states public education is always bad for the same reason that in large kitchens the cooking is usually bad” Nietzsche

The idealist is incorrigible; if he is thrown out of his heaven he makes an ideal of his hell”

Fanatics are picturesque, mankind would rather see gestures than listen to reasons”

He who lives by fighting with an enemy has an interest in the preservation of the enemy’s life”

Necessity is not an established fact, but rather an interpretation “

Madness in individuals is rare, but in groups nations, political parties , ages (eras) is the rule”

Be good and you will be lonely”

There is a great deal of human nature in people”

Angry peasants have no shortage of manure to throw at…”

That great factitious entity in which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else”

Descended from a long line of maiden aunts”

Romance on short notice was her specialty”

A toll for the troll”

Mail order bride”

Man made disaster”

Public opinion is what what people think other people are thinking”

Strong language can poison weak minds”

Where everybody is a robber, nobody is a robber”

Permit petticoat government”

You too have that soothing feeling of having nature’s own baby soft wool being pulled over your resting eyes”

Strange sects do not thrive among the rich who have their own heaven here and do not rely on future bliss”

Keynesianism, turning gold into paper”

Walk onto the stage as tho they were going to the bathroom, hurriedly, and without charisma”

Wasting a good fly on a dead fish”

Up to 15  09 apr


The rapid clearly insufficiently appreciates the value of the car to the human race.

But we must not allow our natural detestation for such an individual to cloud our judgement.


After all, what is your host’s purpose in having a party?  Surely not for you to enjoy yourself; if that were their sole purpose, they’d have simply sent champagne and women over to your place by taxi.  ~P.J. O’Rourke


I have six locks on my door all in a row.  When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.  ~Elayne Boosler


Anybody can win, unless there happens to be a second entry.  ~George Ade


Maybe this world is another planet’s hell.  ~Aldous Huxley


The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless.  ~Nicholas Chamfort


The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.  ~


It’s always darkest before the dawn.  So if you’re going to steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it.


You can’t have everything… where would you put it?


As to the Seven Deadly Sins, I deplore Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy and Greed.  Gluttony and Sloth I pretty much plan my day around. ~Robert Brault,


I usually lump organized religion, organized labor, and organized crime together. The Mafia gets points for having the best restaurants.  ~Dave Beard


My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fiber, and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes.


When somebody tells you nothing is impossible, ask him to dribble a football.


The chicken came first – God would look silly sitting on an egg.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.  ~Author Unknown


A great name for a new country song:  If I’d Shot You Sooner, I’d Be Out of Jail by Now.


Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself.  ~Rita Mae Brown


Just remember, if the world didn’t suck, we’d all fall off.


Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.  That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile way and you have their shoes.


A scout troop consists of twelve little kids dressed like schmucks following a big schmuck dressed like a kid.  


~She’s the kind of girl who climbed the ladder of success wrong by wrong.  ~Mae West


A bulldog can whip a skunk, but sometimes it’s not worth it


A solemn, unsmiling, sanctimonious old iceberg who looked like he was waiting for a vacancy in the Trinity.


It seems that Ferg’s dad, a Kentuckian by birth never got beyond fourth grade. One day reaching for his tube of hemmorhoid cream, he accidently picked up his wife’s tube of Ben Gay and applied it to his anus. Well they say, white men can’t jump, but you never would’ve guessd that if you saw the spry Kentuckian react!


He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices


I admire.He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary


He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.  


He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts, for support rather than illumination.


His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork.


I can’t be out of money, I still have checks left.I refuse to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed man”


For Businesspersons:”

If the manure gets steeper…but the flies are buying….


If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you’ve never tried before.


If you wish to die young, make your physician your heir.


Instead of getting married again, I’m going to find a woman I don’t like and just give her a house. – Louis Grizzar


I’ve just learned of his illness. Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.


Life isn’t like a box of chocolates…it’s more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow.


Let the perfect be the enemy of the good”


To be the prima Donna of someone else’s opera”


Roach Hotel”


A politicians’ prediction is just a placebo that echos; the sad lack of foresight remains ours”


Natural Child”


All cage, no bird”


Premature adulation”


One does not award the tenor for clearing his throat”


Wealth carries its own passport”


Oh lord, make my enemies look ridiculous, and God granted it”


Principles as light as my purse”


No need to fear the future when we can dread what is already in place”


An honest politician stays bot after he has been bot”


People paint the pulpit”


National science and technology may not go backwards by much; they are important for war”


Fetish of legality”


Produce a want for goods rather than goods for the satisfaction of wants”


Faith in education now appears as one of the most pathetic items in the creed of liberalism”


The meek may inherit the earth, but hits win ball games”


I’ve seen mollusks with spines that weren’t so gooey”


Moral obligations to persons in consequence of special relationships is feudalism”


Turn ______on 5 cents worth of dimes”


There is no settling of the point of precedence between a louse and a flea”


Etherlzed the unready”


A symptom of a defective sense of humor”


Might not seem entirely odorless”


Forceps of the state should be borrowed”


Gold digger, shovel ready”


Tatoos of his life’s map”


A sort of attempt to suppress burglary by legalizing petty larceny”


It is never difficult to distinguish between a Scottsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine”


A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me”


Underneath this flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character”


Long experience has taught me that to be criticized is not always go be wrong”


I’m a doormat in a world of boots”


All hat, no cattle”


Blogger pushing an agenda? A noble simpleton whose moral clarity is his stock in trade



Consider prison experience as a character reference”


Lacking in ornament and distinction, was easy to imitate”


We all have inferiority complexes of various sizes, but yours is a cathedral”


More exhausted than engaged”


Like a bishop visiting a brothel”


Can’t sell culture if no one is minding the store”


Marinated in a culture”


Boston, Codfish Bavaria”


She will go to a 3rd class heaven where she will find a 3rd class husband”




The cake of custom”

My mother calls me a slut, but I’m good at what I do.

Bandwagon effect”


The thinks watching out for the think nots”


Bigotry of vested interests”


The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking that caused them”


Designers’ sackcloth”


If an idiot were to tell the same story every day for a year, we would in the end believe him, then we would defend our error as if it were our inheritance”


Blinded by things I want to hear”


Falsified data that did not agree with the hoped for outcome”


Death rates so high that were are ignoring them”


Precautionary ppl”


How to get there,  I wouldn’t start from here”




Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven”


Combine a closely refined idea of meum with a lax perception of tuum”


Caesar still clinging to his commentaries as he struggled in the waves”


Answer that pretends to be more accurate than the uncertainties embeddded in the problem are not better answer”  Goldratt


Finely tuned bullshit detector”


How empty is theory in the presence of facts”


Get you facts first, then distort them as much as you please”


Freak show cage fight”


Public tit, a lot gets lost in the ducts”


Cloward-Pivins strategy”


Where people smoke, real politics begin”


It takes a superior translation to make my neighbor’s opinions audible (palatable)”


Thumb on the scale”


The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there”


A model must hindcast before it can forecast”


Liberty of insignificance”


Takes a willingness to be lucky”


LIke feeding a dog his own tail, he’ll never get fat”


The peach was once an almond”


Cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education” Twain


Schooling hides and reveals”


Maybe it’s because public schools are provided by the government but guns are sold at a profit?


School kids seem so forlornly unable to produce their own ideas”


Think, it isn’t illegal yet”


Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming”


We are in school for 10-15 years and come out with a bag of wind, a memory of words and do not know a thing”


Do you appreciate being the target of somebody else’s good intentions or haven’t you had the dubious pleasure yet?”


Mass stupidity does not exist in nature in sufficiently large quantities to justify millions of lives directed to eradicating it; the numbers had to be inflated”


Time takes precedence of the tasks at hand in prisons and schools”


In school, one answers questions, in thought, one questions answers”


PS grads should be content with a humble role because they’ve not been tempted to think of any other role”


A citizen should not fit into society, but rather make society?


The right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school “Illich


Encourage education by avoiding schools”


Education as a means of suffocating questions about the public schools?


I’ll start paying attention to school kids when they start paying union dues”


If we keep on going, we’ll end up where we’re headed”


I had overestimated my apathy”


It is impossible to be charitable with some else’s money”


Go to heaven for the climate, to hell for the company” Twain


Whip a beast to eat whether it is wanted to or not”


Education for those who want to know, the rest is shepherding”


So learned he could name a horse in 9 languages and so ignorant that he bot a cow to ride on” Franklin


Quest quotient”


Education not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire” Yeats


Talent is not randomly distributed.”


Bitch set me up”




Gave the story oxygen’


The land that the real estate bubble forgot”


Buffing the scratches out of my legacy”


Stony the road we trod”




2 dogs who fought each other so fiercely that only their tails remained”


My dislike is purely platonic”


I meditated on the fall”


If nobody goes to the ball park, nobody is going to stop them”


There is less in this that meets the eye”


Don’t clap too loud it’s a very old building”


Like a dog scratching for the wrong fleas”


They’re shooting without a script”


Lest she catch acting”


I went to Philadelphia, but it was closed”


Hostage taking, social justice and a wish to see themselves on TV”


None of us are as dumb as all of us”


Coronation campaign”


Literary dropsy”


Grace is better than dinner”


Happily married, a vulgar abuse of the term”


Parody religion”


Laziness has displaced incompetence”


No wonder people are so horrid when they start off as children”


Is his jockstrap half full or half empty”


Don’t change barrels when going over NIagra Falls”


Climate evangelism”


Pillage politics”




Designated sinners”

Tipsy from salvation’s bottle”

Howling loudest who have drunk the least”

God intoxicated”

The requisite plenitude of posterior”

/A translation from fact to fantasy”

The purpose of art is to suck the guts in, not to spill them”

2 men handcuffed together, which is the cop and which the yeg?

There is no straight line in the cosmos”

I have to suffer his hangover”

A word will always eventually adapt its popular misunderstanding”

A crook doesn’t go to the cops, he he goes to other crooks”

Missing link”

Most distinguished primate which…..has produced”

Pigovian tax”

Fined for a rolling stop rather than illegal parking”

So bad he had a following” and was successful on that account”

Funny without being vulgar”

In his teeth was a short ignited pipe of rope”

Marriage decaffinates sex” leaving us with Sanka

Small flower with a bee in it”

The effluent society”


Gaps in my ignorance”

I do not fear the shadow of the axe who does not fear the axe itself”

Explain it for the cheap seats”

A woman completely naked except for shoes,stocking overcoat”

No bra, let the merchandise gallop a bit”

Divorce as a sacrament”

Another bumper sticker?

Have you been sleeping with ……. No, not a wink”

Looked like a lesbian with doubts about her masculinity”

Marriage is for the people who want each other the worst way”

Marriage has driven more than one man to sex”

In the USA dying is just another alternative”

Lincoln, 5 legged dog, with tail”

Information cacoon”

It’s never too late for the turmoils of adolescence”

Like George Sand without the talent”

Americans, while occasionally willing to be serfs have always been obstinate about being peasants”



Melodrama of his life had been given such bad scripts”

Editorial comments that pass for news”

Grit in the oyster”

Local clothing stores are out of brown shirts”

Politician-rather be seen in bronze than earn a penny”

Possible to be deeply shallow”

Bilge pumper keeping it afloat”

I require no master”

Right wing politicos raise their snouts from the trough long enough to call for a return to God”

A University as Madrassah”

Rolled my eyes back far enough to see my brain”

Rugged collectivism”

Closely packed societies where words spread like diseases with ill effects”

The day writes checks that the night won’t cash, but credit is still good”

Concentration camp, or penal colony with report cards”

A knife never cuts its own handle”

I don’t write children’s fiction”

Detumescence of journalism”

Ideas to which no one believes but to which no one objects”

Torment us for our own good”

A cold wind around his re-election”

Getting a cat to eat hot chili, shove it up his ass”

Dead birds from offshore wind farms”

Cleaning ladies for the left”

Ward heelers”

I’m too cynical, no the world teaches me that I’m not cynical enough”


A good ear serves better than a flat rule”

Reduced to being a herd of timid and industrious animals of which the government is the shepherd”

Great civilizations die from suicide, not from murder’

Michigan exceptionalism, pretty bad”

shop where they sell white bread, or organic humous, or free trade goods”

Fine tuning the economy, but turned out to be tone deaf”

In free markets order and with governments restricting to protecting right, national borders are just lines on a map”

Follow your yawn and go to sleep”


ï “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

ï “The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.”

ï “Marriage is a duel to the death which no man of honour should decline.”

ï “Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.”

ï “The first two facts which a healthy boy or girl feels about sex are these: first that it is beautiful and then that it is dangerous.”

ï “Warmaking doesn’t stop warmaking. If it did, our problems would have stopped millennia ago.”

ï “A tyrant is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.”

ï “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

ï “A tyrant is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.”

ï “If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!”

ï “It is only necessary to make war with five things: with the maladies of the body, with the ignorances of the mind, with the passions of the body, with the seditions of the city, with the discords of families.”

ï “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything.”

1. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

2. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

3. The lady doth protest too much

4. If music be the food of love, play on

5. All the world’s a stage

6. To be, or not to be

7. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio

8. To sleep, perchance to dream

9. O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

10. Such stuff as dreams are made on

11. Parting is such sweet sorrow

12. The winter of our discontent

13. What a piece of work is a man

14. Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind

15. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

16. Out, damned spot

17. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars

18. Prodigious birth

19. All that glisters is not gold

20. Et tu, Brute?

21. Cowards die many times before their deaths

22. The play’s the thing

23. Frailty, thy name is woman

24. What light through yonder window breaks?

25. My words fly up, my thoughts remain below

26. The course of true love never did run smooth

27. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears

28. Nothing can come of nothing

29. Alas, poor Yorick

30. We should be woo’d and were not made to woo

31. The quality of mercy is not strained

32. A plague on both your houses

33. Blow, blow, thou winter wind

34. Beware the ides of March

35. Fortune’s fool

36. So wise so young, they say do never live long

37. Method in the madness

38. O, how this spring of love resembleth

39. O happy dagger!

40. We that are true lovers run into

41. The world’s mine oyster

42. A lean and hungry look

43. Off with his head!

44. Hath not a Jew eyes?

45. How now? A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!

46. Done to death by slanderous tongue

47. Why then tonight let us assay our plot

48. Thou art a votary to fond desire

49. Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps

50. Be not afraid of greatness

51. Lord, what fools these mortals be

52. Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie

53. I go, and it is done; the bell invites me

54. I follow him to serve my turn upon him

55. Is this a dagger which I see before me

56. I am dying, Egypt, dying

57. Come, let’s away to prison; We two alone will sing

58. Get thee to a nunnery

59. Let every eye negotiate for itself

60. One that loved not wisely but too well

61. More matter with less art

62. Oft expectation fails, and most oft there

63. A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse!

64. And thus I clothe my naked villany

65. Eye of newt, and toe of frog

66. All the infections that the sun sucks up

67. Give me my robe, put on my crown

68. Journeys end in lovers meeting

69. When shall we three meet again

70. This thing of darkness

71. Asses are made to bear, and so are you

72. Think you I am no stronger than my sex

73. I am constant as the northern star

74. O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!

75. O, what men dare do!

76. That man that hath a tongue, I say is no man

77. Is whispering nothing?

78. Here’s ado to lock up honesty

79. Now go we in content

80. The noblest Roman of them all

81. O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!

82. The man that hath no music in himself

83. When beggars die there are no comets seen

84. The green-eyed monster

85. O true apothecary!

86. The most unkindest cut of all

87. I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you

88. How poor are they that have not patience!

89. I come to wive it wealthily in Padua

90. What, my dear Lady Disdain! Are you yet living?

91. I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano

92. What’s gone and what’s past help

93. Was ever woman in this humour woo’d?

94. When you do dance, I wish you

95. A blinking idiot

96. A dish fit for the gods

97. A feast of languages

98. A hit, a very palpable hit

99. A king of infinite space

100. A long farewell to all my greatness

101. A pair of star-crossed lovers

102. A pound of flesh

103. A round unvarnished tale

104. A sorry sight

105. A spotless reputation

106. A thousand times good night

107. A tower of strength

108. An improbable fiction

109. An itching palm

110. Antic disposition

111. As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods

112. Bated breath

113. Brave new world

114. Breathe life into a stone

115. Breathe one’s last

116. Brevity is the soul of wit

117. Brief authority

118. Budge an inch

119. Cakes and ale

120. Caviar to the general

121. Chance may crown me

122. Chaos is come again

123. Cruel to be kind

124. Cudgel thy brains

125. Dancing days

126. Double, double toil and trouble

127. Every inch a king

128. Fair play

129. Flaming youth

130. For goodness’ sake

131. Foregone conclusion

132. Full circle

133. Gilded monuments

134. Good riddance

135. He hath eaten me out of house and home

136. Heart on my sleeve

137. Her infinite variety

138. Hob nob

139. Hoist with his own petard

140. Hold a mirror up to nature

141. Household words

142. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth

143. In my heart of hearts

144. In my mind’s eye

145. Infirm of purpose

146. ____ is the word

147. It smells to heaven

148. Knock, knock! Who’s there?

149. Laid on with a trowel

150. Laugh oneself into stitches

151. Let Rome in Tiber melt

152. Let the world slip

153. Let’s kill all the lawyers

154. Life’s fitful fever

155. Light, seeking light, doth light of light beguile

156. Make mad the guilty, and appall the free

157. Masters of their fates

158. More honored in the breach

159. More in sorrow than in anger

160. More sinned against than sinning

161. More than kin and less than kind

162. Neither a borrower nor a lender be

163. Neither rhyme nor reason

164. Nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so

165. Nothing in his life became him like the leaving it

166. On the windy side

167. Once more unto the breach

168. One fell swoop

169. One may smile, and smile, and be a villain

170. Passing strange

171. Pomp and circumstance

172. Put money in thy purse

173. Salad days

174. Screw your courage to the sticking place

175. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

176. Short shrift

177. Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more

178. So sweet was never so fatal

179. Something wicked this way comes

180. Sterner stuff

181. Strange bedfellows

182. Strive mightily

183. Sweet are the uses of adversity

184. Sweets to the sweet

185. Swift as a shadow

186. Take physic, pomp

187. That way madness lies

188. That within which passes show

189. The be-all and the end-all

190. The better part of valor is discretion

191. The crack of doom

192. The dogs of war

193. The expense of spirit in a waste of shame

194. The glass of fashion

195. The makings of

196. The marriage of true minds

197. The milk of human kindness

198. The multitudinous seas incarnadine

199. The patient must minister to himself

200. The primrose path

201. The serpent’s egg

202. The time is out of joint

203. The vasty deep

204. The whirligig of time

205. The woman’s part

206. There is a tide in the affairs of men

207. There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow

208. There was never yet philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently

209. They did make love to this employment

210. Thinking too precisely on the event

211. Thrift, thrift, Horatio

212. ‘Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed

213. To beggar description

214. To thine own self be true

215. Too much of a good thing

216. Touch of nature

217. Trippingly on the tongue

218. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

219. Unsex me here

220. Vale of years

221. Valiant dust

222. Vaulting ambition

223. We came crying hither

224. We have seen better days

225. What the dickens

226. What’s done is done

227. What’s past is prologue

228. Who steals my purse steals trash

229. Wild-goose chase

230. Not that I lov’d Caesar less

231. He hath given his empire

232. I have a kind of alacrity in sinking

233. Why, that’s my dainty Ariel! I shall miss thee

234. He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf

235. I have no other but a woman’s reason


sinners at the hands of an angry god

18 Oct10

Charity is about personal giving, not governmental largesse; Look up the latter under theft in the 10 commandments”

Penelope at the loom”

It’s not impossible to govern Italy, it’s useless” Mousilini

Sympathy you’ll find in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”

On a slaving block or and a dias”

Keynesianism, nothing to do with economics and everything to do with politics”

Greasing the leavers of power is more lucrative than producing..”

Politicians doing the right thing aren’t re-elected”

Diving into a shallow pool”

Lost in a house of Mirrors”

Go out onto the limb; that’s where the fruit is”

For every anchor, there is a chancre”

Deny the existence of evil, then you have to fight against it”

Feeling a warning shot from the territory of age”

That_____ is a great mathemeticican, I’m sure , that she’s a woman, I’m not so sure”

If you’re not on the edge, you’re taking up too much space”

The nearest disguise to a Republican in office as a Democrat in office”

Democratic men, Republican measures”

Saving face of Rick a shame. COntrast the face of Helen of Troy which launched a 1000 ships, all functional“

Where Engels feared to tread”

Stirring up apathy”

Sanctified free enterprise (fully backed up by the unfree market extorted from Taxpayers”)

Thick skull, receding hairlines community versus velvety eggshell majority”

Social Security, a milk cow with 310 million tits”


Michigan has to say what it it can bring to the world, not what can the world bring to us”

Economic cycles like a menstrual cycle”

The warmth of other suns”

As [plain as the 2nd chin on a __face”

Target kids with grease trying to impose morals”

Hong Kong sells simplicity”

You have no sovereignty where we gather”

No kudos for beating the spread”

The lie factory”

One man’s needs are not another man’s obligations”

Raise wars to fund taxes”

Hand me down lies called education”

Time justifies crime” Hume

Overton window”

It is individuals, not corporations that hold the spoon”

In a one party state we have only on gang of theives; in a 2 party state we have 2”

Obama don’t care” Takes money from the many and gives it to the few who don’t take care of themselves”

If Sharia law were to be repackaged as family normalization act it would be approved by most Republicans”

How’s your wife; Compared to what” Henny youngman

Between treason and fidelity there is an asymmetry”

If I’d listened to my customers, I’d have produced a better horse buggy” Ford

What if scabs wanted to unionize?

Men make their own history but they do not always make it as they please” Marx

Once you learn you can walk on water you’re closer to drowning”

Earned success is flourishing”

I believe that they won’t be raising any new statues to me”

I don’t know what sells worse, my diaper or the new health care bill”

Madmen have sometimes uttered truths, Oliver”

Virtue drops a tear”

Black regiment”

Scratching where it did not itch and covering themselves with sores all over”

on evolution; Animals don’t seem to be gaining on us”

NY obliterated by earthquake, women and minorities hit hardest”

Immanetize the eschaton”

Life is a roller coaster-you can’t get off til the end”

A man must look in 1 direction and row in another”

The more a man has of it, the poorer he is (of inflation, and self righteousness)

Pillows with too few feathers to tar and feather—-”

Whip more understanding out of the pupils than into them”

So overstocked with honor that there will never be an end of its dissipation”

Cold winter for frayed mittons”

Children pretending they had no parents, raised by wolves like Kipling’s Mowgli”

Welfare/warfare regime”

Pro bono defenders in the press”

Can’t compete with the thrill of staying at home and doing the dishes”

No on gives away what he does not possess”

Hard to believe a man is telling the truth if you know you would lie if you were in his place”

Communism, like any revealed religion is largely made up of prophesies?

Any man who afflicts the human race with ideas must be prepared to see them misunderstood”

Idealists knowing that a rose smells better than a cabbage conclude that roses make better soup”

When man wanted to make a machine that would walk, he created the wheel which does not resemble a leg”

The New deal began like the salvation army by promising to save humanity. It ended like the SA by running soup kitchens, flophouses and disturbing the peace”

Cal Coolidge to beaten down farmer, “better take up religion”

You can feel the punishment but you can’t commit the crime (sin)”

The point of the ploughshare is to break new soil”

Facts have taken a back seat to rhetoric”

Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feelings for the strength of their arguments”

The heated mind resents the chill touch and lelentless scrutiny of logic

Failocracy isnt’ about saving somebody who is drowning; it’s about painting and laughing a the world’s inability to swim”

Parasites of the world, unite!”

Jevon’s paradox” technology improvements actually increase use of resources

No matter who you vote for the government always gets in”

The apostle that leads each is within, not without”

Drink deep or taste  not the pieriean springs”

The woman without shadow threw rocks down a well so as not to have children”

Seeing heaven through bars”

A rolling stone gathers no membership cards”

Rage radiates”

Thanksgiving as told from the POV of the turkey”

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”

Food iks an impoinapostiive part of a balanced diet”

You have the same chance of winning the lottery whether you play it or not”

Your rectal thermometer”

Speak the truth even if your voice shakes”

Monument to insignificance”A failed anorectic”

Compete in my age ctegory”

It does not require many words to speak the truth”

Newspaper men go slumming making peasents uncomfortable”

muted commitments”

I’ve goty my clothes to keem me warm”

Ignore the commune, the family/individual will always reasset itself”

A rat become the unit of currency”

When he died, he would not end, the world would end”

That’s rape inSweden”

Underestimating the number of stupid individuals in circulation”

The opera ain’t over until the fat lady stops singing”

Econmiosts (should) show men how little the really know about what the emagine they can design”

Insights and favors require shadows, not light”

Institutions built with the crooked timbers of hunmanity”

Following the path of least resistance is what makes poor men crooked.”

The opposite of superstition is not another superstition, but rather the truth”

I go to the great perhaps”

I have nothing, owe a great deal and the rest I leave to the poor”The abbey of Theleme”HYPERLINK “/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Rabelais”François Rabelais’s satire HYPERLINK “/wiki/Gargantua_and_Pantagruel”Gargantua and Pantagruel,HYPERLINK “\\l “cite_note-1″”[2] where an HYPERLINK “/wiki/Abbey_of_Theleme”Abbey of Theleme is described as a sort of “anti-monastery” where the lives of the inhabitants were “spent not in laws, statutes, or rules, but according to their own free will and pleasure

What men value in this word is not rights but privileges” Mencken

Persistence beyond the call of talent”

Court intellectuals”

Olympian view”

Sartrean Nausea”

Hockey puck for an idealogical struggle”

Genius confronts adversity, thomas edison never only blalmed the darkness.

Mild regulations and peaceful servitude”

One half of peopole are below average IQ wise”

Government chosen by the unwise finds that people are indeed unwise, incompetent to deal with misfortunes, like single parenthood, debt, illiteracy, obesity, addiction…”

Many do not have the right feelings toward women, homosexuls, members of other races”

As citizens, the peo0le suddenly love to wisdom that the had as voters-government has a mandate to equalize wisdom that it uncovers, to make  people choose well, government must solve their problems for them, creating a servile mind”

Kennel fed”

Wind chyme republican”

The wild dogs in my head don’t always chew up this much carpet”

Emporer forging chains”

Unfair to all womeni if I were faithful to only 1″

Cayotes know that you don’t have to raise chickens to eat them”

Forego current income to forego future income”

Drug mules”

The vital few” produce most progres

That long monotonous tone that you hear is a flat brainwave”

Buy the same horse twice”

He’s wrioting in English, and the title say____, but I don’t see any ideas”

Third world bedbugs”

Wanting to keep their families out of the tomato patch”

Be a dildo for the broad”

Werther effect”

An honest man in politics shines more than he would elsewhere”

In such a little while you will be borrowing a fan, I a halo” Twain

Judiciously managed influence of a bad example will fetch you back”

Tell me where a man gets his corn pone, and I’ll tell you what his opinion is”

If you have money a doctor will take longer to cure you”

I come here to back”

Shiftless of the world unite”

Don’t water the weeds”

There is a god, and it’s not me”

Exprtess themselves in monosyllables”

New man”

My own hunger touches me, but the nation’s hunger does not touch legislators”

Bootleggers and Baptists” Yandce.

Cloud of smug”

Mud farmers”

Interest not in the pains I take but in the pains I spare others”

I have no right to negotiate what is just, I can only judge what is just”

Contracts need to be read by the light of self interest”

The Asian Crp of—“

See a spark, not a blaze mind you”

Blacksmith makes his own tools”

The urge to help humnanity only masks an urge to rule”

The US constitution may be flawed but it is a lot better than what we have now”

Kuznet’s curve” equality diminishes as economy gets bigger, then increases

Outrage is a necessary nutrient”

A man’s power is seen in the half light”

It is the absence of facts that frightens people”

Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive”

He pisses on your shadow”

You can’t cover the sky with 1 hand over your eyes”

Our virtues makes us, but may not be enough; sometimes we have to deploy our vices”

Gifts blind the eyes of the wise”

A curved surface deflects cannonballs’ obese

Running before me to where I was not going”

Vibrating junkyard”

Omnipotent moral busybody”

Some add to the cairn of knowledge, some throw stones”

Systemic organization of hatreds”

You don’t die to go to hell, you’re already there”

Nations have interests, not friends”

Ideas stand by themselves, separate from persons”

There is nothing wrong with carving a little for yourself out of the ass of a pig”

Fetish of good intentions judged not by its results or outcomes but by its hoped for results”

As long as government tries something, what matter is it if it doesn’t work”

The fed is a noise trader on the markets”

From the womb to the tomb”

Stitches that await bitches who are snitches”

Slow and subterranian are the currents of History”

God of the gaps”

A parking lot for the inept”

Every man ought to be supposed a knave” Hume

Tears of joy and sorrow are all of the same color”

Circumcision, but threw out the wron bit”

Always wanted to get into politics but wasn’t never light enough to t\get on the team”

I’m smart enough to understand the political game, but not dumb enough to think it’s important”

If it weren’t for graft we’d have a very poor kind of human in politics, you know, folks without ambition”

I’m decent, honest and so unfit for politics”

I don’t make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts”

Doing politics without getting the message out is like winking at a pretty girle in the dark, you know what you’re doing but no one else does”

A point where I decided to spit on my hands, hoist the black flag, and slit throats”

One can make a fool of oneself as plainly in spanish as in Latin”

A body guard of lies”

Hell’s hot”

Don’t have to see a coon climb a tree too know that coons clumb trees”

Good at self absolution”

Politics corrupts money”

Guillotines being sharpened in the shadows”

Talk to their shoes”

Incoherent booby hatch”

Slide down the big ceramic bowl”

Take money into WAshington where it lies reposed and unwatched”

The embrace of the state”

Government as the common endeavor of the citizen”

Blood markets”

A uniform with a man in it”

Politicians, like talking dogs-in itself not remarkable but don’t believe a word of what they say”

Less intrusive government, as with movies, has more dialogue and fewer explosions”

You cannot change an ideal condition without making it worse”

Standing too close to 1 side or a conflict may be comforting, but it doesn’t improve the view”

Study how god should have made man, not how god mad man”

It’s not property that is the subject of agreement, but of the laws”

Similar wattage”

Who counts the              “

Reaching for his wallet”

When the state gets bit, its brain softens, otherwise we would not have a chance”

Hauser’s law, 19.5%”

Woe to him who teaches men faster than the can learn” Durant

The way to find a neede in a haystack is to sit down”

Life is life, fun is fun but it’s so quiet when the goldfish die”

Larrikanism”a mischievous young person, an uncultivated, rowdy but good hearted person”

Environmentalism as school prayer for liberals”

Single entry bookeeping, the benefits here have nothing to do with the costs there”

Versatility of convictions” Velbasn

Walk with someone to the edge of a cliff and then invite them to take a step forward for mankind”

Army of ankle biters”

Believe that language is god’s gift to liars”

A belief in dragons does not oblige reality to contain dragons”

Ventroliquist for the powerless”

“make them one’s sock puppet”

Why do you hate me; what have I ever done for you”

Greater than the tread of great armies is an idea whose time has come” Hugo

To to GM with a  Honda and try to sell them on the idea that if you get big bucks, you will find engineers who can build as good a car as a  HOnda”

The world is not furnitured by uninterpreted facts-we see things in terms of social expectation/values”

Prose hard(erect with emotion) too long becomes flaccid after a while”

Monkey reaching for the moon”

Information sources that serve the government, Tass, Radio Berlin, Voice of —- convey what the dictator wanted. The news release comes, the ” is published. Danger when the propaganda no longer rankles but flows naturally. Authority carries more weight than evidence. Peer pressure supressed independent thinking and captives become subjects”

When flowers die, we blame the gardener for not watering them, and not the weather”

Shop steewart in chief”

Ifg at 1st government fails, spend, spend spend”

Free to liberate themselves through suicide”

Facts are stubborn things”

Hereditary human need for a righteous cause” If there is a grough, there will be pigs”

Listen carefully, hear the tanks rumble in Prague”

Bifactional one party statre”

L wing equavelant of the Rapture”

At the approach of the rain, wind, the swallows are busy”

Open mind, empty head

The anointed”

end 29 may 11


end on 18NOV11


Never stand in the way of failure”

We forgive a child that is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy is men who are afraid of the light”

“Apathy”, the loudest voice in the public square”

My inner Pollyanna”

Some islands are seen only at low tide”

Enlist mental gymnastics in the service of assembling shreds of intuition in order to establish moral points”

Patronage parties”

And enquiry or a colonscopy”

If it takes 150 years for a tree to mature, then plant it as soon as possible”

Crazed redeemers”

All potholes, no road”

Right wing, left wing, makes no difference, it’s all one vulture”

Wood’s law” Whenever the private sector introduces an innovation that makes the poor better off than they would have been without it, or that offers benefits or terms that no one else is prepared to offer them, someone—in the name of helping the poor—will call for curbing or abolishing it.

“Woods’ Law #2”, which states that,

The “progressive” Left always prefers a neoconservative to an antiwar libertarian. HYPERLINK “” \l “cite_note-22#cite_note-22” [

To succeed a prophet needs only to mark where they hit and never mark when they hit”

Politics as the systemic organization of hatreds” H Adams

Paternalism everywhere and no fathers”

What is  liberty if each of us cannot shackle any of us”

With shifting political tides strange monsters emerge from the deep”

Starting with a mistake, an remorseless logician can end up in Bedlam”

Cargo cult sciences” BR Feyneman

Impose on others the duty of fairness”

Can others create an obligation in me?

One cannot force benefits on others and then demand payment”

The greediest generation”

Any gatherings convened to better mankind tend to gas themselves it’s not lalughing gas” West

Ir my grandmother had wheel , she’d be a cart”

Caesar and God are one”

The gods giving fire”

With sheckels come shackles”

A sunny place for shady people”

Hit the wall through the fog” Aniszewski

Grazing amidst a —— herd”

Hitler used toilet paper but that doesn’t mean  that I’m tied to Hitler”

God forbid that they should ever find it”, What is it?,why it’s it”

Militia has its arms issued to it”

What’s important is what the team does on the field, not what the sportscasters prattle”

If you want to eat, you must help cook”

Kiss the hand you cannot bite”

Let the cows worry about politics, they have bigger heads”

Grievance and entitlement industry”

Dogs are well cared for, wolves starve, but only wolves are free”

Life in an echo chamber of small minded conformists”

From the chaos of discordant elements they evoke a creature of their own”

Defamation laws do not apply since no one believes ….”

We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars”

Don’t pay any attention to the critics, don’t ever ignore them”

Marshmallows experiment”

Optics of the situation”

Surf  in the eddies of the R and L”

Truth triumphant”

Problem is not that we don’t connect, it’s that we don’t separate enough garbage from the valuable”

An interesting mind invents means of saying things, not repeat what others have been saying, uses words-is not used by words”

Drab is their favorite color”

Mountainous media’s menagerie of morons”

Once an idea is born it rakes on a life of its own, minutes written, meetings held…”

We all work in a whorehouse,; don’t tell folks how much you enjoy it and get your money up front”

Dogs sniffing each other at first meeting”


Iron his shoelaces”

If you don’t think too good, don’t think to much” Ted  Williams

Celebrity does not make you vertical-tall and mighty but rather horizontal spread out and thin”

Pick up a turd at the clean end”

Talk in primary colors even if you have to think in grays”

How can you tell if you’re living in the dark ages?, you can’t, no body dares whisper the truth”

Good and bad business seem to be the elements of the new theology”


Basement flooded with crap; raise the ceiling or get rid of the crap”

First rule of propaganda, never listen to what you say”

Ladders for some, fences for others”

Safety net or a hammock?”

Opposition is in front of you, the enemy is behind”

Bottomless shallows”

Economics has to have a little human bloom on it, a little humor, warmth in it” Dickens

Not happy being the nicest horse in the glue factory”

Government should not coddle anyone”

His Kampf wasn’t mein”

When a small man casts a long shadow you know that the sun is setting”

Social security as a pyramid scheme ;ponzi scheme”

One good apple ruins the whole bunch”

Wife sale”

Republicans are not exactly stinking up the room with charisma”

Dogs look up at us, cats down, pigs treat us as equals”

Legality is often political expediency”

One should never meet one’s heroes”

India rope trick”

PC as a fashion statement”

Raise more dust than one would have with a clean sweep”

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left”

Pessimists are better informed”

circular firing squad”

Dead peasants insurance”

dogs come to resemble their owners”

When the old order changeth, be sure you’re the bugger to changeth it”

You don’t have a soul, you are a soul, you have a body”

Everything you get from the government was taken from someone else”

Let the banks fail, that’s capitalism”

If guns kill then cars make people drive drunk and pencils make me misspell words”

Yu cannot multiply wealth by dividing it”

Occasional abstractions were the mark of a mind voyaging through the strange seas of thought alone”

Great truths may burn internally but great lies too retain a heat in their embers that stubbornly refuse to be quenched”

A shadow moving independently of the man”

Concrete steppes”

Reverse pelzman effect” Peltzman effect is the hypothesized tendency of people to react to a safety regulation by increasing other risky behavior, offsetting some or all of the benefit of the regulation

The sorrows of history are nobody’s savior”

It wasn’t brains that got me here”

So skilled at incompetence that he makes it look easy”

Drank water only as a penance”

Beichman’s law” With the single exception of the  HYPERLINK “” \o “American Revolution” American Revolution, the aftermath of all revolutions from 1789 on only worsened the human condition.” HYPERLINK “’s_Law” \l “cite_note-4#cite_note-4” [

I wish that insignificance had more stature” rooney

Democracy is not th means to protect liberty, it protects the liberty of the majority ”It is tyranny of the majority”

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking”

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how to live”

Obama tried to create the classless society, but only achieved the classless administration

”Godwin’s law, in any discussion the topic will eventually end up at the holocaust, as the discussion is longer, the probability that a  comparison with the holocaust approaches 1,” and the first one to use it loses the argument”

Utopian schemes

”Nursery school notion that everyone is equal”

Sunny place for shady people”

The angels are lost in perpetual contemplation of infinite glory”

People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to” Muggeridge

Not showing up to riot is a failed Libertarian policy”

Politician’s hot air rises”

Victim’s sweepstake”

Like a bee sting, once and it dies”

Regime filled with hustlers”

Public crime, done in plain sight and there are no witnesses, only accomplices”

To live is to collaborate”

Asylum without walls”

Nothing to limit the illusion of absolute liberty”

An anti-Semite dislikes Jews more than is really necessary”

There is no homelessness among Scandinavian Americans”

There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people, the notion that there is one set of truths available to everyone is a fallacy in modern democracies; it doesn’t work” Leo Strauss

Put steam in the whistle”

Being a child of the enemy of the people”

As of 8 dec


relationships (i.e., prolonged arguments punctuated by bouts of shagging)

HYPERLINK “” \o “normalcy” normalcy  HYPERLINK “” \o “bias” bias(sociology) The  HYPERLINK “” \o “phenomenon” phenomenon of disbelieving one’s situation when faced with grave and imminent danger and/or  HYPERLINK “” \o “catastrophe” catastrophe. As in overfocusing on the actual phenomenon instead of taking evasive action, a state of  HYPERLINK “” \o “paralysis” paralysis

theory of black swan events is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept that The event is a surprise (to the observer) and has a major impact. After the fact, the event is rationalized by hindsight.

“Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” Havel

Socialism should be imposed, provided that it works”

The presence of —— means that ————is living for too long”

Internationally ignored__”

Hitler died for the sins of Germans”

Flies can’t get into a closed mouth”

Retire from public office with hands as clean as they are empty” Jefferson

An iarbag being saved by a person”

Everybody  is libertarian about what they know best”

If there is an upperclass in this country, I’LL BE IN IT”

He had the trick of inflaming half wits”

Consider what each soil will bear”

Self serving biases”


“most of us realise that a backward people such as yours needs and appreciates the smack of firm government.”  Ul haq

I was marching away and she was beating the drum” H James

Have I been so vile all for nothing”

Gossip ex machine”

Condense facts from the vapor of nuance”

Thessalonians 2, 3 v12-15 on welfare, not working

That horse won’t run around the track”

Do I have a basic human right not to pay?”

Low attainment population”

The constitution is not a suicide pact”

I have a knack for inflaming all of the halfwits”


Poor people save, rich people invest”

Gods don’t debate, they just issue decrees”

Vegetarian mystics”

We make plans, God laughs”

Don’t think, you’re not up to the task:


Prone to tokenism”

Time for dreaming big dreams and time for waking up:

It is the moral imperative for those who know what is best for others to get access to badges, guns and use them for a higher purpose”

When promiscuity is the fashion, the chaste are outsiders.”

None of you is yet a scoundrel”

I won’t let the half of Americans who pay no taxes to bear the burden of the other half who aren’t paying their fair share.”

People who work for a living versus those who vote for a living”

Are you stuck or stupid?

Experience is a gloomy lantern that does not even illuminate its bearer”

True for all, but not yet known to all”

Disagreement is no proof of anything”

Even a broken Republican is right two times a day”

Replaced earned with deserved”

Sore loser”

Delusional writings”

Spanish fly”



Trip down superstition lane”

One man’’s biofuel is a child’s breakfast”

relationships (i.e., prolonged arguments punctuated by bouts of shagging)

HYPERLINK “” \o “normalcy” normalcy  HYPERLINK “” \o “bias” bias(sociology) The  HYPERLINK “” \o “phenomenon” phenomenon of disbelieving one’s situation when faced with grave and imminent danger and/or  HYPERLINK “” \o “catastrophe” catastrophe. As in overfocusing on the actual phenomenon instead of taking evasive action, a state of  HYPERLINK “” \o “paralysis” paralysis

theory of black swan events is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept that The event is a surprise (to the observer) and has a major impact. After the fact, the event is rationalized by hindsight.


As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright moron.”

Liberty is not an aggregate social project.”

John von Neumann stated: “Give me four adjustable parameters and I can fit an elephant.  Give me one more, and I can make his trunk wiggle.”

Unless you can fake sincerity, you’ll get nowhere in this business.” (one of Stone’s favorites)[2]

“Politics with me isn’t theater. It’s performance art. Sometimes, for its own sake.”[2]

“Don’t order fish at a steakhouse,”[2]

“White shirt + tan face = confidence,”[2]

“Undertakers and chauffeurs are the only people who should be allowed by law to wear black suits.”[2]

“Hit it from every angle. Open multiple fronts on your enemy. He must be confused, and feel besieged on every side.”[2]

“Always praise ’em before you hit ’em.”[2]

“Be bold. The more you tell, the more you sell.” (attributed to advertising guru David Ogilvy)[2]

“Losers don’t legislate.” (from Richard Nixon)[2]

“Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack.” (“Often called the Three Corollaries”, Stone says of this rule.)[2]

“Nobody ever built a statue to a committee.”[2]

“Avoid obviousness.”[2]

“Never do anything till you’re ready to do it.”[2]

“Look good = feel good.”[2]

“Always keep the advantage.”[2]

“Never complain, never explain.”[40]

“Lay low, play dumb, keep moving.”[41]

“Always mount your protest or picket sign on a good solid piece of wood. Comes in handy as a bat if some union goons wanna scuffle.”

Roger Stone

“The Haas Pessu”, pessu being Latin for “worst.” As regards the confused thrashing of actions of economists and policy makers, remember that anything that these guys do will make everyone worse off, an example of the so called “Haas Pessu”.

K. Chesterton wrote that the doctrine of original sin is the only part of Christian theology that can be proved

Every day confirms my opinion on the superiority of a vicious life—and if Virtue is not its own reward I don’t know any other stipend annexed to it.


The State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth … We must therefore worship the State as the manifestation of the Divine on earth … The State is the march of God through the world … The State must be comprehended as an organism … To the complete State belongs, essentially, consciousness and thought. The State knows what it wills … The State … exists for its own sake … The State is the actually existing, realized moral life

“The fact that I have no remedy for all the sorrows of the world is no reason for my accepting yours. It simply supports the strong probability that yours is a fake.” — H. L. Mencken

“Planning is an unnatural process; it is much more fun to do something. And the nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression.”

‘At my age I don’t even buy green bananas.’”

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

“We are all manufacturers. Making good, making trouble, or making excuses.”

“Without action, the world would still be an idea.”

Say discovered that “products are paid for with products” not merely with money.

“Bonner’s Law: In the hands of economists, the more precise the number, the bigger the lie.”


Don’t worry about saving the world. If you can save yourself, you’re doing the world a favor.”


As a rule, I’ve found that the greater brain a man has, and the better he is educated, the easier it has been to mystify him.”

til Mar 12

It’s time that you lost your hymen”

For my friends anything, for my enemies,the law”

Find the limits of his moral vacuity but now we find that he’s in outer space”

He’s a failure if that‘s a qualification”

Had not paid enough for being inadequate”

The mullahs smell heresy”

20 rabbits make a tiger”

Not his fault that there’s no effective opponent”

If you’re not catching  flack, you’re not over the target”

Law of the excluded middle”

Phantom politics”

Cloistered vices”

A lot of heavy 5 cent philosophy”

Kind of a dime store family picture”

No appiration of intellect above the pelvis”

A racist is one who wins an argument with a Democrat”

When you look for the good in people, you don’t find much”

Shit stains on the soul of one’s underwear”

Don’t buy a horoscope”

Low effort thought”

Heightening the contradictions”

Preference cascade”

Devils dancing on the head of a pin”

1980s ch s corps allowed and individual to declare his income from business directly”

Millionaires decreased by 30% 2007 to 2010, is the economy better?”

People move up and down the economic scale”

Signal Right and turn left”

Memory hole”

The eminent—— is respectable in everything except in his writing”

Our leaders believe that the way to protect Americans abroad is to tell Americans to shut up”

The war on drugs is protectionism for alcohol and tobacco interests”

The healthy egg does not attract flies”

Cleaning up Albany needs a thunderstorm of bleach”

Grow a big stick if you don’t have one”

Minimize my halo”

Orchestra players; We’re playing Beethoven. We don’t know what Bernstein is conducting”

In the political mythology of——-”

Excercising between the sheets”

Horizontal rumba”

Laws are not the result of evolution but rather of intelligent design”

It’s not worth an intelligent man’s time to be in the majority; there are already enough people to do that”

Eating the government Hay”

Pursue the holy grail”

Few ways that a man can be more innocently employed that in getting money”

It’s when the tide is out that you find out who’s been swimming naked”

Unregistered in vulgar fame”

Rejected by parasites”

Trickle down government”

The urge to truth needs restraining”

I’m trying to walk my dog here”

Same bed, different dreams”

Sister Soulah moment”

Get the dessert first ahead of all the greedy selfish people”

Assigned fools”

Totes the barge”

Professional ingrate”

Moonlight-cold reflected detached intellectualism”

A spur to keep going, not a nail in your shoe that prevents progress”

Movements in the brain of a bewildered ape”

Women wish to be elegant by being thin and fit, but they do not wish to become more oblong and cease to wish to be elebant”

Advance beyond a dangerous boyhood”


AIn science there are mere repititions”

2 black riddles make one white answer”

Mankind as a small nationality”

Chesterton-We must cooperate to guard our religion, I will not hit you   in the sacred places”

I respect his decision to be kind and gentle to the retard”

Who is trained to pretend that they care”

Never go full return”

Extra chromosome”

“LYFT” in SF”

New rules; REpublicans do not have to accept climate change, Evolution, sexuality, but they do have to accept Geo Bush”

Telling the truth slowly”

SEasonal defense of D. C.”

Mollusks attached to the system”

Government, a gang with a flag”

In a dictatorship you don’t waste your time voting”

Dividing wealth is no substitute for multiplying it”

Kick the tar baby”

Our Sepoys in Iraq”

Economics as a tool or agent of social change ”

Flame me as long as you enlighten me”

Human toothe ache”

2 things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity, and I”m not sure about the former” Einstein

Heckler’s veto”

The Myspace of—-”

up to 29nov12

on 22 jul13-

Ad hoc hypotheses’

Heisenberg uncertainty ppl”

Fashionable nonsense”

Critical theory equal social theory oriented toward critiquing and changin society”

Runs the economy on sunbeam and breezes”

Bibliographic demonology”


Objective as intersubjectivity”

The state should not provide justice but rather should prevent injustice”

convenient myopia”

numerous pivot points”

Baumol’s disease”

I can calculate the movement of the sun but not the madness of men”

Stretching the facts to fit an hypothesis”

hyping hysteria”

the treat mobmobe yearning to be closed”

Quack ridden”

gross anatomey versus histology”

polishing the turd”

Adopt terminally ill infants; don’t want any long term committments”

No stockade can keep the darkness out”

the frontier is never somewhere else”

Reading between the lines sure beats readin the lines”

Become the first illegal immigrant in Haiti”

It’s his country now, we’re just paying the rent”

Kissinger trying to find a single phone number for Europe”

young hungarian nurse talks to old H expatriate, he cries, she cries”

If you want good schools, get good students”

Lucretius said that the tallest mountain is the tallest one seen by the observer”

No equal rights to give, only natural rights to take away”

The domain of Striving, not in the bank list”

undocumented democrat”

The free markets eats the rich”

50% of marriages end in divorce and the other 50% in death so take your pick”

Cuba without the sunshine”

Allodial title” own all rights free of tax

Nature (markets) but last, hit homers”

Here’s to my bootlegger, home he never had to drink his own”

Beer, it’s not just for breakfast anymore”

Differentiate twixt genius and stupidity;  genius is limited”

Consumer is not a good star to steer by”

Order without design”

but design is what economst try to improve on”

1 deer having sex

Things around here are looking as bit mothan like they sued to than they ever been”

Culture Jamming”

The theory that bread that people earn should be eaten by others”


ss of the arguments, touching but idealistic”

The logic is only as good as the evidence”

Do not so much warm the heart as microwave it”

America laundry in Peiking”

I bring down property values’

Chess without the dice”

Brings new meaning to the depth of shallow”

Choose between the power of love and the love of power”

Khyber pass copies”

You’re your own attack add, a rhetorical suicide bomber”

One long crime”

Nothing is true until it’s been officially denied”

March violets”-late joiners to the Nazi party

Democrats and Republicans are as different as the cheeks of the same buttocks”

Cash for clunkers”

GM as a giant pension fund that sells an occasional unwanted car”

Horizontal elevator”-A self driving car

Discovery of facts may undermine laudable political goals”

Making claims susceptible to refutation”

Every man judges in his own case”

Political shoplifter”

Trying to understand human behavior is like trying to smell the color 9”

No interlectual hinterland”


Not a child, but unevolved”

Secretary of debt”

License Raj”

Famine, war by other means”

Trouble came not as single spies, but as battalions”

Peeping Sam”

We made the wrong mistake”

Polyesther parody”

Just because it has a name doesn’t mean that it exists”

If you see something, talk to someone”

Value is not inherent in an object but depends on the preference of the owner and whoever wants to own it”

Our intuitions about fairness are not reliable independent evidences about what is vact-there maynot be and vact”

Problem with modern world, stupidity has started to think”

Silver tsunnami”

Faith based sciences”

Shearing a piglett-a lot of squealing and not much wool” Putin

The weak die young, and the strong envy them”

Single digit salute”

An article of faith has many drafts”

You can should me down, but can’t answer me”

Don’t wear your best trousers when fighting for justice”

Inhabit a kingdom of 1”

If voting could change anything it would be illegal” Emma Goldman

Mohammed Atta, urban planner”

Immigrants improving toilet paper sales”

Reputation for honesty is famously shaky”

Too bad that stupidity isn’t painful”

A cage in search of a bird”

Ah, we sleep tonight because—- stand guard”

For low lifes Incarcerate” is an important word. Teachers have self aggrandized themselves as educators”

Risen apes, not fallen angels”

The most natural thing for a man without talent, journalism”

Guilty of sacrilege by not noting the falseness of the idols”

Justice, more one eyed than blind”

Poverty as a cause of crime is a slander on the poor”

Ended 22 jul 13

Even more of a butch than…”

Use the as a mirror”

Property may be the legal relationship of persons with regard to a thing and not a right to the thing itself”

Possession is a good title versus the world except to those with a beter titile”

Property emerges whe it’s necessary to enternalize externalities”

Cradle to prison pipeline”

Urban renewal, urban sprawl, sustainable development, smart city.”

Unilateral expectation” Metaphysical subtlety”

There was no scale upon which we can weigh authorities”

The law helps those who help themselves generally aids the vigilant but rarely the sleeping and never the acquiescent”

In a century work will be rare, we will have to spread bread upon the butter thinly” Keynes

policies with no detectable constituencies”

Art adorns our prison walls”

Not as short as the rest of us poppies”

Because of his ego, death was too small for him”

Tightly corseted”

I’m not for any land where the stars are dim”

If you cluck often enough the chickens will think you’re one of them”

Pile of pick up sticks”

I’m in the control group”

Reading rather than counting”

Untalented hustler”

When everyone is special, no one is”

Thomas Kuhn, paradigm shifts”

Rage over a lost penny”

Failed fads”The protection that fish feel in a school”

Too bad that both sides can’t lose”

Chilling ex pst facto dystopia”

Hate speach, a speach that is hated”

When we cah do more for ourselves we become less of a burden on our keepers”

It takes a fast runner to go far astray”

Too great a cognitive burden”

The pursuit of distraction as the meaning of life”

Shame is no longer a word understood by the unwashed masses”

The past is a different planet”

Widely circulated fiction”

A trend is not a law of nature”

Legislators should make laws, not create deputize new legislators”

Up to 11sept13

Slum tourism”

shabby chic”

Never suspect a conspiracy when stupidity offers a better explanation”

There are greater crimes than being cheesy; Life for example being insufficient”

Public lice”

Call Libertarians wing nuts implies that we operate more crazily than a political party”

Well fleeced for their own sheering”

in the cement”

The worse the picture, the better the frame”

Since the Russians were poorer and should be unable to afford stupidity-instead it’s been supersized”

Reminds one of a confict on the loose”

Poverty has no causes, only prosperity has causes” Jacob

It’s better to be roughly right than to be precisely wrong”

Sokal Hoax”

Every resolution smokes well before it turns to ash”

Mouse pad critic”

The cracks let the light in”

_____is the sum total of his talents”

History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme”

Clear your mind of cant”

Don’t cant in front of savages”

They prefer their gods to be divine, not incarnate”

The mediocre in life has an important function; we need relaxation from the peaks of experience which would otherwise not bepeaks but plateaus where the air becomes thin”

Even the mousetraps are empty in_____”

These plans never work unless you call starving 45 million peasants to death as working”

Mountains of Mordor, protect from invasion and prevent people from leaving”

Emisions of the tax fattened class”

Lying for the truth”

The thing about nazis-they bring out the worst in people”

A lung ailment with a voice”

Psychoanalysis is the disease that callls itself the cure”

I have within me the great Pope-self”-Luther

Indolent parasitism as work ethos”

catch criminals instead of employing them”

Air of omniscience”

Keep ear on toilet door”

A bad cop is richer than an honest one”

Everybody needs a doctorate to lie to people”

Nothig is lost save honor”

Like a mink coat, the mnk didn’t pay it any atention until it wasn’t there”

Exogenic term”

Anyone who hadn’t had his shots”

Stoned for adultery without the pleasure”

Testament to the endomorphic”

The sadest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy; his failure is ignominious, his success disgraceful”

Joining a flock of sheep is the surest way to get fleeced”

The Titanic sank, the iceberg sailed on”

Perpetually offended”

As a libertarian I was worried the we had lost control of the media”

Trained fleas”

Dob’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you”

Prefer truth to popularity” C russell

Government is simply the name we give to the thing we choose to do together”- We do many things together, some involve government, most don’t”

The Liberator” WWII single shot pistols to be dropped off all over Europe”

From what galaxy”

Emphasizing a lie about a lie”

Project their diverse proletarian yearnings”

Rorschak Test”

Punget regulatory skunk”

Lived down to its expectations”

You prefer to be taken seriously and I prefer not to oblige”

Slumming the rougher neighbourhoods”

There is nothing in politics to attract the highest type of man”

It’s not a fragrant world”

A burgler is a practical socialist”-Wodehouse

A new earth at birth without the labor or sorerow”-KIpling

Unorganized populist mystic”

Men bear the sacrifice of their intellects more easily than the loss of their dreams”

Yearn for  reality different from the one of their world”

They widh to be free of a universe of whose order they do not approve”

Long paragraphs of fiction were used to avoid looking up facts”

Sometimes the dragons win”

The same thieves show up at every heist”

Predators end up as scraps for the jackels”

Difference twist death and taxes, is that death doesn’t get worse when congress meets”

unsharpened pencil”

USA had more cars, the USSR had more parking spaces”

Truth exists, lies are invented”

Leftover standards”

Had a toll road franchise but no road”

Pawnshop economy” payday loans, loan sharks

Wrestling a few chaotic words into pleasant coherence”

Clicking and texting back and forth, only giving masturbation a bad name”

Archeologists will find me without______and at last I’ll be famous”

Not to know what happens before one’s birth is to be forever a child “ Cicero

Set my womb on medicine strong path?”

Martyr to Rhetoric”

Gargoyles leering at me”

Belled the cat”

Unspeakable crimes, but unpronounceable”

Famine as a precursor  to the weighty matches?”

Renting another civilization”

Market in lies goes up and down”

Our president to be your president also”

Be half hour late but your killers are also half an hour late”

Not knowing which side of the stamp to spit on”

I’m bad in English and it’s the only language that I know”

Not taught-achieved ignorance on their own”

Bush I, a mediocritybut no worse; Bush II for whom mediocrity would have been an acheivement”

Borrow trouble”

Find the vintage of our vineyard sweet”

Best argument vs democracy, talk to the average voter for 5 minutes”

In every soldier there is a moralist trying to come out”

Korea’s luck-a war is an opportunity to get rid of some unwanted rogues”

There is nothing like a good crime to make one feel better”

Full frontal nudity”

If you do it standing up, it doesn’t count,a maxim that could carry a decent body through many of life’s tribulations”

No one can be sure of their father”

Like an old man strainig at his bedpan”

Devine shoehorn”

Eyes to the ground finds you six pence”

Corrosive imprint of a western education”

Take a small bit of gold beat it so as to spread it widely”

Sorry, I couldn’ty respnd on______but not sorry I missed most of them”

If only people praised ______enough, he wouldn’t have to do it himself”

On 25 Jan14

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. (Proverbs 26:4 ESV)”

this happens only at weekends, so there is still room for deterioration. “the dog whistles of anarchism,”

1492 Lititz Pike

You know a presidency is going bad when the nuts on the right are the only sane ones left.

the galloping rot, the stampede to enstupidation, the gathering night of the Fifth Century.


democracy lasts until the unworthy learn that they can vote themselves the treasury

the mob’s desire for the trappings of education. The substance they find merely annoying

, a diploma, without having to subject their tiny minds to the oppressions of thought.


The dull crabs don’t want the smart crabs to escape from the pot.

United States as a Third World country with a First World infrastructure


“The routinization of charisma.” webber

There is a division of labor in failure.

Would like a more convenient truth”

Gardner points out in his first chapter, the rebels are sometimes right”

Keep your mind open, but not so open that everything falls out.

Mencken once wrote that if you heave an egg out of a Pullman car window anywhere in the United States you are likely to hit a fundamentalist.


“gray hairs and no-hairs” to “black hairs” t

intellectual wheelhouse

What was once a bonfire of burning books has become a couple of stragglers holding a lit match.

suffer from a recto-cranial inversion.-salutary forceps.

Solipsism is the belief that nothing exists in the universe except one’s own thoughts. It’s all just figments of your imagination.

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”

The Overton window is a political theory that describes the range of ideas the public will accept as a narrow “window”. According to the theory, an idea’s political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within that window rather than on politicians’ individual preferences.[

Levirate marriage is a type of marriage in which the brother of a deceased man is obliged to marry his brother’s widow, and the widow is obliged to marry her deceased husband’s brother

Muggeridge originated the observation while he was the editor of Punch that modern life’s absurdities had made the satirist’s role redundant.

Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.” Jefferson

There is nothing sinister in so arranging one’s affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everybody does so, rich or poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions, not voluntary contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere cant.”

Learned Hand

Our great democracies still tend to think that a stupid man is more likely to be honest than a clever man, and our politicians take advantage of this prejudice by pretending to be even more stupid than nature made them.”

― Bertrand Russell,

Democracy! Bah! When I hear that I reach for my feather boa!”

― Allen Ginsberg


pecunia non olet, Vespasian”

It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” – Mark Twain.

Daniel Webster warned that there will always be men who “promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters,”

bred in herds.

Depends on how you take your fiction”

routinization of charisma,” Weber

the bureaucracies inherit the earth.”

Soylent” food made from humans.

That mill won’t grind”

dependency theory”

Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, tha’t how the light gets in.

I served. The Army that existed.”

Asses among the masses.”

When a word fades its meaning. They take their memories with them.”

Bounds, disease,” increased cost of labor intensive sections with stagnant productivity.

Birthright of Québec.”

Acclimatization of the undercooked.”

Evans law of insufficient paranoia”

two minutes of hate.” Orwell

the stock market is a poor substitute for the holy Grail” Schumpeter

a fairytale ending”

if————- happens, the US Civil War would have been a wasted effort.”

Evans law – the matter how bad you think it is it always turns out worse.”

Governing Italy is not impossible, but it’s pointless.”

They tell you when they are going bust”

gold is sometimes a special variety of lead.”

Our inner chimpanzee”

does morality come down from on high, or come off at us from below?”


territory, well watered with the soggy anecdotes of subjectivity”

leftists often make jokes, but can’t take them.”

God created man because he was disappointed with the monkey”

we are the dupes of theories.”

Draft Dodgers – afraid of polls”

lackeys who fear to stop clapping first.”

Rolling coal.”

Spent a lot of money on really bad,”

paper will stand for anything you write on it.”

Quote discriminate” – Kate unfairly versus distinguish.”

Trottors in the trough.”

Unheard melodies are indeed sweeter.”

Garbage in, gospel out” will.

Counting of heads, not what’s in them.”

Cops, gang members in uniforms.”

In democracy. A sage is considered the equal of a fool and the fool is encouraged to lord it over the sage.”

Urban bird cages” chicken coops”

lax advantages of accuracy.”

Over egg The pudding”

no man, no problem,” Stalin.

Permissionless innovation”

a frosty Cuba.”

What is his singular, what might have been legion”

addled at the helm.

“Cloak of many colors.”

A black hole, bending the light of reason and distorting the surrounding space.”

High-minded moralism of the state.”

Catastrophic, but not serious” Austria World War I.

We must not be afraid to be free”

where you said is often where you stand.”


As of 28oct ‘14

 I want to apologize to all the hookers in America for having associated them with the United States House of Representatives. Yeah, I think it is a big whorehouse and they better start taking care of America and stop worrying about the Middle East and worry about the Midwest. Traficant

My Grandmother’s Mothballs”

 health and safety, the father, son, and holy ghost of the modern world.

Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts.

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?[ Brecht.

their lack of talent constituting a legitimate disability”

bullies, paranoiacs, and poltroons, of backbiters, exhibitionists, mopes, milksops, and world-without-end- bores. That loutishness that turns every argument into a quarrel is really no rarer among us than among the sub-literate; the restless inferiority-complex … which bleeds at a touch but scratches like a wildcat is almost as common among us as among schoolgirls.,

The highest things have the most precarious foothold in our nature.

Literary man, so long a wild animal, will have become a tame one.”

Lillies that Fester,”

the Wits, the Polite, the “Souls,” the “Apostles,” the Sensitive, the Cultured, the Integrated, or whatever the latest password may be.

CS Lewis

Man, tends to believe that the universe constantly focuses its attention on him. We all think that the universe reciprocates our gaze: because we are looking at it, it is looking at us. paranoia, darlymple

Gandhi said, “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

worth by an identification with a holy cause.”

A mass movement,” wrote Eric Hoffer in “The True Believer,” “appeals not to those intent on bolstering and advancing a cherished self, but to those who crave to be rid of an unwanted self.

“Their innermost craving is for a new life—a rebirth”

a series of unsubstantiated pronouncements constitutes an argument.”

the problem with the soft sciences, they can get the results they want by only evaluating the characteristics they choose.

You must find a comfortable spot to rest on the rock but sand conforms around you. An uncomfortable rock must be dealt with, sand can simply be brushed away. Rock climbing requires training and equipment, a walk on the beach does not.

it is not only not right, it is not even wrong!” Pauli

While there’s irritation, one might almost say, there’s life;

oratorical queen of the banal

Fleas are interested in dogs.” – P.J. O’Rourke

If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.—Jay Leno

The problem with political jokes is they get elected.—Henry Cate, VII

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.” – Oscar Ameringer

Alasdair MacIntyre’s provocative dictate: “When offered a choice between two politically intolerable alternatives, it is important to choose neither.”“a vote cast is not only a vote for a particular candidate, it is also a vote cast for a system that presents us only with unacceptable alternatives.” As such, “The way to vote against the system is not to vote.”

Capgras syndrome) is a disorder in which a person holds a belief that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member has been replaced by an identical-looking imposter.

Our prejudice against prejudice has matured into oppression.

These people think they are the physicians of society, when they are only the disease.”

Why is it when governments are a party to it, it’s called “regional collaboration” and is celebrated, but when private parties do it exclusive of government actors, it’s called “conspiracy in restraint of trade” and is prosecuted? Regional collaboration and public/private partnership are just euphemisms for protected rackets cloaked in legitimacy. The conspirators working for government or as lobbyists masquerading as not-for-profits (which don’t show profits by hiring as many six-figure employees as it takes to make expenses equal revenues) are always loudly singing their praises.

Oliver Wendell Holmes said there were “phrases that serve as an excuse for not thinking.”

a hereditary victimocracy.


a theory that predicts everything cannot be falsified through testing; nothing will serve to rule it out”

Night of Undocumented Shopping.”

cognitive dissonance is a strong drug”

taps the brakes”

quoting Marx & Lenin, while avoiding any mention of Stalin”

dispenser of the party line, something like Pravda or Der Stürmer.”

check your own stools for fibre and mistake them for one of your takes?”

eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay.”

from barbarism to decadence without passing through an intermediate stage of civilization.

the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers?  Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.


Make sure the dog wants to eat the dog food. No matter how ground-breaking a new technology, how large a potential market, make certain customers actually want it.

Build one business at a time. Most business plans are overly ambitious. Concentrate on being successful in one endeavor first.

Risk up front, out early.

The time to take the tarts is when they’re being passed.

The problem with most companies is they don’t know what business they’re in.

Even turkeys can fly in a high wind. In times of strong economies, even bad companies can look good.

It’s easier to get a piece of an existing market than to create a new one.

It’s difficult to see the picture when you’re inside the frame.

After learning some of the tricks of the trade, some people think they know the trade. (This reflected some of Eugene’s own humility; he recognized that many venture capitalists thought they were experts when they had just a bit of knowledge.)

Venture capitalists will stop at nothing to copy success.

Invest in people, not just products. (Eugene always respected founding entrepreneurs. He wanted to build companies with them not just with their ideas.)

When the money is available, take it.

There is a time when panic is the appropriate response.

The more difficult the decision, the less it matters what you choose.

Clever Hans story and its discovery of unconscious cueing

What you said was so confused that one could not tell whether it was nonsense or not.”

There is no God and Dirac is his Prophet”,  Pauli

This is to show the world that I can paint like Titian. [A big drawing of a rectangle] Only technical details are missing.”

I don’t mind your thinking slowly; I mind your publishing faster than you think.”

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” Shaw

Postmodernism posits that both dystopia and utopia are one and the same, overarching grand narratives with impossible conclusions. The romanticism of our past due to present discontent has set western society into a state of nostalgia where modernism is feared. Here the past is re-presented as solution to our current problems.


Fan death

ALL sciences have ONE major problem in common – UNKNOWN VARIABLES! However, in the fields of psychology and pschiatry, this problem is vastly more noticeable. Almost NO branch of science ever admits, “Well, we THINK this is how it is – based on what we know now – but we readily acknowledge that it’s all subject to change without notice, upon the acquisition of new knowledge.”


New knowledge and info is generally added to the equation ONLY when it validates the prevailing opinions by fitting the already established parameters of what has been deemed acceptable. New information, no matter HOW compelling in its validity, that contradicts the “status quo” is more often denied, ignored and/or just plain “swept under the rug”.

Once everything becomes a right, there is no need anymore for decency, kindness, etc.; and what is granted as a right is rarely received with gratitude.”

Their vision of a just society was one in which all that was not a right was forbidden.”

The demand for perfection is a protest against human nature. “

where they make a desert, they call it peace.”

Good habits are more effective than good laws.”

We no longer believe in God so we keep inventing extremely poor imitations of him in our celebrity culture.

step ‘n fetchit

dominate the landscape, the faster the cream sinks and the logs float.

The sea is vast and poisonous,


defining deviancy down

if it’s not true, it’s a good story”

it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not fancy.” Thucydides

The Woozle effect, also known as evidence by citation,[1] or a woozle, occurs when frequent citation of previous publications that lack evidence misleads individuals, groups and the public into thinking or believing there is evidence, and nonfacts become urban myths and factoids

Voltaire’s, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

as Lear put it, nothing will come of nothing.

Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

share the same stench.”


a press-release economy

media are maze-bright

considers crime to have been caused, not committed.

A change of rulers is the joy of fools; in other words the next lot will be as bad as the last.”

Their countries become their playthings, at least in their own opinion; blank sheets of paper on which, in the horrible words of Mao Tse-tung, the most beautiful characters may be drawn”

Marchetti’s constant is a term for the average amount of time spent commuting each day, which is approximately one hour. Developed by Venetian physicist Cesare Marchetti, it posits that although forms of urban planning and transport may change, and although some live in villages and others in cities, people gradually adjust their lives to their conditions (including location of their homes relative to their workplace) such that the average travel time stays approximately constant.[1][2] Even since Neolithic times, people have kept the time at which they travel per day the same, even though the distance may increase.

A  car with strong rear lights, illuminating the past

not a particularly acute thinker. But his unoriginality makes his (((Semitism))) a revealing distillation of the conventional wisdom of 2018

spitting on our hands, raising the black flag and commencing to slit throats

Texas Ranger Bill McDonald: “One riot, one Ranger.”)

add confidence to their ignorance.”

“Erst Kommt das Fressen, dann die Moralen.” Brecht.

I have a dream….that one day men will not be judged by the fatness of our wallets but by the content of our character”

Stop looking at my bulge when I wear sweatpants. My eyes are up here.”

you should never put your hands on a man in any situation”

If you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.”

genital form of blackface”

Walking down lover’s lane holding his own hand”


Muslims are still a Homo erectus or two shy of being as evolved on the subject as Jews.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes says that the purpose of an education should be to produce a mind that cannot be humbugged.

George Orwell wrote in The Road To Wigan Pier, “When you are unemployed, which is to say when you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don’t want to eat dull wholesome food. You want something a little bit ‘tasty’

My people will not listen unless they are killed,” explained Zulu King Cetshwayo

thwarted entitlement,”                                                                                  obscure the morally ambiguous element in their political cause by investing it with religious sanctity.”

All human events are better viewed through Darwin than through Marx.”

What is the worth of a right if people feel obliged (or subtly compelled) to not exercise it in practice?”

political correctness is a style of politics, generally wielded by leftists, that attempts to regulate public discourse by defining opposing views as bigoted and illegitimate. “P.C.” disciples make it their business to call out perceived racial, religious and gender biases in the service of forging a more equal society. A central tenet of the P.C. movement, Mr Chait notes, is that people should be expected to treat faintly unpleasant ideas as full-scale offenses; that the threat to civil society isn’t angry mobs out to crush opposing ideas but rather the ideas themselves.

in order to advance a perception of decency and social harmony. But is it really harmony we win when we back down from satirising religious radicals?

creating an invisible fence of anxiety around language, the P.C. movement effectively curbs people’s freedom to speak their mind without necessarily securing any new rights.”

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle.  They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”

Joseph Goebbels


resembles a particularly verbose Victorian tombstone.”

white-gentry-liberal dog whistle.”

I can’t clap along with the Kumbaya;”

scramble for a little real estate in your brain”

groveling by politicians.”

characterless young, raised to ignorance and Appropriate Thought by government schools, will question nothing. “

giving Liberace a stack of Playboys. What is he supposed to do with them?”

if they think something is good, it must be good,

safari with the animals inside the jeep.

Forced speech is not free speech.

Behind mountains, more mountains.”

the pressure and urgency of the writers’ thoughts was so great that the need to put them into communicable form was entirely overwhelmed. “

the writer believes that there is one overarching plan, purpose, or activity that determines our existence;”

narcissism of small differences “

the city of Drachten removed all traffic signs, controls and markings “

“Sex might lead to dancing”

like a drill sergeant with Bible Tourette’s.

Two Minutes Hates;”

Consensus is the absence of leadership.”

painting the map of the world red.”

a beggars’ democracy: This refers to the more relaxed sort of despotism in which the lower orders—the beggars—are permitted some modest freedoms of expression, so long as they do not challenge the basic assumptions of the state ideology too boldly.

hive mind

Jellyfish evolve

chloroform in print.

I am trying to cough it all up so I die with a minimum of it between my ears.”

the dog’s anus is “purely decorative.”

works as a robot”

iMcCarthyism. Crowdsourced witch trials.”

leveraging something, regionally collaborating with someone (preferably “stakeholders” and “key leaders”), utilizing best practices, and synergizing administrative vibrancy


send up’

irritants serve their purpose, for they keep us awake”

the lock-step party


we privatize behavior and socialize the consequences. “

the calm confidence of a Christian with four aces.”

Many a good hanging has prevented a bad marriage, Shakephere”

unfound anxiety”

Chair facing in the other direction”

Better Red than rude”

pity party’

Worrying about sheep instead of shearing them,  act more like wolves than dogs”

Goo dogs are gentle with owners, fierce vs strangers”

Continuous mobility in action.”

Laws of nature cannot be refuted or enforced”

The harder you try the  floppier it gets”

Liberals   become co-dependent, acquire a vested interest in poverty, its perpetuation-compassion is the central virtue that makes them good-they need victims. They care less about helping much less than about caring”

A lot of smoke for such a small roast”

An elaborate progress toward some pre-determined truth.

You can’t rape a woman who never says no”


Making a slippery concept sit still”

A phrase that is untranslatable into any other language including English”

Descriptive vs prescriptive”

tadpole vs bullfrog”

Errors by expectation”

Good headlines, bad reporting”

WE fit data to the theory vs fit theory to the data”

emotionally meaningful”

It’s not only not right, it’s not even wrong, Pauli”

The sleeping of a tyrant is like a prayer, Arab”

Plowing the furrows”

Spometimes when you take a step forward, you step on shit”

A stream of consciousness meanderings”

The people believe that there is an imaginary rivero  out there; don’t tell them that there is no river, rather build an imaginary bridge over that imaginary river”

Poverty won the war”

Morbid in the pursuit of health”

See something as it is, behind its cloud of incense”

There are some kinds of importance that remain hopelessly damned to unseriousness”  G Greene

The video does not appear to be a joke”

A grave blunder in Washington is often simply a truth unintentionally revealed”

Like crime, defeat is an orphan”

He’s much taller when he stands on his throne”

Avarice the spur of industry” hume

Our lives are longer, it’s too difficult to die”

His mind is always at rest”

Life’s obsequies”.

Ending a policy failure is a policy success”

All roads run downhill in both directions”

Constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth”

Confirmation bias”

Every college grad once had a bright future”

Darwinism might work in theory but in startups intelligent design works best”

Take what you want and pay for it says God”

Butter my parsnips”

Model cities, 1960”

Wounds tingle most when they are about to heal”

Let’s play with clean cards”

Strange that a harp of 1000 strings could keep its tune”


Educators want people to think like them, and don’t think about allowing them to think”

Tallest midget in the circus”

Testosterone sapped”

Decapitation of knowledge is all that left for scholars”

City planning as the visual equivalent of white noise”

Clio patron goddess of Hx has a sense of humor; not all problems have solutions”

My cake has enough candles”

Survival bias”

Overdiagnosis bias”

Hot pillow joint”

Like the garbage taking itself out”

Don’t argue with a fool, people watching may not be able to tell the difference”

A Ponzi short”

Til 6 Mar15

the revenge of the unscrupulous mediocre on the talented of principle.”

luck’s a chance, but trouble’s sure,

it doesn’t matter which of our fantasies fail

‘The human race, to which so many of my readers belong…’

‘there is no divine visitation which is likely to have so general an influence upon sinners as an earthquake.’

he being a foreigner and therefore not altogether pleased to be hanged).

We can and must write in the language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn and the like, toward those who disagree with us.” Lenin

“I require a cocoon of clouds”’

it didn’t happen until it’s reported by the New York Times, and not even then.’

Do not assume that because liberals are in an absolute panic over Indiana’s law, they must have a point.

people who believe their fantasies should be facts.’

Eye of Sauron”

the volunteer firefighter who turns arsonist”

ideological bubble-wrapping of education”

their policies and priorities are played out”

Robert N. Welch: “Have you no sense of decency, sir?  At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” McCarthyism

A changing tide lifts, or lowers, all boats; but if this boat rides lower in the water than that boat at any tide level, you have to suspect that there is something different about the boats”

Does a fish know it lives in water?

some things are true even though the Party says they are true,” Orwell

cathedrals of logic on dubious foundations”

novelistic contrivances,”

darkens the canvas”

Thieves don’t break into empty houses”

and farewell king!” shakesph.

William Gibson’s insight that “the future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed”

rather have someone who’s strong and wrong than somebody who’s weak and right.” B clinton

Case controlled study”

Sturgeon’s Revelation” 90% of everything is crap.

Sturgeon’s Law; Nothing is always absolutely so”

Perhaps our abiding faith in Jesus and love for our fellow man will, at the very least, inspire him to quit living in his head all the time.” Onion.

an army of lions, led by asses.”


The rules[1]

“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

“Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

“Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

“A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

“A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

“Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

“The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

“If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

“The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions” Alinsky

In the 1999 movie “The Matrix,” the main character Neo (Keanu Reeves) is faced with this choice. Take the red pill and face the “truth of reality” or take the blue pill and live the “ignorance of illusion.”

learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”― George Bernard Shaw

rewarding need over ability is an inevitable dead end,

well, it’s not my job to hand-feed you that baby bottle, comrade.

the sort of pride designed to mask shame.

the House is on Fire, Let Us Warm Ourselves“

smug blind testosterone-deficient young dorm-room and mother’s-basement neo-communists who shit their diapers at the merest hint of “racism” while blithely dismissing communism’s documented atrocities

a public relations arm of the state

There Are No Markets, Just a Raging Casino’

Necessity teaches a naked woman to knit”

where nothing remains but a desert, they call that ‘peace.’ ” – Tacitus,

Conspiracy theories are History for stupid people”

to have one rule for rich and poor, for the favorite at court and the countryman at plough.” Locke

Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young.” Boswell

no man ever put his hand up a woman’s dress because he was looking for a library card.

where there are four Catholics there’s a fifth?

We should never murder to dissect,

a few frogs got kissed here and there

with a mirthless smile,

What do feminists use for birth control? Their personalities.

Even if they could read, they’d never condescend to do it

skates on the edge of pomposity.”

driven by post-hoc reasoning.”

not at all obvious that reducing history to morality plays makes anyone moral.

When meaning is drawn from killing, the risk is that more killing would bring more meaning.

a rapist had asked if they could just be friends.”

the fuzzy end of the lollipop”

Bigamy is having one wife too many—same as monogamy. Wilde

Celine’s Third Law: An honest politician is a national calamity.

Well, that’s alright in practice, but how does it work in theory?”

None of the mice wants to bell that particular cat”

seeing faces in the clouds”

half the country does not pray at that particular altar.”

The Scum Also Rises.”

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” That’s Kierkegaard.

“irreducible imprecision”

publicity is always a better deal than integrity.”

No Dogs or Jews Allowed.”

liking people is part of the job,”

Macaulay: “And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods?

”regulatory takings.”

Landed gentry”

bespoke science.”

fake but accurate”

Vietnamese have a saying, Nine men, ten opinions.”

Better to murder an infant in its cradle than to nurse unacted desires,”

conventional wisdom is contradicted by the facts of life,”

absinthe drinker”

Many doctors practise for many years without encountering a moral dilemma. This is not because they are morally obtuse: it is because their work is straightforward and uncontroversial”

There have been men indeed splendidly wicked whose endowments threw a brightness of their crimes, and whom scarce any villainy made perfectly detestable because they never could be wholly divested of their excellencies; but such have been in all ages the great corrupters of the world…’

Johnny Carson used to have a character called Carnac the Magnificent and the Carson schtick was that Carnac could answer a question before it was even asked.”

an adherent to the psychology of a mass movement is not necessarily always drawn to its content, the fanaticism being the operant feature.” Hoffer

An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.”

The resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them but from the sense of inadequacy and impotence.”

self-lie cannot survive reality.”

Discovered sex and later added women.”“

child-care programs that are passing for universities today.”

build for petri dishes, not for men”

T.S. Eliot’s observation that “human kind cannot bear very much reality”

Faces like tombstones”

micro-aggression” and “trigger warning”

He splashes around in the shallow water, but drowns if swept into the depths”

“It’s time to divorce marriage from government,”

—, Look at what it did to Bruce Jenner”

“I have no faith in human perfectibility.”Emerson

till we have reached the bottom stage of development — nameable as the Human Being. Below us — nothing. Nothing but the Frenchman.Twain

March toward the sound of the guns”

The state is a cold monster, said Gen. De Gaulle.

Gun violence, or goon violence”

conflates higher arrest and incarceration rates among blacks (rather than lawbreaking and too many laws), with “scientific” proof of systemic racism.”

To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely,” said Edmund Burke

spontaneous demonstrations take a lot of organising.”

General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.’

college, the most expensive mistake of their lives (unless they are male, get married, and end up divorced.

hockey stick” of gender studies.”

a kind of C-list”

English at a remedial level”

the bottom line before you get to the bottom of the bottle.”

Ask for forgiveness, not for permission”

Don’t have the buoyancy”

Pledging their allegiance to al-Qaeda”

Limited English Proficient, federal program of Clinton”


Keynesian home economics”

who yearns to fill his “God-shaped hole”

fine words butter no parsnips.”

If you pay people to suffer, they will suffer”

at my age the past is richer than the future,”

he best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter”

Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them.”

Mark Twain


howling at the moon”

when you cross a camel with a mule, you get a Saudi

there is no democracy in America, just special interests.

which way does the arrow of causality point?

gaslight anyone who mentions uncomfortable facts or asks forbidden questions by calling them a paranoid, hateful, bigoted loon.

Thwarted expectations.  Incongruities. For example, “A skeleton walks into a bar and asks for a beer and a mop”


Political jokes are popular because they’re lies about liars. If a United States president is portrayed as a giant vending machine handing cash to a donkey, that’s funny, because it’s a lie. Probably what really happened was he gave the money to an elephant and a guy with a scythe.

Somebody says something untrue.

  • “Bzzt, wrong answer. Thanks for playing.”

I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade… And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you.

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by..

If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.”

“Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company.”

Be careful about reading health books. Some fine day you’ll die of a misprint.”

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

Saying “Do I smell popcorn” right after you fart, so everybody takes a deep breath

.Sometimes it just takes a dirty diaper to get a little reaction.

I wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?’

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, ‘Where have I gone wrong?’ Then a voice says to me, ‘This is going to take more than one night.’

Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night

a kind of C-list”

English at a remedial level”

the bottom line before you get to the bottom of the bottle.”

Ask for forgiveness, not for permission”

Don’t have the buoyancy”

Pledging their allegiance to al-Qaeda”

Limited English Proficient, federal program of Clinton”


Keynesian home economics”

who yearns to fill his “God-shaped hole”

fine words butter no parsnips.”

If you pay people to suffer, they will suffer”

at my age the past is richer than the future,”

they toil at their non-livelihoods.

When you don’t call a spade a spade, you can’t have a royal black flush”

“precogs” of Minority Report

can feel the pea of victimization under twenty mattresses.”

Constitution gives priority to liberty, not just to the democratic processes that produce government acts. Again, “the Constitution does not require just any process but due process.”

many are the Beltway rice bowls in danger of being broken today.”

To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”Orwell



See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.

Instead of warning pregnant women not to drink, I think female alcoholics should be told not to fuck

”Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets  himself killed himself on the next zebra crossing.”

“I don’t want yes-men around me. I want everyone to tell the truth, even if it costs them their jobs.”

Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders.

“Every time you feel yourself being pulled into other people’s drama, repeat these word: Not my circus, not my monkeys.

“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” Margaret Thatcher


 inuendo, imply, hint

understatement, overstatement, irony, paradox, juxtaposition – to name key ones. Incongruity is at the heart of humor, as Fountain notes. “Humor, as my wonderful professor at UNC-Chapel Hill, Louis Rubin, once said in class, is incongruity,” he says. “Put two things together that don’t usually go together, and see what happens

t is a curious fact that people are never so trivial as when they take themselves seriously. Oscar Wilde


We have plenty of Confidence in this country, but we are a little short of good men to place our Confidence in.  ~Will Rogers

I once saw a snake having sex with a vulture, and I thought, It’s just business as usual in Washington DC.

“Politically, Republicans and Democrats are at opposite ends. One’s a burp and the other’s a fart.”

hey cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn’t for any religious reasons. They couldn’t find three wise men and a virgin.”

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?”  

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

leave the pocket, because that’s where the money is. Every politician knows this.”

To be surrounded by sixty people who make your life miserable is to be at a family reunion. But to be surrounded by 600,000 people who make the whole world miserable is to live in Washington DC.”

has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong


The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too.  ~Oscar Levant

In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.  ~Charles de Gaulle

Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.  ~Richard Armour

Politicians are like diapers.  They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.  ~Author Unknown

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it.  ~Clarence Darrow

George Washington is the only president who didn’t blame the previous administration for his troubles.  ~Author Unknown

Truth is not determined by majority vote.  ~Doug Gwyn

The reason there are so few female politicians is that it is too much trouble to put makeup on two faces.  ~Maureen Murphy

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.  ~Doug Larson

There are always too many Democratic congressmen, too many Republican congressmen, and never enough U.S. congressmen.  ~Author Unknown

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.  ~Oscar Ameringer

Why pay money to have your family tree traced; go into politics and your opponents will do it for you.  ~Author Unknown

Politicians say they’re beefing up our economy.  Most don’t know beef from pork. ~

There are pockets of wealth in this country. Mostly those pockets are in the politicians’ pants.”

Few miss good government because few remember good government.”

Providing safe drinking fountains for AAx

that no man can do anything so well for himself, as his rulers, be they who they may, can do it for him; that a government approaches nearer and nearer to perfection, in proportion as it interferes more and more with the habits and notions of individuals.” Macaulay

“One excessively touching, heart-breaking passage, and the rest sullen socialism.”

“meanly proud of its own unprofitableness.”

a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches

the authorities responsible for order and law is, he continued, “not a wreath of roses or a flower of love, but a naked sword.”Luther

burn incense to the gods of our age.”

light from dead stars

“If there is hope,” wrote Winston, “it lies in the proles.”

there are no truths, only stories,

that right is what is useful to the stronger

You and I, ought not to die, before We have explained ourselves to each other”).

poorly-lit, psychological obstacle course,

It’s dangerous to democracy to have a difference of opinion

suppression of rebellion or the punishment of blasphemy,

man, made from a bad tree

history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’.”

History stopped in 1936   orwell

Surgery, not butchery”


Social Justice

Something happened this last week that made me glad that we have a republic and not a democracy.

The issue of guns came up at yet another coffee klatsch. There were four of us, all intelligent white men in our 70s from the rust belt. I thought that this bunch would be fervently pro Second Amendment. Alas, quoting another Smollett “Some folks are wise, and some are otherwise.” “We don’t need AK 47s to hunt deer.” Said one. “The folks writing the constitution used muskets, not modern guns.” the second. “I was trained in using guns as an MP but now I’m afraid of guns and won’t even stay in the same room with one.” The last fellow was onto something that gets close to how our right to bear arms functions in the 21st century.  

The founders who had just rebelled and kicked out foreign riffraff knew that their own republic would suffer similar assaults in the future requiring tools that would allow insurrection. They used the word “arms” which are instruments that can be used to kill. More frequently the armed party projects its ability to defend itself or even to inflict damage on adversaries, so forestalling conflict and even gaining other goals. Mutual assured destruction is an example.

Today only the fringe contemplates armed insurrection but the 300 million weapons in private hands causes our government officials to worry in impotent rage. They dare not take the guns away.

Political ugliness would almost certainly blossom if our gun rights were seriously threatened.  PIcture enforcing a law that commanded surrendering all guns what would happen when a couple of cops knock on the door of a fanatical gunowner to confiscate his cache and the guy decides to shoot back, suicide by cop, but still, dead or injured cops also constantly weighs on politicians who would deprive us of the sharp teeth in the 2nd amendment that enforces our Bill of Rights. The unspoken “existential phenomenology” in the USA is that we’ll let Democrats and foreigners whine and fantasize about how they’ll prevent the purchase of ordinary rifles by as yet unidentified terrorists fated to commit crimes like those in Orlando. A few even advocate taking away 300 million small arms. These politicians do their work in fortress like building with metal detectors and armed guards at the doors. In this relative safety politicians publicly feel free to bluster for gun control for the benefit of their constituents, and work anxiously in the shadows to be sure that the arms status quo remains unchanged.They are terrified of the civil unrest that such a foolish disruption would unleash.

Interestingly, they feel safe in scapegoating the NRA, but then the NRA doesn’t shoot politicians.

Arms in the hands of the people leads to occasional tragedies. Unarmed people suffer defenselessly genocides perpetrated by armed men.  infrastructure in states.



The rich (and the businesses with which they are inseparable) do not pay taxes, rather they collect them

The scam arises because the rich are also folks who set prices, and they don’t set prices to lose money.

In essence, businesses (and their owners who are generally rich) encounter increasing taxes that come with enlarging the government. Corporations regard taxes as just another cost which have to be passed on to their customers. They do not “absorb” these extortions, but rather pass them through.

Licensed and privileged entities (utilities, doctors, insurance companies, the local zoning and planning commission) do something similar when they use the state to exclude or control competition, forming oligopolies which allow the licensed to charge above market prices for their products.

No matter how high the taxes go, folks who set prices can compensate.

The customers of all of these live in a universe in which the prices that they have to pay for food, rent, credit cards…. are doubled or tripled because of the embedded taxes and regulations.

The poor earn what they can the jobs available at wages offered, and pay taxes hidden in prices inflated by their compassionately bloated government.

There has been an inflation of costs in which poor people find themselves for the last 50 years or more and that accounts for the increasing disparity twixt rich and poor.



The NYT just published some anecdotes describing the suffering among “nonessential” federal employees who are not working and who won’t get paychecks for not doing their jobs until the partial shutdown ends. They retain their bennies so not all gratification is delayed. One lady is described as “a manhattan cocktail to her right and an octopus salad to her left” and bored. Ah well.

I contrast this with the agony that was irreversible when the Electrolux (refrigerators) plant in Greenville, Michigan finally shut down about 15 years ago and moved to Juarez, Mexico. The move was spurred by an economic theory called free trade, but not really “free” so much as deals arranged to satisfy the politicians. Twenty seven hundred people lost their jobs in a city of about 8,500.

Many of the inhabitants of that found jobs in still prosperous Grand Rapids  30 miles away via one two lane highway so stayed but their lives were diminished. All had to make major changes and, interestingly, the disruption for some led to improvement.  

I have in mind a patient who had been referred to my office for some treatable condition. The lady was obviously depressed, her husband had died a year before and she had just lost her job at the plant. She had no idea about how she would cope and pay her bills, my bill included. That let me launch into my story about a previous patient who had a devastating illness that prevented him from ever getting a job but who had started a small business cleaning offices and who had 15 people working for him. She brightened, told me how she had always enjoyed cleaning and that an acquaintance was a self employed cleaning lady with too much work who had asked her to help out.

She returned six weeks later smiling and dolled up, a positive “lipstick sign” among physicians because a woman who is cured will resume the use of makeup. She was especially cheered because she had covered her friend’s cleaning business for 2 weeks for a long delayed vacation coverage, was about to go into a partnership, had picked up three jobs and had another one pending, and said that she had earned more than she ever earned at the plant (I was too polite to ask about whether she declared her income and was paying taxes.)

The lady succeeded because of her

This method of using cell phone apps is not reliable or relevant; it is a variant of the PASER. the politically useful way to squeeze money out of the legislature to enrich contractors, unionized workers and the wardhealers who feed off “the worst”

Real civil engineers like those who make decisions about fixing the roads in Mi (DOT)  use a specialized vehicle that measures the distraction of the road to stresses the distraction index and by that measure, Indiana roads may be worse than those in Mi……



Last summer I speculated about whether DT was waging war on China using economic means instead of competing with them militarily. That was 6 months ago and recent events stimulated this update.  

The Chinese stock market lost 25% of its prices in 2018. In December the NYT reported widespread layoffs, shortened work hours and diminished pay in factories, just as I had projected.

Last Friday the NYT reported that the  Chinese government had injected 218 billion dollars into their economy to forestall a collapse.

The real stunner is the report that  according to an analyst named Gan Li, more than 65 million apartments, one in five, in Chinese cities sit unoccupied, no one wants to buy and the prices are being slashed. Chinese who had purchased homes recently at the inflated prices are enraged.

The left will point out that our stock markets are in a bear market posture, but the rest of the economy continues to boom with low unemployment, rising wages and a Fed that is trying to drain liquidity from the economy.


More than one in five apartments in Chinese cities — roughly 65 million — sit unoccupied, estimates Gan Li,


Stock market has fallen 25% in 2018 pours 218 billion into economy as growth slows.  laid off, short hours and diminished pay.

a trade-war-related slowdown in China’s factory activity. If Esquel is any guide, Chinese firms may use the opportunity to become even more efficient, rather than wilting in the face of adversity. In the long run, that would make China’s economy as a whole more resilient.


After all, none of us born here did anything to deserve our citizenship. On what moral grounds can we deny others rights, privileges and opportunities that we did not earn ourselves?  By Michelle Alexander



Clause 4. The Congress shall have Power… To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,


Our constitution and its first 10 amendments guarantee a right of free association. These guarantees are formalized in a host of laws and customs that have evolved in our country in the last 230 years. Reasonable free association limitations to what would be chaos have been written into law by the existing citizens such that we citizens, naturalized or not, define those with whom we want to associate and exclude others, such as those who break our laws by jumping over the borders, who don’t speak or ever want to speak our languages, follow our customs, or contribute to our economy (Serrano-Hernandez  will undoubtedly want welfare, free education and the rest based on the anchor baby concept, a debatable provision of the 14th amendment.)

It’s frankly that simple. We write laws that define who it is with whom we find it helpful to associate and reject many who don’t make the cut. These laws may not have existed in 1850 and since have changed to reflect our evolving welfare state and they can still be changed.

The author of this article is at liberty to form a political group (association), to lobby congress or even to write in favor of changing our laws (press), reformatting how we the existing citizens and voters select those with whom we want to associate. They can change the laws so that Ms Serrano-Hernandez and 7 billion others in a large world gain our citizenship, now redefined as  not associating with us on our terms and to be entitled to whatever they demand of our material resources.  


I think that the “wall” is a flawed idea.
1) It can (will?) be used to keep our citizens in; recall the Berlin wall.
2) An unverified report that popped up somewhere alleged that the new Dem governor of Illinois wants to tax folks who leave that great state. Our US feds already try to penalize citizens who want to leave for freer jurisdictions. If I were a Dem, I’d want to control exit. Walls around borders (even if necessary with Wisconsin and Indiana) will accomplish that.
3) It’s well to remember that had HRC won in 2016 that the caravan in Mexico would have been going south. I suspect that HRC and her Dem congress would have erected such a wall long since.


Homelessness is mostly an effect of rent control, building codes, zoning, planning commissions, inspections and the like, programs that are written into municipal codes at the behest of existing homeowners. No one wants poor people in their neighborhoods or “those” kinds of kids in their schools. The existing owners make sure that starter homes, trailer parks and the like are not ever built in their city. Any new housing is expensive, nicely spaced 4-6 per acre, expensive and beyond the means of the hoi poloi.

The poor never get on to the ladder to home ownership, housing is expensive and scarce, so they end up on the streets. And then the well fed homeowners get to support homeless shelters, welfare; makes them feel sanctimonious.


Summary; John Taylor Gatto, NYC teacher of the year and NY State teacher of the year several times in the early 1990s rebelled and told the truth about our public schools. I interviewed him on the local NPR station with unforeseen sequelae.


Author; Erwin Haas


Submitted Nov 1, 2018


Title; John Taylor Gatto Education Innovator Dies.


John Taylor Gatto, an educational rebel and advocate of “unschooling” died last week. We lost a great and vigorous voice for liberty.  

John had been a school teacher in New York City for 21 years, had been named the city’s teacher of the year during his last three years of teaching, 1989-91 and was NY State teacher of the year in 1991. He refused to divulge his great success as a teacher, keeping the doors of his classrooms closed as he stopped teaching the kids, letting them become “unschooled” which meant breaking the mold of being controlled. Instead he let them do what they wanted, talk and ask any question. After 6 months of unschooling almost all of them started asking questions about stuff that they wanted to know about and finding answers on their own, understanding for the first time their involvement in the gaining and enjoyment of learning.  

In 1991 he retired, writing a famous letter to the Wall Street Journal stating that he no longer wished “to hurt kids to make a living.” Thereafter he advocated homeschooling and spoke out against the factory schools  about which I wrote last week. John ran for state senate in NY as a conservative and served as the shadow minister for education with the Libertarian Party.  

I spoke with him at some length about 25 years ago when he appeared on a local talk radio show hosted by Bill, the progressive (of course) on the local NPR affiliate. Bill had invited John, either not knowing what he stood for or possibly fantasizing that he could belittle John to please his Michigan Education Association masters.  

The first caller was one of our kids’ English teachers, whom I will call Sally. She made claims about City Middle and High School in Grand Rapids that made it sound as though all of the public schools ran at same elevated level as that unique school.  

I had read some of John’s books and had a cassette tape of one of his lectures running continuously in my car, prepared to rumble. I got on next informing the audience that City is a “pull out school” to which the brightest two or three percent of kids in Grand Rapids public schools are admitted, that the lowest IQ was probably 115 and the students were mostly the children of professionals. Sally was actually a gifted single forty year old teacher and popular with the students. By way of illustrating some facet of a poem, she had notoriously chased a twelve year old boy around in an assembly of students yelling “I love you” to the general merriment of these very sophisticated kids. City routinely scored in the top two or three  of Michigan’s schools ranks, “whatever that means.” My disparaging of the test results was a kind of dog whistle for John who started egging me on, basically interviewing me, knowing that I would use his very language. The kids were smarter than the teachers. We sent our kids to City because it was cheap daycare for us and, frankly, it was only minimally likely that they would be murdered. We told our kids to never believe a word of what they heard (they remain skeptical of nonsense.)

John roared with laughter. I didn’t think that they learned very much. The school was a four story building in an office park with maybe 30 classrooms, a cafeteria, no lawn, no gym, no sports or frills. It had four or five clubs; chess, debate, and quiz bowl among them. It didn’t cost much to run. If you want to get better public schools, get better students and save the expense. More peels of laughter.  

Poor Bill, our host, sputtered and could not cut in.

We rapped non stop for the rest of the half hour segment covering all of John’s themes; That the public schools and schooling in general  evolved from the 1807 Prussian model designed to turn smart farm kids into factory workers, good soldiers and obedient subjects of their rulers. Our public schooling was designed by social engineers like Horace Mann and John Dewey to destroy their young pupils’ minds, to impose their depending on authority, stifle questioning and reasoning about the real world so that these well trained automatons could live in the wonderful world that they envisioned. School routines and drills crowded out the time that young people needed so that they could wonder about stuff outside of school and to find their own way in life, in other words they didn’t have time to educate themselves. Gatto, citing Plato, talked about education as that inward look, a drawing out from some subconscious human reservoir that each of us has, to find the meaning of life, asking questions like; Is there a God? What do I want to do for a living? Is this good poetry?  

We had a lively discussion. Unconventional rapid fire talk and humor are welcome on entertainment venues and Bill’s audience must have been enthralled. It contrasted sharply with his daily, glum socialist theorizing.  

And what’s the punchline of this reminiscence?  

Our host Bill was fired two weeks later. A technician at the station told me that the MEA was unhappy about the his inability or unwillingness to stop dissemination of the wrong kind of propaganda on their NPR station.


Erwin Haas was an Army flight surgeon in Vietnam, a Kentwood city commissioner and assistant clinical professor of Medicine at Michigan State. He is running as a Libertarian for Michigan’s 26th state senate district. He Blogs here.





Summary; In corporate welfare schemes, the parasitic parties identify and support politicians who will fund their revenue flows so that they can make inordinate profits. A Cure for Parasites would reward companies that work to elect politicians who will eliminate wasteful programs. In a state like Michigan, initiatives to change the constitution are a feasible way of accomplishing such a scheme.



Author; Erwin Haas


Submitted Nov 26, 2018

Title; A Cure for Michigan’s Parasites.

Political processes have allowed “special interests” to use tax dollars to aggrandize themselves at the expense of inattentive taxpayers. Small minorities like those in the film and tourist industries here in Michigan spin arguments to persuade supine lawmakers to support their programs and policies, thus burdening the general public with bureaucracies and regulations that stifle economic life. They are parasites.  

Like tapeworms and malaria they seek only a fraction of the government manna for themselves, but they also create poisons in the host which they invariably weaken. “Democracy” has ensconced these bloodsuckers by encouraging our political representatives to trade the public weal to gain personal power and wealth.  

Electing well meaning Republicans won’t rid us of special interest parasites. What is needed are the incentives and money to level the playing field.  

An industry that is parallel to the existing corporate welfare nexus is possible and desirable. The 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision that corporations and unions could spend their money on politicking allows this solution. I’m thinking about enabling and rewarding for-profit companies whose only function is to politick against parasitic special interests.  

I term this apparatus “Cures for Parasites.” Companies in this industry would calculate the amount that they think would be saved, propose laws to cut wasteful expenditures of the State’s government and then work to get the savings passed. A small office of the government would be established to put passing these laws out for bidding by the industry participants and the highest offer would win the contract. The company bid would include a 10% deposit of the estimated tax savings. (Too high a bid would make changing the law more difficult politically and would increase the amount of deposit.)  

The winning bidder would spend his money on publicizing the savings in order to put pressure on lawmakers and make the changes palatable to voters. It would lobby and work against the reelection of legislators who oppose the reforms and for the election of sympathetic candidates. The company could sponsor primary challengers and candidates from either party who will cooperate in getting fie of useless and costly programs.  

If the company succeeds in passing the laws that eliminate government waste, it would get its deposit back immediately plus 10% of the money saved for 5 years, an excellent investment by government and (hopefully) a sufficient return so that several companies would be attracted into this new industry.  

I propose a deposit of a year’s worth of hoped for profit for each year that the company uses to get the proposed laws passed. This is to discourage some who might bid on contracts to prevent reform. Time constraints of maybe 2 election cycles should be stipulated.


To Illustrate:  

The Mackinac Center in Michigan is a conservative think tank that opposes the state’s “Pure Michigan” campaign that advertises for tourism in Michigan. The amount spent varies by year but averages 25 million per year.  A group of Mackinac scholars could incorporate, raise money on capital markets, and target eliminating Pure Michigan. They, and their competitors would bid on a contract to eliminate Pure Michigan. The winning bidder would have to make stiff deposits of one year’s worth of hoped for profits, here two and a half million dollars for each year used to make the legislative changes.  If Mackinac succeeded they would get all their deposit money back immediately, and then two and a half million dollars for 5 years.
If on the other hand the tourism industry tries to block reform, bids, wins and then blocks reform, they would have to put up earnest money and lose it year after year sitting on the contract. The tourism industry in Michigan would have to reimburse the state, at least in part, for money wasted on Pure Michigan.  

Politically legislators themselves, other governmental parasites and the media would reflexively oppose any such creature. This could pass only in states like Michigan and California which have the voter initiatives. I think that such a constitutional change (which would be easier here in Michigan) would garner popular support after it were adequately explained. Passing it in even one state would create a laboratory in which bugs (like my seat of the pants estimates of 10%) could be worked out. The buzz from that state might encourage other states and even the federal government to pass such legislation.  

This constitutional change would take attention away from electing fickle candidates and put the focus and serious money on eliminating wasteful programs. There would be an industry devoted to countering the incessant lobbying by rent seeking interests. At the federal level, a similar structure could be used to eliminate misguided foreign interventions.  

Elected officials would be shorn of their power to help their friends and some might revert to being guardians of the public square.

Erwin Haas was an Army flight surgeon in Vietnam, a Kentwood city commissioner and assistant clinical professor of Medicine at Michigan State. He is running as a Libertarian for Michigan’s 26th state senate district. He Blogs here.


Summary; We in Michigan are being asked eschew  fossil fuel use to prevent imagined problems elsewhere. How do we reconcile that with the larger underlying cycles of the ice ages?


Author; Erwin Haas


Submitted Oct. 25, 2018


Title;  Michiganders Want Global Warming.


Controlling our climate is a big deal for some constituencies. Gossip has it that burning fossil fuels increases the carbon dioxide in the  atmosphere and traps heat, and so our global temperatures might increase by 2 degrees C (about 3 degrees F) in the next 10, 30 or 50 years. Take your pick.

Quite independently, the increased CO2 from burning fossil fuels (or wherever it comes from) has served as a crop fertilizer, diminishes plants’ need for water and has caused entire regions like the Sahel in North Africa to green up.  

But look at this from a broader perspective of a guy in Michigan. The place where I’m sitting right now was at the bottom of 300 feet of ice 12,000 years ago. Thankfully, it all melted due to an unaccountable but very welcome global warming. Some “scientists” assert that the globe warmed up by 16 degrees F since the last (of many) ice ages. We have mixed opinions on whether this welcome warming is continuing. The 3 degrees (maybe) due to man made industrial pollution is small compared to the 16 degrees ascribed to the latest ice age cycle, think of unimpressive wave on a vast tide of the ocean sloshing around as the globe turns. And we have no idea whether the ice age warming is continuing to wax or whether it is waning. We could be staring at another ice age for all that climate “scientists” know.

We in Michigan live in a harsh climate, a relatively short growing season and freeze thaw cycles that bust up our roads, make cars careen out of control with every freeze and, as I’m reminded of daily in my FB and email feeds, inspire retirees who can afford it to migrate to Florida in the Fall.

Portside politicians want to deny us the sun splashed environs that every Michigander fantasizes about.  I’d guess that most of us would be happy if only our winters were milder and snow free, say like those in North Carolina or Georgia. Yet the same doctrinaire politicians and environmental fanatics decree that we not build cheap and cost effective gas fired electric power plants and factories here lest we melt ice somewhere else. They want to deny us the tools so that we can prosper in our own state.

Why should we in the north worry about any slight warming? The leftist politicians and “scientists” who promise us near term doom have not accurately predicted our climate in the last 40 years (one of our sons is an engineer working at Goddard on weather satellites and knows a bit about Microwave Sensing Units, polar orbits and the rest) and ignore the the ice age because it clouds their narrative. They predict the future by inventing it. Why let them ruin our lives?  

And why should we vote for guys who concoct a future to augment their political power over productive elements here in Michigan, all the while irresponsibly condemning us to their globalist inspired poverty?


There is an enormous amount of money in construction, especially in government infrastructure which lack ordinary market constraints so we need to be suspicious here. Folks with a lot of money control the conversation and the media, viz Bridgeme. In any case;

There are two chief systems for judging the condition of roads; Pasar is done by a trained observer driving over a road and judging it. It is subjective and notoriously non reproducible. It is the one used by the media, advertising and construction companies, federations of civil engineers and construction unions. Paser says that 25percent of our roads are bad….

The other is DI or Distraction Index, done every 2 years on all our roads. A specially equiped car goes over every lane. It has lasers and ultrasounds underneath measuring the roughness of the surface and how much a load of the car moving over the surface deforms the road. It is reproducible and is the yardstick used by the MDOT to decide that a road is failing and needs attention. By this metric, 9 percent of our main highways are failing. I found numbers for Indiana where a similar number is that 12 percent of their roads are failing…..

That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t fix the roads. It does mean that we need to be suspicious of the motives and the method that the advocate for us spending our tax dollars employs.


Erwin Haas is a former flight surgeon in Vietnam, Kentwood city commissioner and assistant clinical professor of Medicine at Michigan State. He is running as a Libertarian for Michigan’s 26th state senate district. His Blogs here.


Bridgemi journalists, really the detritus of bad writers of dozens of failed newspapers in Michigan (the imitative writing is why they failed), repeat the failed  pronouncements of the AP-yet another shrinking empire of broken down hacks of little imagination.

We Michiganders are better than this. How about;

Controlling our climate is a big deal for some constituencies. Gossip has it that burning fossil fuels increases the carbon dioxide in the  atmosphere and traps heat, our global temperatures might increase by 2 degrees C (about 3 degrees F) in the next 10, 30 or 50 years. Take your pick.

Quite independently, the increased CO2 from burning fossil fuels, or wherever it comes from, has served as a crop fertilizer, diminishes plants’ need for water and has caused entire regions like the Sahel in North Africa to green up.  

But look at this from a broader perspective. The place where I’m sitting right now was at the bottom of 300 feet of ice 12,000 years ago. Thankfully, it all melted due to an unaccountable but very welcome global warming. Some “scientists” assert that the globe warmed up by 16 degrees F since the last (of many) ice ages. We have mixed opinions on whether this welcome warming is continuing. The 3 degrees (maybe) due to man made industrial pollution is small compared to the 16 degrees ascribed to the latest ice age cycle, like an unimpressive wave on a vast tide of the ocean sloshing up and down as the globe turns. And we have no idea whether the ice age warming is continuing to wax or whether it is waning. We could be staring at another ice age for all that climate “scientists” know.

We in Michigan live in a harsh climate, a relatively short growing season and freeze thaw cycles that bust up our roads, make cars careen out of control with every freeze and, as I’m reminded of daily in my FB and email feeds, drive retirees who can afford it, to migrate to Florida in the Fall.

Portside politicians want to deny us the sun splashed environs that every Michigander fantasizes about.  I’d guess that most of us would be happy if only winters were milder and snow free, say like those in North Carolina or Georgia. Yet the same doctrinaire politicians and environmental fanatics decree that we not build cheap and cost effective gas fired electric power plants and factories here lest we melt ice somewhere. They want to deny us the tools so that we can prosper in our own state.

Why should we worry about any slight warming? The leftist politicians and “scientists” who promise us near term doom have not accurately predicted our climate in the last 40 years (one of our sons is an engineer working at Goddard on weather satellites and knows a bit about MSU, polar orbits and the rest) and ignore the the ice age because it clouds their narrative.They predict the future by inventing it. Why let them ruin our lives?  

And why should we vote for guys who concoct a future to augment their political power, all the while irresponsibly condemning us to their globalist inspired poverty?




The ACA was above all not affordable; It is part of the involvement of our government in medical card that has made costs explode since Medicare/caid in 1965. The insurance companies, drug houses, hospitals all own the politicians and these phonies will continue to protect their patrons. The problem isn’t that you may or may not have insurance but that the costs of all of the coinages put on actual providers are squeezing everyone out of the market beginning at the poor end and year by year excreting them out of the funnel like so much waste. Sooner than later, no one can afford medical care.


The language that appears on the ballot does not resemble what is quoted in this brazen attempt to further Democrat goals;…

It refers to “4 each who self-identify as affiliated with the 2 major political parties” but we now have 3 major parties. This proposal is flawed beyond resuscitation.

We Libertarians will take our 4 commissions slots; how the Dems and Reps want to litigate over the other four partisan slots is their problem….

Bridgemi really should disguise their biases and sloppiness of language more cleverly.


This PFAS/C8 hangers-on are now tuning the radio before they turn it on. We need to be at least more than suspicious that these compounds cause harm. There was an Australian study that concluded that they were benign. The only other study was at the Washington WV plant done over 10 years about 12 years ago. I reviewed many of their findings during my Michigan Senate campaign (26TH) and find 1) no recognition that the population was in Appalachia where the average man lives 8 years and woman 4 years less than the American average. The population is a sickly one and many of the results suspect. 2) all of the findings are couched in “consistent with”, “possibly” “seems” and the like.

I’d like to be sure of human harm before spending public money on what is probably a futile quest. There are no new additions to the C8 in our environment, the stuff is disappearing from the blood of people who had been exposed (half life maybe 3 years ), so that this is a self correcting problem at worst.


Erwin Haas, Libertarian candidate;


Questions for Ganet Lewis, Democrat;  1) Could you explain how it was possible for Michigan to be settled, railroads built, businesses established before 1900 when the public schools were fully established?


Questions for Aric Nesbitt, Republican;  1) How and why do you propose removing PFAS and Teflon related chemicals from the ground water?


Questions for Robert Alway, Green Party 1) When oil seeped out of the ground and into lakes and rivers in 1850, what happened to it?


For Garnet Lewis; 2) How does the The Healthy Michigan Plan which created an estimated 30,000 – 40,000 jobs, an increase of $2.2-  to $2.4 billion in personal income, help lower medical costs in Michigan?


For Aric Nesbit; 2) Why did it take 8 years from 2008 until 2016 for the mostly republican legislature 8 years to institute regulations that allowed businesses to sell medical marijuana after 2016 and why should voters trust you to enable recreational marijuana in a timely fashion when it’s legalized in November?


For Garnet Lewis; 3) Do you want to deny guns to 18-21 year olds to prevent the tragic murder of possibly a few dozen students in the USA in the last decade and then how do you explain not restricting the sale of pistols to young African American  men who murder over 3000 young black men each year?


For Robert Alway;  2) Is the current global warming caused by manmade CO2 or is it part of the warming trend that’s been waxing, or maybe waning since the ice age 12000 years ago when our building was under 300 feet of ice?


Travon Martin, the black 17 year old who attacked Geo Zimmerman in a paranoid frenzy and was in turn shot and killed, had been to a convenience store where these substances are marketed as K2, bath salts and the like.

The drugs often have enough moieties to resemble THC on spectroscopic analyses, and are identified as “cannabinoids” and so it was with Martin.

If there weren’t so much profit in making and marketing “illegal” drugs, no one would bother. We need to get rid of the war on drugs.


The American Medical Association (AMA) was started in 1847 to promote the interests of American physicians and they prospered mightily. The Flexner Report of 1910 recommended and got the licensing of physicians by the state, the closing of over a hundred proprietary medical schools and mandatory internships in AMA approved programs, all of which solidified the monopoly to practice medicine that physicians wanted so that medicine could become profitable. The AMA lost a few skirmishes the big one when It sponsored the Harrison act in 1913 in anticipation of obtaining a monopoly in prescribing heroin.

The AMA was started in 1847  to promote the interests and excellence of physicians by limiting entry and licensing.  It gradually developed enormous prestige as competition for the few medical school slots increased the quality of physicians. It harvested financial resources from ads in its AMA publications. A physician who was not able to display his AMA membership certificate was suspect.The AMA vigorously opposed the introduction of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, which was the year at which its influence was the highest and seventy percent of physicians were members.

I and my wife, also an MD, joined the AMA in the 1970s. I had at least five of my writing published in their journals over 30 years ago and all of my scientific contributions have stood the test of time.

But the organization seemed to have lost its way in the early 1990s when various factions argued for more government involvement in providing medical care, some even supporting universal coverage. I lost my enthusiasm and stopped sending them my dues in the mid 1990s. Since that time the AMA has supported the ACA. Its publications are full of suggestions for “improving” the law and criticism of those who wish to eliminate this monstrosity.

The percentage of US physicians and medical students belonging to the AMA is now 17%

I had not perceived how far the organization had fallen as a center of scientific excellence until I ran across an article that seems to tout using a drug called buprenorphine. I’m running for a Michigan senate in a rural area where opioid overdose deaths are an special concern and, as a physician, I’d like to offer something. “Rehab” and forced withdrawal programs never had any empirical support and are now in bad odor. Buprenorphine seemed to be an attractive treatment but I did not run across any good controlled studies to support its use. Last week, Bridgemi, a Michigan portside think tank, published an article (not worth the effort) on using Buprenorphine in emergency rooms  appeared. It links to an 2015 Journal of the American Medical Society article as definitive.

I eagerly tore into the article, looking as always first at the methods and materials. It was randomized but not blinded which caused me to worry about methodological problems but I went on to the summary accurately reflects the results of the study.


“Among opioid-dependent patients, E D-initiated buprenorphine treatment vs brief intervention and referral significantly increased engagement in addiction treatment, reduced self-reported illicit opioid use, and decreased use of inpatient addiction treatment services but did not significantly decrease the rates of urine samples that tested positive for opioids or of HIV risk. These findings require replication in other centers before widespread adoption.”


Buprenorphine causes a mild euphoria in its users and does have substantial street value as just another narcotic so that patients receiving the drug have incentives to remain on it either to use it, or to sell it so that they can afford the more illicit stuff. The positive sounding results of the study are the reduced self reported opioid use and of inpatient addiction treatment as well as increased use of addiction treatment centers. But “addiction treatment” both in and out patient is just another discredited psychological scam. As far as self reporting of drug use, what else would you expect from patients to whom you are giving a valuable drug? The patients randomized to receive buprenorphine have avery incentive to participate with “treatment” as long as they are rewarded with free narcotics. Then there is the subjective, self reported reduction in drug use, but what else do you expect an addict to tell you if you are giving them pills?

The objective findings are that addicts still had positive urines and risk of HIV so continued to use the illegal drugs just like the group of addicts who did not use buprenorphine.

I had hoped that I could cite buprenorphine treatment as a way for us as a caring community to address opioid abuse and recent spike in deaths when I’m on the campaign trail but alas, it was not to be.

when I started my private practice in 1975

I’m a retired physician and. Buprenorphine seems to be an attractive treatment since drug rehabilitation (talk treatment) seems to be losing favor but I can’t find any good articles in the regular medical journals that we get.


In 1900, any kid could walk into any pharmacy in the USA and buy heroin or cocaine; None did because there was no money in it.  Thos Jefferson arranged for Lewis and Clark to find the northwest passage through the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. Both Jefferson and Lewis used opium daily for decades and functioned OK. The problem arose in 1913 when some bluenoses estimated that 1.3% if the US population was addicted to heroin and that these folks might be having fun so put a stop to it with the Harrison Act.

This was prohibition before prohibition and the prices of “illicit” drugs skyrocketed, money was to be made and distribution channels established. The low level drug dealer was himself an addict and had to sell drugs-often on the nearby school yard- to be able to afford his habit.  (It’s kind of like Amway where the distributor is also the main customer.)

And so this travesty has become a “war on drugs” with uncounted lives ruined. It is estimated that 1.2% of our public is using illicit drugs with 2 million using narcotics. I find no evidence that convinces me that all of these addicts started by using prescription drugs; rather many were on the illegal stuff and found that going to certain doctors allowed them to access Vicodins and Oxy…  It’s hard to untangle where these folks started their drug habits. The recent spike in overdose deaths arises when illegal narcotics which come from irregular sources are spiked with Fentenyl which is much more potent than heroin and causes respiratory arrest, and that ain’t good.

I speculate that 1.2 % of the American public have addictive personalities and will use these drugs until they age out, often at age 40.  If we got rid of the war on drugs these folks could buy legal and standardized narcotics which they could use safely. And narcotics would cost about the same as herbs or spices. With no profit motive, who would try to peddle them?


The world wants to be deceived, so deceive it.

I’m a retired physician and spent 40 years listening to patients lying to themselves and then to me, drug companies sliding half truths down the throats of gullible colleagues, hospital administrators enthralled by their sycophants and more generally, reporters who graduated from public schools trying to think. This  article is an example of the latter. As a baseball player pointed out, “If you don’t think too good, don’t think too much.”

I’ve been trying to find evidence that bupren.. works and so clicked on the link provided by the “expert” here. The summary is as follows and probably accurately reflects the results of the study.


“Among opioid-dependent patients, ED-initiated buprenorphine treatment vs brief intervention and referral significantly increased engagement in addiction treatment, reduced self-reported illicit opioid use, and decreased use of inpatient addiction treatment services but did not significantly decrease the rates of urine samples that tested positive for opioids or of HIV risk. These findings require replication in other centers before widespread adoption.”


The problems with accepting bupren.. as useful include the “engagement in addiction treatment centers” which are 1) useless  and 2) indicates that the addict is more likely to want to quit on his own (Most do.)

Then there is the subjective, self reported reduction in drug use, but what else do you expect an addict to tell you if you are giving them pills?

The objective findings are that addicts still had positive urines and risk of HIV.  


I had hoped that I could cite bupren.. as a crutch when I’m on the campaign trail (MI 26th senate) but alas, it was not to be.

In 1900, any kid could walk into any pharmacy in the USA and buy heroin or cocaine; None did because there was no money in it.  Thos Jefferson arranged for Lewis and Clark to find the northwest passage through the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. Both Jefferson and Lewis used opium daily for decades and functioned OK. The problem arose in 1913 when some bluenoses estimated that 1.3% if the US population was addicted to heroin and that these folks might be having fun so put a stop to it with the Harrison Act.

This was prohibition before prohibition and the prices of “illicit” drugs skyrocketed, money was to be made and distribution channels established. The low level drug dealer was himself an addict and had to sell drugs-often on the nearby school yard- to be able to afford his habit.  (It’s kind of like Amway where the distributor is also the main customer.)

And so this travesty has become a “war on drugs” with uncounted lives ruined. It is estimated that 1.2% of our public is using illicit drugs with 2 million using narcotics. I find no evidence that convinces me that all of these addicts started by using prescription drugs; rather many were on the illegal stuff and found that going to certain doctors allowed them to access Vicodins and Oxy…  It’s hard to untangle where these folks started their drug habits. The recent spike in overdose deaths arises when illegal narcotics which come from irregular sources are spiked with Fentenyl which is much more potent than heroin and causes respiratory arrest, and that ain’t good.

I speculate that 1.2 % of the American public have addictive personalities and will use these drugs until they age out, often at age 40.  If we got rid of the war on drugs these folks could buy legal and standardized narcotics which they could use safely. And narcotics would cost about the same as herbs or spices. With no profit motive, who would try to peddle them?      on state wide school graduates.

I got my copy of Reason Magazine yesterday.  The headline article (behind a paywall) “Everything You Know about State Education Rankings is Wrong” by Stan J. Liebowitz and Matthew I Kelly supports yet another indictment of the MSM as perpetrators of fake news.

The two authors focus on the US News and World Report “Best Schools” blather and detail for us on how this nonsense on Public Schools is generated. They  demolish the house of cards in five well written pages that includes graphs.

Liebowitz and Kelly show two major flaws in the US News publication. The first is that the schools of any one state get higher ranking purely because they spend more money per student. How this relates actual measured results remains enigmatic. The authors write “intentions to raise performance is not the same as raising performance.” In other words a state that spends more will outrank one that spends less even though the test scores are the same.  

The second is an equally disturbing distortion. They use raw test scores across entire states without considering the racial composition of the students in the state. It’s a common place that Asian students score higher than Whites who in turn outperform Hispanics who do better than African American students. The last get the lowest scores on academic achievements. We would expect states with majority Asian or White students to get higher scores than states with greater percentages of Hispanic or African American students. Any honest evaluation of how well a school system is doing should disaggregate the student racial percentages and adjust the ranking so that we have a better notion about how much the school is adding to the test results and how much the student herself brings to the table. The US News rankings never control for the racial composition of the students in the various states.  

The authors remove the money spent on students and correct the test scores to account for the racial composition and produce an entirely different and surprising ranking of public school performance. They also graph the performance of the schools against the money spent per student. There is no correlation.  

It turns out that Texas and Florida do a very good job with the money that they spend. Wisconsin, Maine, Vermont, New York and my own state of Michigan, rank in the lowest ten.  

The two authors lament that their analysis will be ignored and not influence policy.  

Not if I have any say.


Taleb’s black swan; the eggheads are unaware of some force that comes out of nowhere and wreaks havoc. They are blind to randomness and have no idea of what to do as things evolve.  After a decent interval, they declare that they knew what was happening all along. They take credit for, and shape the explanation of whatever good result emerged spontaneously, despite their helplessness and confusion as the disaster evolved.


There are two problems with non partisan redistrciting proposal on the ballot.


The first has to do with the language that is on the ballot; four or the thitrteen commission members will be drawn from each of the “major parties.”

Hard to see how “the two major parties” squares with the inclusion of the Libertarian Party as a major party.

Am I to be prevented from being a non partisan member of the 13 despite running as a Libertarian when they were a minor party? Or will my running for MI Senate 26 for what is defined as a major party in 2018 be the defining backball (to use the original Athenian term)?

I can see where the apparent language and interpretation will be endlessly frustrated by the “major” party gibberish.

My best contribution is well known; the US constitution specifies that the state legislature draw the lines and specify how elections are run. No matter who draws the lines, it will be partisan and you may as well allow the victors to screw the losers.  That’s their duty under our Constitution.

This initiative distracts responsibility from where it belongs and has been drawn up using flawed reference points that will condemn it to 10 years of legal wrangling. In the meantime the state legislators or the courts will be able to jerk our politics around to no one’s benefit.


“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;”

Where does our constitution mention that the judiciary is the only source of decision? Or that there be congressional districts?
It sounds to me as though the elected legislature can do anything it pleases provided that each rep represents 750k people (other laws provide for this.)

Someone will draw lines and these lines will be partisan, and it may as well be drawn by those constitutionally constituted.
And let them screw the opposition.


It was a long time ago that social and military “scientists” sent a young physician, Erwin (along with three million others) to Vietnam. “Scientist” when applied to the soft sciences has since become an epithet, a focus for derision, for me. I apply it to other social sciences like management theory, economics, drug rehab, education theory, sociology and so many others. Our daughter, who is a statistician at RAND, has widened my the field of

“I have abandoned my search for truth and am now looking for a good fantasy.”


Hi, I’m Erwin Haas, Libertarian candidate for MIchigan’s 26th Senate district.   My public service included a tour in Vietnam as an Army flight surgeon and as a city commissioner in Kentwood from 2013 until last year.

My parents were immigrants, farm children from Bavaria who valued education. They told me ‘Erwin, study for 30 years, like a Jesuit”. I was gifted and eventually did my 30 years of schooling, became a medical doctor and earned an MBA, most of it paid for by someone else.

But the more important education came from my parents. Hard work, honesty and thrift, doing math in my head. Inflation and war destroyed Germany. They had both suffered hunger during the Great War.  Mom had rickets and bovine tuberculosis. They both lived in the Bavarian Soviet Republic. Mom tolerated Hitler for 3 years before she could get out. Socialism and big government are bad. I learned to cook from mom, made sauerkraut, beer and and wine with dad. I learned biochemistry at home. Dad had painted houses during the depression and he continued with my help. One of the core principles is don’t waste good paint on a surface that is dirty or peeling and above all, on a surface with rotten wood.

Which leads to why I’m running. I see a lot of rotten programs in our government on which we shouldn’t waste any more money. But how do we know that they are rotten? Well, le’ts use the scientific method.

Doctors learn the scientific method. We have to separate good research from anecdotes and the junk that fills most of our medical journals. A doctor has to be on firm ground when profoundly affecting another person’s life,  picture recommending an expensive medication or telling a patient that he needs a life saving leg amputation, tonight.

It turns out that our welfare state influences our lives and those of our kids in often profound ways and many of these influences are worthless but no one dares challenge them because they’ve been around for years .

We can tell which of the government’s programs are probably worthless if they are based on social sciences most of which are junk science. “Experts” and “managers” use these wonderful but unverifiable ideas and promise to make our lives better. But their pie in the sky ideas usually make us worse off. We citizens trust our lives and money to people who act based on nothing more scientific than an inspired hunch.

Think about it. Our kids go to factory model schools where they are bored hearing stuff they’ll never use. We spend money on punishing young men who have been convicted of crimes in which there are no victims. The state of Michigan gives money to businesses and power to regulators who do not have any skin in the game. A lot of what they say is “Keep the yokels scared and the money never stops.” I’m qualified and personally secure so that I will ask penetrating questions.

The second reason why you should hire me to go to Lansing is because I have a good memory. If someone promised that giving his organization 34 million dollars would solve our public transit problems and rejuvenate South Division and it didn’t happen, why, I’ll remember that. And if someone else asked for 50 million to improve education and the SAT in that high school dropped, I’ll ask why.

Finally, I had a TV show in Kent County for years  some filmed in this studio. I will make videos of my nasty questions and the devious answers that the moochers at our hearings give, the ones who want their big ideas funded. My staff and I will publish this material. The videos will be great entertainment. You’ll watch your senator working for you to cut your taxes and regulations.And that will make our lives, all of our lives, better.

Thank you for your attention.


Summary; The ACA is not affordable and has actually increased Medical costs above the means of average Americans. Republicans should emphasize the outlandish costs and link them to misguided past governmental programs.


Author Erwin Haas


Submitted Sept. 16, 2018


The Affordable Care Act Is Another Stepping Stone on Making Our Medical Care Ever More Expensive.


The Affordable Care Act is above all, not affordable. It was written by the 1) insurance, 2) hospital and 3) pharmaceutical industries to insulate themselves from the marketplace. Costs have skyrocketed. The issue is not the number of uninsured, it is rather that fewer can afford medical care. Period.   

First the insurance coverage has purportedly been extended to an additional 30 million Americans. But the premiums for most Americans have skyrocketed and push many families into poverty or bankruptcy. The insurance companies were given leeway to set fees on their captive “newly insured” and on the privately insured forcing them to buy insurance for coverage that they would never use. Many of these folks avoid going to doctors in a timely fashion because they can’t afford the co-pays. They are now constructively cut off from medical care but are never counted as victims because they suffer in silence. Exposing their numbers might cause the political elites and their media servants discomfort so they keep it buried. I propose that 50 million Americans have lost medical care in the net. Dispute my numbers if you dare.  

Second, the hospitals continue to buy up physician practices, drug and medical equipment outlets and smaller rivals. They use their monopsony and monopoly powers to dominate their market places. Hired physicians must bill at the highest levels, prescribe the most profitable treatments and keep shtum about abuses. Hospitals use arcane billing codes to constructively defraud private payers, Medicare and Medicaid and other insurance companies, and they do it brazenly and greedily. The only reason why wealthy people carry medical insurance is because the insurance company can effectively block the rapacious charges that the brigands in the hospital industry try to impose.  

Third, drug companies’ prices and other medical treatments have waxed insane. Allopurinol was around when I was in medical school in the 60s. It cost 10 dollars a month in the 80s. I just noticed that in now costs me 57 dollars a month. Epipens cost 50 dollars 25 years ago, now goes for 800. I recently attended a medical conference on “CAR T” the latest thing in cancer treatment. It has an astonishing cure rate, but 40% of folks die or become extremely during the treatment, it costs 500,000 per person and the patient’s immune system is destroyed. They need immunoglobulin shots for life and are subject to lethal infections caused by brewer’s yeast or even bread mold. They are afflicted with AIDS without the hassle of being gay.

Senators McCain and T. Kennedy and journalist Bob Novak had brain cancers and lived an extra 6 months getting the latest treatments-steroidal, headachy, confused, and constantly in their  doctor’s offices and hospitals. Where is joy?

What has boosted these prices except the power of the drug company to charge what the insurance companies will pay? After all, both drug companies and insurance companies operate under monopolies that they were granted under Obamacare.  

I note that Obamacare came into full force in 2013 and that the US lifespans dropped for the first time the next year; they have continued to decline. Free medical care, so dear to the hearts of our betters is killing us.

The insane rise in American medical care costs started with, and increased with governmental involvement. Medical care costs  (You’ll have to dig around this long but very detailed article) were low-about 3- 4% of the GDP for the half century before 1965 and people liked what they paid for, the village or company doctor who addressed their fears and pain. I remember an elderly female relative complain around 1958 that her doctor was increasing his office charge from 2 to 3 dollars, but she loved the guy and gushed about his family and practice.

In 1966 we got Medicare and Medicaid. Costs went into the stratosphere, 8.4% of GDP in 1983 and now approaching 17% after Bush 43’s drug bennies and Obamacare. People have to wait endless hours in impersonal emergency rooms and never seem to be satisfied with their care. My hip replacement was scheduled for November back in August; meanwhile I suffer. American medicine has gone Canadian with endless waiting lists and forms to fill out in doctors’ offices about falling, abuse, and the like.  

We conservatives and libertarians at the state level can only jawbone to influence the national mistakes but there are things that we can do to cut medical costs here in the individual states.  

Medical Certificate of Need regulations confer monopolies and add to costs and should be abolished. We can also encourage insurance companies from other states to compete. The auto insurance rates include now superfluous health insurance with the most outlandish benefits forcing car insurance rates here in Michigan to be the second highest in the land. We can open up competition for delivery of medical care by allowing more paraprofessionals to practice medicine. The state might sponsor a website on which our residents could order expensive medications from nearby Canada and spend money in drawn out lawsuits that the drug companies and federal government will bring.. Prolonging the suits with appeals may encourage a change national laws while letting our citizens enjoy lower prices for drugs.    

But good luck in passing these reforms at either the national or state level; the monied interests will try to destroy us. The ACA already owns the Democratic and many of the Republican candidates. Money guides the conversation in the media so that all that they can talk about is the claim that government is responsible for our medical care. How could that have ever have been a concern of our government in the first place?


Erwin Haas is a former flight surgeon in Vietnam, Kentwood city commissioner and assistant clinical professor of Medicine at Michigan State. He is running as a Libertarian for Michigan’s 26th state senate district. His Blogs here.


I heard Ford’s testimony as a overcoached porn star trying to play Desdemona in her last moments. And Brett choking as he talked about “his daughters” being somehow damaged as a way over the top. I mean, do mature 50 year olds get emotional about much of anything as what may have happened 36 years ago, or speculate about what a 10 year old might feel after she experiences the turbulance of sex hormones? It might be appropriate when the two principals reach their dotages and become emotionally unstable, but not when they are allegedly at the height of their powers. Thursday’s spectacle was designed to play up to the soap opera buffs who may have missed their usual programs in order to listen to the new play on Cspan. I remain ignorant, and indifferent to the results of what happens here.


I must have missed Libertarian major party candidate Bill Gelineau’s contribution to this exposition. I’m running for Michigan’s 26th senate district so have my own platform which I suspect tracks Bill’s closely.


The Affordable Care Act is above all, not affordable. It was written by the insurance, hospital and pharmaceutical industries to insulate themselves from the marketplace. Costs have skyrocketed.


First the insurance coverage which has purportedly been extended to an additional 30 million Americans. But the premiums for most Americans have skyrocketed and push many families into poverty or bankruptcy. The most telling observation is that the newly insured and those forced to buy insurance for coverage that they could never use are unable to get medical care because they can’t afford the co-pays. These-now constructively cut off from medical care-are never counted because the victims suffer in silence and exposing their numbers might cause the political elites and their media lapdogs discomfort. I propose that 50 million Americans have lost medical care in the net. Dispute my numbers if you dare.


Second, the hospitals continue to buy up physician practices, drug and medical equipment outlets and smaller rivals. They use their monopsony and monopoly powers to dominate their market places. They use arcane billing codes to defraud private payers, medicare and medicaid and even insurance companies, and that ain’t small potatoes.


Third, drug companies’ prices have become insane. Allopurinol was around when I was in medical school in the 60s. It cost 10 dollars a month in the 80s. I just noticed that in now costs 57 dollars a month. I recently heard about “T CAR” the latest thing in cancer treatment. It has an astonishing cure rate, but 40% of folks die of the treatment, it costs 500,000 per person and the patient’s immune system is destroyed. They need immunoglobulin shots for life and are subject to lethal infections caused by brewer’s yeast or even bread mold.

McCain, T. Kennedy, Paul Henry lived an extra 6 months with brain cancers, steroidal, headachy, confused, and constantly in their  doctor’s offices and hospital. Where is joy?

What has boosted this price except the power of the drug company to charge what the insurance companies, the ones that have no reason to worry about costs, will pay?


I will note that Obama care came into full force in 2013 and that the US lifespans dropped for the first time the next year; they have continued to decline. Free medical care, so dear to the hearts of our betters is killing us.


We Libertarians take the long view. Medical care costs  (You’ll have to dig around this long but very detailed article) were low and were about 4% of the GDP in 1965 and people liked what they got.  Then came Medicare and Medicaid and costs went into the stratosphere, 8.4% in 1983 and now approaching 17% of GDP after Bush 43’s drug bennies and Obamacare.


I’m running for Michigan’s 26th Senate and Bill for governor and we are not as inert as the Democrats and Republicans here seem to be. There are things that we can do to cut medical costs (the only real goal here) at the state level. Medical Certificate of Need regulations add 10% to costs and should be abolished. We can also encourage insurance companies from out of state to compete here. The auto insurance rates include health insurance with the most outlandish benefits forcing our insurance rates in Michigan to be the second highest in the land. We can open up competition for delivery of medical care by allowing all sorts of paraprofessionals to practice medicine.

But good luck in passing these reforms; the monied interests will try to destroy us. They already own Schuette and Whitmer and channel the conversation at Bridgemi into the wasteland of what should not be a concern of our government in the first place.


I have been on allopurinol since the mid 80s. The drug was around when I was in medical school in the


Michigan’s Radioactive Eagle Scout-Harnessing Adolescent Hormones for Public School Reform.


The Education nomenklatura boosts its credibility by inventing for themselves a glorious pedigree implying that Public Schools (PS) have been around forever. They also claim that going to school longer will boost a young person’s lifetime income.  

Wrong on both counts.  

New York State, liberal and wealthy, passed its first PS law in 1874. Michigan where I live passed its first PS law in 1871. It wasn’t be fully implemented until 1900.

I photographed this plaque in Fayette State Park in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula


And the statement that those who get more schooling will be happier or earn more is based on selection bias; People who graduate from high school are smarter than, have better family support systems than, have more money and are more ambitious than kids who don’t, and the same goes for college grads when compared to those who only finish high school.The smarter, moneyed, family supported and ambitious kids would do better irrespective of whether they went to school or not.

PS arose in lock step with the development of factories. The pattern is of an assembly line with parts being bolted on as the child moves on an assembly line, stations one, two, grades three, four.There is no recognition of differences of personalities or of needs of the students. The lack of respect for privacy, the kids waiting to be told what to do, the regimenting and promotions based on politics destroys whatever joy that one should gain from learning and improving oneself. The PS don’t work very well, are expensive and can do profound damage. What to do?

I’m a physician so human biology interest me. Profound biologic changes occur during the school years. Six year olds are friendly, tractile and anxious to please.Thirteen year olds are moody, tireless, inventive and grow hair in all sorts of places. Our factory model schools misinterpret these, let’s be honest, sex hormone induced bursts of energy that drive adolescents to excesses.Maybe we can enlist adolescent hormonal changes to improve our education.  

In other school models the Amish go to one room school houses through seventh grade and then, age thirteen, are treated like adults who need to find their role in life. During “rumspringa” they can experience “Englisher” lifestyles and are free to make mistakes. Eighty five percent remain in the religion, marry, have an average of seven kids and run remarkably successful small businesses. I’d regard the Amish as well educated.

In Germany’s schooling, ten year olds at the end of fourth grade have to decide the level of schooling that they will undertake, selecting from any of five kinds of training that they will undertake. Some will become vaunted German engineers and the less zealous, skilled craftsman. The system works.

Homeschooling isn’t schooling at all. Self learning and asking questions become the lesson plan as the formal curriculum is adhered to only superficially. By the time that these kids become adolescent they wander around talking to adults about professions or doing original research. Many start businesses, others win national spelling and geography contests or are welcomed eagerly at Ivy League schools.  

I like my examples from here in Michigan. Thomas Alva Edison grew up in Port Huron where he went to school for a few months. His mother encouraged his learning and he read voraciously including scientific books. He didn’t do engineering at first but rather started as a businessman, sold food on a train, got into telegraphy, started and ran 4 newspapers, all this before age 19 when he sold up and moved to Louisville, Ky. There he worked for the Associated Press, did more experiments and patented an early electric vote recorder at age 22. The rest is history.  

My favorite student individualist has been termed Michigan’s Radioactive Boy Scout.Reading the 1998 Harper article shaped how I’ve regarded schooling and self development. His real name was David Hahn. Born in 1976, he lived with his mother in Clinton Township outside of Detroit. He acted normal until age ten when he got a book on chemical experiments. By fourteen, David had fabricated nitroglycerine and at fifteen, believing that one day we’d run out of oil, he pursued and earned an Atomic Energy merit badge. David got himself a Geiger counter, happened to find a bottle of radium in an antique clock, hoodwinked scientific supply houses to send him unpronounceable chemicals, retreated to a shed in his mother’s yard and built himself a breeder reactor, all before he was eighteen.

He realized that he was being radiated and he and his mother flushed much of the material down the toilet. His experiments came to the attention of the law but was not charged with any crimes. The backyard was cleaned up by the EPA ten months later as a Superfund site.

Hahn continued to try to get into nuclear engineering.He did poorly when he tried college, served in the Navy and later in the Marine Corps, developed mental illness, took to theft and, tragically, died of alcohol poisoning 2 years ago at age 39….  

My point in citing the Amish, Home Schoolers, Edison and Hahn is that they are all carried along on youthful energy, that burst sex hormones that causes all of the physical and emotional changes with which we are familiar but also the oblivion to danger that we value when we send young men into combat and the tirelessness when our teenager does an all nighter. The youngsters face adult responsibility and advance relentlessly toward the challenge. These effects are most marked in young men.  

Our factory model schools blithely obliterate this explosion of self awareness, of boundless ambition and of the student’s growing ability to fulfill of his potential, to achieve what he is passionate about within his range of options.  

Teachers regard this assertion of self and of ambition as aggression that will disrupt the bland and mind numbing drills that conduct in their class. They prefer the more docile women students and try to feminize the men to make them conform. And so students’ zeal is deflected from attempts at possibly heroic accomplishments. They are instead yoked to the mediocrity and sameness of highschool and college life from which they will be in due course excreted. Many students leave schools apathetic toward learning. Others fall for the fallacy that getting a diploma entitles them to a job and a bright future working for the man.  

The dynamism of our youth is being wasted in factory model schools. I propose that we recognize adolescent hormones as a powerful force for good and set it free to let students seek their own happiness. Allowing adolescents to become responsible for their own future is understood and works elsewhere.


Erwin Haas was a flight surgeon in Vietnam, Kentwood city commissioner and assistant clinical professor of Medicine at Michigan State. He is running as a Libertarian for Michigan’s 26th state senate district. His Blogs here.


In other words, levels of education achieved may or may not be co-variable with ability and effort in achieving earthly success. I could assert that going to college causes smart and motivated students to earn less after accumulate debts and loss of 4 years of work during which they could accumulate experience and seniority. Prove me wrong.   


You might say that some professions demand college or other advanced academic training.  Maybe, but then explain to me how young Geo. Washington did surveying at age 12 and was licensed at 16, wealthy at 18 and a field grade army officer at 21, all without a day of schooling. Or how Abe Lincoln who was taught to read by his stepmother, is said to have gone to school for one fitful year  (but no one can tell me the place or name of the school or of his childhood teacher) became a big shot lawyer after reading a book.

The relation between more schooling and getting a job may indicate the racism of an employer; if he advertises for a college grad, he expects that a tractile young white woman and not an abrasive black man will submit a job application.   

The PS in the USA (and in Prussia where the whole scam started) were based on a factory model; the more you bolt onto the Chevy as it goes past on the assembly line, the more it’s worth and the more you can claim as your reward.  

Kids are processed up the grades in exactly the same way. Arithmetic, like adding and multiplying in their heads is ignored  math that they’ll never use is drilled in. They read bad English writing, and are inculcated with biased history and social sciences. And then at the end, the student-product is subject to a quality assurance inspection ensuring uniformity of results, a common core exam. Others are just graduated because it helps the school’s statistics.

It’s the uniformity of what is taught that is the danger. If everyone knows and believes the same stuff, where will the variant ideas that can fix problems arise when the status quo fails? Groupthink is pervasive in modern societies and one of its major sources are the PS.

To illustrate; has anyone asked why students from nations like Finland, Korea, Japan, China, and India with much higher PISA scores don’t win many Nobel Prizes? On the PS academic achievement criteria, the USA, the UK, Germany and France all cuddle near the mediocre ends of the test scores yet bristle with innovators who capture these honors.  

The reasons why people everywhere, not just in the USA support public schools can be traced to their relentless propaganda funded by our tax dollars and, to be frank, to the babysitting function that schools perform when they pick kids up at 7 AM and return them at 4 PM, starved because most won’t eat the “free” cafeteria food and dull eyed from boredom. But the upside is that sending the kids to school allowed both parents to work to pay the taxes to support the schools.

I feel that the same problems predominate in private, charter and parochial schools. The same factory model is employed with the same mind numbing results. You’ll forgive me if I am skeptical of claims of some sort of “salvation through education” or similar balderdash.

The underlying model is fatally flawed and trying to fix it with more money only gives PS enthusiasts more money for self promotion.

There may be some sort of solution.  From my observations here in Michigan there are two groups that escape the intellectual destruction of the factory model schools, of groupthink and of believing that there is some salvation through education; homeschoolers and the Amish. We can also get some guidance from the education of young people before the 1870s before PS began. All start with learning in the home and family, while allowing the student to ask questions and then seek out answers for herself. Homeschoolers, the Amish and the haphazard schools before 1870 did not place much stock in grades. They all separated schooling which is training for soldiers, dogs and small children from education which is an adult self development. Maybe this self development is the key to allowing kids to become the best individual selves that they are capable of.


Michigan’s (Flawed) Radioactive Eagle Scout-Adolescent Hormones as the Key to Public School Reform. Part 2

In a previous article I laid out my concerns about Public Schools (PS). The danger is not that kids don’t learn everything but that they learn it and never doubt what they know so leading to group think. There had to be a road out of that morass and I speculated that we could improve our schooling and education by looking at learning before PS were formed in the 1870s and why homeschoolers and the Amish have such great results. I should try to distinguish schooling from education.

The Public Schools (PS) cite a the Northwest Ordinance of 1783 to bolster their claims to our money and access to our kids. The Ordinance says in part; “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

For the Founders “schools” were facilities where training children

, horses, soldiers, and even physicians like myself to be skilled in some activity, be it the three Rs or brain surgery, occurred. Thinking was not necessary.

“Education” (Plato’s concept of drawing out the hidden potential of individuals) was for adults and meant that they had access to information especially on political, philosophical and moral issues so that they could develop themselves into citizens participating in their republic. The Ordinance decreed that a university (for adults who wanted to develop themselves more formally) be built. This turned out to be Ohio University in Athens just inside the new territory.

The larger point here is that the ancients distinguished what and how they wanted children to be taught from the self initiatives and variety that they expected from adults. I learned most of the following from reading and discussion with John Taylor Gatto. Before 1900, children learned reading at home from parents, siblings or an interested adult in the neighborhood. Most grew up on farms or in small businesses where yields per acre or the sum of a customer’s purchases had to be tallied by hand using paper, or more frequently, in their heads.  The few entertainments after the day’s work was for the family to sit around listening to someone reading the Bible or Pilgrim’s Progress. Other diversions included playing music or participating in community events like spelling bees or church related projects.

Education included reading the numerous, highly partisan newspapers, discussions in saloons, barbershops, and the innumerable civic organizations that supported the social services . Adulthood began early with the beginning of adolescence at 12 or 13 years of age and these young people were treated like adults and were expected to at least work or better yet, improve themselves. My favorite two sources for this insight are:

(1)Laura Ingalls Wilder’s “Little House on the Prairie” series. Her family needed the money and so she used her good mind, passed the state licensing exam for teachers at age 15 and got her first job in a town a few miles away where she was boarded in a tiny house with a completely dysfunctional couple. She was always afraid, but coped. She never finished high school.   

(2) “Look Homeward Angel” by Thomas Wolfe, the author born in 1900, grew up as the youngest of 8 kids in a somewhat dysfunctional family in Ashville, NC. In this autobiographical novel,young Thomas was enrolled in public school but was habitually absent while he worked his newspaper selling business. He smokes cigarettes and hangs around saloons. At about age 15 he falls in with the head of a private high school who convinces Thomas to start studying at the school. He excels and by age 16 is a freshman at the University of North Carolina and on his way to a literary career.

The Amish are rural, have huge families, eschew electricity discourage individuality. The babies and toddlers are kept at home where they speak the dialect of German that is used in their neck of the woods and are taught to cooperate and to begin to work.

At age 6 these kids start their 7 o7 8 years of schooling at one room schools. The The “scholars” are typically taught by their aunt who graduated last year. These teachers are selected for their religious commitment. They learn reading, writing, arithmetic and history. They have daily bible reading but no religious teaching since this is done at home. We bike past five Amish schools at about monthly intervals; my rough estimate is that they spend a quarter of the schoolday playing spirited baseball with the teacher playing outfield and switch to tag if the snow gets deep.

After finishing school the young people are treated as adults who work on the family farm or business, learning agriculture and homemaking. They are encouraged to become baptized and to marry into the religion, but after age 16, they are pretty much allowed to do as they please, to get “the world” out of their system, the so called “rumspringa.” The girls are usually pretty sedate but many of the young men go overboard, buying cars, using alcohol and drugs and getting jobs in the “Englisher” community. Many find specialized training to become farriers, small engine repair technicians or tradesmen if dad can’t afford to buy a farm for his son. Amazingly, about 90% of the Amish youth accept baptism, marry and remain in the religion. They have an average of 7 kids are are shrewd businessmen who seldom go bust even though they refuse corporate welfare.

Home schoolers grow up in household that are profoundly worried about the education of their children. They are also individualistic. The parent (almost invariably mom) fills out the state mandated forms, buys teaching material and starts to spend 5 hours per day teaching this subject matter. She soon realizes that the kids do the work in 3 hours and then 1 hour even if she’s not there. By the end of the first year the school day consists of doing schoolwork over breakfast, then in the car going to the store, at a volunteer or social group that she may want to attend. We ran a fossil store in Grand Rapids which became a destination for homeschoolers. They would show up, let’s say on a Tuesday morning when the mall was dead, families of 5 or 6 kids, ages 2 to 12, all very calm, questioning politely all the while looking me in the eye. The older kids would show features of fossils to the younger, the smaller ones held hands, none whined or asked to buy anything. After 40 or 60 minutes, they would all file out following mom back to the car.   

As the kids approach adolescence they often start fantasizing learning a profession or starting a business. The student might consider becoming a nurse, read up on nursing, contact some nurses and join the candy stripers volunteers at the local hospital, all with great enthusiasm. This might persist for months only to be replaced by another impulse, let’s say accounting. The student reads up on the double entry book keeping systems, visits an accountant and works with her, sees how the business works. And then a few months later….

All the time the student is teaching and motivating himself to learn independently, to do research and learn to read other people. More importantly, he is searching his inner person for what do I want to do? How do I, as an adult fit in? And what is the essence of life, politics religion? The 15 or 16 year old homeschooled now adult often contemplates starting a business, going to Ivy league colleges where they are eagerly recruited, or entering a trade. The few who go back to PS succeed brilliantly, others hate it.  A friend of mine had two homeschoolers. The older was half black and decided to go to a local PS as a junior in High School. He was elected school president 3 months later, has since gone through college and law school and practicing in Chicago. The daughter is a practicing comedian in Las Vegas.


A Couple of My Votes Here in Michigan Were Inadvertently not Counted. But, of Course, No Voting Fraud.


Voting fraud has been debunked by the solons of our sophisticated society.  Concerns about elections in which non citizens participate and fanatical partisans vote multiple times are dismissed as a paranoid right wing fantasy.

“Russian hacking” of our elections is the current grind and our officials,  the kind ones who missed 9/11 and the housing crisis of 2008, need more money to protect us from the ravages that Putin’s minions will sponsor on Facebook and Twitter.

Political machines manipulating the count may have happened in Tammany Hall or in Daley’s Chicago over 50 years ago, but that’s so retro. Besides, the results were laudable.

However this week my  household suffered its third assault on our ballots in the last four year and I got woke. Fortunately, I served as a city commissioner In Kentwood, Michigan for four years until last Fall and had the means and the motives to trace the foul ups to our City clerk’s office. These are people that I know and trust. They are good people who made some very human mistakes, but they botched small details. I wrote up the first two on the blog that I kept as a city commissioner.


1) I always vote absentee. in July 2016, my ballot return envelope had a return address  in Saline, Michigan (at the other end of the state,) and would have been lost. I, my neighbor and 57 others noted the error and got corrected envelopes. The fiasco was traced to a mix up in the printing mill where many cities have their ballots prepared and mailed.


2) July 2015, my wife needed to vote absentee for the first time and asked for the ballot. The envelope to return her ballot lacked an address but happened to have our return address so came. I hand delivered it. The clerk had reached into a box of envelopes that she thought had been stamped with the return address, but some weren’t


3) I got a call from the Kent county election clerk this last week; they had sent me a certificate of election as a precinct delegate-but I had not gotten even one vote so the clerk apologized as I was not a state approved delegate (unless the party would simply accept me.) Well, I knew that I had voted for myself on the absentee so insisted that he look it up; he stated that I had zero votes for me in Kentwood’s 14th precinct.

So I called Kentwood’s city clerk who found my original ballot, marked with myself vote. it seems that the precinct delegates are no considered for the  automatic “tape” that goes in on election night and was handled manually, and she (assistant clerk and a very nice person) had forgotten to file the paperwork.  She would correct it. I’ve called the county election clerk to make sure that “the loop is closed.

These three lapses would have resulted in votes not being counted if we had gone on vacation for a few weeks and not gotten the message in time. It’s a slipshod way of doing things.


I offer three other lapses in collecting the votes here in Michigan;


4)  and 5) These are courtesy of Bill Hall, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Michigan; The absentee ballot in Laketown Township in Allegan County referred to the “two parties” instead of the three that would have included the LIbertarian Party. The clerk promised to try to correct the problem for the primary election. Southfield, Michigan had similar misdirections to “two parties” but the city clerk acted as though insulted when the blunder  was pointed out to her.


5) The irregularities ascribed to incompetent election workers in Detroit precincts that would have voided half of the vote there in Nov, 2016 had the law been applied has been reported on, but been passed off as the equivalent of  hearing problems in an old folks’ home.


I report these lapses to  bring it home to MIchigan voters that they should look critically at their election material; are addresses correct and present? Are the directions correct?

We must  point out to elected officials that they have to be very careful about details, and that votes not counted or tainted are also fraud. Elections are too important to be left in the hands of poorly trained or sloppy clerks at the point where they are gathered.




Erwin Haas, Libertarian Candidate for Michigan’s Senate, District 26

Biography    -Elected to City Commission in Kentwood, Michigan served 2013-17, no new taxes and our debt burden was reduced. -Infectious Diseases physician (retired)-Board member of the Grand Valley Co Op Credit Union for 8 years-Flight surgeon in Vietnam, highest rank, major-Worked last 5 years at Fort Bliss Army Hospital and for 15 years around the country-MBA GVSU; taught marketing-Had a dozen scientific medical articles published in juried magazines and books. Also published in Michigan Medicine, Liberty Magazine, Lew Rockwell-Produced, edited, starred in, an interview TV show on Channel 24 in Kent County for about 5 years.-Formerly licensed to sell stocks, bonds, and real estate.-On Mayor Logie’s 1997 Commission on the War on Drugs-married with three successful adult children -Owner of Fossils Inc.

I promise to;

-question every “expert” moocher who comes to testify. Political and Military “Social Scientists” sent me and 2.8 million other soldiers to Vietnam. I have yet to get an apology from these pretenders. I have scientific, business, legal and life’s experiences in my background, and a visceral dislike of these “social scientist” liars. These perfumed whiz kids peddle their self serving political biases and the cowardly Democrats and Republicans nod wisely.   I’ll give you a hint; most of what they peddle is cowflop and shouldn’t be funded.


-Eliminate the Michigan Strategic Fund. the MEDC, Pure Michigan and other corporate welfare.


-Legalize marijuana use. It will mean real money for our farmers and small manufacturers. After marijuana is normalized we can push to return to growing industrial hemp as it was before WW2.   Hemp, now legal in Europe and Asia is highly valued as a source of paper, plastic, oils, building materials… Henry Ford showed that it could replace steel for car chassis. Michigan, with our abundant water and level soils needs to get ahead of this.


Paid for by Erwin Haas


Description of Article; It is apparent that Donald Trump’s Trade Wars will undermine and possibly destroy the Chinese Economy. Submission follows;


Title; Are the Trade Wars of Donald Trump Preempting a Shooting War?

Erwin Haas


June 19, 2018

I wonder if Donald Trump is planning to conquer China with his “War on Free Trade” instead of with aircraft carriers.
What brought it home for me was an article in the summer 2018 Independent Review by Roy Smith from NYU’s Stern School of Business.  It brings together the well documented economic and societal problems of China. I detected startling similarities with the Japanese economy from 30 years ago to that of China today.

I, and most people of my age, remember Japan 30 years ago. Their borrowing was out of control.  They were expanding factories and building at an insane pace. A single plot of land in Tokyo was worth more than the entire state of California. Their education system was flawless and their exports became ever more sophisticated.  We in the west were stunned by Japanese successes and wanted to emulate them.

Then in 1989 the Japanese economy imploded.  Real estate prices went into the toilet,zombie corporations all owned each other,the Nikkei dropped from 40,000 to 7,000 and stayed there,and stubborn deflation marred a generation. Young people were not able to get jobs,to marry,or to have kids.

Today China, the factory of the world, is financially leveraged to the hilt.  There are banks and shadow banks and no one seems to know how much has been borrowed or how many loans are in default.  Regional potentates arrange for development with money that they don’t have. Decisions on what is produced and ideals that are to be pursued (like the touted turn toward “high tech”) are made by political bosses who get their clues from the doctrinaire NYT and Economist, wonderful reads, but always clueless.  The CCP is deeply worried about joblessness and the miserable prospects for the 300 million rural peasants and the other 300 million illegal immigrants to their major cities. These are already restive.
If things went south, these leaders would impose rigid and authoritarian solutions (like the Keynesian ones that Japan employed) which would hamper the market’s self correction of the financial unpleasantness.
I wonder whether Donald Trump is greasing the skids to make the inevitable Chinese internal market collapse occur sooner than later?  He may, probably consciously, be arranging the cash flow crisis, factory closures and joblessness that will destroy the Chinese economy.
Let’s assume that President Trump imposes an incremental 25% tariff on Chinese goods imported to the USA.  Our retailers would buy cheaper goods, many produced by automation in the USA. Chinese factories would have to close and workers would be laid off.  Cash flow would dry up and mortgages go into default. Armies would have to be deployed to impose order on unemployed starving peasants and to tame the middle class bankrupted after the stock and housing markets have collapsed.
In the US, the cost of manufacture is about 10% of the retail price of goods.  (The value added by manufacturing is small.) We would have to make stuff ourselves and the protected producers could raise their prices of manufactured goods by the 25% of the tariffs since that’s the extent to which they will be protected from market forces, but the increases are only on the manufacturing costs and should raise the retail prices by a measly 2.5%.  The impact in the USA should not be that severe. The increased costs would be cheaper than any shooting war in the far east.
So, read Trump’s actions as waging war by simply changing rules at our borders; we decide what (if any) Chinese junk gets into our Walmarts.  If we want to target our tariffs more closely, we can specify which factories will close in Shanghai, Chongqing and Wuhan. The CCP will be kept busy just surviving, beating down their workers and peasants, and will have trouble finding the funds to pay for the Silk Road project and nine dash line, much less wage a shooting war outside their borders.

Given the unstable, overheated Chinese economy, a little nudge should be enough to start the downward spiral going. Poverty and chaos will follow from the loss of the US cash flow. That is not a kind thing for Donald Trump to do.  

But they will have no reason to reach for their nukes or missiles and that will save all of us, Chinese included, real problems.

Erwin Haas is a former city commissioner in Kentwood, Michigan and is running for Michigan’s 26th Senate district. He blogs at HTTP://


The Chinese economy is about half of ours at 11.2 trillion. U.S. goods imports from China totaled $462.6 billion, over 4% of their entire economy, but what’s important is the manufacturing which has been around 40% of their 11.2 trillion or 4.4 trillion. Exports to the USA are over 10% of manufacturing.

Apply marginal analysis; that lost 10% is the entrepreneur’s profit, maybe the rent on the space or for bribing the inspectors; the enterprise no longer functions, jobs lost and another group loses its cash flow, investors panic, transport pulls back, banks can’t make their depositors whole…..

The PFAS/C8 kerfuffle is peddled by toxicologists, environmentalists, lawyers, second rate newspapers all of whom hope to profit from creating panic.

The Australians carried out a thorough analysis and found no health effects.


was a lawsuit against a Dupont plant in Northern W. Virginia.

The company funded a study ;

-showing possible links to high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. This area is in the midst of Appalachia; I know of adults who carry hookworm in Ashland, Ky, 50 miles away  and the average lifespan in that region is 4 years shorter for women and 7 years for men, so these folks have a lot of disease. The plant was on one side of the river but it was more convenient to study subjects in Ohio, kind of like the drunk who lost his car keys in the dark alley but looks for them under the streetlight because it’s where he can see. The researchers always appended, “possible”, “small” numbers.

I’m running for Michigan’s 26th senate district and am the only candidate with the skills and motive to dig into the scientific and business details and keep the “experts” honest. There


Jerry S Eicher, My Amish Childhood


The DOJ in a report issued last December found that 21% of the convicts in federal custody were foreign born; most are illegal aliens. I suspect that many come from Mexico and Central America. We read about violence against women and the high murder rates, assuming that this is a big city problem. doubt that many of these come from Europe or Asia, so  

Left Aylmer Ontario in 1969 for Honduras, stayed 8 years and left when he was 16 years old because of the lawlessness of the locals. Theft of everything, violence against the peaceful anabaptists especially after it became known that they would not even defend themselves. Needed to put bars on their windows and steel plates around their door locks to prevent attacks.


Haas’s Iron Law of Borders states that commerce, populations and culture congregate on the side of the line of the state having fewer taxes and regulations, We just drove past the Michigan-Ohio border on M23/I475.

There are abandoned fields, woods and no houses or exits for the last three miles on the Michigan side but that changes immediately to homes nestled in pleasant neighborhoods and an interchange with gas stations and stores 500 yards south into Ohio.

Michigan has been dominated by the teacher’s and auto workers unions, and an anti-business, redistributive political animus for years. The same phenomenon occurs with our borders with Wisconsin in the upper peninsula and with Indiana on the southern edge.

The change is obvious when driving on I79 from W  Virginia to Virginia and on entering North Carolina from Virginia. North Carolina and W. Virginia have lots of concerns about its people, and many regulations and taxes; businesses and workers avoid them and crowd on the Virginia side.

I wrote this up on on a website called American Thinker, pointing out that on I10 going north from El Paso, a 105 store  outlet mall, and two major truck stops prosper on the Texas side while some sort riparian right allowed growing alfalfa out in a desert which fed 7200 Holsteins; the cowflop scent made the first five miles of I10  almost impassible.

My contribution was seconded by a horde of truck drivers.Google Earth” state borders to see which side of the border has building and other signs of economic liberty.

My point is that counties do not make oppressive economic rules,

Google-Earth is simple and cheap to out states with ambitions to “help”  their people but that discourage enterprise. We should ignore voting patterns and welfare policies designed to correct state induced dysfunction.



Signal to noise ratio   When powerful men decided they were their own moral authority.   Saving ——–one platitude at a time”   Mistaking emotion for logic It’s not called the Bill of Needs.   Highly immitative people of small imagination      trying to make my decisions for me!   unclear what such bromides mean, or whether they mean anything at all      “conjectures that wear an aspect of probability” “To continue an injustice is to commit injustice.”   “Oozing charm from every pore, he oiled his way around the floor.” information is the mother of humbug   Exaggeration is a substitute for sincerity. Shilling for…. How unmeasurable things affect other unmeasurable things”  grinding poverty as our share of globalism…. Sorry, I feel a digression coming on. End the school to prison pipeline  Get ahead of your skis Citizens vote annually, corporations lobby year around. The people live in a republic, and corporations in a democracy.     If we are to obey laws, we have to know who’s making them, so that we can vote them out Error has no rights A shaved beard grows in more luxuriously     nostalgia for Soviet certainties dOgs bark but the caravan moves on Rubber ruler” Believe that bad thoughts caused bad realities Each generation of children born is a fresh invasion of barbarians who must be civilized before it’s too late.    Shoehorn into your own frame of reference. There must be a pony in that dungheap, somewhere Free range children Pessimism has it pleasures People exploding because they were holding their farts. Compress into a mold. One politician lies and the other swears to it.


I’m EH, a former city commissioner in Kentwood. I’m running as a libertarian. Your vote for a Democrat or Republican really doesn’t make much difference.They are all nice, competent people who never want to offend. The Dems want free medical care, 15 dollars, the Reps want better roads and everyone wants better schools and they will all reach across some aisle. They defer to anyone who seems to be in authority and the real power in Lansing is the bureaucracy and the money that controls them.  

The inner group of the Civil Service who have connections to businesses, contractors, professors and actually run things. They ignore and patronize the legislature. If they need something done that requires new money or authority, why they find a usually self styled “expert”, best one with a PhD and a professorship at some academic backwash who has never actually confronted the issue on which he testifies. None of the elected officials has ever had to act on an original idea, to confront a liar or to analyse a scientific paper. They all nod wisely in agreement and let the hare brained idea become law.

We are told that we need drug rehab, although there is no evidence that supports its use.

We need to put more money into Flint because of Lead poisoning of kids that was and is claimed by only one pediatrician, whereas the Genesee county medical society has classified it as lead exposure. The NYT published an article last week mocking the “toxic” theory. It’s cost us 350 million so far and about 10,000 Flint youngsters have been labelled brain damaged.The PFAS kerfuffle is peddled by toxicologists, environmentalists, lawyers, second rate newspapers all of whom hope to profit from creating panic. I read a bunch of hard core scientific articles on Monday. The Australians carried out a thorough analysis and found no health effects. There was a lawsuit against a Dupont plant in Northern W. Virginia. They funded a study showing links to high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. This area is in the midst of Appalachia; I know of adults who carry hookworm in Ashland ky, 50 miles away  and the average lifespan in that region is 4 years shorter for women and 7 years for men, so these folks have a lot of disease. The plant was on one side of the river but it was more convenient to study subjects in OHio, kind of like the drunk who lost his car keys in the dark alley but looks for them under the streetlight because it’s where he can see. The researchers always appended, possible, small numbers.

I’m the only candidate with the skills and motive to dig into the scientific and business details and keep the “experts” honest.


Just introduce me as the Libertarian running for Mich Sen. 26 and that I was elected to the Kentwood city commission. The rest is fluff.


I’m passionate about the lies that govern our republic and the inability of the politicians that we elect to question this nonsense. I don’t expect to be liked, and actually plan to infuriate some of the Reps and Dems. Fine

So question 1, why are you running?

Ans.  The D and R are all nice people, deferential, eloquent, passionate. But they don’t make any difference; they are pressed into a mold in Lansing, flattered by, deceived by and controlled by the bureaucracy. The upper reaches of the civil service know the laws, have deep roots in the business, contractors, consultant and academic infrastructure and use this to constrain our legislators.

The status quo rules the madhouse and it is full of long standing, deeply flawed, misrepresentations.


Question 2. What kind of lies and misrepresentations?

Ans.  How ballot questions state the actual costs of property taxes.

We have spent 350 mil on the “lead” in Flint.

The history and benefits of “education”

How bad our roads are and need to fix

PFAS, I have some comments on this.

Pure Michigan, has not increased jobs in hospitality in Mich, but other states have had an increase.


Question 3. What would you do about this?

Ans. I’m able to question financial affairs with an MBA, Have spent 45 years looking at the medical scientific literature for statistical and logical flaws as a consulting physician, learned my chemistry and physics, did not hesitate to destroy the pretentious “experts” who wanted money when I was a commissioner and I made maybe a 100 shows for WKTV and put many on youtube.

I’d question every moocher, film the wretch, supervise the production of video and show the world and michigan taxpayers what they are paying for. And the savings will be enormous. Michigan residents may even have enough money left over to start their own businesses, invent technologies and resume leadership in our country.


Somatization disorder,


Factitious, Muenchhausen, hysteria,


Symptoms that are not typical, bizarre

A medical person is involved, if patient, it’s somatization \ if a dominant medical person in pt’s life, somatization by proxy

More often women.

The demeanor of patient is calm, not involved, La belle indifference.

Patient is very solicitous of her doctor, comforts him when he can’t seem to help her

They will go to another medical system if their duplicity is uncovered and start all over again.

Sometimes fatal


Disease is not uncommon; all clinicians might have to deal with one, but most are referred off and so IM subspecialists and large referral centers are most experienced.


ID, fever when thermometers could be artificially run up. Now injections of feces or saliva to produce cellulitis or even gas gangrene, shoot up their IV devices,

Heme, bleed themselves and are anemic, blood thinners,

GI, vomiting, laxatives, abdominal pain, even pancreatitis

Encocrinology, low blood sugar, hyperthyroidism.


Treatment, controversial and unsatisfactory;

My background is to play along with the story and merely comfort the patient, to prescribe harmless treatments and convince the patient that they are effective for her advanced stage.

Others, psychologic counselling or psychiatric consult. They will initially cooperate but disappear in a week and show up at the next town or hospital


Our patient has a flat, non troubled face, she never shows much emotion over her very serious complaints;

Her muscles are supposedly painful and weak, yet she moves her hands amrs and head around without problems when she talks

She reacts normally to postural changes although she’s deyhdrated.

Her walk is the real clue; she’d doing a duck walk, one of the most painful and inefficient ways to stress large portions of musculature.,  quads and gluts. This is what they do to army recruits to toughen them up. Yet she waddles OK and corrects for her imbalance. Hard to maintain if you have muscles so sore that

mayor’s rant

The above comments are superb, and well written and considered, unlike the original editorial. Its well know that companies (and wealthy people who do business as corporations) do not pay taxes, they merely collect them.

Now, let’s get to the ultimate sleazy corporation that probably does not pay taxes. Boothe Newspapers is owned by Newhouse and then by private ownership so diffused that even I cant follow it. No one knows what the profits/losses are for the Grand Rapids Press, but Id guess that they have enormous losses. (Stuck in Michigan, a paper that no one likes or can trust).

I looked up the stock price for the Gannett newspapers, largest chain of newspapers in the country; their stock price has gone from over 60 to 17 today. The rate of falling extrapolates to zero by next spring. They lost 7 dollars per share.  How much better is the GRP likely to fare? But the editorial staff have vapors because the publisher should be paying taxes. Wait until he finds out what his flunkies are doing.


It is generally thought that the internet and new media are killing newspapers and television. That may well be a small part of the problem, but it is probable that the big problem is that the folks writing for these media are mediocre. They are unable to investigate stuff because they are timid about asking questions about money,  have no business sense, and live in awe of their masters in government. They have become conduits through which we are told what our government wants for us.

What a degeneration from the ideals of press freedom laid down by Peter Zenger  in the colonial period. He criticized the governor of NY, and was jailed, but managed to continue to publish. A notable aspect of the case is that his Philidelphia lawyer, Hamilton challenged the legality of the crimes for which his client was being prosecuted. It was one of the first times in American history in which a lawyer challenged the laws rather than the innocence of his clients. The jurors were stunned and didn’t know how to, or even if they were allowed to, address whether the law itself was “legal.” This has come down to us as jury nullification, and is a powerful tool that citizens must learn to use again to subvert their governments lustings for ever more power.

The publisher is in real trouble; falling sales, a dysfunctional product, no one wants to invest in his business, and advertisers are going elsewhere. Youd think that he could rethink his business strategy; publishers who criticized their governments stirred up emotions, and sold papers. The kind of lickspittle in this editorial is politically correct pablum, writersmalfeasence. What will happen to these editorial writers when the business folds?  Who will pay for this drivel? Unemployment insurance indefinitely?

The Press is not likely to be in the vanguard of anything, given that their business probably does not pay taxes, and should.

Ill plagiarize from the original editorial; Corporate deadbeats can’t be allowed.

Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.

GVSU cant much of a college if theyd allow someone like me to get an MBA. The headline about my old haunts caught my attention. The tag line, about training the little undergrads to act like paupers and ride buses is somehow reminiscent of training the little tikes in public schools to be factory workers.

What is offensive about this editorial entails two major facts that escape the writers, probably because they kowtow to their government.

The first is the engineering finding that buses are 20% less fuel efficient than are private cars in operational use. Correspondingly, they are 20% more polluting than are cars. Look up all the damning numbers at the Bureau of Transportation statistics web site.  This effectively scotches the canard that using buses is Green.  Green, BTW is no longer cool.

The second concerns a story that the GRP should have picked up on. The ITP/GRATA has had proportionately 2 times the capital expenditures for the last 10 years when compared to all of their peers. The ITP would not even put their budget on their web site, choosing instead to put their operating budget online in an apparent attempt to draw attention away from their outrageous use of taxpayer funds.

Of course, each ride costs the taxpayer about 7 dollars, and is another governmental boondoggle that rips off poor people and seems to make these editors ecstatic.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


The welfare state as swindle;

These federal statistics dont mean much. Poverty is defined by a deviation from some sort of artificial average, and so an almost constant 11-13 percent of the US population will be in perpetual poverty, in infinitum. Period.

Nevertheless, the reasons for their relative poverty may be interesting, and Ill write them down so as to preempt the inevitable peevish editorial.


Politicians like to promise that they will take care of poor people by taking from corporations and the rich and giving to the disadvantaged.  And the poor buy into this and vote for these unconscionable parasites, expanding the size of government.

I’m not sure why Austrian economists don’t emphasize the obvious connection between big government and poverty among the populace.  It’s not that complicated. Let me put it as succinctly as possible.


Corporations have to make a certain amount of profit, or else they go out of business. They regard taxes as a cost of business, and increase their prices to compensate for these costs. The consumer, or customer pays for these taxes. The corporation merely collects taxes, it doesn’t pay for them. This is merely banal, and should not need any further elaboration. All income statements have the line item “ebitd” or suchlike, showing that taxes are subtracted, right there along with how the assets are paid for, as incidental to making profit.


We now have to make the distinction of rich people vs. high income individuals. It’s the classical economist’s distinction between stocks and flows.


The rich make their money on interest and dividends. Once more, they don’t invest so as to lose money. They, and perforce the market for capital, adjust the returns on their investments so as to compensate for inflation, taxes and risk.


High income individuals often confused with the rich, but these are often just aspiring towards wealth. There is a group of workers, like doctors, lawyers, and accountants, or unionized workers, who have licenses or other franchises, monopolies granted by the government. Entrepreneurs are in this category, and gain monopolies through copyrights, patents, or “being there firstest with the mostest”. They can charge pretty much what they need to, or change what they do to make their labor profitable. Once more, this is a group that sets their prices for their production.


It turns out that corporations, and the wealthy set prices so that they can pay taxes and still make the money that they demand to make their efforts rational.


The poor earn plenty, but have to pay artificially the high prices necessary to pay for their government. Poor people pay their taxes when they go to the grocery. A gallon of milk or a pound of butter should cost a dollar, but they have to pay  4 dollars. The landlord collects tax expenses and the borrowing costs for the apartment from the tenant. The poor man pays the taxes when he pays the interest on his credit card.

It has always been so, and nothing will ever change it so long as markets continue. Prices, as von Mises taught, are packets of information, and, as any socialist can tell you, we are in the information age. More socialistic societies as in Europe, South America, and Africa, are characterized by increased muddling of price signals, and of course, economic and social stagnation. Socialists never seem to be able to make the intellectual connection between distorting prices and wasted production


Taxes might be conceived of as consumption taxes. The rich and high income individuals also pay them: to the extent that individuals spend money, they pay taxes. Frugal individuals hardly pay taxes at all.


Politicians like to get elected by promising that they will take care of poor people. They will take from the rich and give to the poor. As we have seen, this is a fraud. And the politicians know it to be so.


This accounts for the observation made for the last 40 years that the incomes of the poor have not kept up with the generally rising income of other Americans. 40 years of a war on poverty, and the poor got screwed. As the tax and regulatory burden on Americans rises, the increased burden of paying for government is pushed down onto those lower n the economic ladder in the form of higher costs. In the swindle known as the welfare state, only poverty is redistributed.


Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.


We expect the usual bromides from the establishment and from the GRP. The public schools started in Michigan about the same time as did Labor Day. The first public school law was first promulgated by the Michigan Legislature in 1871, and not really enforced until after 1900 because folks knew that they were a bad idea. The original and ongoing purpose of the PS was to turn smart enterprising farm kids into mentally sluggish, passive factory workers, and Dr. Taylors opinion does nothing to distance himself from that tradition. Children are not vehicles for sustaining and improving our region’s economy, global competitiveness, they should have opportunity to pursue their own lives liberties and property (recalling the original formulation used by most founding fathers).  Home schooled kids  are the ones who have the real educations, able to think nimbly, to relate to adults and social perspectives different from their own. Home schoolers have real choice, since they ask questions, and have to noodle out their own answers.  PS students, as in the GRPS are forced to hear answers to questions that they dont have, numbing their minds. They leave school with no ideas,  a hatred for learning, angry. It usually takes a few years, and jobs before they recover.

Most of the US presidents didnt go to PS. Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, no schools at all.

The PS are a big welfare program for the teachers, cafeteria workers, schoolbus drivers and builders. The enormous cost comes out of the wages of very poor working people. And damn the kids.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Dear Ms. Hinkel;

Change is in the air, and I thought that my note addressed it adequately; the public schools were designed by factory owners to turn bright kids into factory workers so inarticulate that they could never make an effective objection to the abuses that the owners visited upon them. Read John Dewey and tell me differently. The public schools worked just fine until the factories disappeared. We are now in the information age, and that requires originality, conviction, drive, not the day in day out boring, meaningless discipline which is the sole content taught in the PS.

Your anecdotes (anecdotes are not evidence) about seeing hundreds of happy grads may well be correct, but what about the thousands who go through the system and are cited by no2fructose.

You play the poverty card; the former libertarian GRPS board member tells me that it costs 12,500 to train one of these kids per year.  This money is looted from desperately poor people. (Leona Helmsley was right, only little people pay taxes). If they would not have to pay the outlandish costs to botch up their children, they could easily afford to do home schooling, or to send them to private schooling as appropriate.

I certainly enjoyed hearing from you; the message is from the ancient Greek Heraclitus you cant step into the same river twice. Change is everything, and youll have to reason your own way to the future.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Let me get this straight; Georgian president Shakasvili, relying on his good buddy Bush, attacks So. Ossetia (although that area had broken away from Georgia, and almost all the Citizens express a wish to belong to Russia),  and kills 10 Russian soldiers. Shakasvili is clearly the aggressor, and its not clear how much encouragement he got from Bush.The Russians defend themselves and counterattack. The aggressor, Georgia, cannot morally dictate the time and place when the war stops. The Russian army goes into Georgia, and leisurely, in a gentlemanly way, destroys all of the Georgian military equipment, much of it American.

Result; Bush and flunkies howl that Russia is the aggressor!  Talk of a cold war redux.


One suspects that Bush and gang foresee that their war on terror is getting stale and that they need another war to fire up the troops for November.


Cynical manipulation, wouldnt you agree.

Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Why would an economists opinion get an airing? They have accurately foretold 10 of the last 3 recessions. They worship at the feet of Lord Keynes, and, as noted above, have debauched the currency as they create credit (basically print money) to forestall recession, if you believe that theory. This extra money chased stocks in the 1990s, real estate until last year, and is now into commodities.

The ancient Roman soothsayers would cut open a chicken and observe the pattern of the intestines. Wars, planting of crops, marriage, all of these so called auguries were believed. I would have thought that modern skepticism would have eradicated many of these superstitions.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Prices are not just a problem for consumers, they are also signals to producers and to users, to wit, intelligence or information.  The original reason offered for the falling number of flights, and falling passengers, was that GRR had snubbed some small feeder airlines in the remote past, and that they are now standoffish, and wont fly into GRR. The current article tries to make it part of a national problem but Id guess that the number of flights nationally has not dipped.

I regularly fly from Texas to GRR and rent a car for maybe a week. I had to stop at Ohare on one occasion and rent a car for a week. The fee that week to fly from El Paso to GRR was 500 dollars, and car rental 169.. To fly to big, busy, corrupt Ohare was 220, and the car rental 110. It costs 80 dollars less to fly a thousand miles from a similar sized airport than to fly 140 miles to GRR.

The parking fee in El Paso is less than 4 dollars per day, and its outside in a very hot dry sunny spot.

The aircraft leaving GRR are full. The market tells me that there is something wrong with GRR. Something is keeping the cheap feeder airlines from flocking to a place where they could make huge profits yet, none come.

The GRP might salvage its reputation of being an organ of the government by exploring this facet and actually getting a scoop featuring some KC (republican) commission screw ups. I know that the Libertarian Party KC sheriff candidate, John Stedman has told me that he intends to investigate GRR itself to see why they are turning airlines off; you see, markets are seldom wrong. Airlines do not do irrational things like eschew easy money. Airlines do avoid headaches.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Fannie and Freddie (Programs of the Democratic Party) have never been pitched to help poor people; they were formed to increase the mortgage market

The overall purpose of the takeover is to prop up housing prices, because if they continue to erode, almost everyones mortgage will be more than the nominal value of the house, and people will abandon their mortgages.  

The overall effect is to drive housing prices beyond the reach of poor people. After all, why let them onto the first step of the economic ladder.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


1)Republicans and Democrats want to make you happy; I prefer to let you pursue your own happiness


There is little that a politician can do about hard times. The unemployment rate in W. Michigan 10 years ago was 1.5%, now about 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he when the problem evolved? And what do my opponents propose that is different from what has been done for many years. We dont need job training; we need to keep our own money so as to start our own businesses. Alternative energy is yet another boondoggle. Anything that Taxpayers in Rockford have to continue to subsidize after 30 years sounds like Synfuels on steroids to me. Id support nuclear power generation. One of my sons has been an engineer designing these plants, and assures me that these have a bright future.


Lower spending. Get out of Iraq, and all our foreign military entanglements, no more corporate and farm subsidies, shut down the departments of labor, energy, environment, etc. Lower regulations.


Open federal lands for drilling, to address the next 15 years; encourage (by allowing) nuclear power in the long term;  Alternative energies will never work as it is too expensive and unreliable.


Get out forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Tell me why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


Manufacturing jobs have dropped because there are huge gains in efficiency, just as there have been in construction, agriculture (thank goodness, I worked a farm in youth, decided that being a physician was easier) and mining. Manufacturing in the USA is booming; the increase in absolute value of output parallels that in China; we produce high value goods and sell internationally. We should open our borders to all sorts of trade so as to be able to sell to the world.


Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or overcome the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans.


The Economist magazine reports that easy credit fueled a relative boom in the rest of the country during the last 20 years (Greenspan opened the money spigots after Volcker had restricted them causing the 1980-2 recession)). The freemoney sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus gold and other currencies as well as an export boom.  The Chinese/Japanese/Saudis etc. hold trillions of dollars that are approaching worthless. If they decide to stop using dollars, American lives` will become poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

The Fed can delay a recession for a brief period by continuing an easy money stance, but that will make the  Chinese/Japanese etc. ever more uneasy.

Or we can tighten up monetary policies and suffer a nasty time for some years, (remember the 1970s with stagflation which Volcker ended with restrictive money policies). I guess Id prefer the latter.  The US Fed and Treasury caused this problem and propose solutions that merely kick the can down the road. TheDemocrats passed the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that prevented banks from excluding unqualified applicants from borrowing. And Republicans were in charge and approved while the federal reserve created cheap credit..                                                                

An historical observation might clarify the above. Michigan was being settled at a breakneck rate with easy money in the 1830s. After Andrew Jackson killed the first US Bank, there was a severe contraction. After 1837, money disappeared. It is reported in a History of Grand Rapids that for 5 years thereafter, a family in Kent County was lucky if they had a cow and a place to plant potatoes.


Dysfunctional, to put it charitably but Obama and McCain will be even worse..


The primary problems causing the current banking problems are twofold; the easy money stance taken by the Fed for the last 20 years, and over-spending/borrowing/regulation by the congress and administration.

The artificially cheap credit (low interest rates) produced by Greenspan etc. sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus other currencies as well as an export boom. The easy money led to misallocation of resources, 4000 square foot homes, SUVs,  ballooning credit card debt, etc.

The 1977 Community Reconstruction Act threatened commercial lenders with half million dollar fines if they denied mortgages to unqualified applicants. The Government also overspent and had to borrow in bond markets,  driving up interest rates. The lenders were Chinese, Japanese, oil kingdoms.

No one seems to have noted that the dollar was being debauched.


A Our currency is becoming ever more worthless as Greenspan etc. keep interest rates artificially low. The low rates lead to incredible distortions in the economy; witness 4000 sq. ft homes, and SUVs, record private debt levels, all payed for with debt. Chinese/Japanes/oil producers who own this debt look at disappearing values as the dollar is debauched. If they decide that to de-dollarize, demanding payment in Euros or Yen, our prices will explode.

The easy money bubble bursts, and banks are stuck with worthless paper. Some, the greedier and unlucky, go out of business. Others have to increase their interest rates so as to become profitable and repair their balance sheets. Their reluctance to lend to other banks will wane if the interest rates go high enough.

But our political leaders want to repair the balance sheetsof banks by buying up their toxic paper and keeping interest rates low. They will go into the capital markets to borrow a trillion dollars, crowding out private investors, and driving up interest rates to astronomical levels. Is there a swindle here somewhere?



There is little that politicians can do about hard times except to make them worse.

We send 20% of our income to Washington, get back 18%; that 2% difference is our growth rate, money that should stay here so individuals can invest in their own advancement, businesses, happiness. Id vote against Federal taxes, keep money here. Unemployment in W. Michigan 10 years ago was 1.5%, now 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he while the problem evolved? What do my opponents propose that is different from what has failed?


We need to open all federal lands for oil exploration in the medium term. Id support nuclear power generation by sweeping away governmental restrictions on this eminently sensible power source. One of our sons has been an engineer designing these plants, and assures me that these have a bright future.

The surviving auto companies will develop electric cars on their own.

Solar, wind, biofuels are just scams; unreliable and too expensive for poor people. Does anything that needs subsidies after 30 years sound like synfuels on steroids?


Two approaches; Id cut all sorts of expenditures of the Federal government. The departments of the energy, education, labor, agriculture, environment,  health and human services would be defunded. Reduce the size of our armed forces, and get them off foreign soil so that they can protect us at home.

Also cut taxes and regulations. We need to allow new business formation by lowering entry barriers. Advocate for the Fair Tax which will encourage personal and business thrift,  and get rid of the IRS as being inefficient and intrusive.

The deficit will turn into a surplus that can lower the national debt.


Im a semi-retired physician, and feel deeply about this issue.  Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  It allows personal savings, and individual choice about medical care. No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or overcome the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans. There are numerous Federal laws that have increased health care costs and these will have to be abolished as well as insurance markets opened up across state lines.


Yes. Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg  stated that Roe versus Wade was a bad decision. Abortion is a state issue. Planned Parenthood, a private corporation, does about 250,000 abortions a year, and gets 100 million dollars from both Medicaid/care. I find this morally repugnant. In an era of medical abortions and the internet banning abortions by law is impossible. A young lady finding herself pregnant can go onto the internet and order any of several preparations air freighted in, regaining that patina of social acceptability if not of moral virtue in a few days.


No. The US Constitution has no provisions on discrimination except the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment; no state shalldeny to any personthe equal protection of the laws.”  which limits only what government officials can do. The problem with discrimination based on sexual orientation is the lack of biologic markers. I lose a dispute with my neighbor,  then go to court claiming that Im gay. After I win my discrimination suit, I go to church or therapist, get the cure, and reclaim straightness. This proposal would make a mockery of the protections that minorities have won; wed all be situational minorities.


Yes, but with reservations. Our immigration laws are a mess. My parents were immigrants who entered the USA 80 years ago (my father was exposed to Marxist socialism, my mother fled the national socialist Hitler) under provision of reasonable laws. Those changed since. We now need laws that allow immigrants to come here legally on temporary work visas, and that might mean millions who will do menial labor. Also, the laws should encourage the best scientists/technicians/entrepreneurs to relocate here and become citizens.


Get out forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Tell me why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


I noted that there was only private money involved, and that the two researchers seemed to be the only or main employees/equity holders. Note the absence of the state or federal government. I predict a great future for MS.


Erwin Haas MD MBA, communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and recent losing Libertarian Party candidate for Michigan’s third congressional district.


The above comments are superb, and well written and considered, unlike the original editorial. Its well know that companies (and wealthy people who do business as corporations) do not pay taxes, they merely collect them.

Now, lets get to the ultimate sleazy corporation that probably does not pay taxes. Boothe Newspapers is owned by Newhouse and then by private ownership so diffused that even I cant follow it. No one knows what the profits/losses are for the Grand Rapids Press, but Id guess that they have enormous losses. (Stuck in Michigan, a paper that no one likes or can trust).

I looked up the stock price for the Gannett newspapers, largest cahin of newspapers in the country; their stock price has gone from over 60 to 17 today. The rate of falling extrapolates to zero by next spring. They lost 7 dollars per share.  How much better is the GRP likely to fare? But the editorial staff have vapors because the publisher should be paying taxes. Wait until he finds out what his flunkies are doing.


It is generally thought that the internet and new media are killing newspapers and television. That may well be a small part of the problem, but it is probable that the big problem is that the folks writing for these media are mediocre. They are unable to investigate stuff because they are timid about asking questions about money,  have no business sense, and live in awe of their masters in government. They have become conduits through which we are told what our government wants for us.

What a degeneration from the ideals of press freedom laid down by Peter Zenger  in the colonial period. He criticized the governor of NY, and was jailed, but managed to continue to publish. A notable aspect of the case is that his Philidelphia lawyer, Hamilton challenged the legality of the crimes for which his client was being prosecuted. It was one of the first times in American history in which a lawyer challenged the laws rather than the innocence of his clients. The jurors were stunned and didn’t know how to, or even if they were allowed to, address whether the law itself was “legal.” This has come down to us as jury nullification, and is a powerful tool that citizens must learn to use again to subvert their governments lustings for ever more power.

The publisher is in real trouble; falling sales, a dysfunctional product, no one wants to invest in his business, and advertisers are going elsewhere. Youd think that he could rethink his business strategy; publishers who criticized their governments stirred up emotions, and sold papers. The kind of lickspittle in this editorial is politically correct pablum, writersmalfeasence. What will happen to these editorial writers when the business folds?  Who will pay for this drivel? Unemployment insurance indefinitely?

The Press is not likely to be in the vanguard of anything, given that their business probably does not pay taxes, and should.

Ill plagiarize from the original editorial; Corporate deadbeats can’t be allowed.

Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.

GVSU cant much of a college if theyd allow someone like me to get an MBA. The headline about my old haunts caught my attention. The tag line, about training the little undergrads to act like paupers and ride buses is somehow reminiscent of training the little tikes in public schools to be factory workers.

What is offensive about this editorial entails two major facts that escape the writers, probably because they kowtow to their government.

The first is the engineering finding that buses are 20% less fuel efficient than are private cars in operational use. Correspondingly, they are 20% more polluting than are cars. Look up all the damning numbers at the Bureau of Transportation statistics web site.  This effectively scotches the canard that using buses is Green.  Green, BTW is no longer cool.

The second concerns a story that the GRP should have picked up on. The ITP/GRATA has had proportionately 2 times the capital expenditures for the last 10 years when compared to all of their peers. The ITP would not even put their budget on their web site, choosing instead to put their operating budget online in an apparent attempt to draw attention away from their outrageous use of taxpayer funds.

Of course, each ride costs the taxpayer about 7 dollars, and is another governmental boondoggle that rips off poor people and seems to make these editors ecstatic.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


The welfare state as swindle;

These federal statistics dont mean much. Poverty is defined by a deviation from some sort of artificial average, and so an almost constant 11-13 percent of the US population will be in perpetual poverty, in infinitum. Period.

Nevertheless, the reasons for their relative poverty may be interesting, and Ill write them down so as to preempt the inevitable peevish editorial.


Politicians like to promise that they will take care of poor people by taking from corporations and the rich and giving to the disadvantaged.  And the poor buy into this and vote for these unconscionable parasites, expanding the size of government.

I’m not sure why Austrian economists don’t emphasize the obvious connection between big government and poverty among the populace.  It’s not that complicated. Let me put it as succinctly as possible.


Corporations have to make a certain amount of profit, or else they go out of business. They regard taxes as a cost of business, and increase their prices to compensate for these costs. The consumer, or customer pays for these taxes. The corporation merely collects taxes, it doesn’t pay for them. This is merely banal, and should not need any further elaboration. All income statements have the line item “ebitd” or suchlike, showing that taxes are subtracted, right there along with how the assets are paid for, as incidental to making profit.


We now have to make the distinction of rich people vs. high income individuals. It’s the classical economist’s distinction between stocks and flows.


The rich make their money on interest and dividends. Once more, they don’t invest so as to lose money. They, and perforce the market for capital, adjust the returns on their investments so as to compensate for inflation, taxes and risk.


High income individuals often confused with the rich, but these are often just aspiring towards wealth. There is a group of workers, like doctors, lawyers, and accountants, or unionized workers, who have licenses or other franchises, monopolies granted by the government. Entrepreneurs are in this category, and gain monopolies through copyrights, patents, or “being there firstest with the mostest”. They can charge pretty much what they need to, or change what they do to make their labor profitable. Once more, this is a group that sets their prices for their production.


It turns out that corporations, and the wealthy set prices so that they can pay taxes and still make the money that they demand to make their efforts rational.


The poor earn plenty, but have to pay artificially the high prices necessary to pay for their government. Poor people pay their taxes when they go to the grocery. A gallon of milk or a pound of butter should cost a dollar, but they have to pay  4 dollars. The landlord collects tax expenses and the borrowing costs for the apartment from the tenant. The poor man pays the taxes when he pays the interest on his credit card.

It has always been so, and nothing will ever change it so long as markets continue. Prices, as von Mises taught, are packets of information, and, as any socialist can tell you, we are in the information age. More socialistic societies as in Europe, South America, and Africa, are characterized by increased muddling of price signals, and of course, economic and social stagnation. Socialists never seem to be able to make the intellectual connection between distorting prices and wasted production


Taxes might be conceived of as consumption taxes. The rich and high income individuals also pay them: to the extent that individuals spend money, they pay taxes. Frugal individuals hardly pay taxes at all.


Politicians like to get elected by promising that they will take care of poor people. They will take from the rich and give to the poor. As we have seen, this is a fraud. And the politicians know it to be so.


This accounts for the observation made for the last 40 years that the incomes of the poor have not kept up with the generally rising income of other Americans. 40 years of a war on poverty, and the poor got screwed. As the tax and regulatory burden on Americans rises, the increased burden of paying for government is pushed down onto those lower n the economic ladder in the form of higher costs. In the swindle known as the welfare state, only poverty is redistributed.


Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.


We expect the usual bromides from the establishment and from the GRP. The public schools started in Michigan about the same time as did Labor Day. The first public school law was first promulgated by the Michigan Legislature in 1871, and not really enforced until after 1900 because folks knew that they were a bad idea. The original and ongoing purpose of the PS was to turn smart enterprising farm kids into mentally sluggish, passive factory workers, and Dr. Taylors opinion does nothing to distance himself from that tradition. Children are not vehicles for sustaining and improving our region’s economy, global competitiveness, they should have opportunity to pursue their own lives liberties and property (recalling the original formulation used by most founding fathers).  Home schooled kids  are the ones who have the real educations, able to think nimbly, to relate to adults and social perspectives different from their own. Home schoolers have real choice, since they ask questions, and have to noodle out their own answers.  PS students, as in the GRPS are forced to hear answers to questions that they dont have, numbing their minds. They leave school with no ideas,  a hatred for learning, angry. It usually takes a few years, and jobs before they recover.

Most of the US presidents didnt go to PS. Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, no schools at all.

The PS are a big welfare program for the teachers, cafeteria workers, schoolbus drivers and builders. The enormous cost comes out of the wages of very poor working people. And damn the kids.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Dear Ms. Hinkel;

Change is in the air, and I thought that my note addressed it adequately; the public schools were designed by factory owners to turn bright kids into factory workers so inarticulate that they could never make an effective objection to the abuses that the owners visited upon them. Read John Dewey and tell me differently. The public schools worked just fine until the factories disappeared. We are now in the information age, and that requires originality, conviction, drive, not the day in day out boring, meaningless discipline which is the sole content taught in the PS.

Your anecdotes (anecdotes are not evidence) about seeing hundreds of happy grads may well be correct, but what about the thousands who go through the system and are cited by no2fructose.

You play the poverty card; the former libertarian GRPS board member tells me that it costs 12,500 to train one of these kids per year.  This money is looted from desperately poor people. (Leona Helmsley was right, only little people pay taxes). If they would not have to pay the outlandish costs to botch up their children, they could easily afford to do home schooling, or to send them to private schooling as appropriate.

I certainly enjoyed hearing from you; the message is from the ancient Greek Heraclitus you cant step into the same river twice. Change is everything, and youll have to reason your own way to the future.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Let me get this straight; Georgian president Shakasvili, relying on his good buddy Bush, attacks So. Ossetia (although that area had broken away from Georgia, and almost all the Citizens express a wish to belong to Russia),  and kills 10 Russian soldiers. Shakasvili is clearly the aggressor, and its not clear how much encouragement he got from Bush.The Russians defend themselves and counterattack. The aggressor, Georgia, cannot morally dictate the time and place when the war stops. The Russian army goes into Georgia, and leisurely, in a gentlemanly way, destroys all of the Georgian military equipment, much of it American.

Result; Bush and flunkies howl that Russia is the aggressor!  Talk of a cold war redux.


One suspects that Bush and gang foresee that their war on terror is getting stale and that they need another war to fire up the troops for November.


Cynical manipulation, wouldnt you agree.

Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Why would an economists opinion get an airing? They have accurately foretold 10 of the last 3 recessions. They worship at the feet of Lord Keynes, and, as noted above, have debauched the currency as they create credit (basically print money) to forestall recession, if you believe that theory. This extra money chased stocks in the 1990s, real estate until last year, and is now into commodities.

The ancient Roman soothsayers would cut open a chicken and observe the pattern of the intestines. Wars, planting of crops, marriage, all of these so called auguries were believed. I would have thought that modern skepticism would have eradicated many of these superstitions.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Prices are not just a problem for consumers, they are also signals to producers and to users, to wit, intelligence or information.  The original reason offered for the falling number of flights, and falling passengers, was that GRR had snubbed some small feeder airlines in the remote past, and that they are now standoffish, and wont fly into GRR. The current article tries to make it part of a national problem but Id guess that the number of flights nationally has not dipped.

I regularly fly from Texas to GRR and rent a car for maybe a week. I had to stop at Ohare on one occasion and rent a car for a week. The fee that week to fly from El Paso to GRR was 500 dollars, and car rental 169.. To fly to big, busy, corrupt Ohare was 220, and the car rental 110. It costs 80 dollars less to fly a thousand miles from a similar sized airport than to fly 140 miles to GRR.

The parking fee in El Paso is less than 4 dollars per day, and its outside in a very hot dry sunny spot.

The aircraft leaving GRR are full. The market tells me that there is something wrong with GRR. Something is keeping the cheap feeder airlines from flocking to a place where they could make huge profits yet, none come.

The GRP might salvage its reputation of being an organ of the government by exploring this facet and actually getting a scoop featuring some KC (republican) commission screw ups. I know that the Libertarian Party KC sheriff candidate, John Stedman has told me that he intends to investigate GRR itself to see why they are turning airlines off; you see, markets are seldom wrong. Airlines do not do irrational things like eschew easy money. Airlines do avoid headaches.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Fannie and Freddie (Programs of the Democratic Party) have never been pitched to help poor people; they were formed to increase the mortgage market

The overall purpose of the takeover is to prop up housing prices, because if they continue to erode, almost everyones mortgage will be more than the nominal value of the house, and people will abandon their mortgages.  

The overall effect is to drive housing prices beyond the reach of poor people. After all, why let them onto the first step of the economic ladder.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


1)Republicans and Democrats want to make you happy; I prefer to let you pursue your own happiness


There is little that a politician can do about hard times. The unemployment rate in W. Michigan 10 years ago was 1.5%, now about 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he when the problem evolved? And what do my opponents propose that is different from what has been done for many years. We dont need job training; we need to keep our own money so as to start our own businesses. Alternative energy is yet another boondoggle. Anything that Taxpayers in Rockford have to continue to subsidize after 30 years sounds like Synfuels on steroids to me. Id support nuclear power generation. One of my sons has been an engineer designing these plants, and assures me that these have a bright future.


Lower spending. Get out of Iraq, and all our foreign military entanglements, no more corporate and farm subsidies, shut down the departments of labor, energy, environment, etc. Lower regulations.


Open federal lands for drilling, to address the next 15 years; encourage (by allowing) nuclear power in the long term;  Alternative energies will never work as it is too expensive and unreliable.


Get out forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Tell me why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


Manufacturing jobs have dropped because there are huge gains in efficiency, just as there have been in construction, agriculture (thank goodness, I worked a farm in youth, decided that being a physician was easier) and mining. Manufacturing in the USA is booming; the increase in absolute value of output parallels that in China; we produce high value goods and sell internationally. We should open our borders to all sorts of trade so as to be able to sell to the world.


Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or overcome the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans.


The Economist magazine reports that easy credit fueled a relative boom in the rest of the country during the last 20 years (Greenspan opened the money spigots after Volcker had restricted them causing the 1980-2 recession)). The freemoney sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus gold and other currencies as well as an export boom.  The Chinese/Japanese/Saudis etc. hold trillions of dollars that are approaching worthless. If they decide to stop using dollars, American lives` will become poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

The Fed can delay a recession for a brief period by continuing an easy money stance, but that will make the  Chinese/Japanese etc. ever more uneasy.

Or we can tighten up monetary policies and suffer a nasty time for some years, (remember the 1970s with stagflation which Volcker ended with restrictive money policies). I guess Id prefer the latter.  The US Fed and Treasury caused this problem and propose solutions that merely kick the can down the road. The Democrats passed the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that prevented banks from excluding unqualified applicants from borrowing. And Republicans were in charge and approved while the federal reserve created cheap credit..                                                                

An historical observation might clarify the above. Michigan was being settled at a breakneck rate with easy money in the 1830s. After Andrew Jackson killed the first US Bank, there was a severe contraction. After 1837, money disappeared. It is reported in a History of Grand Rapids that for 5 years thereafter, a family in Kent County was lucky if they had a cow and a place to plant potatoes.


Dysfunctional, to put it charitably but Obama and McCain will be even worse..


The primary problems causing the current banking problems are twofold; the easy money stance taken by the Fed for the last 20 years, and over-spending/borrowing/regulation by the congress and administration.

The artificially cheap credit (low interest rates) produced by Greenspan etc. sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus other currencies as well as an export boom. The easy money led to misallocation of resources, 4000 square foot homes, SUVs,  ballooning credit card debt, etc.

The 1977 Community Reconstruction Act threatened commercial lenders with half million dollar fines if they denied mortgages to unqualified applicants. The Government also overspent and had to borrow in bond markets, driving up interest rates. The lenders were Chinese, Japanese, oil kingdoms and theyve noted with increasing anxiety that the dollar was being debauched.. If they decide that to de-dollarize, demanding payment in Euros or Yen, our prices and interest rates will explode, and economy tank.

When the easy money bubble burst,  banks were stuck with worthless paper. Some, the greedier and unlucky are bankrupt, their shareholders and managers devastated, and the bondholders trying to salvage what they can.  (BTW, nothing except the stockholders value is lost in bankruptcy, the loans to homeowners etc. are still valuable assets). Surviving banks will have to increase their interest rates so as to become profitable and repair their balance sheets. Their reluctance to lend to other banks will wane if the interest rates go high enough.

But our political leaders want to dont want high interest rates and so propose to repair the balance sheetsof banks by buying up their toxic paper and keeping interest rates low. They will go into the capital markets to borrow a trillion dollars, crowding out private investors, and driving up interest rates to astronomical levels.

Didnt I just say something about increasing interest rates? Many different ways of getting there, but the same result.

Is there a swindle here somewhere?


There is little that politicians can do about hard times except to make them worse.

We send 20% of our income to Washington, get back 18%; that 2% difference is our growth rate, money that should stay here so individuals can invest in their own advancement, businesses, happiness. Id vote against Federal taxes, keep money here. Unemployment in W. Michigan grew from1.5% 10 years ago to 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he while the problem evolved? What do my opponents propose that is different from what has failed?


We need to open all federal lands for oil exploration in the medium term. Id support nuclear power generation by sweeping away governmental restrictions on this eminently sensible power source. One of our sons has been an engineer in that industry, and assures me that these have a bright future.

The surviving auto companies will develop electric cars on their own.

Solar, wind, biofuels are just scams; unreliable and too expensive for us folks. Does anything that needs subsidies after 30 years sound like synfuels on steroids?


Two approaches; 1) Id cut all sorts of expenditures of the Federal government. The departments of the energy, education, labor, agriculture, environment would be defunded. Id right-size of our armed forces, and get them off foreign soil so that they can protect us at home.

2) Also cut taxes and regulations. We need to allow new business formation by lowering entry barriers. Advocate for the Fair Tax which will encourage personal thrift, and get rid of the IRS as being inefficient and intrusive.

The deficit will turn into a surplus, lowering the national debt.


Im a semi-retired physician, and feel deeply about this issue.  Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  It allows personal savings, and individual choice about medical care. No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or address  the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans. There are numerous Federal laws that have increased health care costs and these will have to be abolished and insurance markets opened up across state lines.


Yes. Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg  stated that Roe versus Wade was a bad decision. Abortion is a state issue. Planned Parenthood, a private corporation, does about 250,000 abortions a year, and gets 100 million dollars from both Medicaid/care. I find this morally repugnant. Politically, abortion becomes  moot in an era of medical abortions and the internet. A young lady finding herself pregnant can go onto the internet and order any of several preparations by air freighted, regaining that patina of social acceptability if not of high virtue in 3 days. Banning abortions by law is impossible.


No. The US Constitution has no provisions on discrimination except the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment; no state shalldeny to any personthe equal protection of the laws”  that  limits  what government officials can do. The problem with discrimination based on sexual orientation is the lack of biologic markers. If I lose a dispute with my neighbor,  I could go to court claiming that Im gay. After I win my discrimination suit, I go to church or therapist, get the cure, and reclaim straightness. This proposal would make a mockery of the protections that minorities have won; wed all be situational minorities.

Saw Kurosawas Seven Samuraigreat filmography


Yes, but with reservations. Our immigration laws are a mess. My parents were immigrants who entered the USA 80 years ago (Dad was exposed to Marxist socialism, Mom fled the national socialist Hitler) obeying reasonable laws. Since then, laws changed. We now need laws that allow immigrants to come here legally on temporary work visas. That might mean millions who will do menial labor. Also, the laws should encourage the best scientists/technicians/entrepreneurs to relocate here and become citizens.


Get out of Iraq forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


My last two books were John LeCarres Mission Song, and Michael Polanyis The Logic of Liberty


The incumbent voted for the bailout; he knew he was in trouble and so issued a press release telling you that he objected to AIG’s board of directors spending 400,000 dollars on a fancy retreat. He’s trying to muddy the waters. Don’t be fooled, he really did want to spend your 850 BILLION on the bailout crapshoot.

The primary problems causing the current banking problems are twofold;

1) the easy money stance taken by the Fed for the last 20 years, and

2) over-spending/borrowing/regulation by the congress and administration.

Urchins in Buffalo frequently talked about the fat lady with the short skirt. The ugly excesses bulge out somewhere.

Very much like the fat lady, government is a zero sum game. I’ll relate this to the bailout.

The artificially cheap credit (low interest rates) produced by Greenspan etc. sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus other currencies as well as an export boom. The easy money led to misallocation of resources, 4000 square foot homes, SUVs, ballooning credit card debt, etc.

The 1977 Community Reconstruction Act threatened commercial lenders with half million dollar fines if they denied mortgages to unqualified applicants. The Government also overspent and had to borrow in bond markets, driving up interest rates. The lenders were Chinese, Japanese, oil kingdoms and theyve noted with increasing anxiety that the dollar was being debauched.. If they decide that to de-dollarize, demanding payment in Euros or Yen, our prices and interest rates will explode, and economy tank.

When the easy money bubble on housing burst, banks were stuck with worthless paper. Some, the greedier and unlucky are bankrupt, their shareholders and managers devastated, and the bondholders trying to salvage what they can. (BTW, nothing except the stockholders value is lost in bankruptcy, the loans to homeowners etc. are still valuable assets). Surviving banks will have to increase their interest rates so as to become profitable and repair their balance sheets. Their reluctance to lend to other banks will wane if the interest rates go high enough.

But our political leaders dont want high interest rates and so propose to repair the balance sheetsof banks by buying up their toilet paper and keeping interest rates low. They will go into the capital markets to borrow over a trillion dollars, crowding out private investors, and driving interest rates up to astronomical levels. Main street will grind to a halt, hard times for everyone.

Didnt I just say something about increasing interest rates? Many different ways of getting there, but the same result.

It’s that fat lady again.
Other thoughts;

1)Times of economic disruption are great opportunities. Bankruptcy is

the destruction of mismanagement, of misallocation. Inept shareholders and management is wiped out and the bond holders take over. They appoint a receiver who can either try to run the company, or liquidate the assets, usually cents on the dollars. If one is liquid, one can snap up stuff, probably without debt and turn it into something very profitable. Tough for the former investors, the degenerates.

1) Hard times are not bad times, they are an opportunity for ordinary folks with guts and luck to make a bundle.

2)Another assertion of the bail out is trying to keep financial firms alive, or even having the government take them over and allegedly even profiting form holding these assets. The ordinary guy who work for Fannie Mae, WaMu etc will continue to have his job, which is fine, and continue to support the local economies.

3) Now, I sat on the board of the Grand Valley Coop Credit Union for 8 years. I can assure you that our little credit union can in principle do exactly the same stuff that Goldman Sachs does, but do it smarter and with less overhead. The bail out asks the already dinged up muttonheads in Michigan to forego the jobs, and pay taxes so that Swells in NYC, Boston and Seattle can retain good paying, genteel jobs. Muttonheads, after all might get ideas.

3)My wife and I were evicted from our home and the place where we had our business and raised the kids in 2004. The city of GR wanted to build affordable housing or something on our property, so we had to find someplace to live. We knew, from listening to real estate agents (the ultimate idiots) that the property prices in GR will never go downand from reading the Economist magazine  about the impending real estate bubble that that market was toppy. We really looked hard at renting, but ultimately bought to smallest, cheapest condo that we could find. Our suspicions have been vindicated. The prices went up until 2006, and then started to come back down again, but the amounts in play are negligible. Two of our kids considered buying, didnt and are better off for their forebearance.

4)I have an MBA, was a stock broker and was exposed to the Black Sholes models for valuing securities and options. I even worked my way through a problem when I was younger and a lot smarter. It uses the normal jiggleof price variation during the past year (or some other period), corrects it for dividend payments, applies a statistical bell shaped curve of the probability that prices will be in some relevant range and assigns a value to options. Dya understand?

This is the model used to manage risk, at least, the way economists define it. Elegant, but I could never make the connection between a predictable jiggle in prices, and the fact that a company or security might, and probably will, find itself in a new economic environment sending the security price into space, or into the toilet. There was simply no recognition that risk is not predictable, in markets risk is mercurial and cant be managed. How did these Ivy League trained geniuses not recognize that they are in a chaotic world?

5)The bill actually passed provides for an enormous increase in the Federal government power to invade our privacy. The IRS, NSA, CIA got that which they wanted, and our rights be damned.

6) The purpose of the bailout is to stabilize real estate prices so that the banks’ will have profits and be able to keep their capital ratios up to snuff. But doesn’t that keep the price of homes up and beyond the reach of so many poor people that the Democrats claim to cherish so dearly? How will the poor working man ever get onto the ladder to financial success if he can’t get on the first run of wealth accummulation?

7) The Japanese had this happen to them in 1989. Banks had invested in the stock market which also had been hyper-stimulated by easy credit. When that bubble burst (the Nikkei fell from 40,000 to as low as 7000, it is now 11,000 as I write) the banks were similarly bankrupt. The Japanese government also did not allow the banks to fail. Interest rates have been close to zero, they have paved over the northern-most island of Japan trying to stimulate the economy. Yet banks could not afford to lend, and companies were not allowed to go bankrupt. A lot of businesses are on life support, pale corpses.

Japan has had a stalled economy for nearly 20 years now. Growth is often negative, there is serious unemployment, and young people cannot afford to marry or have children.

Had they allowed the banks to fail, they would have had the nightmare behind them in a few years.

Why was this model of failure of governmental policy never invoked in addressing our housing bubble.

8) The question markets struggle with is whether the bailout will evolve into an inflationary blowout as in Germany in 1920-23, or into a deflationary grind as in Japan or during our great depression.

. The treasury and Fed both are trying to deflate their way out of the financial pinch. Two problems confront  these  Keynesian geniuses (the economists who have accurately predicted 10 of the last 3 recessions); the Fed makes credit available but that does not guarantee that individuals are credit worthy or that they will want to borrow and so they are pushing on a string, and cant create credig. The second problem with inflation of our money is that Chinese, Japanese, OPEC members all hold huge amounts of dollars, and if they de-dollarize our economy  will really experience exploding prices.

The markets reaction, for it’s worth, seems to indicate deflation
9) The public is being frightened by threats that they wont be able to sell, or buy real estate or live in homes  if banks are in trouble. I beg to differ; one can easily buy and sell real estate much more simply and safely by using land contracts. And businessmen know that in the ideal world, it doesnt make any difference in buying versus renting real assets.
10) Moral hazards is an economic term that describes the displacement of caution shown by economic and other actors if they realize or believe that someone else will step in and relieve them of responsibility or the consequenses of their mistakes. When the government stepped in and allowed the same corrupt companies to survive and even prosper, it opened a flood gate of problems for itself in the future.  These banks, mortgage companies and now even the auto companies have now experienced acting stupidly and yet not being punished for it. What will prevent them from being even stupider and more reckless next time?
11) Austrian economics eshews the false glory of predicting the future. Keynsian economists, on the other hand, claim that they can manage the economy, foresee problems and guide public policy which is why they are popular, especially with politicians and other followers.

I’m a kind of contrarian, and when these Keynsians point the way and claim to guide us  to calm waters ahead, I experience a kind of vertigo. But then, I can’t predict what the economy will look like even tomorrow, but I’m certain that these Keynsian clowns should be credited with far less than tomorrow; they don’t even understand what happened yesterday, or 20 years ago.


16Nov 08

I noted that there was only private money involved, and that the two researchers seemed to be the only or main employees/equity holders. Note the absence of the state or federal government. I predict a great future for MS.


Erwin Haas MD MBA, communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and recent losing Libertarian Party candidate for Michigan’s third congressional district.


The specious arguments used by the Rapid included;

1) that using buses is fuel efficient and less polluting than are private cars. In fact, the national Bureau of Transportation Statistics shows unequivocally, year after year, that buses are 20% more polluting and less energy efficient than are cars operationally,(rather than in some ideal world).

2) Misleading financial statements. On their publications and web site, the Rapid presents their operating budget, giving the impression that they have costs under control and greatly understating the actual costs per passenger mile.

3) When the actual budget is compared to other public transportation systems funded by the government, the Rapid has spent double the norm for capital expenditures, year after year, and going back over 10 years with its predecessor GRATA. This has never been challenged.

4) The running condition of the buses that I have used is shabby, they rattle. Do they keep up on maintenance?

5) All of the above were presented to the GRP repeatedly during the campaign to stop the tax increase by opponents, and ignored. The GRP (advertising dollars?), Mr. Varga and Mr. Ehlers (big booster for this pork funding) need to explain their involvement with the Rapid.


Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan.


The big picture on alleged global warming and any political response to it lies in understanding the scientific bases of these allegations; almost all of it arises from computer simulations of assumptions about the atmosphere. These are notoriously subject to the assumptions that are posited at the beginning of the computer run.

There is indeed an approximate doubling of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, and an unknown changes in other gases like water vapor, methane, sulfur compounds, and  particle pollution that have effects on retaining solar energy and so warming the air. There is a minute increase of global temperatures of .3 degrees Celcius measured by the MSU satellites in the last 30 years which is far too little to validate the computer models so far proposed.

A multitude of anecdotes are cited to buttress global warming narrative. Some glaciers have melted and the South polar ice cap continues to increase in size.  Temperatures taken in cities are not valid as population centers predictably become heat islands. Beyond uncertainty about the whether there is man made global warming, lie questions about whether an increase in temperature on earth makes any difference. And if there is some way to discern the potential harm out of the opaque future, then the question arises about whether there is anything that we can do will stop, or reverse global warming.

Mankind adapts to his environment, be it tropical heat among natives in Arfica or artic ice for Eskimos; there should be more



We have to distinguish between the State of Michigan, and of its citizens. The State has only one role, that of protecting the liberties of the individuals who live here. The individuals need the State to defend them from violence and fraud so that they are free to lead their own lives,  be it as industrialists, or drunks lying in the gutter.

An Individual will work, learn stuff, move elsewhere, depending on his own goals and vision of the good life. Call it greed, or a will to life.

Out of this wellspring rises the creativity with all its craziness and unpredictability,  that young people show, and out of which arise the businesses and industries of the future.

The writer, and many others, confuses the role of the State. It does not exist to put people to work, or to structure businesses.

The life sciences increased employment is almost all in the hospital and health care areas, the ones that will be severely curtailed when health care costs are “contained”. Green energy requires continuing state subsidies, and are unsustainable since they waste the resources of individuals.

The two areas in which the writer touts the role of the state are exactly the same as that in almost all the states, reflecting the dull, stereotyped imaginations of politicians. I don’t understand where there is any comparative advantage.

The State of Michigan is never going to attract or retain smart people as long as it tries to tax the individuals here to encourage established, mature firms and industries to come here. There is also the self serving stuff that comes out of tax and industry supported centers that asserts that entrepreneurs will come here if there is “good” public transportation, or cool downtowns. Hooey.

It would be far better for the individuals here if they retained their own money to invest, spend, or waste,  as they saw fit. The state should shrink, and become like the night watchman. Or else the individuals here will continue to leave and go to places like Texas, where a more libertarian culture prevails


Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan


Stirring words, but misleading ones albeit.

The transcendental problem arises from subsidies that have to be pumped into renewals, or else they dont function. The broken window example is useful to illustrate the futility of renewables.

If an urchin breaks the window of a store, we would hear Mr. Heartwell  claim that this is a good thing. The merchant gets a new window, jobs are created making the glass and replacing it in the store, Rubbish haulers are involved.

However, what is not obvious is that the merchant now has lost a large amount of money and cant pay his workers or suppliers as much,  and may have to raise his prices to his cutomers to replace the glass.

Basically, Renewable energy is the broken window; we are forced to pay taxes for stuff that is economically not viable. Glowing rhetoric aside, the jobs produced will probably be for a minimum wage.  We will take money from very much stressed taxpayers and give it to special interest who will investit in schemes that cant compete in the energy markets without the big bailout.

Almost all of the states are also encouraging/subsidizing biology corridors, renewable energy suppliers and producers. Where is the comparative advantage for any one state?

Real scientists are skeptical about whether there is global warming, and the carbon dioxide model does not predict the temperature changes that have happened. Politically, can the USA and a few Europeans convince the rest of the world to go along with an impoverished low carbon future? And even if global temperatures go up, why would we think that that was bad?

Man adapts to worse things than a bit of climate change. Michigan, enthralled by lapdog politicians continues to languish because of the misallocation that these people foist on us.

Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan


Another non sustainable governmental boondoggle will suck up tax payer dollars. Didnt the journalist question the subsidies that make this thing profitable?  The greenjobs of sorting through garbage will be trumpeted by the Democrats and their bedwetting knock offs, the Republicans, will pay ten dollars an hour but are good local environmental jobs that cant be exportedas Im sure Mayor Heartwell will tell us.

I saw three trucks from Texas loaded down with blades for gigantic windmills this week. They werent made in Michigan giving the lie to the politiciansclaims that Green policies would create jobs here in  Michigan.

Greenincreasingly means recycled rubbish.


Why doesnt the GRP feature the other 6 trustees for their ideological stances?  The other topics mentioned in the article all seem to be left wing topics. Where is the diversity? Arent these trustees using my tax dollars to drag the institution into the culture wars?

I have no particular problems with Davis or Avla, but ask where are do we see any critics of governmental failure? Where are Libertarian speakers like Walter Williams, John Stoessel or Father Robert Siricco?

Dr. Ryskamp has his rights of free speach, offers a breath of fresh air to the atmosphere at the college, and adds at least some necessary diversity to the GRCC board.

The examples used in the editorial perfectly illustrate the dysfunctional status of MEGA and MEDC. They are large established firms that provide jobs and services in mature, or even declining industries. Politicians like to stand in front of impressive buildings with the cameras rolling.

News flash; the future is unknown. Very likely the types of industries favored by MEGA will be long since gone. Lump the GRP in with these dying industries.

We dont know what kind of industries, ventures, ideas will make money next year, or 20 years from now. I can tell you that there is, somewhere, a future Bill Gates, or Al Gore (father of the internet) who might be an engineer, musician, dreamer, entrepreneur or just layabout who will in a few years be starved for the capital that these boondoggles waste.

A more progressive use of the money might be to cancel all taxes for all Michigan Businesses. That way consumer prices would be lowered since Michigan stores, doctors, hairdressers etc would no longer have to pass their tax costs on to their clients. It would be a tax free way for progressive legislators to improve our state.

Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan

Are these the economists who staffed the Fed and advised the Congress and caused the housing morass?  Or the geniuses who accurately predicted 10 of the last 3 recessions?


Trumpeting this kind of stuff is irresponsible. Is the GRP the ouija board of West Michigan?


Americans have been conditioned to value medical care more than it is worth. Medicine has become the new religion. People believe that doctors can prolong lives, delay the normal aging processes and make life better. They have been sold on these superstitions by the media that hypes high tech advances in medicine that may only help a tiny percentage of the general public. Americans ascribe the general prolonging of life spans to medical care, whereas the real reasons include public health measures against infectious diseases, better diets and lessening of physical stress. Doctors thump the pulpit by talking gullible families into doing “what we can do” to keep Granny alive, when in actuality they officiously prolong Granny’s dying


Europeans are not caught up in the American creed. It may be that Europeans got “free medical care” at a time when medical care could do little to alter the course of illnesses. Comforting the dying and their relatives was what they expected from doctors a hundred years ago when many of these schemes were introduced. The modest accomplishments of their medical systems has not led Europeans to alter their expectations.


I agree with Europeans. There are a few surgical procedures like appendectomy that save lives. Many orthopedic procedures can make life more enjoyable. Occasionally an antibiotic or an antihypertensive helps. But frying the brains of Ted Kennedy and Robert Novak stretched their lives from 6 months to a year as steroidal zombies.

The Democratic proposals don’t do anything to make Americans reject salvation, so I suppose that the special interests will continue to prosper and medical costs will climb. The Republicans ripped off some Libertarian ideas that would force individuals to confront the cost-benefit calculus, but few of their politicians understand consumer driven health care, and most would reject it if they did.

I don’t see anything in my lifetime curbing the American appetite for the marvelous.

Legalize all drugs, maybe tax em, and let em be sold like booze or cigarettes. Prices will drop and the incentive to push the stuff will fade.

The bulk of the people pushing drugs are like Amway distributors, they are also the main users and need the income, and new customer base. Get rid of the need for income, and the whole chain of money back to wherever it is collapses.

BTW, we had a heroin problem in Vietnam starting about 1970. The South Vietnamese air force almost certainly brought the stuff over from the golden triangle and the Vietcong distributed it. I suspected 30% of our soldiers were addicted, and another 20% used occasionally. Had we been attacked, we would have had 30% casualties armed with M16 inside our own wires. That has to be one of the reasons why we withdrew from Vietnam; we had been defeated militarily by a crafty enemy and the weakness of American draftees.

I dont know why only rapid supporters are invited; how does the rapid confer on a combination of self serving special interests like construction contractors, publicists, transport unions, and frankly gulls credibility, but critics are intimidated and told not to attend a public, and I suppose, publicly financed meeting?


This is an obvious attempt of the rapid to drum up free publicity and support for the agency to mulct yet more money from the taxpayer.

The problem with the rapid is the rapid. Its amassed huge moneys which management, politicians and the various hangers on have used to extend their power. There is a constant campaign of misrepresentation to further their goals.


Ill cite some of their deceptions;  

1) Their web site presented only an operatingbudget, excluding capital spending for buses, buildings, repair facilities etc. Their capital spending is grossly out of line with the spending of comparable public bus-lines elsewhere in the country. The capital budget for bus lines should add around 20% of operating costs; the capital budget for the rapid, both recently, and when averaged for the last 10 years (includes GRATA) adds 40% of operating costs. Why the gross overspending?


2) The rapid falsely claims that buses are greener, and save fuel. The Federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics publishes actual fuel usage per passenger mile each year. It states unequivocally that buses are 20% less efficient than are personal cars in operational use. The further implication is that buses are more polluting than are cars.


3). Their taxes will be levied on businesses and landlords who pass these increases on to customers instead of higher prices for food, clothing, heat, electricity. Very poor people are the victims of their scams.


Monies that are “lost” are “ICE-T” funds, and can be used to fix bridges and roads if not wasted on some of their self serving scams.


If several laws were changed, or abolished, a system of privately owned and operated buses, vans, jitneys, and taxis would soon compete with the public bus line, and efficiently find and solve transportation needs for folks who are too poor, or disabled to drive their own cars. The rapid is not operated for the public good, so much as to enrich the special interests; these do not want to have pesky competition and are powerful enough to thwart any reforms.


Travel 50 miles north of GR and find woods, overgrown fields, rotting barns. Travel 50 miles south, the same thing. In all directions find abandoned farm land.

This reportignores the fundamental reality that farmland is being abandoned by the millions of acres due in part to greater efficiencies on the surviving farms, and, near cities that hope to grow, incursion by suburbs.

Also, the GRP and the politicians who support preservation(has anyone seen land ever disappear?) have to tell us why the oppose free markets and capitalism.


Erwin Haas


I seem to remember Mayor Abe Drasin, and Commissioner Howard Rienstra being politically incorrect and calmly taking a strike by some 750 or so unionized city workers. They brokethe union and won great praise. (Im not against unions but the public service variety clearly serve no economic purpose.)


But my related question is, how did the workforce in the city swell to what I back calculated to 2000 (which was cut by 25% or 500)? Were more of Mayor Heartwells supporters put onto the payroll only to be let go when times got tough?


We lived in the city and paid huge taxes. The city planning commission under Mayor Heartwell decided to zone our and our neighbors property so that the politicians could build subsidized  housing for their supporters. Nice loss of tax base and concomitant increase of costs to the citys treasury. I greatly increased my net earnings and lost a lot of stress when we moved out of Grand Rapids.  I seem to remember Mayor Abe Drasin, and Commissioner Howard Rienstra being politically incorrect and calmly taking a strike by some 750 or so unionized city workers. They brokethe union and won great praise. (Im not against unions but the public service variety clearly serve no economic purpose.)


But my related question is, how did the workforce in the city swell to what I back calculated to 2000 (which was cut by 25% or 500)? Were more of Mayor Heartwells supporters put onto the payroll only to be let go when times got tough?


We lived in the city and paid huge taxes. The city planning commission under Mayor Heartwell decided to zone our and our neighbors property so that the politicians could build subsidized  housing for their supporters. Nice loss of tax base and concomitant increase of costs to the citys treasury. I greatly increased my net earnings and lost a lot of stress when we moved out of Grand Rapids.  



payroll taxes up to seven times higher than high-income earnersis an inchoate statement in an article that otherwise reflects a compassionate though uninformed view of poverty.

Taxes, popularly, are levied on “the rich” and corporations. “The rich” actually are the investors in businesses ore corporations, so there is no real distinction.

Turns out that investors and corporations cannot lose money in the long term. They simply must justify the use of resources, or else cease operations (and there go the jobs). Businesses have to cover their costs with income, and therein lies the kernel. Taxes are a cost, and businesses have to pay them. They usually cover their costs by increasing prices. Businesses do not pay taxes, they merely collect them.

As the government has become larger in the last 30-40 years, businesses have had to increase their prices to customers, thereby passing their increased costs to someone else. That someone else is the working poor that our writer is so concerned about. Folks who are higher on the income scale have bargaining power, and those with union jobs political power to overcome these increases in the general prices for food, rent, clothing, transportation…..

The poor have no bargaining power; they have to take jobs that are offered at whatever wage, and pay whatever prices they encounter. The poor have to contend with a universe in which they pay for the increased burden of government when they buy food, pay rent, and contend with credit cards. This accounts for the observation that the incomes of the poor have not kept up with the general prosperity.

Mr. Long would rationally advocate smaller government with lower demands on businesses. That way the oppression of the poor would ease. Increasing the income of the poor only forces more money and its waste through Lansing.

Erwin Haas is communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan. “The Thinks watching out for the Think nots.”

San. seems to be a Keynsian, the discredited economic school that got us into the current economic morass.

Rich folks do nothing that will lower the income that they require on investments, and that requirement includes progressive income taxes. If you tax interest income at 50 percent, they will have to increase the rates on credit cards and mortgages by 50 percent. Rich folks don’t care about taxes, which is why the left is dominated by Limousine liberals.

The multiplier effect has to do with what the fed does. Injecting money into banks is lent out and swells the amount of circulating money by a factor of maybe 2.3. Has nothing to do with welfare payments to Poor folks. The multiplier effect also debauches the economy, and distorts rational investment.

Demand by poor folks really is insignificant in the overall economy; new construction and the middle class spending really drive growth.

Rich folks invest where ever they get best return with inflation and safety factored in. That is why fat cats, like the Chinese, Japanese, and Suadi’s have invested trillions in our economy. Our investments abroad are insignificant to the incoming investments.




Ive never heard of the ISO standards. You must be very knowledgeable.

Possibly writing for the promotion of self interest?


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Pary of W. Michigan


The election of Sen Brown in Mass last week was certainly a victory for fiscal conservatives. I see it as dangerous shoals upon which our movement can flounder.

We now have to face the prospect  that legislators of both parties will see importance of Making laws”, “by  compromising, and reaching across the aisle, to wit, bastardizing our message that we dont want more laws. If we want anything from legislators is that they restrict themselves to formulating, codifying or clarifying the laws that grow naturally out of our  customs and practices as peace loving citizens. 

The Ehlers and Hoekstras of the world see it as their role to be our leaders to make us better, to improve our health and morals, not as the servants who will administer government, and then retire to the scullery and filch the port wine.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and will be the LPWM candidate for Michigans 3rd congressional district.


Ive shown previously that PDR is another special interest patronage to increase the value of the remaining land owned by already wealthy guys.

The statement ‘“I dont believe we need to contribute to the high unemployment rate when we have $30 million in reserves,said outgoing Commissioner Bob Synkcaught my eye.

Government jobs have always been patronage and are becoming more so as government metastasizes.

Governmental jobs remind me of the Moorsoldaten. Seems that The national socialists (Nazis) had impounded Communists (international socialists) in some moors near the Dutch border and forced them to dig ditches all day long, and then fill them in during the night.


This continued until the prisoners died. Id like to emphasize that socialists were on each side of this exercise, so no one should feel undue sympathy.

What we can learn is that most civil service jobs consist of make work projects, like the Moorsoldaten. What is more damaging than wasting their time on digging ditches is that the civil service mostly creates work by bothering others. The Sheriffs will spend days filling their quotas for traffic tickets and low risk inmates are victimized because they got caught with a joint or two. We could do without these.


Maybe best to eliminate both the patronage jobs and the PDR, let individuals keep their tax dollars to seek their own happiness.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Possibly I dont get the point here.


The production spends 100 dollars here in Michigan. I as Joe Q. Public put in 42 dollars into the States coffers and the producer 58 dollars of production costs. He hires a few souls here as extras, brings in most of his Japanese and Chinese made equipment, and a big star from Hollywood. He peddles the film around the world and makes a profit.

The state of Michigan manages to tax expenditures from sales and income taxes, minor contributions from property taxes, the sum of which are capped at 10% of what is spent here. So Joe Q. sees at most 10 dollars come back to replace his 42 dollar expenditures.

Not an investment that Rick could have sold to anyone except the innumerate legislators. Hopefully he will get rid of the film industry like its a bodily function.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


I couldnt understand the headlines and struggled to read the article to no avail.

Ill rewrite what I think the author may have said.

The government of Michigan has a financial problem; not enough money in and too much out. A rejiggering seems in order.

The state should streamline the tax system by introducing the Fair Tax (basically what Texas does at 8.25%), get rid the current capricious schemes and watch investment and the economy soar.

At the same time the government must dump the special interests to cut expenditures, to wit, film, MEDC, tourist, prevailing wages on construction projects, public pensions and medical care costs……..

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Greattake, the tax structure is dysfunctional and high and if it were lowered, would certainly help keep legislators from frittering away our resources. The state should streamline the tax system by introducing the Fair Tax (basically what Texas does at 8.3%), get rid the current fickle schemes and watch investment and the economy soar.

I opine that more of the state’s misery is due to regulations which strangle initiative here. The government must dump the special interests to cut expenditures, to wit, film, MEDC, tourist, prevailing wages on construction projects, public pensions and medical care costs……..


The state controls your health care, jobs, property, marriages, divorces, children and education, etc.


Granholme gloried in laying claim to all of the water in the state because of the fantasy that denying Great Lakes water to Arizona and New Mexico would make Michigan richer; remember how she tried to stop a bottled water plant from opening up north because of the ideology. Now in addition to everything else, you have to ask permission to use the water under your own land.

What is the point of endeavor? People who have a future will not work for the commune; they will work to earn and keep what is theirs.</p>

The only answer is for the individual to be set free from Michigan’s bureaucratic whimsies. The state cannot help the economy, or change what is best for the individual. The loss of population should have made that obvious. It wasn’t groups of people who left Michigan, it was one person at a time each seeking his own happiness.

Call it liberty.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

The economic reasoning supporting PDR is 1) for local economic diversity, 2) to create a long term business environment for possible agriculture and 3) to ensure a safe adequate local food supply.

If it were a function of our government to ensure local economic diversity, the Kent County commissioners should support publishing pornography. After all, with all of the religious and music publishing going around here, any citizen can see that more diversification will benefit those very important endeavors and buttress the 2) long term business environment for publishing.


I calculate the total agricultural cash flow of $121 million annually is about 1% of the net income of the economic activity of Kent County of 12 billion. Surprisingly little given the enormous resources devoted to it. Id guess that publishing produces a far greater percentage of the countys output, and of course, subsidizing pornography would only strengthen that industry.


I hope that the commissioners continue to encourage economic diversification by diverting monies wasted on small potatoes like farming and apply that money to the porn industry. For the scenery.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Dear GR, if you dont mind my using your first name;

In defending PDR you have to tell me why you want to have farms near a metropolitan area? The highest economic use of that land is for homes, businesses and factories and not in farming; thats why PDR is a payment to the farmer to buy away that economic surplus. Why do you want to deprive the market of the lowest cost options available for necessary expansion?

Farms, even the toy ones that survive near the city produce smells, sounds and pollutants that finicky city slickers will find offensive; what yet more silly compromise will the Commissioners make when irate voters complain about this creation of theirs? I can picture some very liberal fire brands labeling a hog farm next to a public housing project as state sponsored terrorism, which oddly enough, frankly, makes sense.

Real farms start another five miles out. For the price of a cup of gas you and your descendants (mine have all left Michigan to seek fortunes elsewhere) can to out that much further to get food security, watch peasants and workers happily disport themselves among the weeds and to tolerate whatever scents and sights that real farming might thrust on them.

A caution though, dont go much further than 20 miles from town if you want to see farms. Seems that most all of Michigan, and indeed the upper Midwest is dotted with abandoned farms. Empty barns, rotted weathered homesteads, weed overgrown fences and fields constitute the only scenery that our farming romantic is likely to find from the Kent County line stretching all the way to the Sou, or down to the Indiana Border.

I suppose that the commissioners could spend our money and all that leveraged pelf on preserving a hundred times as much land in lets say, Houghton County. At least they wouldnt do as much economic damage as depriving the market of space in a county where that is still economically relevant.


But if the commissioners really want to improve the livelihoods and scenery for citizens of this great County, they should invest in the porn industry and not fritter it away on the cornball and cheesy PDR

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

Well said, as usual Sage.

And La, you’re right on about nursing. I’ve been counseling new RNs to go to El Paso if they want to work. Texas is a truly progressive state (“Progressive” indicates the direction the worm goes to when it’s moving).

I didn’t read the original article, but I assume it’s the usual maudlin stuff about education and the state supporting health care. BTW, the population of Grand Rapids dropped about 3 percent in the last 10 years despite the “medical mile”.

Clogged toilets repeatedly flushed, and the back up deepens.


The thread here seems to be that Michigan or the USA should prosper by promoting our own kind of protectionism.

But why should I, as a consumer, object to acquiring goods cheaply while the government of China forces poor schnooks to work their fingers to the bone and subsidize my great life style?

The object of providing Americans with shovel-readywork is another crackpot idea. What joy do most Americans find in work? We want stuff, not work.

We know that capital can be substituted for labor. (People interested in economic history may consult the Cobb-Douglas function.) You can dig a the Erie Barge canal in five years, using 10,000 Irishmen with picks and shovels, or you can get your canal in one year, using 100 guys and an investment in giant earthmoving machines. This is the core of capitalism.

I envision a huge factory staffed by robots, with a few guys on loading docks marshalling raw material through one door and shipping finished goods out through another. A few maintenance men grease the wheels. Folks living genteel lives design, direct, and finance the operation from their homes, working a few hours a week.

I’d hate to employ a billion hands manufacturing (hand making) stuff in China when highly robotized machines operate in some place that capital and creative people find most congenial. And I hope this would be a free-trade U.S.A. If the crazy quilt work of regulation, work rules, and taxes in Michigan were liberalized, it might even occur here.

I’d say that the Chinese are in trouble, and meanwhile, lets enjoy the cheap stuff.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

Erwin Haas is the communications director….


You cite Pittsburgh as somehow leading the way. Two of our kids went to P’burgh to make a living. Both are highly trained and enterprising. The engineer worked designing a nuclear power plant in W. Miflin; hated it and left for a nicer environment. Daughter is a statistician at RAND which is affiliated with Carnegie Mellon (actually more prestigious than U. Pitt) a core city phenomenon. She loves it but I’ve warned her about buying housing there.

The reason is that Pittsburgh, despite its halo of having research, great universities and hospitals is slowly dying.

Yep. Greater Pittsburgh had 2.4 million folks 10 years ago, now down to 2.3 and change. The presence of a great downtown, world class universities and medical facilities which employ some 10s of thousands is not able to alter the rather fast decay of the surrounding city, and there is no hope that it ever will change.

Citing Pittsburgh identifies you, along with the editors of the GRP, with the religion of Salvation in “education”. Repeating each other’s cant discourages making effective arguments; rather you just validate each other without relying on evidence readily at hand.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

El Sayed Ali Ahmed Zaki

Former Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Sudan


El Sayed Ali Ahmed Zaki has held a number of distinguished government positions related to public investment and development programs in Sudan. From 1983 to 1989 he was first undersecretary of planning, and from 1989 to 1990 he served as minister of finance and economic planning. He is currently a management and economics consultant. Zaki has been a member of the board of directors of numerous public and private corporations and is now chairman of West Kordofan University and chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Electricity Corporation, Sudan. Zaki holds a B.Sc. in agriculture and an M.Sc. in agricultural economics from the University of Khartoum, and an M.A. in macroeconomics and a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Michigan State University, USA.


Dear Alamo;

Capitalism is the spontaneous deployment in the marketplace of some combination of capital and labor to produce, market and enjoy stuff. (Economically, manufacturing is not a very productive use of human time.)

My point was that someone, somewhere will build a factory or factories that will employ a maximum of capital to make stuff, relieving most folks from the drudgery of labor. This has been the glory of the free enterprise system, pioneered in the West, and now imitated in the Orient. This trend has allowed 1% instead of 90% of the population in the USA to farm and feed the rest of us, and has allowed manufacturing to use ever fewer workers.


BTW, manufacturing in the USA is enormous; it accounts for about 15% of the output and in absolute terms expands as rapidly as does the Chinese manufacturing base. Firms in the USA produce high end stuff.  The complaint of politicians is that there are no manufacturing jobs, never that Americans dont make stuff.


If we got rid of the rigidities of environmental law, zoning and planning commissions, the interference of state and national labor laws, bureaucratic finance constraints, factories could be built here that would produce an enormous amount of stuff at low costs. Prices would drop and even the fellow with a minimum wage job could live well.


Automation would freeze China out of the breadline and they know it. Chinese workers have also lost jobs, probably more than in the USA. The bright and aggressive managers in China are slowly accumulating the capital to automate, but their big problem is their woeful lack of the marketing capacity which accounts for 80-90% of the value of stuff.   This is where western societies and the Japanese still soar above their competitors.


Democrats never got over the industrial revolution and fantasize factories with assembly lines with highly paid union workers adding interchangeable parts to underlying junk,;the same dysfunctional thinking is also applied to the public schools. Republicans want us to live under the Christian equivalent of Sharia law.


Only Libertarians see clearly the power of the individual to imagine, create and enjoy in a free society. Freedom has sadly deteriorated in Michigan and in the USA. Absent our inherent freedoms and liberties, this country will be content with ever poorer, less enterprising and dejected citizens.


Learn to live with it, or else vote Libertarian to allow greed and individualism to work its magic as it did a hundred years ago.


I attended the gun show at the Deltaplex the weekend before the elections. The W. Michigan Tea Party was selling some trinkets along with Snyder, Hillibrand, etc.

I merely contracted my eyebrows because it was obvious that Snyder , like Obama, guaranteed himself election with a flowery vision and brushed off substantial details of what he would do. The press connived with this, never asking questions.


Now the Tea Party activists are treated to the spectacle of Snyder rubbing his worry beads instead of offending anyone. He is too detached to stir the fermenting manure pile so that it will at least heat up much less shovel it out.


Angry peasants will have plenty of manure to throw but all for naught. The new guys are in there for the next 8 years, all the time mollifying the commoners and above the stink.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


Procrustes was a famous highway robber in Ancient Greece. His morbid sense of humor presages that of our Michigan public officials.

Seems that he wanted his victims to be all the same so he constructed a bed and measured all. Those who were too tall had hands and feet cut off to fit the bed. Folks who were too short were stretched on the rack, dislocating joints and causing death, until they too fit Procrustes’ bed.

The Procrustes’ bed was well known and feared among the founders; too bad that many Michigan’s public officials want to produce a drab sameness, emulating Procrustes. Many see it as their duty to produce some sort of equality of results under guise of social justice.

Erwin Haas is the communication’s director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

I wish Snyder well, but all I need from him is that he not interfere with my and other citizens’ use of our own properties and God given talents to make a living.

In last half century the state has assumed an ever more intrusive stance into private affairs. A culture here has evolved in which we assume that we have to seek the permission of the state to use our property. I always cite Texas for its progressive stance. In Texas you can do what is not forbidden; in Michigan, you may do only what is allowed. Snyder will make an impact only if he can break up this dysfunctional nexus.

The regulatory state is the problem, not the weather. Young enterprising folks leave because they can’t or won’t deal with the bureaucracy. Michigan has become a place where the state sets up the MEDC to help aspiring business not only navigate the maze of regulations and also raise money by taxing possible competitors. It’s crazy.

We should pay the state only to provide protection from those evil men who would deprive us of our earnings. We do not want government officials to equalize wisdom and foolishness, and who see themselves elected to solve people’s problems for them. This has created the servile mind so common in the Press and in the remaining citizens.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


ST, since we seem to be on a first name basis.


How does denying Nevada fresh water make us richer?


We dont improve our lot when we put someone else  at a disadvantage. If Nevada wanted our water, they would have to pay for the transportation  plus some sort of severance tax. This is how its done among adults.  What would happen to us in Michigan if Texas or Louisiana decided that their oil was was too precious to sell to Northerners? Or how much electricity would you enjoy if Wyoming or Montana decided that they didnt want any more holes in their gravel and were too jealous of low sulfur coal to want to share it?


We lose nothing when we sell what we have in unbounded excess. Indeed that is what free markets are all about. We have water, timber, oil and natural gas that remain locked away by government fiat. The one thing that Michigan now exports is labor, and resembles other social democracies like Mexico or Kerala in that regard.


The state of Michigan needs to stop interfering with the pursuit of life, liberty and property.

Absent this, prepare yourself for a long, impoverished grind or else leave and go to where grownups are adults.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


ST, since we seem to be on a first name basis.


Im not sure what a CAFO be, but it sounds like bureaucratic in group talk. In any case, you assume there is no water law separate from the monstrosity pushed through the Michigan legislature about 5 years ago.


The common law (and the law in Texas, where civilized behavior in enjoyed to this day) made provisions for me to sue my neighbor if any of his activities threatened my enjoyment of my property. He could be hauled into court if he fouled the water table, or my air or let his dirt come onto my land. He would have to pay for the legal costs as well as for any damages that I suffered. Issues of property rights were resolved in months to a year.


The environmental laws as practiced in Michigan forbad direct law suits; now the offended property owner has to register the complaint with the local EPA who will investigate, hold hearings and dither for decades, subject of course to political considerations like how big and connected the offender is.


Property subject to bureaucratic whim is diminished property and becomes valueless. Travel from Grand Rapids to the Sou to treat yourself to 250 miles of abandoned farm land, non of it fenced in or even posted, but all of it zoned, regulated and floating in water that belongs to the state.


Compare this dreary wasteland of governmental paternalism to what I have seen in West Texas. The land there is vastly less productive but is fenced. Windmills draw up water for a few cows every few miles. The only Protection that the landowners there would ever use are ancient established riparian and ordinary property rights. Politicians in the state of Texas would never dare try to squelch enterprise in the same way that those in Michigan have.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


Other than the self serving experts who presented the pros and consof wind energy, this editorial mentions Chris who remains in Michigan because of wind energy.


Reminds me of the attempts of an African government that wanted to teach locals how to work in factories. They had the fellows show up at a certain hour and then carry a rock on their heads across shallow river. After 15 minutes on the other side, they put the rocks on their heads and carried it back. All day for eight hours.


Economically futile Chris. Go to Georgia and sell life insurance.


Im probably the only person alive who has read Huckleberry Finn.


Twain spent the 1880s fulminating against the public schools that were just being started in the 1870s and 80s (His schooling interfered with his education, First God made idiots, that was for practice. He then made school boards).


Huck appeared in 1884. It is a masterpiece up until Jim is freed from slavery and Huck finds out that he may return safely to St. Petersburg since his abusive father has died.


Twain then goes off into a completely unrelated and trivial plot of Tom using his educationto release Jim and Huck from that cabin. Tom goes through some childish contortions that puzzle Jim and Huck who nevertheless remain silent in deference to Toms educated status.


The last 50 pages of Huckleberry Finn mock public education and the professors have yet to tumble to Twains wile.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


This measure illustrates the magnificence of our constitution.

Pirates menace American ships and property. The Congress issues a letter of Marque and Reprisal allowing privateers like Prince to address the banditry. The president need  not be involved, and no one declares a war.

The cost is minimal, the USAs reputation are not on the line and no US serviceman will die.

Prince and his roughnecks can make a profit and pay compensation to his employees who might lose lives or be injured while carrying out this assignment.

The libertarian position is that we should have used this provision in the Constitution in Afghanistan.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Another consideration is that GR had streetcars on at least 4 routes a hundred years ago; they were built and run by private companies but depended on a franchise from the city.

As I understand it, they needed to raise their ticket prices during the 30s and 40s , and the city fathers refused the request forcing the private company to near bankruptcy and the stock to lose almost all its value. The rails were still in the road bed of Wealthy, Plainfield, So Division and one other street in living memory.

GM bought the stock of the distressed streetcar companies around the country and either bankrupted them or terminated their rail operations. Buses, made by GM, replaced the streetcars and were subsidized by the city. A law suit charging GM with monopoly abuse was in the courts for 40-50 years and was only settled in the 1990s. The settlement was written up in the Atlantic Monthly

I don’t know whether the city fathers 60 years ago were influenced by GM, or just hostile to the free market, but it seems obvious that the politicians in GR who are the heirs of the fine fellows 60 years ago , or even in the other 5 cities victimized by the rapid lack the moral standing to force us to pay for their judgments which we now know be capricious at best, or the result of criminal collusion at worst.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


“leading-edge medical devices, clean-energy products and other advanced materials”


Note that these are all manufactured goods and in industries that can be unionized. And the three have long since been in the public domain where any unimaginative politician can find them and propose that there be a “public-private partnership” (read a politician using out tax dollars to reward his ward heelers) in his state to compete with the 37 other states whose politicians read exactly the same shopworn rags.


Mr. Miles, Democrats and Republicans who want to runthe state should allow liberty to run rampant. Let people do their thing with their own money. Its not your role to improve people, or to make their lives better. You may think that the one wants to make billions is greedy, that another who wants to drink or gamble away his money is foolish and that the third who has to leave Michigan to earn his bread is disloyal after what weve done for him,but what makes another mans happy is none of your business. Its the government officials role to administer the states laws and act as a neutral judge to mediate disputes. The role of the citizen is to do anything he damn well pleases including founding a business and making a fortune that he wants to keep in an industry that no one else could have conceived even possible and risking his own money, like Olds and Sparrow.


On groundwater, water


The original pertussis vaccine was developed at the State Lab in Grand Rapids in the 1930s by two women, Pearl Kendrick and Grace Eldring, sadly now both gone.  I saw Grace as a patient about a year before she passed. They lived together in retirement in a small house in Comstock Park.

They had developed an antigenic preparation of ground up B. bordetella bacteria which they prevailed on several of the ENT docs in GR to try; it didn’t cause any harm, and so they went into field trials which successfully prevented Whooping cough. The first publication was about the results in Kent County dated 1937, and then their major achievement, the results of testing in Michigan was published in 1947. Their vaccine was accepted by the WHO in 1948 and was the standard of care until 1991, as detailed in the article.


Their vaccination was effective for about 5 years and virtually eliminated pertussis in the general population. The last dose was given to kids when they entered school and it was understood that 10 year olds might well get whooping cough, but at that age, the disease causes few long term problems. I remember having whooping cough at age 11, being sick for over a week, with a wracking cough, bleeding into the whites of my eyes from the pressure of coughing and the family doctor making a house call, giving me an antibiotic which resolved the problem; pretty exotic stuff for a brewery worker’s boy from Buffalo’s east side.


Unfortunately the Grand Rapids vaccine which was so successful had two toxicities,-possible high fever and an occasional seizure,  that bothered better “educated” parents and many stopped vaccinating their kids in the 1980s, resulting in huge outbreaks of pertussis around the world. 

This prompted the development and deployment of the current acellular (only the weakened poisons of the bacteria were used, not the ground up bacterial cell) vaccine, which was not as likely to cause immediate problems. Unfortunately many parents still refuse vaccination for their kids and so the disease smolders among kids and adults develop chronic cough and remain contagious. More importantly, the new vaccine protects for only 3 years and there have been no provisions to revaccinate kids or even adults at this greater frequency. (Adults can get vaccine which helps prevent the disease only every 10 years.)

After the field trials with pertussis, Grand Rapids served as a testing site for other medical and preventative measures for years; the Killed Measles virus vaccine  (abandoned in 1968 as being toxic and not that effective) was  field tested here in 1961. When that vaccine failed, kids (and adults, as I and a colleague first described in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 1976) developed an inverted or atypical measles. 

As a result of that article, I, and my colleague, were written up in the National Enquirer. 

This recitation of claims, called new urbanismor smart growthhave been made loudly for some years now by Marxist university urban planning faculties; the theories have long since been debunked. They assert that young, technologically connected people who are imputed to be job creators, want to move to places that resemble villages and towns that were at their peak 100 years ago (and now look like tourist traps-tree-lined streets and decaying storefronts included.) BTW, these are devoid of foot traffic after Labor Day. Public transit carries less than 1% of trips.


Two problems with this fantasy. The first is that young technologically adept, caring and sharing millenials will create jobs; clearly pie in the sky. They will move only to places (like in the report on Portland Or. which was featured in the NYT some months ago) where they will be hired for a minimum wages and fail to found families. These folks, indoctrinated in public schools and in elite universities, militantly will not start new businesses.


The second flaw in this spiel is the belief in magic; that if some town in Michigan looks like a street in Houston, that smart kids will be attracted-this is a cargo cult.


To explain; primitive islanders in Pacific tried to build replicas of aircraft, runways, chapels in the superstitious belief that these produced the prosperity that they had enjoyed when the American Army had passed through during WW2.


 The same urban planners also enthused about pedestrian malls, urban renewal, housing projects, city planning and the zoning proposed by the Ku Klux Klan. 


I know of no place where this new urbanism, AKA smart growth, has advanced anything except a swindle. Maybe someone can correct me.

It’s difficult to see the picture when you’re inside the frame.



The shell game here is that we should be courting young Millennials because they are good employees. Bullfighters! Thats not what is needed.


We need new industries, but these facile, shallow college grads are not risk takers, innovators or the sort that will hunker down for decades building wealth, but rather are docile followers who want a small paycheck and bigger bennies.


We are to believe that young technologically adept, caring and sharing millenials will create jobs; clearly this is pie in the sky. They will likely move to places that are ideologically compatible, funky places with walkable communities, bike paths and bars that look like a Super-Bowl beer commercials (like in the report on Portland Or. which was featured in the NYT some months ago) where they will be hired for a minimum wages, live on trust funds and fail to found families. These folks, indoctrinated in public schools and in elite universities, militantly will not start new businesses.


Give me the ambitious 40 or 50 year old with a gritty past, who has dreamed, saved, worried and prepared himself in marketing, finances, management and the technical aspects of an enterprise, and then takes the plunge.

We dont need more employees, the unemployment rate is sky high already. We need ambition, greed, even avarice, the qualities of soul that come with age and a hard life, but character traits that have unfortunately been hectored out of millennial youngsters during their fashionable and politically correct toilet training.


And businesses, schemes,





The good and the bad

Jan 7th, 15:53

“Deflation is bad”
Depends on whose ox is gored. Our standard issue economist would point to falling GDP and increasing unemployment, the worrisome debt of companies, individuals and governments as failures. It’s well to remember that these same economists advocated the elements that have led to deflation and, in a sober world, would lose any credibility in trying to fix the mess that they’ve created (unfortunately these guys will continue to peddle their nonsense, but….)
Savers and poor folks will be winners; they need only put cash under their mattresses. Investors will have to be careful to select only ventures that are likely to be winners in the productive environment and not just those that use inflation to make money.
The net result is less work and fewer resources used in wasteful endeavors. No one starves and life is less frenetic. Everyone cites Japan as seriously dinged by deflation, yet I see them using smartphones, women not bearing children and old folks retiring in dignified circumstances.
Life is good. We should not let academic economists and their acolytes in the media dictate to us how we should think.





Trying times

Jan 7th, 13:32

My wife and I were in Turkey 6 years ago and witnessed intimidation and persecution of Christians. Yet this newspaper continued to characterize the AK party as “moderate Islamist.”





The father of freedom

Jan 2nd, 13:39

This blog is a bit muddled; the question is not what Jefferson may or may not have believed, but what innovations he invented in “the statute of religious freedom in his home state of Virginia” and by extension to the federal constitutional first amendment.

There is a consensus that the founders, who remembered the recent religious conflagrations of the 17th century, feared the influence of religion on government, not that of the government on religion. Jefferson’s time was one in which daily life revolved around God much more than around being a political prostitute.

We, and our blogger, no longer believe in God, so we keep inventing extremely poor imitations of him in our secular and governmental lives, so making it easy to lose the prospective that Jefferson confronted 200 years ago.





Unequally enforced

Dec 12th 2014, 18:02

Surveys are still useless.





Unequally enforced

Dec 12th 2014, 17:30

According to the medical journal Addictive Behaviors, underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing validation as well where African Americans in comparison to Caucasians who were urine positive were about 6 times less likely to report cocaine use when other factors are controlled for.
At Johns Hopkins, they tested self-reporting of marijuana use among African Americans: A study of 290 African American men in Baltimore, Maryland undergoing treatment for hypertension showed that self-reporting of illicit drug use is unreliable. Only 48 of the participants reported drug use but urine drug tests revealed that 131 had used drugs.
In other words, this blog is misleading. The simple truth is that African Americans get arrested for drug offenses more often is because they use more drugs, but won’t admit it in surveys (which in turn are worthless.)
As a libertarian, I don’t agree with the whole concept of our government asserting control over what an individual wants to put into his body. In this case, drugs won the war-mainstream media whining not withstanding.





Live poor, die young

Dec 8th 2014, 14:28

What is never said in polite US society concerns the life span of Black men; they died at an average age of 65 twenty years ago, at a time when the “full” retirement age was 65. Their life span is now 67, and the retirement age as increased pari passu to 67.

They pay 15.3% of their income into the system all their working lives and then, never really get anything back. I can make the case that US mandatory social security is the major cause of Black poverty. If the payments were into individualized accounts, the money (say 2-300,000 dollars) would go into their estates to be passed onto family.





Pirates on the move

Nov 28th 2014, 16:02

“Do it with a little ship and you’re a pirate, with a great fleet and you’re called an emperor” Said of Alexander






Send in the helicopters?

Nov 28th 2014, 12:56

I concur with Saspinki below; it may well be that a wealthy and industrius population somewhere loses its manhood, its heedless need for more, and stagnates. Price changes become an independent variable.
My point is that the self appointed experts who pronounce on these things are really just advancing their own protected rackets disguising them as legitimate enterprises.
They invent ad hoc fantasies to keep others entertained.
Europe is on the brink of Islamization, a reversion to the 10th century. And America????






Send in the helicopters?

Nov 27th 2014, 16:27

The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 gave low income couples 600 USD in an abortive attempt to forestall the great recession; we’ve all seen how well that worked.

I’m not sure why anyone believed or today, believes that the fellows who claimed to manage the economy but who got us into recent 6 year unpleasantness have the tools to get us out. We have a history of their failures and should discount their heavenly visions, no matter how beautiful. The Keynesian/Austrian/Moneterain theories have been, I think, debunked in the laboratory of experience and should be discarded. These theories are not robust enough to engineer an economy, but do remain as interesting conversation pieces, no more.
About this blog; we no longer print money, rather, central banks try to create credit; if folks are too impoverished, too uncreditworthy or unwilling to borrow because they foresee deflation, the velocity of money will slow, and nothing has been shown to be able to change that.

Deflation has a bad name because the current “managers” of the economy have deemed it to be so. In actual fact, it will allow very poor, but thrifty folks to save money and even thrive; no taxes but daily increase in purchasing power for cash kept under the mattress. Those with more money will have to invest it only in solid ventures since they cannot count on inflation for salvation.

And as interest rates float down to zero (they were actually negative during the great Depression for a short time), the 4 trillion dollars of long term bonds in the Fed will gain hugely in price, sufficient to pay off out 17 trillion national debt.
Where’s the problem?





Harvard under fire

Nov 26th 2014, 14:43

In all of this, we should all pay homage to Ben Franklin’s observation that graduates of Harvard are unable to earn a living by using their wits.






Trends in low places

Nov 18th 2014, 20:33

I concur; it will be a blessing to savers; no risky investments or income taxes to pay on the cash that we stow under the mattress.

Investors, on the other hand will have to pay attention to the actual business prospects of the companies and governments where they apply their money. Inflation and the melting away with time of debts that allowed sloppy companies to thrive will be a distant memory.






Trends in low places

Nov 18th 2014, 16:09

Another quixotic post by an economist.
The theory (Keynesian, Austrian) is that governments can effect the economy; that fiscal stimuli, central banks “printing” money, jawboningor, whatever will make the economy bounce, to use Pres. Obama’s phrase.
These folks have their heads in the clouds and never look at the ground to see where things are going. I prefer a track record to lofty theories. The Japanese had a similar real estate and stock market unpleasantness in 1989 and stimulated, printed, promised, and 25 years later have achieved deflation, which the learned ones who got us into this mess pronounce to be “bad.” Why would any believe these Brahmins? What distinguishes the Euro or US quandry and reaction from that of the Japanese Government in 1989, or even now?

The Fed announces that they will allow rates to rise, therefore, they rise, and later announce a money creating policy to drive rates down and they go down! This is averred in all published accounts including this bloggers.
Let’s see; in August 2012, the 30 year UST rate stood at 2.5% and the Fed announced QE3 (is that the correct number?) Eighteen months later, the rates stood at 3.9%.
Last winter the dissolution of the easing was started and now ending. The 30 year bond is now 3%.
Did I miss something; aren’t these trends in exactly the wrong direction?
You could make a lot of money betting against the Fed.

In a related and paradoxical issue;
The Fed is now said to hold 4 trillion dollars worth of long term bonds, yielding possibly 3% in the aggregate. At the same time, the Economist newspaper has been grumbling about impending deflation (paradoxical since the intention of the QEs has been to produce inflation.) In a previous bout of US dollar deflation, the Great Depression, UST rates became negative for a few days and hovered just above zero for a years. A fall in rates in the coming deflation to that level could happen again, let’s say to 0.5%. At that rate, the 4 trillion of UST would be worth 24 trillion dollars, enough to pay off the national debt and then some.
And I’ll draw a half dozen comments showing that why I’m mistaken. The social sciences attract the sort of idealists who wish to live in a world rich in fantasies, and I respect that.
But give me your money.





Fear and change

Nov 16th 2014, 14:07

A 22 year old may be willing to take the risk of such a career” “”for website designers,”…”the answer has to be some combination of better education for children.”


I don’t see more schooling imposed by our government as salvation. Quite the opposite; training designed by a bureaucrat or even by our blogger (“be productive,” “toe the line,” “learn how to build better bombs and tanks,” “be a team player”) will lead to even more obedient, more dependent and uniformly dull citizens who are ever more mal-content and knowledgeable only in what has already been discovered. They never have questions or the drive to seek out the new.

If governments fantasize that they can impact the prosperity of their citizens, it is clear that they should allow for individual self individuation, self responsibility, rebellion and even, Gasp!, greed.
Ain’t gonna happen but I have glimmerings of foci where enterprise still struggles to emerge.

Home schoolers have no schooling at all; mom or whoever soon looses interest in the daily grind and the kid begins to have questions and seeks out answers for himself. The Amish have the best schooling if that’s what you imagine might be formally available; they live in families where dad farms or has a small business; the math of how much an acre will produce, its costs and profits are part of their liveliehood. They learn 2 dialects of German and perfect English at one room schoolhouses taught by their 20 year old aunt. By the time they are 25, the married couple run a profitable small enterprise and start an enormous family.

I observe this only to contrast this with the hordes of 30 year old college grads living in beaten up neighborhoods with chipped green paint on the radiators, working at jobs where they wear paper hats trying to pay off student loans (and BTW, a machines at Mac D will now take your order and make the perfect burger) and who hate/avoid marriage since it’s unimaginably expensive.
They did everything that their government wanted, never found a sense of direction in their lives in the calculus that was bolted on or in the gender studies from which they learned logic.

What is needed for flourishing is room for the individual, child or 50 year old, to uncover questions and fashion answers of the most improbable sort, to make small mistakes, and to aspire to making the big money that will make the income gap even wider. (Gasp, you’re a bomb throwing anarchist, Erwin!)





Why mobile data to prevent Ebola has not yet been released

Nov 10th 2014, 17:01

The gaps in my ignorance is only large enough to suspect that the epidemiological explanations seem to be lacking, and that person-to-person contagion does not alone explain the widespread geographical beginnings of this outbreak in villages that are quite cut off from each other and from the larger world.

You’ll not elicit any messianic insights about the future from this beaten down old Doc.





Why mobile data to prevent Ebola has not yet been released

Nov 10th 2014, 13:39

“quickly-enacted emergency precautions have so far been successful”

Unlikely, but pretentious enough to persuade our blogger.
I do Infectious Diseases and am more than a little likely to be exposed and infected, so I pay attention.
The party line is that only fomites spread this ebola to and among humans. I’ve tried to find the original study or data on which this doctrine for this particular strain is founded; can’t find it on the internet because of all of the noise from hysterics and I suspect that its based on mathematical modeling at best.
Any study of ebola’s spread must be based on skimpy and unreliable data; there have been a handful of outbreaks caused by slightly different strains involving hundreds of cases scattered in a few isolated villages in mid Africa. The epidemiologist (I’ll bet he worked for a government somewhere) allegedly went into these villages weeks or months afterward, got whatever data in translated languages from survivors about how close they were, what they did, etc and concluded that fomites were the sole mode of spread. A few medical and other victims left Africa and were diagnosed in Europe or USA and it was from these that other anecdotes were garnered. I’d guess that this gossip was fed into some epidemiological paradigm somewhere and, woolah! We know how it spreads!
Reportedly, the current outbreak started with one infected child last winter and then spread over 4 countries spread over 500-800 miles during 6 months with sick and dead patients infecting other folks in tiny villages that are 6 hours walk from the nearest hospital.
Hmmm; this virus must be evangelical indeed.
I don’t know how any epidemiologist working with the current strain could have gotten cleaner data than they did with the original studies 20 or 30 years ago, and the current virus is one starting 1000 miles away from the River Ebola.
Let me try another tack. The virus is apparently native to fruit bats which are common bush meat. Now it’s probable that fruit bats get around and they could have had an epizootic with the relevant strain, many died but who would know? And the surviving bats carried the strain of ebola much as humans carry the herpes or hepatitis C viruses. Had there been this secular change of this epizootic in the fruit bat or possibly in the hunting practices or needs for meat of primitive natives in West Africa, one could explain the explosive onset and spread among humans, beginning in multiple scattered areas, of a virus not previously known to be present in that region. It would indeed continue to spread via fomites and thence into the health care systems where it created so much chaos. Nothing suggests that the space suits, ebola hospitals or teaching about how to deal with natives who have fever is extensive enough to be effective in isolating the thousands of new patients that were reportedly presenting each week lately.
As the season changes, practices of hunters or of the presence of ebola in fruit bats and native populations matures, the infection of new villages and households may well fall, explaining the recent apparent (and hopefully permanent) drop in new cases.
Epidemiologists, of course, need to be loved and, like all of us, want to be seen as relevant, or even as leaders who are important to mankind. They will claim that their as yet un-finished schemes to handle the ebola outbreak are working unexpectedly well, but it may well be that they caught a chance wave which they are riding without really understanding what happened as this outbreak fades.
At least, that is what I hope, selfishly.





Two depressing thoughts

Nov 8th 2014, 00:40

The media should be more careful about criticizing money in political campaigns; the billions of unregulatedmoney flowing into ads goes to stressed newspapers, radio and tv stations, paying guys who rehash the same scrip.
Has laziness has displaced incompetence?





The gains for gridlock

Nov 5th 2014, 18:39

“one shouldn’t read too much into these numbers.”

This trip down superstition lane should not lend credence or pay homage to the fictions perpetuated by the middle brow media like NPR or Fox- that the week to week, or day to day fluctuations in markets have facile explanations.

Careful observers like Taleb or Joe Grandville preach that explanations are available only in hindsight.






So, is it suppressing voters?

Nov 4th 2014, 12:41

I don’t see any evidence in this blog that the census in 2010 had an effect on the subsequent re-apportionment and allegiances of voters.

Changing barrels when going over Niagara Falls might be disconcerting for some.

The brouhaha about free speechand censorship(it wasnt true censorship in Charlies case because the government did not intrude) in Paris should make us reflect on suppression of expression in America. In the USA, it is true censorship taking place in public schools,  FCC sponsored television, and in governmentally sponsored universities. I refer of course, to political correctness that has become a joke among high school students (at least to our kids.) There is also a gathering of laws and suppression of hate speechthe kind of free give and take that allowed buddies to jostle. A 7 year old who bites his cookie into the shape of a pistol is expelled. Hatred of white males is the party line at our state universities. Capitalism is the only bad guy in the curriculum.

Several weeks ago I referred to the Islamization of Europe in a blog to the Economist; it was pulled. Our government has done a survey of rape on US campuses and the rate is virtually zero yet Im listening to an account on NPR about how rape allegations are being unfairly lampooned.

Foley justifiably criticizes Pure Michigan for editing out African Americans but unaccountably ignores the ocean of topics that are available for serious criticism.


Some basics here;

In the USA we have the first amendment to our constitution that prevents Congress from making any laws regarding expressions of non-violent opinion and of religion.

“Censorship” revolves around the actions of governments to suppress speech of which it does not generally approve.

Then there is libelous, or false and dangerous speech; you can’t lie about someone or yell “fire” egregiously in a crowded theater, and the like.

In Charlie’s case, there existed a tension twixt the commercial and entertainment proclivities of the cartoonists and a large, often violent and poorly integrated Muslim minority that was resolved last week; thugs with motives that many in the media approve, broke into the offices of Charlie and shot the place up; they were pursued, resisted arrest and met their fates. This is ordinary criminal law and we need not probe the motives to reach justice, but the media need to perseverate so we hear it over and over.

This brouhaha about free speechand censorshipin Paris made me reflect on suppression of expression in America.


In the USA, there is true censorship taking place in public schools,  FCC sponsored television, and in governmentally sponsored universities. Id guess that similar practices and laws exist in Europe.

I refer of course, to political correctness that has become a joke among high school students (at least with our kids.) There is also a gathering of laws and suppression of hate speech,the kind of free give and take that allowed buddies to jostle 50 years ago. A 7 year old who bites his cookie into the shape of a pistol is expelled from a public school. Hatred of white males is the party line at our state universities. Capitalism is the only villain in the curriculum. One political party terms anything the opposition posits as racist,the other Marxist.

Phobias of everything (gay sex, women, Hispanics…) rule the airwaves. Our government has done a survey of rape on US campuses and the rate is virtually zero, yet Im listening to an account on NPR about how rape allegations are being unfairly lampooned.


Several weeks ago I referred to the Islamization of Europe in a comment on a blog in the Economist; it was pulled. This is not censorship, but does signal the prejudices of this newspaper in the last 7-8 years.


Our blogger muddles over transatlantic differences but unaccountably ignores the ocean of topics  surrounding the much more dangerous censorship that is available for serious discussion.


Wow, a lot of icons being worshipped here; I almost expected white slavery to be condemned and the 95 theses to be brandished above the briny waves.


Our writer sounds like the dog who hoped to get fat by eating his own tail. The backbone of his thinking revolves around urban planning,and he manages to point to the disasters that these worthies have inflicted on cities in the past (stuff like zoning initiated by the KKK, public housing projects, urban renewal, building interstates through city centers, pedestrian malls, and most recently, hatred of automobiles as embedded in new urbanism smart citiesand the like)

These academics imposed their big ideas on cities possibly leading to the destruction of many weaker ones (I know of no good studies to support this.)


So the essence of urban planning is in correcting the mistakes made by previous planners. We are  now told that Bright Young College Grads (implied to be computer savvy, itching to start the next Google and create jobsfor the local serfs) leave Michigan to go to Chicago, California and the like because they want to live in inner cities, use public transport, walk to work and bars, commune with nature and similar blather. They will go to a placeeven if there are no jobs.


Our Michigan state government listened to the academics (at MSU as I understand it) and is foisting the following swindle on our communities. You must build walkable downtowns with street level entertainment, great public transit, use your waterfronts, make using cars miserable and have folks get around on bikes (January in Lansing, Yeah.) I always fantasize that the cities proposed by these visionaries should look like a tourist trap.

When the bright kids see how Michigan cities comport to their fantasies, why, theyll leave jobs  in Houston and move back to Flint! Great!

One could object that these young, bright, college Grads (Harvard with a degree in transgender studies) is capable of working, much less starting a business.  

Another objection is that why should a BYCG choose a city in Michigan if Buffalo, Allentown and Syracuse also look like a tourist trap.


Our author, who I otherwise enjoy reading on the front porch thing, here espouses a superstition generally called a cargo cult.Look it up.

If a backwash adopts the appearance of successful cities, it will become prosperous. And the bozos who destroyed Detroit, Flint, Erie, and the rest have now, only now, found the potion that will make it all better…Magic.

On the other hand, maybe the dog can fatten up by destroying his past. I dunno.


From Wikipedia on PBBs;

A study was undertaken on 4,545 people to determine the effects of PBBs on human beings. These include three exposure groups all people who lived on the quarantined farms, people who received food from these farms and workers (and their families) engaged in PBB manufacture as well as 725 people with low-level PBB exposure……

No associations could be established between serum PBB levels and symptom prevalence rates…

no statistically significant differences in lymphocyte function were noted……

However, these studies are ongoing and adverse reproductive-system effects continue to be found in the grandchildren of those who consumed tainted farm products……


The grandchildren! Have the poor, self deluded opportunists clinging onto the wreckage of a now ancient incident described some sort of hereditary toxicity?


PBBs are rapidly inactivated by UV light and would have long since disappeared if the contaminated animal carcasses and feed had been left in the sunshine. Our professional engineer has found a report of the half life during which PBBs will deteriorate; after 4 half lives, levels today will be 1/16th of peak-I know enough physical chemistry to do that calculation, and that those should be well below controls in the 1970s.


I empathize with this one journalist who has only one issue that he can flog to make a living, but why would Bridgemi perpetrate the exaggerations and superstitions, the possibleand vaguely menacing tone of an accident that had dramatic impact on farm animals decades ago?  Anecdotes and testimonials do not create diseases except among credulous environmentalists. Plenty of study has been done on PBBs and the spot contaminant incident, all reassuring.


Journalistically, it’s a good story, even if it’s bullfeathers.


The Woozle effect occurs when frequent citations of numerous previous, flawed publications that lack evidence misleads individuals and the public into believing there is evidence, and so ingrained as to become urban myths and  in this case (shudder), laws.

In general, the results of social sciences(sociology, education theory, economics in this article) are fun to use in discussions but are not robust enough to engineer society.


We can discount the nonsense that poverty is increasing; it is measuredby finding the average income and then declaring those who are more than a few standard deviations below this level to be impoverished. There will always be a tail to the normal distribution, and occasionally it will be fatterbut one can never get rid of poverty any more than one can discard ones shadow. There will eventually be a few struggling millionaires among the billionaires.


It may well be that being on the poor end leads to being single and having to raise ones kids, Which came first?


Education does not lead to greater prosperity; folks who start life off with educated parents, prosperous and calm childhoods, brains, money to go to colleges and the like will be much more likely to do better in life; it may well be that going to college makes them poorer. Articles like this one conflate cause with correlation.


The Pre K schooling is another pseudoscience. There is no good experimental study that shows that beginning educationearlier makes any difference. There is a host of poorly done studies, all published by self serving experts that really just show the failure of this strategy. Indeed, one purports to demonstrate that kids subjected to Pre K dont do better in school, but end up as better adjusted young adults (one can massage statistics to say almost anything, but this is an over reach.)

Our media and the politicians have bought into the myth that more education is some sort of investment in the future. To some extent it is like putting manure on a cornfield; too much can create a toxic soil as instruction becomes ever more intrusive and stifles curiosity and creativity.  


And if more education led to more prosperity, then the following would be an outstanding example; some years ago there was a lawyer in western Michigan who earned 3 million a year suing obstetricians who were unlucky enough to deliver a badbaby. The education enthusiasts would have us believe that we could train all of the graduates of some inner city high school each   year, producing hundreds of lawyers (becoming a plaintiffs lawyer take brains made of oatmeal) who would go about the business of suing obstetricians, each making 3 million, each spending all that money in their community, each investing all that money……. The wealth creation, the gain from just investinga few dollars in education!



It turns out that there was a fairly severe complication of “atypical measles” and failure with the original Killed-Measles vaccine which was tested in Grand Rapids in 1961 and used on most kids in the USA and elsewhere from 1962-5. (I understand that the live vaccine occasionally results in this atypical measles immunologic complication.) I was privileged to be the lead author in a 1976 account of the first occurrence in an adult;

Vaccinations have been plagued ab initio with unforeseen complications like Jenner’s vaccination for small pox  leading to progressive vaccinia and Kaposi’s varicilliform eruption, and with Koch’s disaster with a vaccine for tuberculosis. The early live polio vaccine was grown in cells that had been contaminated with an sv40 polyoma virus, since shown to be associated with brain tumors.

I knew one of the two women who developed the original Whooping Cough vaccines in Grand Rapids in the 1940s and know much unpublished material about its development; it was much more effective than the current slop, but caused a few kids high fevers and seizures that must have been terrifying for the parents-leading, I suspect to the current disdain for vaccinating kids. This current whooping cough vaccine has a much shorter duration of effectiveness and is not effectively providing herd immunity. This failure in itself strips away the hallowed argument for the “mandatory vaccinate everyone to provide herd immunity crowd.”

When I was in the US Army in the early 1970s (they had lower standards in those days), we were taught that 1/3rd of army officers died of cirrhosis because of alcohol abuse. Since then it has been found that the yellow fever vaccine (administered to all WW 2 soldiers who were about to be deployed to the Pacific theater) had been diluted with pooled plasma, much of it admixed with Hep b and c virus; many of these soldiers stayed in the army, rose in the ranks and retired only to die early from their unrecognized vaccine-associated hepatitis and liver disease

We still don’t know for how long these vaccines are effective. It is possible that the measles or chicken pox vaccine wears off after 50 years, leaving millions of aging adults liable to infection and leading to a massive public health disaster.

Our writer (and I suspect the younger Paul) probably does not know the history of the many screw ups from vaccines, but those of us who have informed ourselves view this bruhaha with more tolerance for human foibles and with more than usual skepticism with public health authoritarianism. (I attended tha graduation ceremony of the Univ of Mich School of Public Health; talk about wackos….)

My own stand is similar to Paul’s; if you want to protect your kids, vaccinate them, they belong to you and not to the state.

We vaccinated our kids to protect them from the predictable failure of the state and of the chaos out there in the commons. I cite the 60,000 central American kids who were introduced infected with every 3rd world disease including measles, lice, TB, leprosy….into every community in the USA, courtesy of Obama’s Dreamer political scam. I didn’t see our writer waxing eloquent over our freedoms to be protected at that time….


Debt, the leak in the kyke that demands the hole be plugged now and the bilge pump be manned, else nothing else can proceed.


Paul Krugman the Nobel Laureate in economics writes in Mondays NY Times that debt is good, that attempts to pay it off are bad, and that nations and individuals should take on more becasue it will help the economy.”  Elsewhere, he claims that borrowing is OK as long as we can pay the interest. We owe it to ourselves.


What? Krugman has apparently never personally experienced the downside of fixed income securities, or paperas its known in the trade. Many of us in Kentwood know the stress of having to make a car or a mortgage payment when times get tough. The feeling of being trapped, of having to mooch off of friends or relatives, of scrambling to make a few more dollars to keep what you have; if you fall behind, the bank or owner of the paper will take it back and blacken your credit. Paul Hense, a former CPA who had offices in Kentwood often pointed out that wealth is not an excuse to not work, but rather allows people to make better decisions. On the other side, the threat of loss from not paying ones debts causes panic, the irrational and desperate thinking that gets nothing done.


What Krugman misses are the basic features of paper, that the principle will have to be repaid, that debt interferes with ones ability to borrow more, that buying stuff on credit when times are good is easy and pleasurable and payment unnoticed, but that economic times can get tough making servicing those debts becomes a hell.


What I hear around city hall is that the economic slowdown of 2008-11 caused real pain with layoffs and projects defered. Another theme is that we should be saving up for small purchases like fire trucks and computer equipment, but that borrowing for the big stuff should be standard and is even better with our current low interest rates. Of course, we are refinancing all of our previous bond issues to save a few hundred thousand here and there, to great self praise.

The city has a AA credit rating, good for a Michigan city but we had to pay Fitch and S & P to be rated before we could borrow. Our total long term debt as of 2014 is nearly 22.9 million, 19.4 million are in bonds issued since 2002 to pay for the 4 modern buildings from the city complex (Ill bet that most folks in Kentwood have never seen them.) We paid off 1.9 million last year and borrowed a new 2.9 million from a Drinking Water Revolving Fund.”  

Besides debt, Kentwood finances are at risk from now abandoned defined benefit pension plan. We must provide a fixed amount of money for these retirees. This is funded in part by gains in the stock market from which we assume an annual return of 6.5%, conservative among Michigan cities, but higher than the 5% suggested by the Economist Magazine. If there is deflation or some other major disruption in the US economy, Kentwood could be at risk for spending millions to make up for the pension shortfall.


Times, right now, are good. The national and Michigan economies are stable and no one frets about debts. Im a gloomy sort and fret about hard times; they will come and we have made many sacrifices already. Well have to find more. I dont detect any enthusiasm to raise taxes.

Our interest payments were 588K last year plus the 1.9 amortization show that abpout 2.5 million must be paid, or else. Two and a half million  in a 33 million per year operation seems manageable until the income stream is compromised because housing prices are in the toilet or the unemployment rate is over 10%; then the panic sets in, and crazy stuff can happen.

It might be prudent to study ways to cut costs now when everything is calm. Certainly its not wise to increase our expenditures; rather we should be putting a bit aside to buffer a huge downside move in revenues. In Kentwood, there is still room to expand, so new residents and businesses ought be welcomed to increase our tax base.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Krugman sees the benefits of borrowing from the bankers and economists vantage; he ignores the other half of the balance sheat.We in Kentwood have to deal with making repayments. These demands for cash continue even in hard times when our attention should be directed at solving cost cutting problems. Fear and having to resort to panicky plugging in the dykesolutions which solve little is the high and poorly understood cost of living in a pawnshop economy.


Debt, great for businesses, poison for governments.


A lot of politicians tout business experience; I certainly do.

I like to get into numbers, look at cash inflows and outflows, do projections, trade offs between short and long term costs, estimate interest rates in my head, judge the stability of some revenue source and the like. But Kentwood is not a business.

A businessman borrows at lets say 5% (market rates, the perceived risk) and invests in inventory, equipment, speculation or whatever, hoping that his return will be 10% so allowing him to retire the debt and to continue borrowing so that he can make money.

Kentwood and the city commission are not in the money making business; we have only to run a city on behalf of citizens who trust us to maintain the streets, maintain public safety with police and fire, provide for some recreational opportunities and allow them to seek their own happiness in a peaceful manner. We have no mandate to make life better, to provide jobs, business opportunities or to entertain and inspire the taxpayers in Kentwood.

Taxpayers (renters pay for city services indirectly) should however pay for the streets and public services that they need for a civilized life.

If a townhall, library, firehouse and Hall of Justice are necessary, then these should be provided at the least cost for the involuntary users. They should not erected for the edification of politicians who put their names on the brass plaques. The city should provide only those facilities that function efficiently for the city employees and that can easily be accommodated for future needs.

Kentwood had no debts and some decrepit governmental buildings until 12 years ago when the flash inspiration to rebuild swept away thrift. We built 4 contemporary buildings on an otherwise empty patch, a few apartments, an abandoned church and a toxic waste dump on the horizon. Total cost, over 20 million. There were no businesses or other reason for most of us in Kentwood to go near the place. About tastes there must be no dispute, but Im unimpressed. None of my neigbors knows where the city complex is, so I cant get their opinion about fluff like inspiration and public involvement.

A very long pole barn would have been much cheaper, could be easily accommodated to the shifting needs of government and would fit in with the numerous assembly, manufacturing and distributorsbuildings around the airport. Why would the city government want look better than its best taxpayers?

The point is that we borrowed and now have to pay for something that few of those who pay would want to buy. There is no market demand, no hope for profit or great outpouring of public enthusiasm for the governmental complex. No business or homeowner has ever moved to Kentwood because of love of great rococo architecture or for the view.

Borrowing capacity is necessary for governments to fund unexpected emergencies and the function must be retained and carefully nurtured. Our citizens should pay for what they need and nothing more. I doubt that many would fritter away the margin of safety in being able to borrow when the crunch is severe for having trendy buildings and the millstone of debt.


The Planning Commission echos the  City Commission-and Professors with Big Ideas.


A proposal to change the zoning and planning requirements for building a 107 single unit housing development, the Wildflower Creek thing, caught my eye.


The project has been rolling around since 2003. Its an empty field near 52nd and E. Paris. There have been fitful  attempts to build since, all for naught. The experienced builder, VD Hoff has recently acquired the land after the bank foreclosed. He cant make any money if he honors Kentwoods building codes and so wont build.


Two features stood out. The first concerns large caliper treesthat will need to be preserved by building a retention wall. Sounds expensive, and VD Hoff plans a way around the wall. Im a farm boy of sorts (the need to steer speeding tractors backward and weeding/picking strawberries drove me into medicine.) Trees are the enemy! No one  else on the city commission has ever had to deal with these gigantic weeds. Instead we have seem to have elected pagans who have not yet shed their Teutonic worship of the oaks! If a homeowner wants trees, fine, he should plant what he wants, wait a few years and then deal with the consequences. But protecting trees on a plat as a matter of public policy?


The second is actually more serious. Apparently the city code adopted in 2006 specified that new houses be built closer to the road, that each have a front porch and that garages be placed behind the house requiring long driveways. They seemingly specify verticle windows.

You, of course, recognize the stinking footsteps of New Urbanism, aka smart growthand theCool Citiesof  the Granholm song and dance.

New Urbanism is the current fad coming from the urban planning departments in universities. These are staffed by professors without real world experience, whose only qualifications seem to be an imagination akin to that of fashion designers of high end womens evening dress (actresses wear them at awards dinners), an inablility to do math but yet create statistics and pseudoscientific self referential surveysand affable manners that mask  their bottomless shallowness. We shape our cities and then our cities shape us.They award each other advanced degrees, lobby for government jobs  and perpetrate their santimonious pieties among impressionable politicians.

City planning departments in universities have a pedigree that blessed zoning when Denver Mayor Stapleton first proposed it in 1926 and later that year came out as an agent of the Ku Klux Klan. During the 1930s and 40s, they arranged for private, money making streetcarscompanies to be regulated out of existence by city commissioners and replaced by buses made by General Motors-the class action law suit was finally settled about 20 years ago. In the 1940s and 50, they sponsored urban renewal which destroyed GR downtown and other established neighborhoods. Their cure for urban problems was housing projectsin the 1950. Since then, these schoolboys advocated putting extensions of the interstates into downtowns, and pedestrian mallslike our own Monroe Mall (and one in Kalamazoo) of unhappy memory. City planners today see all of these as causing the contemporary malaise and certahinly, do not wish to be reminded of their past. They make a living by railing against and correcting their previous mistakes.

And so we arrive at the latest ruction from urban planners seems to revolve around a hatred of the automobile, and the fantasy that twenty-first century Americans want return to the life styles of a hundred years ago, you know before TV, the internet, supermarkets, and office jobs. We should slow down, walk to work and shop, get to know our neighbor and build community.We must have an excellent public transit systems or use bikes, preserve farmland, be good environmentalists and save the world. Roads will be engineered (bump outs, narrowing, center green spaces) to slow traffic so discouraging car use and new construction allowed only along approved thoroughfares that will allow workers and students to commute using light rail and the like. We sill be crowded by housing built on lot sizes, living in apartments and community housing (recent media push on co-housing.)  Public spaces will encourage us to venture into the commons, meeting our neighbors on porches and at community fairs. Housing developments wil be mixedwith small stores and shops, office and factories, schools, parks and biking trails within walking distance We will be encouraged to bond in neighborhood restaurants and cafes with open air, sidewalk dining areas (in a Michigan snowstorm.)


Very romantic and many would love to live in this ideal community. Some think that this must be patterened on Europe, but none of my 20 cousins in Bavaria would live in such squalor.


Just think about it.


The New Urbanists want you to live in crowded conditions very much in public view. Everyone else will know your busines and any one of them will be able to criticize what he deems offensive.

Contagious diseases like tuberculosis and the Spanish flu (killed 500,000 Americans in 3 weeks) disappeared when folks moved to suburbs and I dont see any good reason to risk a return to crowded conditions.

Public employees will run the transportation systems and if they choose to go on strike?  The neighborhood kids will now form communities, or will they be in gangs?

The noise from any party will murder sleep.

As in our city plans, garages will be behind the house and so the owner must shovel an extra 50 or 60 feet of driveway every snowfall for the rest of his life, and where can he throw it if the driveway is next to his house? Emergency vehiles will have problems navigating the narrow streets and any mugger can disappear in the multiple warrens created.

And if we habituated restaurants and cafesso as to meet neighbors, my family and I would miss our cooked evening meal together, be bankrupt and dissipated in alcohol.

I dont think that Americans want to live in an environment that resembles a movie studio.


But, I am concerned only with our planning in Kentwood. VD Hoff, an experienced builder of private homes states that buyers will not pay for houses that the city demands that he build. Buyers want the garage at the front of the house and dont see the need for a porch. They will not be forced into paying for ideology.

No one is making money as it now stands. And the Urbanist goal of fill inof empty lots is bypassed as new home owners buy or build in outlying rural areas.


Update and correction on New Urbanism

I enquired about the city planning commission’s remarks on Wildflower Creek building codes. The plans on this development had been submitted by another builder and it was these bizarre plans that had approved by the commission in 2006, that long forgotten era when almost any clutter on a field could be collaterized and flipped for obscene profits to someone even more gullible.

Apparently, VD Hoff has used this application and now wants to amend it to make his buildings salable. The planning commission is going along, but I’m unclear about how much.

The lot sizes will be very small, but investors will get what they pay for….

The New Urbanism has not yet captured city hall and I apologize for my misunderstanding of the planning commission’s minutes.


ram the a planned unit development caught my


Our writer sounds like the dog who hoped to get fat by eating his own tail. The backbone of his thinking revolves around urban planning,and he manages to point to the disasters that these worthies have inflicted on cities in the past (stuff like zoning initiated by the KKK, public housing projects, urban renewal, building interstates through city centers, pedestrian malls, and most recently, hatred of automobiles as embedded in new urbanism smart citiesand the like)

These academics imposed their big ideas on cities possibly leading to the destruction of many weaker ones (I know of no good studies to support this.)u


So the essence of urban planning is in correcting the mistakes made by previous planners. We are  now told that Bright Young College Grads (implied to be computer savvy, itching to start the next Google and create jobsfor the local serfs) leave Michigan to go to Chicago, California and the like because they want to live in inner cities, use public transport, walk to work and bars, commune with nature and similar blather. They will go to a placeeven if there are no jobs.


Our Michigan state government listened to the academics (at MSU as I understand it) and is foisting the following swindle on our communities. You must build walkable downtowns with street level entertainment, great public transit, use your waterfronts, make using cars miserable and have folks get around on bikes (January in Lansing, Yeah.) I always fantasize that the cities proposed by these visionaries should look like a tourist trap.

When the bright kids see how Michigan cities comport to their fantasies, why, theyll leave jobs  in Houston and move back to Flint! Great!

One could object that these young, bright, college Grads (Harvard with a degree in transgender studies) is capable of working, much less starting a business.  

Another objection is that why should a BYCG choose a city in Michigan if Buffalo, Allentown and Syracuse also look like a tourist trap.


Our author, who I otherwise enjoy reading on the front porch thing, here espouses a superstition generally called a cargo cult.Look it up.

If a backwash adopts the appearance of successful cities, it will become prosperous. And the bozos who destroyed Detroit, Flint, Erie, and the rest have now, only now, found the potion that will make it all better…Magic.

On the other hand, maybe the dog can fatten up by destroying his past. I dunno.


The media should be more careful about criticizing money in political campaigns; Its all based on the Citizens United decision and that, in turn, was based on the first amendment provision for freedom of the press. It seems that there is no bright line that distinguishes the corporation of the NYT for example, from that of a labor union or of Soros, Adelman, Koch…..

If Mlive can publish their political opinions and blindside the voters and issues on the weekend before election Tuesday, then what objection can they make to mere money doing the same?

I have actually used the Citizens United to devise a way to cut government costs; Private companies and entrepreneurs who successfully lobby and campaign to eliminate costly government programs should receive 10% of the money saved for five years after the program has been terminated.


the billions of unregulatedmoney flowing into ads goes to stressed newspapers, radio and tv stations, paying guys who rehash the same scrip.
Has laziness has displaced incompetence?

I certainly congratulate Mayor Kepley and his staff for gaining Trader Joes for Kentwood, and agree with the notion that other grocers (except for Horocks) will not be impacted. Their demographic is unique. 

Ive never been in a Trader Joes, but the chain is often paired with Whole Foods, and I did venture into one of their stores in Houston.

I was working an especially strenuous contract, 12-14 hour days and no time for dinner. One evening I hankered for chicharones and walked the few blocks to the Whole Foods in River Oaks. I could tell something was special, what with all the Beemers, Volvos and Acuras in the parking lot, but it wasnt until I got inside that I got the message. 

Very quiet shoppers, all in their 30s and wearing their hemp safari threads and fiber sandals. They all looked athletic and healthy, studying labels on the food on offer, quiet discussions. None of those women would ever have children. (Id guess that a lot of the customers had student debts and had rented the cars in the parking lot, but maybe my intuitions are a bit jaded.)

I, of course, felt horribly out of place.  Im just another peasant, lumpy, bald, red faced, 70ish, and stuck with big spade like hands. I wear 20 dollar cargo pants from Sears and pocket T shirts, 3 for a dollar at Meijers. 

I tried to find chicharones, after all this was Houston, a kind of northern Mexico.

Alas! Whole Foods would never, ever, sell fried out, salted pork skins; they are not considered healthy.” 

The reason I made the special trip to Whole Foods really was just hoping for a bigger bag, maybe 3 ounces for $1.29 instead of 2 ounces for a dollar. Nothing that cheap would ever be sold in that excellent store.


 I finally noodled all of that out and bought a 2 ounce bag of porkies as well as a pint of light beer for $2.25, total, in a service station on my way home. The beer, to help me blot out my tactlessness.


Haaslaw of borders


I did a lot of car travel around the USA while working contracts to provide medical care after 1999. One soon finds restaurants and gas stations, and eventually comes to associate them with entering or leaving a state. The state that has the businesses is growing and treats their citizens like adults while the state without takes care of their people and has multiple programs to improve its  economy and people. Businesses near political boundaries have a choice and find their way to the most profitable situation while avoiding unnecessary hassle.


There is nothing on the Michigan side of I69; the huge truck stops, liquor and cigarette stores are all in Indiana. There is a road in the UP that goes in and out of Michigan and into Wisconsin. The bars, stores, villages are all in Wisconsin, the abandoned fields in Michigan.

South of the Borderis a village that caters to travelers going down to Florida from NY City and points north on I 95. It advertises for 75 miles in each direction and lurks in South Carolina just before North Carolina.

As one goes north from El Paso on I10, the 200 store manufacturers outlet (visible, I used it all the time when hiking the Franklin Mountains 20 miles away) and Petro, Flying J all crowd on the Texas side. A few miles north in New Mexico there are 3-5 miles of Holstein cows (7200 on one count) eating alfalfa on the windward side of the interstate; one can feel ones lungs turning brown. Further north on I25, the resort town of Raton in New  Mexico denied Walmarts request to have a store built there because they didnt want commercial activity so the company went 25 miles further north into Colorado and Ratonites have to go that far over a mountain.

The Trader Joes and its probable minimal impact on us ordinary folk reminded me that we in Kentwood face lesser problem than going 25 miles over a mountain when shopping for ordinary groceries and other minor purchases but we do face irritants. There are 2 Walmarts, one in Cascade and the other in Wyoming, and 3 Meijers, one in Cascade, another in Gaines township, and the original on 28th on Kalamazoo. The Family Fare hovers just north of 44th street. They form a nearly perfect circle around Kentwood. There are several stores for groceries in Kentwood like Horrocks, Green market and Sams, but none are not family friendly (25 lb sugar bags at Sams, ladies at Horrocks walking around carrying wineglasses-exotic for average American diets and pantries.

Almost everyone in Kentwood has to get into a car to do weekly shopping, and the trips are usually several miles. We go 2.5 miles one way to the Meijers in Kentwood. I have walked or biked over there, but traffic on 28th street is a hassle and its cold sometimes…..

Id hate to apply my law to a small entity like a city, but having to use a car is an ongoing vexation. The relevant governmental question is of course, are  these large retailers avoiding Kentwood because they dont need to be troubled by our welcoming stance and help, or is it purely random placement, the zoning, traffic and open land in Wyoming, Cascade, etc, being propitious when they were ready to build?

The Meijers on Kalamazoo and Woodland mall were there since time immemorial. Other big stores like Home Depot and the assorted furniture, baby places have settled here since the city was founded in 1967, and they are probably indifferent to political boundaries.

But we shop weekly for groceries, and only yearly for hardware. The costs of that trip are substantial for a lot of us.


Harvesting Ice and Organic Neighborhoods.


We hike or bike daily, and a favorite is in an Amish area where we recently witnessed about 10 young men harvesting ice which, as one explained, they would store insulated underground and use for keeping food cool in the summer. I dunno whether thats practical since they use kerosene or natural gas for refrigeration, but these young fellows learned a lot of physics that day.

The blocks of ice on several wagons up there reminded me of the icebox in the hallway of the upstairs apartment where we lived in Pine Hill just outside of Buffalo. It was about 4 by 2 by 2 feet, oaken on the outside and had a galvanized box inside where the ice was deposited next to the milk and other groceries to prevent spoilage. My father would bring home a 50 lb block weekly from Rheinhards who ran both  the Icehouse and Coalyard about 2 blocks away. The box leaked at long last, and my parents got a Servelle gas refrigerator around 1950 that functioned until around 1973 when I took it apart with a sledgehammer because no one was strong enough to move it in one piece.

In any case, Pine Hill had been built up as mostly  crowded together 2 story duplexes, many with porches and single car garages in the back, during the 1920s before zoning and planning. The German-Americans had been trashed during the Great War and were chary  about pretensions about liberty and the rule of law then prevalent. The early settlers got into bootlegging and made money. Folks kept their affairs private and no one talked. The sons became township police to protect the trade. The end of prohibition ruined that business but WW2 featuring rationing and black markets in meat, sugar, tires, nothing to sniff at were in full swing when we moved in. The housing was cheap in 1943 and my parents bought a beat up place without a basement for 2000 dollars, cash. The war was in full tilt, but my father got whatever it took and made whiskey; I got rid of the family still when we moved to Kentwood 11 years ago.

Pine Hill was about 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks long around the axis of Genessee Street. I once counted 17 saloons (including the Big House, a brothel) in those 5 blocks. It was otherwise lined by small stores including 2 butchers, one baker, one Loblaw, the small supermarket, the five and dime, as well as the Nemmer Furniture store. The latter had a factory and 2 warehouses on the block opposite us. There were 2 funeral homes, a hardware and a soda shop, no restaurants in sight. The house where we lived was on a side street, away from commerce but had an abandoned store in which I played.

Women stayed at home and raised the kids. That family had 10 kids, another 7, and that one only 5. There were no freezers and so groceries had to be fresh and lasted for possibly days in the icebox. They shopped every 2-3 days, many using carts or baby carriages to cart the stuff. I still  remember Hazel, the 50 year old check out girlat the Loblaw. A dairy-truck came around twice a week and left quarts of fresh milk in a box that was built next to the front door of each house. A baker who had a source in NYC brought heavy rye bread to the door weekly. Guys and some ladies went to the saloon daily and staggered home. The public school and Catholic elementary schools, about of equal size, were a few blocks away and all of the kids had to walk. We came home for lunch; I always had bacon and 4 eggs. There were two public parks adjacent, one had a swimming pool where I lived during the summers except when I was gardening in our patch or farmed out to my aunt who grew and peddled vegetables from a small farm north of Buffalo. This was before television. Folks listened to radio and often sat out on porches to socialize. Sidewalks were used and everybody knew who belonged.

My father (and most families) had a car that he used to go to work (malt for beer)  and for major shopping. He would go to a real farmers market (not hucksters) on Clinton street to buy 10 bushels of grapes to make his (illegal) batch of wine or 3 bushels of cabbage for sauerkraut. A bus route ran along Genessee Street that could be used to get around Buffalo, and I used this public transportation when traveling to parochial high school and college, or to work. My mother never learned to drive.

All very romantic, but of what relevance to current problems?

Well, a lot. The New Urbanism has tried to resurrect this world and peddle it as the way to cure all of Americas social ills, starting with global warming, college grads leaving Michigan, poverty, autism, anything else that bothers you, and ending with childhood obesity.

Problem is, were in a new era. Husbands and wives both work and the couple feel exhausted after they have even that one precious child. The kid is pampered, protected from germs or affront from offense, and guided to greatness. The sion is to be raised scientifically by dedicated professionals who will feed, discipline and mold him in daycare and public schools. His play will be supervised. What cooking is done is often microwaved from something frozen, or, for festive occasions, fashioned from exotic spices and herbs found in small shops scattered around the city. Everyone needs at least one car to support job or hobby, and they need to be parked somewhere convenient where they can be easily driven away. No one walks or bikes to go shopping or to go to work; 60 years of Urban Planning have separated neighborhoods from stores or workplaces. A few of us (probably all college grads) drive long distances to hike in the virtually abandoned North Country trail or hike the Musketowa trail. Someone uses a car to do the weekly shop to stock the fridge and wine cellar. If cooking cant be done, why, its off to the Chipottle a few miles off!

Who has time to meet ones neighbors, or to listen to radio when there are internet conversations to maintain or games to play? A pill will take care of obesity and whatever ails you, fewer drink beer and more use marijuana (quietly, so at least the veneer of being law abiding is maintained.)

So the New Urbanism languishes but never gives up. They build a few experimental projects and are successful in fobbing the neighborhoods off on a few zealots. They then survey these investors, made enthusiastic because their life savings and reputations are at stake, and find great happiness among these captives which they can use to claim success for the swindle.

win Haas · Kentwood, Michigan

I’m on the Kentwood City commission and we also have our EDC, albeit smaller and unpretentious.

We were confronted at nearly every meeting with “Company x is going to get a new machine and they will create 2 new jobs. They have in the past increased (or decreased) the number of workers after we gave them a tax abatement. Could you approve exempting the new machine from taxes?” And of course, we always granted the tax relief. (The unlamented personal property tax is no longer applicable so at least that aggravation is quiescent.) I’m always in favor of lowering taxes so voted “Yeah.” I’m not sure what role Kentwood had in “creating jobs” but the planners were enthusiastic.


What the “experts” at Mackinac have never copped to is the Cobb (Cobb, copp not related) Douglas production function, one of the very few economic ideas that has actually been tested and verified. It seems that one can substitute capital for labor and vice versa. An example; it took 10,000 Irishmen 10 years to dig the Erie Barge canal using shovels, pickaxes and wheelbarrows. Had they used plows, oxen and scoops, (more capital,) 5,000 men could have done it in 2 years and if one used contemporary earth movers, bulldozers, 500 men one year.

The unappreciated effect when companies came to Kentwood to get tax abatements for machinery and hired 2 guys was that they would not have to hire 20 guys to produce the same increased output. The economic effect of tax abatements for buying machinery was to reduce the simple, knuckle dragging jobs so dear to the hearts of Snyder, Granholm…..

My understanding is that the current substitute is $150k for one job.


I always ask these companies where the machines are made. Many come from Germany, Japan or the USA, the three countries where most robots and machine tools are produced. Making these machines is the real labor requiring bankers in London or NYC, computer guys in Kerela, craftsmen in Stuttgart, process engineers in Detroit, Sales engineers, investors from China and Mexico hiding their money, truckers who move the goods and a few guys from around Michigan who know how to install the robots, do the electrical work and the like.



Cobb was the math guy and Douglas the economist working at the Univ of Chicago in the 1930s and 40s. They actually did experiments to demonstrate the validity and relevance of their equation. They won a Nobel Prize for same. These guys were solid thinkers; Douglas served as the Senator from Illinois for 12 years.

The substitution of capital for labor was well know 50 years ago, but is, alas, now sadly forgotten. Even the Mackinac with its libertarian impulses can’t properly analyze the basic dynamic of capital and labor which is oft in play when companies use government money (really capital) to “create” jobs.


With MEDC, there is more than one scam in play. It would be fun to tie the bureaucrats and their friends in the media into knots with the simple math of Cobb Douglas. Too bad the Mackinac isn’t up to the job.


characterless young, raised to ignorance and Appropriate Thought by government schools, will question nothing.

I’m a public official and am constantly beset by the new urbanists,  tenured frauds.


I didn’t read Haglund’s article, but I did see Grand Rapids mentioned. Real estate prices in GR are half of what they were, the population is stagnant, the city doesn’t have the money to open its swimming pools and couldn’t plow its neighborhood streets last winter. It peddled the Silver LIne which has had a troubled rollout and has not stimulated any economic activity.


But GR does tout its green credentials and promotes a downtown for young “educated” people. The job creators are the 50 year old Dutch  craftsman and store owners, and German/japanese manufacturing companies tying into the furniture and plastic injection molding traditions here.

The Silver Line is named after an allegedly successful progenitor in Cleveland which stimulated 5 billion dollars in new investmentalong its route. Much of that was by the on route Cleveland Clinic which built new ventures as they received an ever increasing number of Canadian patients; I dont think that they came because of the bus line.


In any case, we now have our esteemed, long anticipated Silver Line with poor service, sketchy finances, poor participation that I observed by the workers and peasants so dear to the hearts of the gullible politicians and their cheerleaders in the media, and ten years of taxes imposed on folks who will never use this service.


In the wings are self driving cars (you can buy limited self driving Mercedes and Cadillacs even now, Im told. Also, computers and the internet are making work and study at home ever more available and attractive. The MOOCs are going to eat weaker sister colleges alive, and already all sorts of smaller places in GR are losing students; the trend will only accelerate. Plus, public transit carries at most 2% of workers. There is no reason to believe that downtown GR will not continue to stagnate.


The roll out of this Silver Line was at least 3 years in the making, accompanied by endless drum rolls, and has been operational for 6 weeks; I detected nothing that was worthy of exaltation, but then I have poor expectations for governmental services, so am not disappointed.


So we confront the unappetizing prospect that the GR area has a 40 million dollar white elephant on its hands and will continue to bleed tax dollars that could be used for genuine economic development.


The various communities that were passed over feel snubbed and want their infusion of Federal and State pelf.


Im not sure why anyone would fantasize that having the exalted bus line go down So. Division would lead to businesses and young people moving there, but it hasnt happened. No one is investing in the trashed out buildings or weedy lots along that route. We have not had any requests for zoning or development licenses from that area. Markets move in anticipation of future price trends, and prices and economic activity in that area would have skyrocketed had anyone seriously thought that So Division would prosper. There have not emerged any of the financial indicators that it will ever develop.


So, a sunk cost, and who will stand up and be responsible? The politicians have long since moved on, and their votes and opinions lost in a pretentious muddle. The media have no skin in the game and why should they care; they filled out their quota of filler and theres no future in criticizing the mistakes of the past. The Rapid? their misdirection was bought with money and the taxpayer wont get that back. Maybe get rid of some of their more flagrant executives if they cant get the few very visible failures corrected, and soon, but still, no financial redress.


No, the taxpayer wins the victims sweepstakes. Poor schlep has been told how good he has it with rapid transit, the swindle.

One of my roles as a city commissioner is to monitor public functions and so I roused before dawn, loaded up my laptop into a backpack so I could use the WiFi, drove over to the 60th street, parked my Ford in a half empty parking lot and dragged my sagging hams to the bus stop. It was about 8:50 There were no real directions, and maybe 5 people ultimately showed up. Tried to buy a ticket but the screen repeatedly locked and then kept on rejecting my credit card. Finally asked two young people about the machine and both acknowledged that the ticket dispensers dont work very well. Pulled out a 5 dollar bill and tried that, but the screen would not prompt me to insert my hard earned money. Then the bus driver, who seemed very kind approached me, asked if I wanted to go along, and instructed me to just push my 5 into the cash slot. A day pass emerged and 2 Susan Anthonies (which I peddled go Speedway for coffee.)


Got on the bus; there were maybe 6 other souls all told. Went up Division, looked the same, pawnshops, used car dealers, boarded up massage parlors….. The bus was possibly supposed to go through signals, but seemed to stop at each one. One stop was not close to being completed. Got my computer out, and then the young fellow behind me informed me that they had planned WiFi for 1 Oct, but the company that was to install it had backed out, so that service not available until ?. Asked the young fellow, hes a freshman at CC and likes the service. Its never busy in the morning, but crowded when he returned at 2 PM. Likes it because he doesnt have to drive his car downtown, and gets nearly free rides as a student. So we clunked along, stopping at most of the cross street lights, picked up a few more, but I doubt that there were any more than 20 all told going down. One derelict got on at 60, fell asleep, had to be wakened and told to get out at the main station. He got back on and returned with me, sleeping the whole way. The bus was warm, peaceful and dry, I guess, and for a 3 dollar pass, worth it. Got to the main station, the busdriver took a 10 minute break and we returned, pretty much the same story, only a few fewer passengers. Took 33.5 minutes on the way back.


All this for 40 million that is now in the hands of the contractors, designers, computer whizzes, and sellers of expensive,greenbuses.

I did see Grand Rapids mentioned. The city touts its greenproclivities and New Urbanism. They ignore that real estate prices in GR are half of what they were, the population is stagnant, the city doesnt have the money to open its swimming pools and couldnt plow its neighborhood streets last winter. The local M live, trying to push the increased sales tax to fix the roads, took pictures of potholes; I was impressed that the only pictures that they could find were taken in the City of Grand Rapids. The public schools are emptying out as people flee, moving to Kentwood and other suburbs.

The media and various political ward heelers (contractors, unions working for the transit company) peddled our Silver LIne along So. Division in GR as a cure-all. No one at Bridge noted the troubled rollout. Fare could not be collected, buses were late, Wifi didnt work, ice on the fabled level access platforms made approaches impossible.

It has not stimulated any economic activity even after 4 years. Markets move in anticipation of future price trends, and prices and economic activity in that area would have skyrocketed had anyone seriously thought that So Division would thrive. We, in Kentwood, had that one lonely application for a new marijuana clinic along highly touted route which the planning commission trashed. I thought that this was unwise; at least the marijauana store was a beginning.

The Silver Line is named after an allegedly successful progenitor in Cleveland which stimulated 5 billion dollars in new investmentalong its route. Much of that was by the on route Cleveland Clinic which built new ventures as they received an ever increasing number of Canadian patients fleeing their collapsing medical system; I dont think that these desperately ill people came because of the bus line. The city of Cleveland still lost 17% of its population 2000-10 and another 1.7% 2010-3, but their Silver Line stimulated economic activity. Behind mountains, more mountains.

In any case, we now have our esteemed, long anticipated Silver Line in GR with poor service, sketchy finances, poor participation by the workers and peasants so dear to the hearts of the gullible politicians and their cheerleaders in the media, and ten years of taxes imposed on folks who will never use the service.

In the wings are self driving cars (you can buy limited self driving Mercedes and Cadillacs even now, Im told.)
Also, computers and the internet are making work and study at home ever more available and attractive. The MOOCs are going to eat weaker colleges like Wayne State alive. Ill bet that its student population is stagnant and that trend will only accelerate.
Public transit carries at most 2% of workers. There is no reason to believe that Downtown Detroit will suddenly become populated with lots of new workers happily carrying their lunch pails to their government jobs because this rail line might be able to deliver one or two thousand extra each morning.

The GR area has a 40 million dollar white elephant on its hands and will continue to bleed tax dollars that could be used for genuine economic development. And now Detroit will follow, wasting 140 million based on disinformation about GR published by the feckless media.

The taxpayer wins the victims sweepstakes. Poor schlep has been told how good he has it with rapid transit, the swindle.

Detroit should make original mistakes-dont repeat the mistakes that others have made.

I recall Napoleans Mules as we replace a Commissioner.

The process consisted of interviewing 20 candidates who wanted us to appoint one of them to the city commission. Can you imagine hearing building community” “ Vibrant” “Partneringand servingevery 10 minutes for four hours? In any case, we needed to whittle the field down to 3 or 4 who would receive more vetting. Criteria varied and mine were distinctly at odds with my fellow commissioners.

It seemed that a history of volunteering, of experience and knowledge of how things ran in Kentwoods city hall was important to the other commissioners. One heard about how much one or another candidate had volunteered or was known to the participants. Many of the interviewees were on a first name basis with commissioners; I knew 3 or 4.  Only a few comments addressed the personal vigor or to the occasional criticism voiced by one or another of our 20 candidates.

I thought that a mistake; we need fresh faces, ones who can see and deal with the accumulated deadwood, but I will be outvoted.

It did remind me of a probably apocryphal account of what Napolean, who specified experience when he needed to replace a general who had fallen. It turns out that 2 mules had been with the emperor on every campaign for 15 years; Napolean had only to choose which he wanted to lead that division.

The State of Michigan Land Division Act (Act 288 of 1967) requires the

Tentative Preliminary Plat Approval step.  The Planning Commission will only review the

proposal once and make recommendation to the City

Phase 1 is 30 homes with front

facing garages and 20 homes with garages in the rear

The Committee did not want to see homes where

the garage is the prominent feature as seen from the street; it was felt that allowing homes

with protruding garages and no front porches would not be consistent with the intent of the

PUD.  The Committee was supportive of permitting a larger percentage of homes to have

front facing garages.

a final tree preservation plan

Build out for Phase I, from approval of the rezoning (2003) to construction of

the final home, will have taken approximately 12 years.

to allow for diversity

in the type of housing offered within the development and 2) allow for larger rear yards

and more in-lot open space without reducing the finished living area of the homes


two homes with forward facing garages could be adjacent to each other;

traffic calming measure

Chris VD Hoff with Bosco Construction. neo traditional plan.

They could not get it to economically to work” “homes that have the garages in the b ack are the most difficult to sell, they are more costly to tmen because of the driveway ane the associated sales on them. …most customers do not like their driveways in the back, they want the traditional fron garage. …Most of the people who boght te rear load garages they do not use their garages. ..this was the main reason to build the garages more to the front.


No one liked my proposal that the Michigan Film hustle be directed at making pornographic film; I was deeply hurt when one commentator wrote that it wasnt funny. I need to re-apply myself to recover from the sting.  Mackinac makes arguments that border on the banal; no imagination and little inspiration. Maybe another idea of mine will resurrect their free market pretense.


Fifty million is plenty of money to stimulate the formation of small businesses. We should look to other successful states where there are plenty of jobs and stable industries for patterns that we can emulate. I know that I can grow lemons and limes in my 4 seasons greenhouse on our condo in Kentwood and propose extending this as a venture that the state of Michigan should subsidize.

We in Michigan pay good money to buy lemons and limes from Florida and Texas; we should grow these in Michigan to diminish the outflow of money to the south.

Farmers in areas of the state where its difficult to grow corn or soybeans would be encouraged to use these subsidies to erect green houses stimulating construction, consultants, economic activity and rural revitalization in parts of the state that are withering.

Especially exciting is the appeal to humorless leftists as part of a locavore movement. Just think of farmers markets featuring yellow lemons and green limes among the limp vegetables peddled by hucksters at these fairs.

Democrats in the state legislature would join all of the Republicans in support of this move by our state toward citrus independence and even, with enough millions, our own export business.

Young  college graduates would return from Houston and Pasadena to relax in the weak watery December sun filtering through the glass of a greenhouse, dripping with condensate.

Our governor would no longer have to wait for local cherries or apples; with fruit grown indoors he can go to regional or even national governors conferences year round bestowing a bushel of golden lemons on his envious fellows.

Some might object that its cheaper to grow citrus outdoors in climes sympathetic to it, but thats not whats at issue here. We need to stimulate jobs. Just think about the fellow who anecdotally knew a lot of people in Michigan who work in the film industry about six months a year, earning more-than-average incomes.I dont know how he learned the income of these film makers, but he could now find thousands of illegals picking our exotic fruit and guess at their incomes.


I Look at what Planning has Wrought.


One of my peeves is the primacy that we humans put on our thoughts and of how we manage to ignore, willfully misinterpret or embrace what happens as a result of what those thoughts entrain. If we deem something good, it must be good and Please dont bother me with details!Innumerable feed back loops have evolved over the eons that constrain extreme deviations from the physiologic in health and when these are lost, the organism or system disintegrates. We humans suffer from an arrogance that encourages follow through with plans and damn the results.

I hoped to get primal feedback  and so dragged my drooping buttocks over to Wildflower Creek Planned Urban Development last week. It was Friday and I had the Planning  Commission recommendation in hand.


To summarize, this parcel of land has been in play since 2003. Apparently in 2006 it was approved for 107 homes to be built in an architectural style called Neotradtional.This is an attempt to recapture the small town feel of a hundred years ago as imagined by New Urbanists. Garages should be behind the house, porches where residents sit and meet informally with neighbors promenading on the sidewalks.

The area was quiet and I managed to talk to one young man who was shoveling his driveway. Most of the sidewalks were snow clogged. A few houses were in construction and two had the number of the builder, Chris VD Hoff, so I called. He was nearby and, much to my pleasure and instruction, came over, showed me the inside of the places he was building ( quality with copper pipes and stone floors, closets, solid doors, other houses built 5-6 years ago by a now bankrupt builder (the front porch roof of one was visibly sagging, an early slum?) and the overall scheme of things.


I focused on several issues;

the demand that a tree stand on the property be preserved at all costs; is this part of some pagan Teutonic worship of the mighty oak?

Driveways that have to stretch around the house to the garage and sidewalks are expensive and shed water directly into nearby streams; not environmentally sentient. They also demand that the owner face a lifetime of shoveling this expanse, and where will he deposit the extra snow? Also, the drive between two story houses gets less sun and that part remains cooler during snowmelts. Water is right at the freezing point when it flows onto the shaded concrete where it freezes. See my pictures above. The ice lurks under the snow waiting to mug the next  passing osteoporotic oldster.

As Chris pointed out, its difficult to make the turn to get into or out of the garage behind the house, and so owners tend to park their cars serially in the drive causing even more hassle. Houses with rear garages sell less well.

The neotraditional style demands 2 floors with a front entrance through the porch. Almost all of the houses had several to many steps up to the front door. The one that I visited had probable 7 concrete steps with a net elevation of 5 feet. It was snow covered. As I gingerly mounted the steps I wondered who would want to shovel this rock pile? And, of course, how does this fit in with the need that the disabled to have wheelchair and other easy access to housing? This two story approach accommodates young people, but one day, they too will become senile, and then who will buy these piles?


Chris told me that the houses are selling well and that there have been few secondary sales. Id counter that private homes in Kentwood sell well during a good economy and as folks flee Grand Rapids. Even turkeys can fly in a rising wind. He would like to build more contemporary style houses as have been built on the adjacent Breezewood, but trying to change the existing plan is too much bother; its been 12 years to get this far.


I noted some troublesome issues above which the existing plans will encase in concrete that will problems for the hundred years lifespan of this neighborhood.

The major policy issues are buried in the 12 years during which this plan has evolved.

Is the Neotraditional style locked in by some understanding with the existing neighbors? If so, is there some mechanism for them to agree to alter this?

Some of the houses in Wildflower Creek were built cheaply and are already showing the deterioration that will impair the prices of the other homes. Is there some building standard that will make construction in any one area more consistent?

Who and what body wanted or demanded the neotraditional style? Did the original developer propose this style? Or is it tied in with some pet ideology  of the zoning and planning commissions like smart growth?

Why does it take so long and so much effort to get plans through the planning and approval?


Storm Water Rules; if only my Septic Tank could Speak


We lived with 3 kids and had 2 medical practices in our home on the Eastbeltline SE in GR for over 25 years. There had been an old septic system and we intended to hook up to city services, but I was misled by the civil engineer supervising the reconstruction of the then new double lane divided highway, so the tank and drain field remained-right next to East Whiskey Creek and about 3 feet above the water table…… 

I once mentioned it to a GR city planner who said that she knew about our drainfield. She visibly wrinkled her nose and shivered at the affront. Let me aver that GR City Planning Commission was in no moral position to look down at raw sewage in those years. I hear that this unelected body has radically improved its observance of right and wrong behavior since.

The drain field was on the lawn, according to code, where grass and sun could help dissipate water. Predictably, it would freeze in the winter and then thaw in the spring, leaking small steams of septic fluid and disgusting smells onto the nearby parking lot and driveway. (BTW, East Whiskey Creek arises in Calvin Colleges woods from a seep that also smells of a septic system; I know it well.)

I tried everything to get the water to drain into the soil (acting on my own, no contractor would touch it.) New gravel, reams of perforated pipe, extending the field, digging a separate drain for the washing machine, working frenziedly on weekends, and yet fermented (biologically safe but smelly) sewage continued to float to the surface.

One of our kids cited one of his teachers at City saying that weeping willows each dissipate up to 500 gallons of water daily. I planted two. These trees were well fed and sported 4 foot diameter trunks 15 years later when we sold out. But the real change happened when I dumped all of our leaves on the lawn in the bare spot between the two trees in the autumn for a few years; no more leakage. I dug down once finding at least 2 feet of mulch, loose, feathery light soil, laden with earth worms and beetles, drilled in every direction by moles. This leaf dump, established by accident, soaked up a huge amount of fluid. It was insulated from the cold in the winter so it never melted in the spring and remained metabolically active year round allowing turnover of water. I eventually recruited wood chips and more leaves from elsewhere, covering a larger area where soil was composted and into which the septic juice could percolate. 

End of Problem. 

My tinkering, trial and error and tincture of time worked. The  formal rules governing septic systems, well supported by research, failed.  Men with larger heads are easily mystified.

Storm Water Rules; Septic Systems and Unorthodox Approaches are smarter than our national Politicians.

The memorandum about new rules filtering down from the US EPA through our Metro Council to the City Commission announces a new proclamation; shedders of storm water have to filter out 80% of sediments before release to the Kentwood system. More seriously, none of this storm water can flow out of our city except during intense storms.

I lost my way here.

The rule of thumb in hydrology in our region is that one third of rain water evaporates, one third sinks in and the last third enters rivers and is eventually flushed out of the system over Niagara Falls. Rain is rain whether it be a trace one day and 2 inches over an hour the next day; what turns mutually rain water into storm water?

Transcending these epistemic problems, what solutions does our Metro Counsel and city engineer propose? Well, we can politicize so that the bureaucracy will let us offload some of our rain into the national waters; warmhearted of them, but, I think that the threat still lurks since the rules are still in place. Water has to be retained on site and allowed to seep away, and not slowly released as it does now from detention ponds. Much of the soil in Kentwood is heavy clay, relatively impervious to seepage.

I can think of several solutions beyond what our engineer proposes. I found that covering my otherwise refractory septic drain with organic debris allowed for great drainage. We might harvest leaves collected during the fall and spread them over otherwise empty areas in parks and woodlands; its a bit hard to divert water from sites that shed water to these unorthodox sponges, but still, if you have a woods at the bottom of your development…..

Another feature of Kentwood is its gypsum mines off of E. Paris. They are said to be full of water, but does this stuff flow or dissipate to deeper levels? If so, why not pump the extra water down to this sump?

Going further; we could dam up any of several creeks in the raw land apparent on any map of Kentwood; the aggregate detention of water might be such that we might not have to discharge any into the state waters.”  This would build up a lake or two with the associated aura of waterfront property, swells building mansions on the shores, swimming beaches, ice fishing and boating. Oh, so many blessings from the rules that we keep our water for ourselves!

As you all know, I harbor a avaricious streak that metastasizes to my surrounding; nothing thwarts my suggesting to Kentwood ways of making money from the tatters of our civilization. What if we tapped a well into one end of the gypsum mines and sold it as expensive bottled mineral water?Enough of these sales might lower the water table enough to allow for room to pump our excess but purified storm water down at the other end of the mine. It would be saturated with the gypsum salts, aka alabaster or selenite as it filtered along the mine and we could sell it to Wyoming and other neighboring, less enterprising burgs.

Well, enough of this governmental caterwauling! I live in a state sponsored whorehouse, Ill never admit to how much I enjoy writing about its perversions, and no one pays me a red cent.

the shimmering scum floating on the deep river of productivity


Serious Thoughts on Commerce on South Division, how its expansion parallels and complements that of our Ford Airport.


Published as a comment on Mlive

Talking about studies that have been cobbled together. Here is one that I generated, and offer gratis; I refuse to let my work be contaminated by pelf.


The prostitutes along So. Division have increased their business by 2 million dollars per year. They attract an additional 5 million of business to local bars and stores, the increased auto traffic from Johns cruising uses one million dollars worth of gas and the indirect costs on the autos is 3 million. There is of course the use of streets that I estimate accelerated the deterioration to the tune of 1 million. Added to this is the increased medical care costs from VD which I recon at 4 million. Then there is the associated crime and need for police; this is serious money, probably 100 million.


So prostitution adds at least 116 million dollars to the West Michigan economy.


Jian,  a 10 million sized city surrounded by Beer Gardens; Building Community and can it Work in Kentwood.


Kris and I just got back from a fact finding tour of China (just like the US Senate, but we paid for it ourselves.)  The Terra Cotta Warriors are located near the city and we would visit them the next day. Meanwhile, we had an afternoon and the 600 year old wall surrounding the old city five minutes walk away.  We ambled over.


Turns out that the wall also had a moat about 100-200 feet outside the wall,  and the entire complex was well maintained including building a long linear city park. We walked this space for a distance of a mile or more.


The sky was partly cloudy, and temperatures around 60 F.  Unlike our parks, this was an alk


Posted on Proposal 1: The right kind of fix for Michigan roads?, from Mlive; modified.

Another cacoon of uncertainty shrouds this proposal; there is a bill nearing approval in US Congress that will attempt to force the sales tax to be collected on internet sales. (Reason Mag, this month) It will apparently be collected by the seller applying the sales tax in the state in which he is based. (I’m not clear about some sort of minimum rate that these vendors will have to apply.)

A consortium of states is proposed that will pass the collected tax on to the customers’ state (I don’t know how or if that will work.)

States having a high sales taxes will impose higher costs on their internet businesses forcing them to go elsewhere. There are at least 4 states without a sales tax, Or., De, NH, and Mt. These will host all of the Amazons, Ebays…..of the future. None will locate in Michigan, another blow to our economy.

And Michigan won’t see a penny of their hoped for 65 million taxes on the books, records, clothes and whatnot that we buy on line.


Stoned for Adultery without the Pleasure


A state notorious for being the only one with a population loss in the last census, where the dominant industry has migrated to backward Asia and its major city sacked by political opportunists, will probably suffer from a poor self image, an inferiority complex in which any claim for being the worst is likely to fluorish. So it is that the conga line of construction companies, politicians with their media enablers, civil engineer groups and other ectoparasites gain an audience with their campaign to tax us to support their road building projects.

I spent 15 minutes compiling the following internet sites using Poor roads in State x.I excluded articles over 5 years old.

Each of these articles cites damage to cars of 3-500 dollars per year, dangerous driving conditions, need for more tax dollars and the general poor condition of infrastructure.”  

Familiar themes on radio and tv? We buy into this nonsense because it makes us happy to be oppressed, to be the greatest victim. Not much fun, you say, and youre right. Think of it as being stoned for adultery without the pleasure.


Pennsylvania roads were rated worst overall by Overdrive magazine.  and–transit-investments-bill-119857199.html


and from Wisconsin;

Wisconsin has 11,095 miles of public roads.

Wisconsin has 13,539 miles of major roads, 21% of which are in poor condition.

Driving on roads in need of repair costs Wisconsin motorists $2 billion a year in extra vehicle repairs and operating costs $502.10 per motorist.


Troubling Features of Planning and Zoning in Kentwood.

Lifting all the barriers to urban growth in America could raise the countrys GDP by between 6.5% and 13.5%, or by about $1 trillion-2 trillion.

arguments go down in local planning meetings, they wilt on closer scrutiny. Home ownership is not especially egalitarian.

First, they should ensure that city-planning decisions are made from the top down. When decisions are taken at local level, land-use rules tend to be stricter.

Any restrictions on building won by one district should be offset by increases elsewhere, so the city as a whole keeps to its development budget.

Second, governments should impose higher taxes on the value of land. In most rich countries, land-value taxes account for a small share of total revenues. Land taxes are efficient. They are difficult to dodge; …a high tax on land creates an incentive to develop unused sites

Zoning codes were conceived as a way to balance the social good of a growing, productive city and the private costs that growth sometimes imposes. But land-use rules have evolved into something more pernicious: a mechanism through which landowners are handed both unwarranted windfalls and the means to prevent others from exercising control over their property. Even small steps to restore a healthier balance between private and public good would yield handsome returns. Policymakers should focus on two things.

The good news is that the worlds urban-land scarcity is largely an artificial problem. The bad news is that that does not make it a soluble one. Redressing strict land regulation is among the most politically fraught of policy issues. It is in many ways like other toxic issues, such as trade or immigration. The society on the receiving end of new imports or population inflows benefits as a whole, but those put out of business by competition or dismayed by cultural change feel a disproportionate level of damage, and organise in opposition. And in the case of land values this opposition will be rich.There are ways to address this with policy. Governments could aim specific assistance at those harmed by dense development, as they have to those affected by liberalised trade. Disbursing some of the tax revenue earned as a result of new development to landowners within a small area around that development to compensate for short-term hardship would reduce opposition to new building.


Or they could heed the advice of Henry George, an American follower of Ricardo who in the 1880s made the case for a land-value tax. It has many theoretical virtues. Most taxes dampen, distort or displace economic activity by changing incentives on the margins. But a land tax cannot reduce the supply of land, and it would stimulate economic activity by penalising those whose land is unproductive. And your tax base is always right therea city lot cannot be whisked off to Luxembourg.

Two passing comments illustrate the threat to Kentwoods tranquility posed by Planning and Zoning.

The first was by Chris VD Hoff in the formal city commission approval of the Wildflower Creek. He was obviously worried about having the project hung up yet longer by the city and just urged passage. During the debate he said something like, We own the dirt for almost nothing,and so can make a profit despite building less than highly desirable houses.

Wow! He got 30 acres of single family lots for almost nothing. Possibly land prices in Kentwood sank to nothing during the 2008-10 financial unpleasantness, but I doubt it; prices for houses and apartments lost 30-35%, a lot, but the drop was not down to nothing.”  

No, something else made this project stall after 2006, and I suspect that the dysfunctional neotraditional style written into the original plan 12 years ago has blighted this project, leaving everyone in the banking (which probably lost hundreds of thousands), as well as construction entrepreneurs leery of undertaking build out of what would ordinarily be a high value development. Yet, the insistence on using Neotraditional architecture was modified somewhat, and could just as easily been discarded by our zoning and planning commissions. The price of this land was rendered nearly worthless by bureaucratic fiat.

A second remark, made by someone at the commission, is even more disturbing. There is a fairly large piece of open land in the center of the city that has long been for sale. It was proposed that the city buy this (with borrowed money?) and then rezoned to suit some ill defined

which has left the entire project


Buying acreage, worthless land…..

We know what we need to do to attract the young.

And from the context, we realize that our author advocates the New Urbanism, aka Placemaking and similar nonsense as a cure for depopulation, if only we had the political will.

No data supports this fantasy. It is promulgated by our academic betters (in MSU, I understand.) There are maybe 50 trust fund kids, ivy league grads, who where taught that they have to live in downtown Grand Rapids and seek this housing. Since there is none, and the demand infinite, price skyrockets and makes headlines. But its still only 50 and none of these guys will ever start a business; it would be beneath them.


And there is no political action that will bring my three kids (Caltech, U of M, MTU and Geo Mason,  2 national merit scholars, a Fulbright, 3 masters) from the East Coast. They each developed their own work and expertise, creating jobs not even contemplated in Michigan. The smart ones, the ones with a future, leave and along with them, jobs and youth bleed away, as detailed.


I can tell you where the jobs went. Texas is growing like crazy. There is a substructure of owners of small businesses, managers, skilled professionals that runs that state. All are from the northeast,  the Great Lakes states and nearby Canada. The entire nursing staff of an ICU in Victoria were Quebecois. The chemists who captained a major oil- New Yorkers, the medical subspecialists from Michigan and Pennsylvania….

They left us 25 or 30 years ago, found less regulated and taxed wide open spaces to use their energy, stayed and prospered. Businesses and jobs center around them.  

I spent a lot of time in Houston, a pleasant prosperous city that famously rejects the charade of zoning and planning is therefore really growing (see last weeks Economist Mag.)

Enron in Houston ( our own Consumers Power invested also-but they got lucky toward the end) speculated in energy derivatives and went bust. They laid off maybe 10,000 young, very smart folks one day. They all stayed and many started businesses. As was stated in the newspapers, opportunities were present, the costs of living and the burn rate through investment capital were low and gave these businesses the time to become established and to prosper.


Our author here is buttering his parsnips. The job creators left decades ago. The gene pool in Michigan and the rest of the rust belt is getting deeper at the shallow end. Young people with plain ordinary greed and plans find no reason to stay and will continue to leave.

The gullible swells who want to live in walkable citiesand use public transit hate capitalism and will find themselves taxed and regulated into a penurious dotage in inner cities built to look like the broken down tourist traps up north.

The only viable public policy to stabilize the populations in Michigan is to decapitate public policy.


Urban Planning; Costly, Cyclic, Model Cities, 1960


Just got the Annual Budget for Kentwood; we had 3 days to review it (just to re-assure our patient taxpayers how we carefully consider their interests.)


Several areas caught my attention, especially in light of the recent Economist showing that urban planning adds substantial costs to life in the big city.


It seems that we may spend 25K to hire a consultant to guide us in re-zoning So. Division to encourage walkable re-development there. Another note mentions the possibility that we may need tax dollars to demolish some of the buildings down there. The Silver Line will not be the last waste!


This is reminiscent of Urban Renewal, you know, the 1950s vapor when excited visionaries got congress to spend good money tear down the original downtowns and established ethnic  neighborhoods as they did in Grand Rapids, destroying the West Side and much of the picturesque Division Ave.

So far as I know, the Silver Line has not performed especially well; one hears little about its ridership leading me to believe that its not great, else the proprietors would have crowed loudly.

To keep the balance sheets accurately; weve spent 40 million to construct the Silver Line, 15.3 million in extra taxes imposed the 350,000 people who live in the 6 cities involved in The Rapid network (thats 44 dollar for each man woman and child in Kentwood, or 2.2 million.)


There has been no interest on the part of investors in properties on South Div, no applications for new housing or businesses, not even any more hot pillow joints, none. The area is an economic zero.

I have no idea where the inspiration for sending more money down this rathole arose. Economically,  eliminating Planning would save us a lot of grief, but saving money, like telling the truth, is an orphan.


I have personally published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, and on the other hand, resigned my Fellowship in the American College of Physicians (publisher of the Annals) in part because of a wildly irresponsible article that they published 35 years ago; nevertheless.


I was not at the symposium, but I know a physician who was. The symposium was excellent, and disturbing. It seems that the Annals, which is one of the fairly reputable 5 general medical mags, gets hundreds of articles submitted for publication and sends most out for peer review. Many are graded as worthy by these “experts” in the fields which the article addresses.


These vetted articles are then sent out for statistical analysis, just routine number crunching to be sure that the research was relevant and valid. NINETY-SIX percent are rejected as being “underpowered” and/or as having other scientific irregularities.  Only 4% get published in the Annals, but 80% of the rest show up in other journals, so the medical literature is overburdened by this flotsam.


These rejected articles often involve novel treatments (probably few are likely to cause harm, but….) on patients done as part of “research” but are so poorly designed that they will add not one Iota of insight into clinical problems.


One of the main points brought out last evening was that there is a lot of junk science out there in the medical wasteland that includes useless and even possibly harmful research.


The reason why I obsess over this “scientific” blather is my increasing recognition that “there is a lot more known than is necessarily true.” If we in medicine can’t design good experiments and our “experts” can’t recognize garbage when they see it, how much confidence can we place in the copious outpourings of the “social sciences” like sociology, political science, economics, psychology, drug rehab, anthropology and the like?


The hard science of physics and chemistry have reproducible, boring experiments that allow for engineering of stuff like bridges, computers and gasoline.


The biological sciences are a step down from the hard sciences,and are a lot less predictable and reproducible. If we try to apply biology, as we do in medicine, the reproducible  is much harder to achieve which is why physicians, especially recently trained ones get a thorough grounding in statistics and the scientific method. Nevertheless, a lot of nonsense and superstition creeps into medical practice.


You’ll notice that hard sciences are boring, and that the semi-hard ones like biology and medicine are often discussed.


The soft sciences as detailed above are part of the daily conversations on the streets and workplaces yet they rely on “surveys” “scholarly opinion” and armchair reasoning; no basis at all to command our allegiance. Yet we use these to structure our government programs, to make things happen, stuff that’s often tragic for a lot of people.


Sociologists told us that we needed a welfare program, and then seem puzzled that the African American family and more recently white family disappears.  Educational experts deemed more education as a cure for economic malaise, and then seem mystified when college grads and even Ph.Ds work at jobs where they wear paper hats. Political and Military scientists sent my young butt to the Central Highlands.


So, the point of that excellent symposium funded by the Devos family is not some blather about the internet, but rather that we should be skeptical about the whole “scientific” jape.


Online Sales Simplification Act of 2015that would make it easier for states to tax online purchases, while also limiting the states’ power by allowing for something known as an “origin-based” sales tax. States would tax Internet sales based on the seller’s location rather than the buyer’s,

I’m not conceding that the BP oil spill was a good thing, but this one sided presentation is a bit over the top. In fact, as I predicted in an article published in 5 years ago, there was an explosion of life in the “afflicted” gulf. Shrimpers are having record harvests and many fish stocks are at unprecedented levels. The die off of salt water mammals seems miniscule and its documentation anecdotal at best, I mean,”consistent with the timing and spatial distribution with the (Deepwater Horizon) oil spill,” is as “scientific” as it gets. Heaven help us if these are the bozos who get to spend a billion or more on pubilisizing their ideology and self interest in a long career parasitic on the fines from BP.

I’ll reproduce my article, just to infuriate nitwits;

I dont understand the commotion over oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico when a drilling operation went sour. Oil has always oozed out of the ground to foul land, lakes and oceans. Thats how people first discovered the stuff.

In nature some oil on the surface evaporates off as naphtha (probably the basis of Greek fire). Other oil is digested by bacteria converting it into simple organic compounds that other organisms feast on, leading to a localized exuberant biodiversity. The heavier components of oil remain as lumps called bitumen or asphalt.

The Dead Sea was called Lake Asphaltites because of the gooey pebbles that floated onto the surface from underwater seeps. This asphalt was used on Egyptian Mummies. Oil found floating on lakes or in puddles was used by Indians to caulk canoes, and as medicines. In ueber environmentalist Santa Barbara County in California an estimated 11 to 160 barrels of oil seep into the ocean daily and have for countless centuries; the locals have made attempts at capping it.

Oil exists under the surface of the earth under pressure that causes it to seep to the surface by any available route. When a well is drilled into a pocket of contained oil the pressure forces it to gush out and over the wellhead. The pressure in the pool of drilled oil gradually falls, and the seep ceases. In this way, oil drilling actually has stopped numerous spills of oil onto the surface where it fouled land and water for eons.

The British Petroleum accident allows environmentalist to make arguments against offshore drilling. If environmentalists really wanted to preserve pristine nature, they would be appalled that drilling for oil has interfered with widespread oil seeps that enriched the environment before man messed things up.

The lingo used in this article is some sort of shibboleth; As we fire through the latest and greatest devices faster than ever cell phones, tablets, TVs, laptops and more it is critical that consumers, businesses, and communities safely recycle their toxic techis possibly poetry, but only aspires to English prose.

Economically, recycling in the USA is generally pointless. As was pointed out (I think), general household trash needs government subsidies and the only participants are the simple fervent environmentalists from the 1970s still mumbling about their messiah.

Nonetheless, there is a point lurking here about toxic heavy metals that goes beyond poisoning the lakes and pregnant women. I think of it as being part of the oligodynamic effect.This has been detailed in numerous environmental and microbiologic article of which I cite a recent one

It seems that essentially all of the heavy metals, especially silver and mercury act like antibiotics to select antibiotic resistant strains of micro-organisms. If one samples bacteria from an environment,say a field of corn, where there has never been the deposit of metals, the bacteria will generally be sensitive to our usual antibiotics. The soil or tailings near a tin or lead mine contains microbes that are resistant to not only heavy metals, but also antibiotics like tetracycline or  streptomycin type drugs. These effects result from almost vanishingly tiny concentrations of metals, concentrations that might result from the mercury emissions from coal burning power plants or the disposal of electronics.

Antibiotic use in the veterinary and medical fields probably does not lead to the emergence of the genetic elements that lead to antibiotic resistance. Darwins spontaneous generation does not occur in hospitals. However, antibiotic use as well as the tiny amounts of heavy metals that bleed into the environments of farms and modern hospitals do select out the resistant strains, so leading to the clinical problems of failing antibiotic effectiveness and the increasing need for newer and more expensive medications to treat always more resistant strains.

I guess that Id agree that we need to recycle our electronics along with discouraging coal burning. (I dont know what happens when I turn my cellphone back to MetroPCS next week for a new one, but I trust that a major name brand would dispose of it responsibly.)

Once these metals get loose, theres no way of getting them back. And there are consequences that greatly increase the costs of medical care.


Public Planning and the Destruction of Wealth.

We were among the victims of Planning and Zoning in Grand Rapids. We owned 3 acres of mostly swamp on the East Beltline SE and foresaw selling it. The property to our south, a magnificent seven acres on high ground and wooded, was for sale. We and that neighbor were surrounded by office buildings and a half mile from Woodland and Eastbrook malls.  Neither of us had garbage collection, water/sewer connections, public schools, parks or grocery stores in sight, but nevertheless we were zoned residential when commercial or even industrial seemed reasonable. The owners of the seven acres who tried repeatedly to change the zoning, all to no avail.

Burton Ridge apartments, quiet, prosperous and settled rental units were on our north. They owned 40 acres of developable land behind us that were platted and prepared for apartment construction at least twice. Burton Ridge were the real victim here.

They held out for about 12 years but finally acceded to city planning. The one called me up and asked me to buy it instead of letting the city steal it; the price was ridiculously low but I saw no future in owning two properties coveted by unscrupulous bureaucrats.

The city plans, based on some transient theory, dictated a low income housing project be built on the seven acres, and sure enough, the buildings went up and were occupied. Things started to disappear and vandalized from our garage, and I tried to institute security to no avail. Burton Ridge renters were really aggravated. I heard complaints of attempted break ins, cars damaged and of confrontations with young thugs. Two of the long term occupants that I knew by name left.

About a year after the housing project was finished, the developer, wanting to build another 36 units, approached us with an offer that was $100,000 short of our asking, but it was better than nothing so we took it. Best thing that we ever did since it got us out of the high tax, no services City of Grand Rapids and into Fox Chase Condos in Kentwood with its low taxes and a wonderful life style.

We count ourselves winners. It was worth $100,000 to get rid of the aggravation related to our new neighbors.

The owners of Burton Ridge lost good renters and the the 40 acres of land behind us has and will not be developed; who would? The mainly elderly occupants who moved had to find new lives elsewhere; their lives were disrupted.

But the minor irritation imposed on me by GR zoning and planning commission did not start with having to move and losing a few bucks. I understand that you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet, and what right do I have to enjoying my egg when great social goods need to be satisfied?

No, the outrage started after we agreed to sell.

The developer, call him Charlie, was a 40 year old from Cleveland, a nice guy who would fly in and manage the project through completion. I got to be his buddy citing my erstwhile real estate license and wanting to learn how the business works.

The sleaze became first showed itself when a young fellow with hot,  burning fanatical eyes, showed up with his brand new SUV marking him as an An Environmental Engineer.He asked permission and then spent 3 days wandering our 3 acres. He asked to see my basement with its old paint cans and epoxy left over from building many boats. On the second day, he called in a consultant and I overheard them saying Of course its wetland, look at those trilliums!(Had I known, I would have mowed that portion of lawn or spread Scotts weed and seed to make it dry land, but wet lands it would be.) The environmental engineer proceeded to mark off most of the front and sides of our acreage. Not much room for 36 apartment and it looked grim, but not for long! Two weeks later, the engineer re-appeared and moved all of his flags at least 75 feet down the lawn and toward the swamp, room enough for our project to proceed. Oh, and then, when the plans changed a year later, he re-appeared and moved the flags to the side of the property to accommodate a parking lot and road. Strange how wetlands can change like that, but who am I to impute financial pressures on our environmentalist that it may have been necessary to deploy?

Charlie took me to at least two city planning commission meeting where he presented his case. He was introduced as a developer who is well known….skilled…does good projectsas though this were necessary. He and I would sit at the back where he would mock some of the commissioners, telling me what each would say and the like. Not that the commissioners didnt make fools of themselves on their own. One mentioned that the current recommendation that hed read about, was for office buildings to be placed next to the road and parking be behind the building.

The commissioners all called Charlie by his first name, and he knew each by their official title. Cozy, you might say. The project went through.

Kris and I did have to go to Okemos for the closing; seems that Charlie was in Michigan that day to play golf. I was too polite to enquire further.



 Manufacturing, especially in mature industries like autos’,  has a dismal future. Cars have become computers with some mechanical elements. GM/Ford, as businesses, make their money from finance, and as corporations, function as defined benefit pension plans that sell the occasional unloved car. But the business and state bureaucrats and legislators live to fight the last battle, so subsidies, training of workers and tax breaks for robots that replace workers go on despite the contradictions. 

A robot replaces one workers if the machine costs less than 150k (my latest info.) There is money to be made in designing, building and marketing this automation of work and there are some in Michigan who have undertaken this business.

The underlying fatal flaw in these reports (boilerplate? Haglund is notoriously devoid of ideas)  is the attitude that MIchiganis responsible for our livelihoods and flourishing. He says:iIf only some thinker could design the winning formula that would turn our few kids (low birthrates) and the many unemployed auto workers, born into original stupidity and supplied with 16 years of schooling by society, into wealthy ward heelers, team players dancing in a conga line with the state of Michigan where, properly conditioned, they will lead the good life.  All that social engineering! In school they are socialized,hear that capitalism and greed are bad,  and that being crowded into inner cities with great public transit and no cars is the boot camp for heaven. The media/government/education cabal obsess that weneed to become team players and of caring for the less fortunate.

These resulting trained fleas will hum along smoothly and never deviate from familiar humdrum into unsettled circumstances where they have to innovate, improvise,  or evolve into something new. Haglund and the the social engineers who write this balderdash envision Michiganas God marching on Earth.  

There are possible solutions for the penury into which some folks in Michigan are sliding. Greed, no training by the State to become like the next manufactured man or woman, get rid of dysfunctional regulations, taxes and the accompanying rigidities, get rid of planning and zoning (these, according to the Economist, costs the US economy 13.5% of its potential growth and is the major cause of the poor getting relatively poorer,  we need to learn from Houston>) Let people sin, make terrible mistakes, and never envy the individual his enjoyment of whatever prosperity he earns.


Libertarians generally believe in individual responsibility, relegating to the state only that which they cannot easily do for themselves. One such delegation is a monopoly on the use of violence to protect property and lives.  Were comfortable with a small army and of police answering 911 calls when some of our rights have been violated.  The army and police are distinctive in the USA.

The history and rationale of policing is a comparatively recent. Until around 1800, cities were small and protection of lives and property was an individual thing using heavy doors, sturdy locks and weapons in the hands of householders. A night watch man patrolled after dark, called out the hours and raised the alarm when he witnessed crime. Sherifs who investigated crime and arrested miscreants worked with the county justice system. The industrial revolution made cities large, wealthy and crime more apparent. A theory based on a few anecdotes emerged that it was better to prevent crime than it was to merely punish criminals. Cities would hire men who would walk the streets watching for suspicious activity and that this surveillance would forestall crime.  The name policewas related to polisthe greek word for city.  New York City had the first police force in the USA in 1840. The image of the cops that most of us have is of a mildly obese, garrulous, red faced Irishman who occasionally uses his nightstick on errant youngsters to steer them away from a life of crime, but who is often in bed with the local mob. I grew up in an neighborhood where bootlegging had been a way of life; all of the distillerssons became township policemen, one needed to protect the business.

There was a crime wave after WW2 with violent crime peaking in the mid 1970s and all crime in 1980. Governments did nothing until the mid 1990s when President Clinton arranged to hire an additional 100,000 policemen nationwide. The three strikeslaws were passed in about half of the states and the broken windowtheory was enacted by Mayor Giuliani in NY City, with the controversial stop and friskgambit, directed at male minorities. These unconstitutional searches often found illegalweapons and chemicals deemed to be drugsleading to arrests. Prisons filled up and men disappeared from African American neighborhoods.

As stop and frisk became unpalatable, another subterfuge needed to be deployed. In Kentwood (and in many other cities) our police chief is very proud of his DDACTS program. The following is from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration web site.


Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) is a law enforcement operational model supported by a partnership among the Department of Transportations National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and two agencies of the Department of Justice: the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Justice.

DDACTS integrates location-based crime and traffic data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources. Using geomapping to identify areas that have high incidences of crime and crashes, DDACTS uses traffic enforcement strategies that play a dual role in fighting crime and reducing crashes and traffic violations. Drawing on the deterrent of highly visible traffic enforcement and the knowledge that crime often involves the use of motor vehicles, the goal of DDACTS is to reduce the incidence of crime, crashes, and traffic violations across the country.

Our chief identifies about the 4 or 5 high crime areas of Kentwood (understand our public housing) where he concentrates his patrols. The cops look for minor infractions on of the fifteen year old beaters that impoverished minorities drive, and in which they usually finding drugs.Looking for crime in and area vastly increases the likelihood of finding crime which in turn validates the initial premise that the DDACTS areas are high crime areas.  Residents in these areas seem to fall into two categories. The younger black men who are often unemployed and despise the public schools hang around in public

qualified immunity an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Older, settled African American

Im not denying that minorities are innocent here; the

Lately cops have become controversial. Their all too often abuses of their state conferred monopoly on power can now be documented on cell phones, published on social media, amplified by moribund newspapers, television and various political groups who thrive on controversy to arouse minorities into riot. Notice that the neighborhood was no longer being observed for evidence of suspicious activity, but rathe

Sturgeons Revelation states that 90% of everything is crap, so I immediately detected odor (not the first whiff in the commission chambers that evening) when our highly respected city judge proposed that his Kentwood court host a sobriety court,  you know, the contrivances imposing substance-abuse interventions and treatment on defendants who plead guilty of driving while intoxicated or impaired.

Some background; I had served on the Grand Rapids Mayors Task Force on Drugs 15 years ago and researched the scientific literature. There was only one good clinical trial and it showed that even a well funded alcohol rehab trial was no better than threatening the miscreant with severe punishment if he were caught drunk again. Our judge cited some case-controlstudies (close to worthless, but convincing enough for the commission) to put me down. Some other political body would provide the $160k, it was a partial return to Kentwood of taxes that would be sent elsewhere.  I voted yeswith everyone else and he implemented the hustle. The judge was told that he should not expect ongoing funding from Kentwood when the 3 year grant ran out.

Not content with the status quo, the judge recently sent out a widely noised study funded by The Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionalswhich touted the Ignition Interlock Systems that detect alcohol on the breath of drunks and prevents them from starting their cars. He misinterpreted it as showing the effectiveness of sobriety courts. The actual research focused only on Interlocks, commercial products imposed on clients in sobriety courts as allegedly diminishing recidivism as well as other crimes. The authors, trying to bolster their argument, included not just one but two comparison groups, one from a sobriety court and the other from a court using traditional probationers. On page 40, youll notice that there is scarce difference in alcohol recidivism between these two groups at 1,2, and at 3 years.

My point is not especially that sobriety courts are useless (although they are.) The main researcher, (a professor from GVSU, my old haunt) was doing marketing work on Interlocks, a series of commercial products. He never gave the data comparing sobriety courts with standard probationerscourts a second glance; it supported his objective on Interlocks, so he innocently told the truth on sobriety courts. His job was to Evaluate Interlocks, What are sobriety courts?Like many social science studiesthat get reported, this one showed a favorable result for Interlocks, just like previous studies that compared standard probationers courts to sobriety courts showed the superiority of the latter.

This study illustrates the degradation of enquiry in colleges and universities; most of what the social sciences investigate is thinly disguised marketing research done to please someone in business, the press or for our purposes, government. Tools used to investigate human affairs, surveys, experiments with students as subjects, retrospective looks at large data bases and the like, always require investigator interpretation on input variables, what criteria and tools to use in analysis and what studies to report. Negative studies never get reported. Publicity always gets a better deal than integrity, and a researcher who finds unfavorable, even once too often, loses funding. Social science researchers tout their probity in the daylight. At night and in the dim light of anonymity, prostitutes want their money.


Rather, I want to point out the invalidity and irrelevance of the social or softsciences. Social sciences are the non-physics and non Chemistry academic specialties. Some parts of biology are hard sciences, but, as our statistician daughter repeatedly points out to us, much of medicine is not. (My wife and I are retired physicians.)


The soft sciences start off with great ideas and try to do scientific researchwith statistics, surveys, even experiments to bolster their opinions and then implement them in government or industry just like hard scientific theories are applied in engineering. These soft scientists even think of themselves as social engineers.But their research and studies never reveal consistent results. When they apply their recommendations, the effects are often perverse and, instead of revising their theories, they constantly try to correct the


no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. quit living in his head all the time. Sturgeons Revelation90% of everything is crap.

I was drunk sounds better than I was stupid” He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts, for support rather than illumination. Lenten visitor-too old or drunk to perform-G Greene”

Thanks for the followup; this is a case control study, not very sound in its methodology. What I don’t understand is why no one does a random controlled study. This paper has 600 folks in each arm; what’s wrong with assigning the locks randomly and then following the individuals? 

Most social sciences research/surveys/studies are worthless, but this one contains information that the raw material is at least available. Good research is possible with correct, and not even very expensive. randomization and follow through.


So, yesterday I looked up the “methods and materials” used to generate this report. It’s a flawed case control study, virtually worthless, but it’s likely to be cited as “scientific” by those who may have a vested interest. I put it to sleep.
But then, this morning I open my NYT and there at the top left hand corner is an opinion piece on a topic that is a sore point known among those who have been in departments where research and publishing is done. A light went on. 
In any case, I revisited that state wide report which Judge Kelly had mistakenly labelled as showing the effectiveness of sobriety courts. It shows nothing of the sort. 

The thrust of the report is that alcohol detecting devices that stop the miscreant from starting his car seem to have some effect after 2 of even 3 years. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, the research is still flawed.

Unconsciously the author (from GVSU, I got an MBA and taught marketing there 25 years ago; they have obviously since improved their standards) included the results of the sobriety courts compared to traditional probationers 

See page 10 with the bar graphs. I can’t reproduce them here but the two left grouping show clearly no difference between sobriety courts and traditional probationers at 1,2 and 3 years. If anything, the sobriety courts have a poorer result.

Sorry about being so obstreperous.


Our own Sobriety Court, the Nature of Knowing, and Clearing the Mind of Cant


The 62nd District Court in located in Kentwood and represents justice to our residents. It is local and to some extent under the control of our citizens, an excellent example of small government. This happy parochial scene was interrupted when we took on a federal grant to start a sobriety court,a program that aspires to combine punishment for repeated drunk driving with alcohol and drug rehab. I, of course objected since no one has ever produced evidence that these rehab programs are effective. The only real random clinical trialwas done in the 1990s and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It demonstrated the long term reduction of one drink per day  in the treated group compared to those who were told to stop drinking or else lose their jobs. Treatment cost about $10, 000 at a time when that was serious money.

Judge Kelly, whom I highly respect, cited some poorly done studiesthat supported the institution of sobriety courts. These consisted of  anecdotes like We instituted sobriety courts and our success is much better than in the next county where they didnt.”  This kind of scienceis unfortunately prevalent in the general population although it would draw jeers at any meeting of physicians or statisticians. The commission approved implementing sobriety courts since it cost our city nothing. I may have voted for it.


So the program is running and weve gotten enthusiastic reports of how well its being received.

Then Judge Kelly sent around a study that evaluated the use of alcohol detection devices on cars


If the state legislature really wants to improve the livelihoods and scenery for citizens of this great State, they would invest in the porn industry and not fritter our tax money away on cornball and cheesy Hollywood inspired movies like “Birdman.” (“Boyhood,” on the other hand, was a work of Genius.)  


Fifty million would have a serious impact on this small subculture of the cinema business and could move the filmakers and marketing guys to our fair peninsulae. 


I’d intuit that the out put from this art, which is video is distributed mostly on the internet necessitating bigger glass fibers around the state .


And if the legislators were serious about retaining young folks in Michigan, why, they’d have to love putting our  young folks, ones who could perform several times a day, to work as actors.  That would certainly help diminish some of the obesity that worries some.


Porn does not require a sunny, warm outdoors, rather the insides of a worn out apartment in the UP would do as well as a full professional studio. All one needs is some electricity, warmth, a couch or a bed.   It’s likely to be hard on the bed though.


The costs of entry and exit from the industry are low and attractive to poorly capitalized, struggling rural and inner city entrepreneurs who, let’s face it, shouldn’t mind imitating and exhibiting what they admire on reality TV.


Let a thousand point of lighting brighten Michigan! Porn is the ticket out of our malaise. 


Or to extend the Teamster’s mantra not just … a good job creator for the state,but the logical extension of our “Pure Michigan” campaign.   Er. maybe we should reconsider that last bit of fluff.


“The public body is not allowed to consider differences between the quality of the bids,”


Nonsense. I just went through my 2 June 15 Kentwood city commission meeting packet looking for bids on projects that our city funded, parks, fixing up some buildings and the like. Costs were in the $2000-60,000 range so relatively small potatoes, contractors with a half dozen employees, guys selling stuff made in small shops….

We rejected the low bidder 2/4 times, meaning that we elected to go with slightly more expensive companies, based on our experience with using them, the time it would take for them to complete the job, the helpfulness of the bidder in pointing out inadequacies of the city’s own requirements, etc.

Using the “Davis-Bacon” formulae imposed on the state’s projects increases those hourly costs by 6 or more dollars per hour, and does nothing to protect the taxpayer. In fact, these provisions limit the bids made and the choices available to decision makers at the state and federal levels, interfering with the free markets on the one side and trying to confer monopoly powers on one construction union.

Prevailing wage provisions confers on this illegitimately coercing group the the extra money needed to continue to lobby the state legislature, an excellent investment from their point of view.

Id look into the campaign finance of the states legislators who vote to retain this relic from the Hoover era to smoke out some sort of truth. And supporting Bacon-Davs should make the outfit that terms itself non-partisan, fact-based journalism alive in Michigancringe.

Bacon Davis was passed at the behest of labor unions seeking to exclude African Americans from competing on federal construction contracts. Is that what you want?


The problem of South Division.


The city commission is to meet with the planning commission in a special session on 30 Jun 15; I will not be able to attend. The purpose is to discuss development of our portion of South Division. It seems that the Silver Line, touted as being a huge stimulus to redevelopment of that strip has failed to create investment even after 4 years of building stations and of politicians and desperate Rapid officials promising economic development.


Like all roads, it was merely a slit of public access in a sea of private farm land when designated in the 1830s. Later, the privately built and maintained plank road allowed team of oxen and horses to move between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, for a toll, of course. There would have been scattered inns and horse shoeing places along Plank Road, but no reason to have large commercial buildings.

The road way was probably taken over by the state around 1900 and renamed South Division. This highway would have started attracting stores, movie houses, motels and restaurants and a few private homes south from downtown Grand Rapids for two reasons.


The city commission is now bent on finding some way to rejuvenateSouth Division.   I dont know why wed worry except that the strip seems to consume a disproportionate a amount of police resources, and the tax base could be increased if the population and businesses were to return. Many of South Divisions problems were created by governmental do-goodish. I dont see giving these same actors that authority to reverse their mess.

Rejuvenate implies a return to a previous youth, a better time. So we need to review the economic history of South Division. Well see that the sorrows of those bygone days are nobodys savior.

The road led to Kalamazoo and it paralleled the all important rail lines. Factory districts and working class neighborhoods like Cottage Grove, GM, and Steelcase  factories developed because raw material and finished products could be moved to factories and stores. Organic neighborhoods with work places, stores and entertainment evolved all within walking distances of each other. Housing was inexpensive and not regulated. One bought a place near where the husband worked (often ethnic considerations intervened,) women stayed at home, cooked, sewed clothing, shopped every few days walking to the nearby supermarket, bakeries and butchers for fresh food since the iceboxes operated only fitfully.  Kids walked to the parochial or public schools and quit when they were 16 years old. Men walked to the factories or used the family car for business. They patronized local businesses with whom they had personal connections.

South Division businesses also catered to the heavy truck and automotive traffic between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. The daily shopping from the neighborhood and the needs of travelers along the thoroughfare supported the myriad of small shops and tradesmen in that simpler era.

All this came to an end about 50 years ago. The standard of living had improved and folks stopped having huge families. They could afford a second car and wives needed to go to work to pay for the nicer house in the suburbs. No one felt energetic enough to spend a few hours weekly walking to a local small shop when Meijers Thrifty Acres, Rogers, Eastbrook and other malls were just a short drive away and offered so much more at lower prices.

The final blow came when 131 opened, robbing South Division of its traffic. Motels, restaurants, auto repair shops, distributorships and the like died. Buildings disappeared and the resulting empty lots hosted used car lots. Low end businesses came and went. It acquired a reputation where one could buy illegal drugs or sex.  

Now come the Urban Planners who never yet saw a stable failure that they wouldnt try to make worse. There was free moneyaround and so they built a Silver LIne up the middle of South Division, promising that it would resurrect Lazarus, but theres not been a flicker of life after four years. What to do?

Well, theres always the deeper mysteries of Smart Growth. What our Planners envision for South Division is an eight mile long strip mall with stores on the first floor and apartments full of bright young folks on the second and third floors, all of them visiting their favorite bars and coffee shops daily, strolling among outdoor cafes while talking about internet startups, in January yet. The Planning Svangalis  would re-zone this area into something called form basedcode which means moving 80 year old buildings festooned with awnings projecting over the sidewalks closer to South Division, parking cars behind the buildings, planting trees in the space between the sidewalk and street and slowing or even preventing auto traffic on the road by marking the pavement for bicycle lanes. Cars would be forced into the two central unmarked lanes greatly increasing the likelihood of collisions. (Cars are the enemy for these guys.) The buildings would house businesses that catered to the walk in crowd on the first floor and rental units on upper floors.

Politicians in Michigan and other failed states bought into the notion that computer savvy young people would return from Houston, California and Georgia based on studiesand surveysthat showed that smart, progressive young people were avoiding getting drivers licenses, preferred public transit and living in downtown walkablecommunities which Urban Planners would provide. They would return in droves to Buffalo, Flint, Newberry…..A Miracle!


Ive not been converted.  There is virtually no vehicular traffic on South Division and with New Urbanism, there will be less. Why would a merchant or saloon keeper start a business if few customers see his signs? The neighborhoods along South Division are not the most prosperous and wont support upscale businesses. The residents living within a half mile of the road have long since forgotten how to walk and it will take a federal program to re- inculcate that habit before the proposed sidewalks on South Division will be flooded with eager shoppers and gawkers.

The more fundamental problem arises in finding the businesses that our Planners assume will populate this 2 mile long strip. 28th Street and Alpine Avenue carry an enormous amount of vehicular traffic and have attracted almost all of the national chains that are today deliver the bulk of commerce, but our mayor has struggled manfully to attract just two franchised businesses to our 28th Street corridor even as Ruby Tuesday closed. Serious money will not go to a strip mall to which customers have trouble gaining access. The poorly capitalized and inexperienced businesses, small oriental stores, tattoo parlors, payday lending, a few off brand fast food joints, prostitutes and drug dealers are already there and struggling.

The bottom line is that the population and their earnings is a zero sum game that will support only so many retail outlets. These have long since been established elsewhere. If our Planners foresee new, upscale businesses for the South Division corridor, these will have to be enticed from elsewhere using tax money taken from successful businesses on 28th Street. I dont think that those businessmen will be sympathetic.

I had played with the idea of getting rid of the zoning and planning for So. Division to allow for industrial and more open commercial use. Small factories and distributorships would have great access to the nearby 131 expressway and provide jobs for nearby residents. But nearby are the enormous and empty GM and Steelcase factories; the problem is, once more, that there are too few businesses to use the space.

I blame the public schools for preaching that success is fitting in and getting a good job after finishing instead of dropping out and making the effort of starting your own business.

Just because I have no ideas about what to do about the economic zero on South Division doesnt elevate the schemes of our Planners to anything more than evanescent fantasy.


The sorrows of history are nobodys savior


And South Division also  Life in the 1940s and 1950s was far from idyllic, but as economically efficient as available resources allowed. It was probably paved in part beginning in the 1920s when cars and trucks overtook horses and oxen, but a big impetus to paving was that women in homes and businesses along the route hated the mud, dust and manure that tracked in.


The late Col. Arthur F Shaw was a prominent politician (city commission) and judge in Grand Rapids in the 1920s through 1950. We rented from him (age 94) and his wife when we first settled in Grand Rapids. He would sit on his porch in the Hill District and reminisce.  The Grand Raids Downtown property owners owned the city commission and prevented stores and other businesses from starting within the city, so preserving their monopolies. With the increasing availability of cars, Development continued along


We just returned from a  two week work/biking trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The county is a tourist attraction and there is enormous economic activity related to this. New restaurants, building onto hotels, buses  with retirees from NYC and Philly rolling through the countryside pestering the Anabaptists, much to their irritation. It made me want to look into the highly touted Pure Michigan thing.

This began as an advertising campaign launched in 2006 by the state of Michigan as a subsidiary of our MEDC. The latest figure available to me shows costs to taxpayers 30 million per year. Supporters use the figure of 1.2 billion dollars spent in Michigan by visitors, peddling Pure Michigan as a handsome return on investment.




We can get a handle on Pure Michigans impact by inspecting the BLS labor statistics I tallied the total number of jobs in 6 states in the north central USA and the number of jobs in the Leisure & Hospitality categories. Total jobs in the states fell in four of those states, rising only modestly in Indiana and Pennsylvania. Jobs in tourism related businesses like restaurants, recreation, and hotels rose in all 6 states but to different degrees.


Jobs in Hospitality (000)    Jan 2005 May 2015      Gain over 10 years


Mi.                                      405 421       16


Ill.                                        505 565    60


In.                                        274 301     27


Oh                                        498 547     49


Wi.                                        252 272    20


Pa.                                        480 551    71


It seems that the 5 states that didnt advertise their tourist attractions had a much greater increase in the number of jobs than did Michigan. Pure Michiganprobably repelled visitors rather than attracted them.

Advertising is an unnatural process; its more fun just to do something to see if the thing makes money. The nicest thing about not advertising is that failure costs nothing.


The Cowardice of Politicians faced with Muscled Opposition, or was it an Impending Election and Memory of 2 Years Ago?


Something that I miss in political life is double entry book keeping, and Im not just referring to financial statements. In Much is to be said for assigning expenses to one column and pairing it off with income, of explaining how a property is owned, the depreciation of an asset, and profit. Instead we are faced with disjointed statements of inflows or needs for funding something or another at one meeting, then two weeks later what to do about mountains of cash that have accumulated that are dedicated to some purpose or another. We are told of buildings that have been built but never depreciated. Then suddenly we are informed that one needs a new roof or to be point-tucked, but that theres no sinking fund to pay for these predictable expenses.

The big noise last evening at the committee of the whole meeting involved the requests of about 5 (but about 10 burly guys showed up) homeowners who wanted us to allow them to keep fences, sheds and gardens in easements that served as drainage ditches for the excess water in their neighborhood.  These structures partially blocked the flow of water in those shallow ditches, but everyone in the neighborhood had added something to this area of the commons, and the effect was water retention in the neighborhood. If every owner inserted enough into the commons to back water up only one inch, the effect of having 12 such obstructions would be to raise the water table by a foot. This extra water would keep basements damp and cause an occasional flooding. More generally, the excess water provided areas where mosquitos could breed, water for termites, prevented many plants and lawns from growing because their roots were under water, and increased molds in the soil.


It was pointed out that most of the owners were not aware that 1) what easements were and that their property was burdened, and 2) the effect on their property if drainage were impeded.  


“Michigan must remain focused on improving education to produce a smarter workforce” 


The shell game here is that we should be turning out better manufactured school kids because they are good employees. Bullfighters! Thats not what is needed.

We need new industries, but these facile, shallow college grads are not risk takers, innovators or the sort that will hunker down for decades building wealth, but rather are docile followers who want a small paycheck and bigger bennies. 


We are to believe that young technologically adept, caring and sharing millennials will create jobs; clearly this is pie in the sky. They will likely move to places that are ideologically compatible, funky places with walkable communities, bike paths and bars that look like a Super-Bowl beer commercials (like in the report on Portland Or. which was featured in the NYT some months ago) where they will be hired for a minimum wages, live on trust funds and fail to found families. These folks, indoctrinated in public schools and in elite universities, militantly will not start new businesses.


Give me the ambitious 40 or 50 year old with a gritty past, who has dreamed, saved, worried and prepared himself in marketing, finances, management and the technical aspects of an enterprise. He can do addition in his head and ignores calculus, reads road signs, not Mlive, and drives a pickup. He puts up with the corporate nonsense for years, gets screwed over, quits and then takes the plunge.
We dont need more employees, the unemployment rate is sky high already. We need ambition, greed, even avarice, the qualities of soul that come with age and a hard life, but character traits that have unfortunately been hectored out of millennial youngsters during their fashionable and politically correct toilet training.

Accounting statements of public bodies are notoriously slippery. The web site for the rapid is labelled as operating expenses in very small print; it ignores capital expenditures altogether, “because the federal and state governments pay for them.” So let me assign the 40 million construction costs to the 685k riders (ignore the cannibalization from Rt. 1), and the cost per ride is north of 60 dollars per trip. And that does not include the 30 million for the repair garage and the defined benefit pension plan that they will never be able to pay.


The other issue has to do with “resurrection” of So. Division. The model is a rail line in Cleveland; their Silver Line was luckily sited near several thriving businesses. Possibly, there were 5.8 billion of new construction there, but none was due to the new streetcar. The one business that I know well is the Cleveland Clinic. It has had the good luck of being the destination for tens of thousands of desperate, monied Canadians seeking medical care after their government stopped funding hospital infrastructure up there about 20 years ago. The Clinic built a 350 million dollar radiation unit. Folks who stick around for the 6 week treatment stay in the new hotels and eat at the restaurants that were developed around that facility. 

The Cleveland Clinic isn’t even known for its oncology unit. It does cardiology very well and I don’t know by how much those operations expanded. Meanwhile, the Cleveland population lost over 13 percent of its population from 2000-13, the folks leaving for Texas where they won’t have to waste money on streetcars. Where is the gain for the taxpayers and residents?


In Kentwood’s 2 mile half of So Division, there has been no interest in real estate, prices and sales are stagnant even after we in Kentwood have spent 2 million of poor people’s taxes annualy for four years now. But markets should move in anticipation of future values, and the fact that they haven’t changed indicates the glum prospects for that stretch of highway, especially after the Urban planners have managed to foul things up. 

Our Kentwood city commission has entertained 3 proposals for businesses in the last 2 years. One was for a marijuana clinic which was discouraged by Planning (bad choice on their part.) Another,  last month, for a drug rehab unit was angrily kicked over the side by the neighbors and local public schools. I see a proposal for a food pantry/day care center/church in the pipeline. At this pace, we will have Asian groceries, Salvation Army and sweaty gymnasiums in a few decades. These are all valuable ventures, but hardly the stuff of “vibrant communities” pictured so airily by the used car salesmen who promoted the Silver Line. Vargas addressed our city commission last fall and pulled his punches; So. Division would be prosper only after 10 years. The present value of something political to “help business” in 10 years is nil.


Our mayor has labored mightily to bring new businesses to Kentwood, and succeeded twice. Dave and Buster, and Trader Joes both sited on a busy stretch of 28th street. The mayor didn’t advance South Division for these new and exciting ventures. Why would he? The plans for this stretch are for strangling automotive traffic, bike lanes and outdoor cafes for a Michigan January, and replicating the rotting tourist traps that empty out after labor day. No one with money and business smarts would invest in such a scam, and none do.


I nearly spat out my dentures when I saw this article; it takes off on the comment I posted on

1 year later, $40M Silver Line attracts riders as future remains a guessing game

8/30/2015 9:34 AM

and in numerous places on my blogsite;


Why is this opinion? It should be a headline News article. It popped up on my android as news (else I would not have seen it,)  but buried on the regular Mlive web page as “opinion.” Braun has it right! We need to allocate costs and benefits on a per person basis, to show the disasters that our legislators and unelected regulators wreak on taxpayers and the victims of the ever more complex nonsense that these Svangalis fantasize. They voted to support the rapacious Sales tax increase in May without having the faintest idea of costs on the individual, opine that “we save for small expenses but borrow for the big ones” and force applicants who want to build stuff to comply with codes that are often useless and economically harmful. 

The sad truth is that our Kentwood residents, among others, pay for the ongoing loses of the Silver Line, will have to pay for the “rebuilding” of So. Division if the current legislators have their way, and will need to find other routes to drive to shop and to their jobs as these planners “tame” the traffic in their neighborhoods.  A never ending swindle.


Our Commissioners Receive a Report.  Theres a Punchline in Reporting what They Believe.


At the 1 September meeting, our treasurer, Tom Chase, for inscrutable reasons,  summarized Kentwoods financial positions. The auguries are good and we should stay the course with our current commission. We need to embrace our debts and slavery to the defined benefit pension plans with their rigid repayment demands.

The justification for our borrowing in the past (and presumably in the future) featured the following; we would save for small expenditures but issue bonds for projects ..of sufficient size and urgency to require long-term funding. All the projects funded by bonds issued since 2001 meet this criteria.The justification was that paying off debt would force those who enjoy the benefits of these projects to pay for them.


The shell game begins with trying to discern why saving for some projects and not others is materially. General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.


a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, sometimes, a standard of deferred payment.[


Money’s a matter of functions four,

A Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store.[22]

There is an ugly partisanship in our mayor’s rant. Webb’s opponent’s literature states that he voted to lower the sewage rates by 10%. Deceptive; he actually voted for a tax increase. For one, the sewage rates relate only to Kentwood’s first ward which receives all of its water supply and sewage disposal from our neighboring city. The Wyoming city commissioners determines how much it  charges Kentwood and tells us to pay up. We in Kentwood can and did mark up their charges when we send out the bills. On the sewer side, Wyoming decreased sewage rates by 11.7%. We lowered our rates to our residents by 9.9%. This markup of 1.8% for sewage services is a constructive tax increase for which the then newly appointed commissioner and now candidate voted.The net charges for combined sewage and water dropped by about 3%. and we approved the rates. No one in Kentwood lowered the rates; the Wyoming city commission did. In Kentwood, we only agreed to accept their offer and cut a bit of pork off the pig as it waddled past..

This is two politicians making exaggerated statements during a heated campaign . One seems to imply  problems with our handling of money, the other frankly misleads voters with a fictional account of his non performance.The mayor’s problem is that he chose to point his dagger at the one candidate who made an ambiguous statement and ignored the fabrications of the other. This one sided public eruption from our mayor does not do Kentwood honor.

Erwin Haas, Kentwood city commissioner, 2nd ward

There is an ugly partisanship in our mayor’s rant. Webb’s opponent’s literature states that he voted to lower the sewage rates by 10%. Deceptive; he actually voted for a tax increase. For one, the sewage rates relate only to Kentwood’s first ward which receives all of its water supply and sewage disposal from our neighboring city. The Wyoming city commissioners determines how much it  charges Kentwood and tells us to pay up. We in Kentwood can and did mark up their charges when we send out the bills. On the sewer side, Wyoming decreased sewage rates by 11.7%. We lowered our rates to our residents by 9.9%. This markup of 1.8% for sewage services is a constructive tax increase for which the then newly appointed commissioner and now candidate voted.The net charges for combined sewage and water dropped by about 3%. and we approved the rates. No one in Kentwood lowered the rates; the Wyoming city commission did. In Kentwood, we only agreed to accept their offer and cut a bit of pork off the pig as it waddled past..

This is two politicians making exaggerated statements during a heated campaign . One seems to imply  problems with our handling of money, the other frankly misleads voters with a fictional account of his non performance.The mayor’s problem is that he chose to point his dagger at the one candidate who made an ambiguous statement and ignored the fabrications of the other. This one sided public eruption from our mayor does not do Kentwood honor.

Erwin Haas, Kentwood city commissioner, 2nd ward

“Somebody’s Got Too Much Money”


Kris and I hike or bike daily and one of our favorite haunts is Pickerel Lake, a Kent County park just north of Cannonsburg. It’s a great walk, moderately hilly and blessed with multiple vistas of several lakes. Interestingly, most of what is on view is an artifact, the life’s work of a Lithuanian bachelor who built dams, paths, and culverts that make the hikes so smooth.

The around the lake requires 3 or 4 bridges to cross several environmentally sensitive parts of the  


Thoughts on Improving the Security and Processes  in the City.


We will have our annual bout with the city’s auditor with their emphasis on healthy procedures for city governments, next week. They will recommend stuff and we will promise to correct the problems. Maybe we should consider further measures beyond the usual bland stuff.

We in Kentwood have had at least two employees steal while handling money, one to the tune of at least $300,000, so it’s worth our while to consider ways of preventing fraud. I have no reason to doubt the honesty of any of our employees, but it is prudent to minimize their exposure to the occasions when they might sin. There are other general problems that emerge only as poorly articulated feelings, and so I sit here blogging.

I”ve talked it over with Commissioner DeMaagd, our auditor Peter Heffner and with candidate Thomas Webb. The following are a composite of their ideas;


  1. Apparently individuals can accumulate vacation days without limit and so take a lump sum of money when they retire in lieu of time off. One problem arises when an individual accumulates months of vacation and we have to pay a huge lump sum at termination or retirement. It is capable of wrecking budgets. No one seems to have a handle on how large a liability that we face, but it could be millions. The related problem is that an individual who never or seldom takes vacation might be using his/her monopolizing of a job to commit fraud. If someone else where to do that job in his absence, the fiddle might be unmasked. Somewhere, a long time ago, I was warned to suspect the overly zealous employee, the one who stays late to do the job especially well, when no one is looking. We need a policy of restricting the number of vacation days carried forward, and of forcing employees to take their vacations.
  2. A system of spot checks, of having someone with forensic skills from the outside, take a close look at employees who handle money, at their books, practices, finances, follow up on where and who get checks and the like, on an unannounced and random basis. Perhaps there are accounting firms out there that we could put on retainer for a few thousand. They could do random audits during their slack times, and we could pay them a daily rate. It would take a lot of daily rates to be more expensive than the $300,000 loss from 3 years ago. If no such firm exists, maybe we should start one.
  3. Move people around from one job to another. Extensively cross train them and have them do each other’s jobs on a rotating basis. It would as an intended effect break up fraudulent practices, but also prevent burnout and boredom,  and would give employees a better understanding of the how the enterprise works. Employees would have more skills on their resumes and improve their job prospects. The DPW already do this. I’m told that each of their employees has skills to fix trucks, cars, broken windows, have CDL3 so that they can drive snowplows and the like. Our police force has a similar provision in which each uniformed officer has to do several years as a detective. Firemen inspect, counsel and install fire detectors.
  4. I, and others, are vaguely troubled by statements, promises, projections that are made by management and officials, and that are subsequently lost and forgotten. What did happen to the internal cost accounting from 18 months ago, or the problem with Kentwood’s clay soil not absorbing storm water? We, on the commission, need a tickle file maintained by the city clerk or the mayor’s office so that items could be brought back to the commission on a regular basis.
  5. I have been told that we hire a snow plow service that does a sloppy job, yet this firm continues to win bids and gets taxpayer dollars. There should be a mechanism for reporting and correcting this low level fraud. Certainly complaints lodged by commissioners should be heeded and if not, heads should roll….As it is, commissioners, those who will actually speak are routinely ignored or placated. Perhaps a new commission will correct this paternalistic practice.


medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, sometimes, a standard of deferred payment.

Money’s a matter of functions four,

A Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store.[2

a shrinking amount of money, so deflation. people do not have wealth, in its role as a store of value, rather have devoted their resources to junk, to non productive assets, worthless baubles and give up the products of their labor, they are land rich and cash poor and have diminished options, fewer choices.

Conventional inflation increases the money, greenback or currency in circulation; too much cash, of a medium of exchange, chasing too few goods. Now the fed increases credit, and neglects money as a standard of deferred payment, which is not the same thing

“Peace Officer” A Movie with a Message for our Commission and Police.

Kris and I hike or bike daily missing only when it’s pouring rain or too slippery. This happens occasionally in West Michigan, so there came an afternoon recently when we went to Commissioner Arz’s multiplex at Woodland where they have a series of “indie” films for 5 dollars, about our price range. Kris had been keen to see a documentary called “Peace Officer” and I was sold when I saw a picture of Radley Balko, a writer for Reason and one of my Facebook buddies, on the promo,

It’s a long movie about the police development and use of SWAT teams. The main character and narrator is a retired Utah sherrif named Dub Lawrence who is currently self employed repairing septic tank pumps, something he deems superior to politics. He had developed a SWAT team for his county in the 1970s and was proud of his teams until he personally witnessed his team murder his temporarily overwrought son in law. He did an extensive years long investigation that showed dysfunctional practices of these units as well as an apparently flawed, self serving investigation by the police force. Law suits have not prodiced any relief for the dead man’s family.

Dub went ont ot investigate at least 2 other botched SWAT team incursions, both done to serve otherwise routine warrants. One, done on Christmas had armed men invade the home of a reported Army deserter which terrified the family and in which one of the officers told the man that if he had picked up a gun instead of a baseball bat, that he would have been shot. It was served on the wrong individual.


The other SWAT team incursion was to search for marijuana. The man growing some plants in his basement, was awakened from sleep and didn’t hear the police announce themselves. He had a pistol nearby which he started to use to defend himself. He expended 35 rounds of which 17 hit invading police officers. The police used a ridiculous number of rounds, my recollection was between 500 and 1000, of which 3 hit the man defending his home and 4 killed on of the other police officers. Numerous rounds passed through the home and went through the neighboring home and even into the second house. In the ultimate indictment of the valor of our SWAT team, the miscreant marijuana grower drove a five man SWAT team from his home, and escaped into his garage where he was apprehended by our valiant team. The investigation incorrectly concluded that the miscreant had murdered the police officer.

The film generously allows the involved police, prosecutors and politicians to present their concerns, and many seem to be genuine. One is struck by the clash of what the police investigations had concluded to have happened and easily demonstrated contrary findings.  The flawed investigations in connection with police sovereign immunity leads one to near despair; the police can do whatever they want with impunity.

In Kentwood, we apparently use our SWAT team about 4 times per year. I know of at leasst one (and possibly two officers) who were fired for misconduct in the last few years. Our chief seems to be fairly clear eyed about such transgressions. On the other hand, our officers have been invloved in at least two killings in the last year or so, and both adjudged  to be justified.


There were only 4 customers at our  viewing of “Peace Officer” so its message is not likely to incite domestic unrest, but it should put our commission on notices to monitor our police and their use of military equipment closely. I’m somewhat comforted by my recollections of being in the army; The use of equipment was desultory at best and we certainly didn’t win my war nor many other wars in the last 70 years using these toys. We who are in a fiduciary position must remember that use of these weapons emboldens police and accidents do happen endangering both police themselves and the citizens that they are sworn to protect.  


There are many evils against which one cannot secularly justify the coercive intervention of the state.


Grand Rapids Press comments

The above comments are superb, and well written and considered, unlike the original editorial. Its well know that companies (and wealthy people who do business as corporations) do not pay taxes, they merely collect them.

Now, let’s get to the ultimate sleazy corporation that probably does not pay taxes. Boothe Newspapers is owned by Newhouse and then by private ownership so diffused that even I cant follow it. No one knows what the profits/losses are for the Grand Rapids Press, but Id guess that they have enormous losses. (Stuck in Michigan, a paper that no one likes or can trust).

I looked up the stock price for the Gannett newspapers, largest chain of newspapers in the country; their stock price has gone from over 60 to 17 today. The rate of falling extrapolates to zero by next spring. They lost 7 dollars per share.  How much better is the GRP likely to fare? But the editorial staff have vapors because the publisher should be paying taxes. Wait until he finds out what his flunkies are doing.


It is generally thought that the internet and new media are killing newspapers and television. That may well be a small part of the problem, but it is probable that the big problem is that the folks writing for these media are mediocre. They are unable to investigate stuff because they are timid about asking questions about money,  have no business sense, and live in awe of their masters in government. They have become conduits through which we are told what our government wants for us.

What a degeneration from the ideals of press freedom laid down by Peter Zenger  in the colonial period. He criticized the governor of NY, and was jailed, but managed to continue to publish. A notable aspect of the case is that his Philidelphia lawyer, Hamilton challenged the legality of the crimes for which his client was being prosecuted. It was one of the first times in American history in which a lawyer challenged the laws rather than the innocence of his clients. The jurors were stunned and didn’t know how to, or even if they were allowed to, address whether the law itself was “legal.” This has come down to us as jury nullification, and is a powerful tool that citizens must learn to use again to subvert their governments lustings for ever more power.

The publisher is in real trouble; falling sales, a dysfunctional product, no one wants to invest in his business, and advertisers are going elsewhere. Youd think that he could rethink his business strategy; publishers who criticized their governments stirred up emotions, and sold papers. The kind of lickspittle in this editorial is politically correct pablum, writersmalfeasence. What will happen to these editorial writers when the business folds?  Who will pay for this drivel? Unemployment insurance indefinitely?

The Press is not likely to be in the vanguard of anything, given that their business probably does not pay taxes, and should.

Ill plagiarize from the original editorial; Corporate deadbeats can’t be allowed.

Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.

GVSU cant much of a college if theyd allow someone like me to get an MBA. The headline about my old haunts caught my attention. The tag line, about training the little undergrads to act like paupers and ride buses is somehow reminiscent of training the little tikes in public schools to be factory workers.

What is offensive about this editorial entails two major facts that escape the writers, probably because they kowtow to their government.

The first is the engineering finding that buses are 20% less fuel efficient than are private cars in operational use. Correspondingly, they are 20% more polluting than are cars. Look up all the damning numbers at the Bureau of Transportation statistics web site.  This effectively scotches the canard that using buses is Green.  Green, BTW is no longer cool.

The second concerns a story that the GRP should have picked up on. The ITP/GRATA has had proportionately 2 times the capital expenditures for the last 10 years when compared to all of their peers. The ITP would not even put their budget on their web site, choosing instead to put their operating budget online in an apparent attempt to draw attention away from their outrageous use of taxpayer funds.

Of course, each ride costs the taxpayer about 7 dollars, and is another governmental boondoggle that rips off poor people and seems to make these editors ecstatic.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


The welfare state as swindle;

These federal statistics dont mean much. Poverty is defined by a deviation from some sort of artificial average, and so an almost constant 11-13 percent of the US population will be in perpetual poverty, in infinitum. Period.

Nevertheless, the reasons for their relative poverty may be interesting, and Ill write them down so as to preempt the inevitable peevish editorial.


Politicians like to promise that they will take care of poor people by taking from corporations and the rich and giving to the disadvantaged.  And the poor buy into this and vote for these unconscionable parasites, expanding the size of government.

I’m not sure why Austrian economists don’t emphasize the obvious connection between big government and poverty among the populace.  It’s not that complicated. Let me put it as succinctly as possible.


Corporations have to make a certain amount of profit, or else they go out of business. They regard taxes as a cost of business, and increase their prices to compensate for these costs. The consumer, or customer pays for these taxes. The corporation merely collects taxes, it doesn’t pay for them. This is merely banal, and should not need any further elaboration. All income statements have the line item “ebitd” or suchlike, showing that taxes are subtracted, right there along with how the assets are paid for, as incidental to making profit.


We now have to make the distinction of rich people vs. high income individuals. It’s the classical economist’s distinction between stocks and flows.


The rich make their money on interest and dividends. Once more, they don’t invest so as to lose money. They, and perforce the market for capital, adjust the returns on their investments so as to compensate for inflation, taxes and risk.


High income individuals often confused with the rich, but these are often just aspiring towards wealth. There is a group of workers, like doctors, lawyers, and accountants, or unionized workers, who have licenses or other franchises, monopolies granted by the government. Entrepreneurs are in this category, and gain monopolies through copyrights, patents, or “being there firstest with the mostest”. They can charge pretty much what they need to, or change what they do to make their labor profitable. Once more, this is a group that sets their prices for their production.


It turns out that corporations, and the wealthy set prices so that they can pay taxes and still make the money that they demand to make their efforts rational.


The poor earn plenty, but have to pay artificially the high prices necessary to pay for their government. Poor people pay their taxes when they go to the grocery. A gallon of milk or a pound of butter should cost a dollar, but they have to pay  4 dollars. The landlord collects tax expenses and the borrowing costs for the apartment from the tenant. The poor man pays the taxes when he pays the interest on his credit card.

It has always been so, and nothing will ever change it so long as markets continue. Prices, as von Mises taught, are packets of information, and, as any socialist can tell you, we are in the information age. More socialistic societies as in Europe, South America, and Africa, are characterized by increased muddling of price signals, and of course, economic and social stagnation. Socialists never seem to be able to make the intellectual connection between distorting prices and wasted production


Taxes might be conceived of as consumption taxes. The rich and high income individuals also pay them: to the extent that individuals spend money, they pay taxes. Frugal individuals hardly pay taxes at all.


Politicians like to get elected by promising that they will take care of poor people. They will take from the rich and give to the poor. As we have seen, this is a fraud. And the politicians know it to be so.


This accounts for the observation made for the last 40 years that the incomes of the poor have not kept up with the generally rising income of other Americans. 40 years of a war on poverty, and the poor got screwed. As the tax and regulatory burden on Americans rises, the increased burden of paying for government is pushed down onto those lower n the economic ladder in the form of higher costs. In the swindle known as the welfare state, only poverty is redistributed.


Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.


We expect the usual bromides from the establishment and from the GRP. The public schools started in Michigan about the same time as did Labor Day. The first public school law was first promulgated by the Michigan Legislature in 1871, and not really enforced until after 1900 because folks knew that they were a bad idea. The original and ongoing purpose of the PS was to turn smart enterprising farm kids into mentally sluggish, passive factory workers, and Dr. Taylors opinion does nothing to distance himself from that tradition. Children are not vehicles for sustaining and improving our region’s economy, global competitiveness, they should have opportunity to pursue their own lives liberties and property (recalling the original formulation used by most founding fathers).  Home schooled kids  are the ones who have the real educations, able to think nimbly, to relate to adults and social perspectives different from their own. Home schoolers have real choice, since they ask questions, and have to noodle out their own answers.  PS students, as in the GRPS are forced to hear answers to questions that they dont have, numbing their minds. They leave school with no ideas,  a hatred for learning, angry. It usually takes a few years, and jobs before they recover.

Most of the US presidents didnt go to PS. Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, no schools at all.

The PS are a big welfare program for the teachers, cafeteria workers, schoolbus drivers and builders. The enormous cost comes out of the wages of very poor working people. And damn the kids.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Dear Ms. Hinkel;

Change is in the air, and I thought that my note addressed it adequately; the public schools were designed by factory owners to turn bright kids into factory workers so inarticulate that they could never make an effective objection to the abuses that the owners visited upon them. Read John Dewey and tell me differently. The public schools worked just fine until the factories disappeared. We are now in the information age, and that requires originality, conviction, drive, not the day in day out boring, meaningless discipline which is the sole content taught in the PS.

Your anecdotes (anecdotes are not evidence) about seeing hundreds of happy grads may well be correct, but what about the thousands who go through the system and are cited by no2fructose.

You play the poverty card; the former libertarian GRPS board member tells me that it costs 12,500 to train one of these kids per year.  This money is looted from desperately poor people. (Leona Helmsley was right, only little people pay taxes). If they would not have to pay the outlandish costs to botch up their children, they could easily afford to do home schooling, or to send them to private schooling as appropriate.

I certainly enjoyed hearing from you; the message is from the ancient Greek Heraclitus you cant step into the same river twice. Change is everything, and youll have to reason your own way to the future.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Let me get this straight; Georgian president Shakasvili, relying on his good buddy Bush, attacks So. Ossetia (although that area had broken away from Georgia, and almost all the Citizens express a wish to belong to Russia),  and kills 10 Russian soldiers. Shakasvili is clearly the aggressor, and its not clear how much encouragement he got from Bush.The Russians defend themselves and counterattack. The aggressor, Georgia, cannot morally dictate the time and place when the war stops. The Russian army goes into Georgia, and leisurely, in a gentlemanly way, destroys all of the Georgian military equipment, much of it American.

Result; Bush and flunkies howl that Russia is the aggressor!  Talk of a cold war redux.


One suspects that Bush and gang foresee that their war on terror is getting stale and that they need another war to fire up the troops for November.


Cynical manipulation, wouldnt you agree.

Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Why would an economists opinion get an airing? They have accurately foretold 10 of the last 3 recessions. They worship at the feet of Lord Keynes, and, as noted above, have debauched the currency as they create credit (basically print money) to forestall recession, if you believe that theory. This extra money chased stocks in the 1990s, real estate until last year, and is now into commodities.

The ancient Roman soothsayers would cut open a chicken and observe the pattern of the intestines. Wars, planting of crops, marriage, all of these so called auguries were believed. I would have thought that modern skepticism would have eradicated many of these superstitions.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Prices are not just a problem for consumers, they are also signals to producers and to users, to wit, intelligence or information.  The original reason offered for the falling number of flights, and falling passengers, was that GRR had snubbed some small feeder airlines in the remote past, and that they are now standoffish, and wont fly into GRR. The current article tries to make it part of a national problem but Id guess that the number of flights nationally has not dipped.

I regularly fly from Texas to GRR and rent a car for maybe a week. I had to stop at Ohare on one occasion and rent a car for a week. The fee that week to fly from El Paso to GRR was 500 dollars, and car rental 169.. To fly to big, busy, corrupt Ohare was 220, and the car rental 110. It costs 80 dollars less to fly a thousand miles from a similar sized airport than to fly 140 miles to GRR.

The parking fee in El Paso is less than 4 dollars per day, and its outside in a very hot dry sunny spot.

The aircraft leaving GRR are full. The market tells me that there is something wrong with GRR. Something is keeping the cheap feeder airlines from flocking to a place where they could make huge profits yet, none come.

The GRP might salvage its reputation of being an organ of the government by exploring this facet and actually getting a scoop featuring some KC (republican) commission screw ups. I know that the Libertarian Party KC sheriff candidate, John Stedman has told me that he intends to investigate GRR itself to see why they are turning airlines off; you see, markets are seldom wrong. Airlines do not do irrational things like eschew easy money. Airlines do avoid headaches.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Fannie and Freddie (Programs of the Democratic Party) have never been pitched to help poor people; they were formed to increase the mortgage market

The overall purpose of the takeover is to prop up housing prices, because if they continue to erode, almost everyones mortgage will be more than the nominal value of the house, and people will abandon their mortgages.  

The overall effect is to drive housing prices beyond the reach of poor people. After all, why let them onto the first step of the economic ladder.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


1)Republicans and Democrats want to make you happy; I prefer to let you pursue your own happiness


There is little that a politician can do about hard times. The unemployment rate in W. Michigan 10 years ago was 1.5%, now about 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he when the problem evolved? And what do my opponents propose that is different from what has been done for many years. We dont need job training; we need to keep our own money so as to start our own businesses. Alternative energy is yet another boondoggle. Anything that Taxpayers in Rockford have to continue to subsidize after 30 years sounds like Synfuels on steroids to me. Id support nuclear power generation. One of my sons has been an engineer designing these plants, and assures me that these have a bright future.


Lower spending. Get out of Iraq, and all our foreign military entanglements, no more corporate and farm subsidies, shut down the departments of labor, energy, environment, etc. Lower regulations.


Open federal lands for drilling, to address the next 15 years; encourage (by allowing) nuclear power in the long term;  Alternative energies will never work as it is too expensive and unreliable.


Get out forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Tell me why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


Manufacturing jobs have dropped because there are huge gains in efficiency, just as there have been in construction, agriculture (thank goodness, I worked a farm in youth, decided that being a physician was easier) and mining. Manufacturing in the USA is booming; the increase in absolute value of output parallels that in China; we produce high value goods and sell internationally. We should open our borders to all sorts of trade so as to be able to sell to the world.


Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or overcome the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans.


The Economist magazine reports that easy credit fueled a relative boom in the rest of the country during the last 20 years (Greenspan opened the money spigots after Volcker had restricted them causing the 1980-2 recession)). The freemoney sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus gold and other currencies as well as an export boom.  The Chinese/Japanese/Saudis etc. hold trillions of dollars that are approaching worthless. If they decide to stop using dollars, American lives` will become poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

The Fed can delay a recession for a brief period by continuing an easy money stance, but that will make the  Chinese/Japanese etc. ever more uneasy.

Or we can tighten up monetary policies and suffer a nasty time for some years, (remember the 1970s with stagflation which Volcker ended with restrictive money policies). I guess Id prefer the latter.  The US Fed and Treasury caused this problem and propose solutions that merely kick the can down the road. TheDemocrats passed the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that prevented banks from excluding unqualified applicants from borrowing. And Republicans were in charge and approved while the federal reserve created cheap credit..                                                                

An historical observation might clarify the above. Michigan was being settled at a breakneck rate with easy money in the 1830s. After Andrew Jackson killed the first US Bank, there was a severe contraction. After 1837, money disappeared. It is reported in a History of Grand Rapids that for 5 years thereafter, a family in Kent County was lucky if they had a cow and a place to plant potatoes.


Dysfunctional, to put it charitably but Obama and McCain will be even worse..


The primary problems causing the current banking problems are twofold; the easy money stance taken by the Fed for the last 20 years, and over-spending/borrowing/regulation by the congress and administration.

The artificially cheap credit (low interest rates) produced by Greenspan etc. sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus other currencies as well as an export boom. The easy money led to misallocation of resources, 4000 square foot homes, SUVs,  ballooning credit card debt, etc.

The 1977 Community Reconstruction Act threatened commercial lenders with half million dollar fines if they denied mortgages to unqualified applicants. The Government also overspent and had to borrow in bond markets,  driving up interest rates. The lenders were Chinese, Japanese, oil kingdoms.

No one seems to have noted that the dollar was being debauched.


A Our currency is becoming ever more worthless as Greenspan etc. keep interest rates artificially low. The low rates lead to incredible distortions in the economy; witness 4000 sq. ft homes, and SUVs, record private debt levels, all payed for with debt. Chinese/Japanes/oil producers who own this debt look at disappearing values as the dollar is debauched. If they decide that to de-dollarize, demanding payment in Euros or Yen, our prices will explode.

The easy money bubble bursts, and banks are stuck with worthless paper. Some, the greedier and unlucky, go out of business. Others have to increase their interest rates so as to become profitable and repair their balance sheets. Their reluctance to lend to other banks will wane if the interest rates go high enough.

But our political leaders want to repair the balance sheetsof banks by buying up their toxic paper and keeping interest rates low. They will go into the capital markets to borrow a trillion dollars, crowding out private investors, and driving up interest rates to astronomical levels. Is there a swindle here somewhere?



There is little that politicians can do about hard times except to make them worse.

We send 20% of our income to Washington, get back 18%; that 2% difference is our growth rate, money that should stay here so individuals can invest in their own advancement, businesses, happiness. Id vote against Federal taxes, keep money here. Unemployment in W. Michigan 10 years ago was 1.5%, now 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he while the problem evolved? What do my opponents propose that is different from what has failed?


We need to open all federal lands for oil exploration in the medium term. Id support nuclear power generation by sweeping away governmental restrictions on this eminently sensible power source. One of our sons has been an engineer designing these plants, and assures me that these have a bright future.

The surviving auto companies will develop electric cars on their own.

Solar, wind, biofuels are just scams; unreliable and too expensive for poor people. Does anything that needs subsidies after 30 years sound like synfuels on steroids?


Two approaches; Id cut all sorts of expenditures of the Federal government. The departments of the energy, education, labor, agriculture, environment,  health and human services would be defunded. Reduce the size of our armed forces, and get them off foreign soil so that they can protect us at home.

Also cut taxes and regulations. We need to allow new business formation by lowering entry barriers. Advocate for the Fair Tax which will encourage personal and business thrift,  and get rid of the IRS as being inefficient and intrusive.

The deficit will turn into a surplus that can lower the national debt.


Im a semi-retired physician, and feel deeply about this issue.  Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  It allows personal savings, and individual choice about medical care. No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or overcome the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans. There are numerous Federal laws that have increased health care costs and these will have to be abolished as well as insurance markets opened up across state lines.


Yes. Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg  stated that Roe versus Wade was a bad decision. Abortion is a state issue. Planned Parenthood, a private corporation, does about 250,000 abortions a year, and gets 100 million dollars from both Medicaid/care. I find this morally repugnant. In an era of medical abortions and the internet banning abortions by law is impossible. A young lady finding herself pregnant can go onto the internet and order any of several preparations air freighted in, regaining that patina of social acceptability if not of moral virtue in a few days.


No. The US Constitution has no provisions on discrimination except the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment; no state shalldeny to any personthe equal protection of the laws.”  which limits only what government officials can do. The problem with discrimination based on sexual orientation is the lack of biologic markers. I lose a dispute with my neighbor,  then go to court claiming that Im gay. After I win my discrimination suit, I go to church or therapist, get the cure, and reclaim straightness. This proposal would make a mockery of the protections that minorities have won; wed all be situational minorities.


Yes, but with reservations. Our immigration laws are a mess. My parents were immigrants who entered the USA 80 years ago (my father was exposed to Marxist socialism, my mother fled the national socialist Hitler) under provision of reasonable laws. Those changed since. We now need laws that allow immigrants to come here legally on temporary work visas, and that might mean millions who will do menial labor. Also, the laws should encourage the best scientists/technicians/entrepreneurs to relocate here and become citizens.


Get out forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Tell me why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


I noted that there was only private money involved, and that the two researchers seemed to be the only or main employees/equity holders. Note the absence of the state or federal government. I predict a great future for MS.


Erwin Haas MD MBA, communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and recent losing Libertarian Party candidate for Michigan’s third congressional district.


The above comments are superb, and well written and considered, unlike the original editorial. Its well know that companies (and wealthy people who do business as corporations) do not pay taxes, they merely collect them.

Now, lets get to the ultimate sleazy corporation that probably does not pay taxes. Boothe Newspapers is owned by Newhouse and then by private ownership so diffused that even I cant follow it. No one knows what the profits/losses are for the Grand Rapids Press, but Id guess that they have enormous losses. (Stuck in Michigan, a paper that no one likes or can trust).

I looked up the stock price for the Gannett newspapers, largest cahin of newspapers in the country; their stock price has gone from over 60 to 17 today. The rate of falling extrapolates to zero by next spring. They lost 7 dollars per share.  How much better is the GRP likely to fare? But the editorial staff have vapors because the publisher should be paying taxes. Wait until he finds out what his flunkies are doing.


It is generally thought that the internet and new media are killing newspapers and television. That may well be a small part of the problem, but it is probable that the big problem is that the folks writing for these media are mediocre. They are unable to investigate stuff because they are timid about asking questions about money,  have no business sense, and live in awe of their masters in government. They have become conduits through which we are told what our government wants for us.

What a degeneration from the ideals of press freedom laid down by Peter Zenger  in the colonial period. He criticized the governor of NY, and was jailed, but managed to continue to publish. A notable aspect of the case is that his Philidelphia lawyer, Hamilton challenged the legality of the crimes for which his client was being prosecuted. It was one of the first times in American history in which a lawyer challenged the laws rather than the innocence of his clients. The jurors were stunned and didn’t know how to, or even if they were allowed to, address whether the law itself was “legal.” This has come down to us as jury nullification, and is a powerful tool that citizens must learn to use again to subvert their governments lustings for ever more power.

The publisher is in real trouble; falling sales, a dysfunctional product, no one wants to invest in his business, and advertisers are going elsewhere. Youd think that he could rethink his business strategy; publishers who criticized their governments stirred up emotions, and sold papers. The kind of lickspittle in this editorial is politically correct pablum, writersmalfeasence. What will happen to these editorial writers when the business folds?  Who will pay for this drivel? Unemployment insurance indefinitely?

The Press is not likely to be in the vanguard of anything, given that their business probably does not pay taxes, and should.

Ill plagiarize from the original editorial; Corporate deadbeats can’t be allowed.

Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.

GVSU cant much of a college if theyd allow someone like me to get an MBA. The headline about my old haunts caught my attention. The tag line, about training the little undergrads to act like paupers and ride buses is somehow reminiscent of training the little tikes in public schools to be factory workers.

What is offensive about this editorial entails two major facts that escape the writers, probably because they kowtow to their government.

The first is the engineering finding that buses are 20% less fuel efficient than are private cars in operational use. Correspondingly, they are 20% more polluting than are cars. Look up all the damning numbers at the Bureau of Transportation statistics web site.  This effectively scotches the canard that using buses is Green.  Green, BTW is no longer cool.

The second concerns a story that the GRP should have picked up on. The ITP/GRATA has had proportionately 2 times the capital expenditures for the last 10 years when compared to all of their peers. The ITP would not even put their budget on their web site, choosing instead to put their operating budget online in an apparent attempt to draw attention away from their outrageous use of taxpayer funds.

Of course, each ride costs the taxpayer about 7 dollars, and is another governmental boondoggle that rips off poor people and seems to make these editors ecstatic.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


The welfare state as swindle;

These federal statistics dont mean much. Poverty is defined by a deviation from some sort of artificial average, and so an almost constant 11-13 percent of the US population will be in perpetual poverty, in infinitum. Period.

Nevertheless, the reasons for their relative poverty may be interesting, and Ill write them down so as to preempt the inevitable peevish editorial.


Politicians like to promise that they will take care of poor people by taking from corporations and the rich and giving to the disadvantaged.  And the poor buy into this and vote for these unconscionable parasites, expanding the size of government.

I’m not sure why Austrian economists don’t emphasize the obvious connection between big government and poverty among the populace.  It’s not that complicated. Let me put it as succinctly as possible.


Corporations have to make a certain amount of profit, or else they go out of business. They regard taxes as a cost of business, and increase their prices to compensate for these costs. The consumer, or customer pays for these taxes. The corporation merely collects taxes, it doesn’t pay for them. This is merely banal, and should not need any further elaboration. All income statements have the line item “ebitd” or suchlike, showing that taxes are subtracted, right there along with how the assets are paid for, as incidental to making profit.


We now have to make the distinction of rich people vs. high income individuals. It’s the classical economist’s distinction between stocks and flows.


The rich make their money on interest and dividends. Once more, they don’t invest so as to lose money. They, and perforce the market for capital, adjust the returns on their investments so as to compensate for inflation, taxes and risk.


High income individuals often confused with the rich, but these are often just aspiring towards wealth. There is a group of workers, like doctors, lawyers, and accountants, or unionized workers, who have licenses or other franchises, monopolies granted by the government. Entrepreneurs are in this category, and gain monopolies through copyrights, patents, or “being there firstest with the mostest”. They can charge pretty much what they need to, or change what they do to make their labor profitable. Once more, this is a group that sets their prices for their production.


It turns out that corporations, and the wealthy set prices so that they can pay taxes and still make the money that they demand to make their efforts rational.


The poor earn plenty, but have to pay artificially the high prices necessary to pay for their government. Poor people pay their taxes when they go to the grocery. A gallon of milk or a pound of butter should cost a dollar, but they have to pay  4 dollars. The landlord collects tax expenses and the borrowing costs for the apartment from the tenant. The poor man pays the taxes when he pays the interest on his credit card.

It has always been so, and nothing will ever change it so long as markets continue. Prices, as von Mises taught, are packets of information, and, as any socialist can tell you, we are in the information age. More socialistic societies as in Europe, South America, and Africa, are characterized by increased muddling of price signals, and of course, economic and social stagnation. Socialists never seem to be able to make the intellectual connection between distorting prices and wasted production


Taxes might be conceived of as consumption taxes. The rich and high income individuals also pay them: to the extent that individuals spend money, they pay taxes. Frugal individuals hardly pay taxes at all.


Politicians like to get elected by promising that they will take care of poor people. They will take from the rich and give to the poor. As we have seen, this is a fraud. And the politicians know it to be so.


This accounts for the observation made for the last 40 years that the incomes of the poor have not kept up with the generally rising income of other Americans. 40 years of a war on poverty, and the poor got screwed. As the tax and regulatory burden on Americans rises, the increased burden of paying for government is pushed down onto those lower n the economic ladder in the form of higher costs. In the swindle known as the welfare state, only poverty is redistributed.


Erwin Haas, communications director of the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third congressional district.


We expect the usual bromides from the establishment and from the GRP. The public schools started in Michigan about the same time as did Labor Day. The first public school law was first promulgated by the Michigan Legislature in 1871, and not really enforced until after 1900 because folks knew that they were a bad idea. The original and ongoing purpose of the PS was to turn smart enterprising farm kids into mentally sluggish, passive factory workers, and Dr. Taylors opinion does nothing to distance himself from that tradition. Children are not vehicles for sustaining and improving our region’s economy, global competitiveness, they should have opportunity to pursue their own lives liberties and property (recalling the original formulation used by most founding fathers).  Home schooled kids  are the ones who have the real educations, able to think nimbly, to relate to adults and social perspectives different from their own. Home schoolers have real choice, since they ask questions, and have to noodle out their own answers.  PS students, as in the GRPS are forced to hear answers to questions that they dont have, numbing their minds. They leave school with no ideas,  a hatred for learning, angry. It usually takes a few years, and jobs before they recover.

Most of the US presidents didnt go to PS. Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, no schools at all.

The PS are a big welfare program for the teachers, cafeteria workers, schoolbus drivers and builders. The enormous cost comes out of the wages of very poor working people. And damn the kids.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Dear Ms. Hinkel;

Change is in the air, and I thought that my note addressed it adequately; the public schools were designed by factory owners to turn bright kids into factory workers so inarticulate that they could never make an effective objection to the abuses that the owners visited upon them. Read John Dewey and tell me differently. The public schools worked just fine until the factories disappeared. We are now in the information age, and that requires originality, conviction, drive, not the day in day out boring, meaningless discipline which is the sole content taught in the PS.

Your anecdotes (anecdotes are not evidence) about seeing hundreds of happy grads may well be correct, but what about the thousands who go through the system and are cited by no2fructose.

You play the poverty card; the former libertarian GRPS board member tells me that it costs 12,500 to train one of these kids per year.  This money is looted from desperately poor people. (Leona Helmsley was right, only little people pay taxes). If they would not have to pay the outlandish costs to botch up their children, they could easily afford to do home schooling, or to send them to private schooling as appropriate.

I certainly enjoyed hearing from you; the message is from the ancient Greek Heraclitus you cant step into the same river twice. Change is everything, and youll have to reason your own way to the future.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Let me get this straight; Georgian president Shakasvili, relying on his good buddy Bush, attacks So. Ossetia (although that area had broken away from Georgia, and almost all the Citizens express a wish to belong to Russia),  and kills 10 Russian soldiers. Shakasvili is clearly the aggressor, and its not clear how much encouragement he got from Bush.The Russians defend themselves and counterattack. The aggressor, Georgia, cannot morally dictate the time and place when the war stops. The Russian army goes into Georgia, and leisurely, in a gentlemanly way, destroys all of the Georgian military equipment, much of it American.

Result; Bush and flunkies howl that Russia is the aggressor!  Talk of a cold war redux.


One suspects that Bush and gang foresee that their war on terror is getting stale and that they need another war to fire up the troops for November.


Cynical manipulation, wouldnt you agree.

Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Why would an economists opinion get an airing? They have accurately foretold 10 of the last 3 recessions. They worship at the feet of Lord Keynes, and, as noted above, have debauched the currency as they create credit (basically print money) to forestall recession, if you believe that theory. This extra money chased stocks in the 1990s, real estate until last year, and is now into commodities.

The ancient Roman soothsayers would cut open a chicken and observe the pattern of the intestines. Wars, planting of crops, marriage, all of these so called auguries were believed. I would have thought that modern skepticism would have eradicated many of these superstitions.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Prices are not just a problem for consumers, they are also signals to producers and to users, to wit, intelligence or information.  The original reason offered for the falling number of flights, and falling passengers, was that GRR had snubbed some small feeder airlines in the remote past, and that they are now standoffish, and wont fly into GRR. The current article tries to make it part of a national problem but Id guess that the number of flights nationally has not dipped.

I regularly fly from Texas to GRR and rent a car for maybe a week. I had to stop at Ohare on one occasion and rent a car for a week. The fee that week to fly from El Paso to GRR was 500 dollars, and car rental 169.. To fly to big, busy, corrupt Ohare was 220, and the car rental 110. It costs 80 dollars less to fly a thousand miles from a similar sized airport than to fly 140 miles to GRR.

The parking fee in El Paso is less than 4 dollars per day, and its outside in a very hot dry sunny spot.

The aircraft leaving GRR are full. The market tells me that there is something wrong with GRR. Something is keeping the cheap feeder airlines from flocking to a place where they could make huge profits yet, none come.

The GRP might salvage its reputation of being an organ of the government by exploring this facet and actually getting a scoop featuring some KC (republican) commission screw ups. I know that the Libertarian Party KC sheriff candidate, John Stedman has told me that he intends to investigate GRR itself to see why they are turning airlines off; you see, markets are seldom wrong. Airlines do not do irrational things like eschew easy money. Airlines do avoid headaches.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


Fannie and Freddie (Programs of the Democratic Party) have never been pitched to help poor people; they were formed to increase the mortgage market

The overall purpose of the takeover is to prop up housing prices, because if they continue to erode, almost everyones mortgage will be more than the nominal value of the house, and people will abandon their mortgages.  

The overall effect is to drive housing prices beyond the reach of poor people. After all, why let them onto the first step of the economic ladder.


Erwin Haas, communication director of Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and Libertarian Party candidate for Michigans third District congressional seat.


1)Republicans and Democrats want to make you happy; I prefer to let you pursue your own happiness


There is little that a politician can do about hard times. The unemployment rate in W. Michigan 10 years ago was 1.5%, now about 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he when the problem evolved? And what do my opponents propose that is different from what has been done for many years. We dont need job training; we need to keep our own money so as to start our own businesses. Alternative energy is yet another boondoggle. Anything that Taxpayers in Rockford have to continue to subsidize after 30 years sounds like Synfuels on steroids to me. Id support nuclear power generation. One of my sons has been an engineer designing these plants, and assures me that these have a bright future.


Lower spending. Get out of Iraq, and all our foreign military entanglements, no more corporate and farm subsidies, shut down the departments of labor, energy, environment, etc. Lower regulations.


Open federal lands for drilling, to address the next 15 years; encourage (by allowing) nuclear power in the long term;  Alternative energies will never work as it is too expensive and unreliable.


Get out forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Tell me why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


Manufacturing jobs have dropped because there are huge gains in efficiency, just as there have been in construction, agriculture (thank goodness, I worked a farm in youth, decided that being a physician was easier) and mining. Manufacturing in the USA is booming; the increase in absolute value of output parallels that in China; we produce high value goods and sell internationally. We should open our borders to all sorts of trade so as to be able to sell to the world.


Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or overcome the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans.


The Economist magazine reports that easy credit fueled a relative boom in the rest of the country during the last 20 years (Greenspan opened the money spigots after Volcker had restricted them causing the 1980-2 recession)). The freemoney sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus gold and other currencies as well as an export boom.  The Chinese/Japanese/Saudis etc. hold trillions of dollars that are approaching worthless. If they decide to stop using dollars, American lives` will become poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

The Fed can delay a recession for a brief period by continuing an easy money stance, but that will make the  Chinese/Japanese etc. ever more uneasy.

Or we can tighten up monetary policies and suffer a nasty time for some years, (remember the 1970s with stagflation which Volcker ended with restrictive money policies). I guess Id prefer the latter.  The US Fed and Treasury caused this problem and propose solutions that merely kick the can down the road. The Democrats passed the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that prevented banks from excluding unqualified applicants from borrowing. And Republicans were in charge and approved while the federal reserve created cheap credit..                                                                

An historical observation might clarify the above. Michigan was being settled at a breakneck rate with easy money in the 1830s. After Andrew Jackson killed the first US Bank, there was a severe contraction. After 1837, money disappeared. It is reported in a History of Grand Rapids that for 5 years thereafter, a family in Kent County was lucky if they had a cow and a place to plant potatoes.


Dysfunctional, to put it charitably but Obama and McCain will be even worse..


The primary problems causing the current banking problems are twofold; the easy money stance taken by the Fed for the last 20 years, and over-spending/borrowing/regulation by the congress and administration.

The artificially cheap credit (low interest rates) produced by Greenspan etc. sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus other currencies as well as an export boom. The easy money led to misallocation of resources, 4000 square foot homes, SUVs,  ballooning credit card debt, etc.

The 1977 Community Reconstruction Act threatened commercial lenders with half million dollar fines if they denied mortgages to unqualified applicants. The Government also overspent and had to borrow in bond markets, driving up interest rates. The lenders were Chinese, Japanese, oil kingdoms and theyve noted with increasing anxiety that the dollar was being debauched.. If they decide that to de-dollarize, demanding payment in Euros or Yen, our prices and interest rates will explode, and economy tank.

When the easy money bubble burst,  banks were stuck with worthless paper. Some, the greedier and unlucky are bankrupt, their shareholders and managers devastated, and the bondholders trying to salvage what they can.  (BTW, nothing except the stockholders value is lost in bankruptcy, the loans to homeowners etc. are still valuable assets). Surviving banks will have to increase their interest rates so as to become profitable and repair their balance sheets. Their reluctance to lend to other banks will wane if the interest rates go high enough.

But our political leaders want to dont want high interest rates and so propose to repair the balance sheetsof banks by buying up their toxic paper and keeping interest rates low. They will go into the capital markets to borrow a trillion dollars, crowding out private investors, and driving up interest rates to astronomical levels.

Didnt I just say something about increasing interest rates? Many different ways of getting there, but the same result.

Is there a swindle here somewhere?


There is little that politicians can do about hard times except to make them worse.

We send 20% of our income to Washington, get back 18%; that 2% difference is our growth rate, money that should stay here so individuals can invest in their own advancement, businesses, happiness. Id vote against Federal taxes, keep money here. Unemployment in W. Michigan grew from1.5% 10 years ago to 7%. The incumbent promises to rescue us, but where was he while the problem evolved? What do my opponents propose that is different from what has failed?


We need to open all federal lands for oil exploration in the medium term. Id support nuclear power generation by sweeping away governmental restrictions on this eminently sensible power source. One of our sons has been an engineer in that industry, and assures me that these have a bright future.

The surviving auto companies will develop electric cars on their own.

Solar, wind, biofuels are just scams; unreliable and too expensive for us folks. Does anything that needs subsidies after 30 years sound like synfuels on steroids?


Two approaches; 1) Id cut all sorts of expenditures of the Federal government. The departments of the energy, education, labor, agriculture, environment would be defunded. Id right-size of our armed forces, and get them off foreign soil so that they can protect us at home.

2) Also cut taxes and regulations. We need to allow new business formation by lowering entry barriers. Advocate for the Fair Tax which will encourage personal thrift, and get rid of the IRS as being inefficient and intrusive.

The deficit will turn into a surplus, lowering the national debt.


Im a semi-retired physician, and feel deeply about this issue.  Consumer Driven Health Care is a medical savings account type plan that has been championed by Republicans among others.  It allows personal savings, and individual choice about medical care. No other plan will ever be politically viable, lower costs, or address  the numerous diverse moral issues dividing Americans. There are numerous Federal laws that have increased health care costs and these will have to be abolished and insurance markets opened up across state lines.


Yes. Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg  stated that Roe versus Wade was a bad decision. Abortion is a state issue. Planned Parenthood, a private corporation, does about 250,000 abortions a year, and gets 100 million dollars from both Medicaid/care. I find this morally repugnant. Politically, abortion becomes  moot in an era of medical abortions and the internet. A young lady finding herself pregnant can go onto the internet and order any of several preparations by air freighted, regaining that patina of social acceptability if not of high virtue in 3 days. Banning abortions by law is impossible.


No. The US Constitution has no provisions on discrimination except the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment; no state shalldeny to any personthe equal protection of the laws”  that  limits  what government officials can do. The problem with discrimination based on sexual orientation is the lack of biologic markers. If I lose a dispute with my neighbor,  I could go to court claiming that Im gay. After I win my discrimination suit, I go to church or therapist, get the cure, and reclaim straightness. This proposal would make a mockery of the protections that minorities have won; wed all be situational minorities.

Saw Kurosawas Seven Samuraigreat filmography


Yes, but with reservations. Our immigration laws are a mess. My parents were immigrants who entered the USA 80 years ago (Dad was exposed to Marxist socialism, Mom fled the national socialist Hitler) obeying reasonable laws. Since then, laws changed. We now need laws that allow immigrants to come here legally on temporary work visas. That might mean millions who will do menial labor. Also, the laws should encourage the best scientists/technicians/entrepreneurs to relocate here and become citizens.


Get out of Iraq forthwith. Our intelligence services didnt know what was going on there in 2003, got WMD and the presence of Al Qaida  wrong, thought that the Iraqis would join together to form a government that we would approve etc. They changed their opinions about Iranian nuclear weapons. The Surge was only in Baghdad, but independently the rest of the country calmed down .This is being hailed a victory for our intelligence services. Nothing assures me that the NSA/CIA know much about the Mideast.  Why any congressman thinks he knows what will happen after we leave?


My last two books were John LeCarres Mission Song, and Michael Polanyis The Logic of Liberty


The incumbent voted for the bailout; he knew he was in trouble and so issued a press release telling you that he objected to AIG’s board of directors spending 400,000 dollars on a fancy retreat. He’s trying to muddy the waters. Don’t be fooled, he really did want to spend your 850 BILLION on the bailout crapshoot.

The primary problems causing the current banking problems are twofold;

1) the easy money stance taken by the Fed for the last 20 years, and

2) over-spending/borrowing/regulation by the congress and administration.

Urchins in Buffalo frequently talked about the fat lady with the short skirt. The ugly excesses bulge out somewhere.

Very much like the fat lady, government is a zero sum game. I’ll relate this to the bailout.

The artificially cheap credit (low interest rates) produced by Greenspan etc. sloshed into the stock markets during the 1990s, into real estate until last year, and now is going into commodities; its fueling the current inflation, the decline of the dollar versus other currencies as well as an export boom. The easy money led to misallocation of resources, 4000 square foot homes, SUVs, ballooning credit card debt, etc.

The 1977 Community Reconstruction Act threatened commercial lenders with half million dollar fines if they denied mortgages to unqualified applicants. The Government also overspent and had to borrow in bond markets, driving up interest rates. The lenders were Chinese, Japanese, oil kingdoms and theyve noted with increasing anxiety that the dollar was being debauched.. If they decide that to de-dollarize, demanding payment in Euros or Yen, our prices and interest rates will explode, and economy tank.

When the easy money bubble on housing burst, banks were stuck with worthless paper. Some, the greedier and unlucky are bankrupt, their shareholders and managers devastated, and the bondholders trying to salvage what they can. (BTW, nothing except the stockholders value is lost in bankruptcy, the loans to homeowners etc. are still valuable assets). Surviving banks will have to increase their interest rates so as to become profitable and repair their balance sheets. Their reluctance to lend to other banks will wane if the interest rates go high enough.

But our political leaders dont want high interest rates and so propose to repair the balance sheetsof banks by buying up their toilet paper and keeping interest rates low. They will go into the capital markets to borrow over a trillion dollars, crowding out private investors, and driving interest rates up to astronomical levels. Main street will grind to a halt, hard times for everyone.

Didnt I just say something about increasing interest rates? Many different ways of getting there, but the same result.

It’s that fat lady again.
Other thoughts;

1)Times of economic disruption are great opportunities. Bankruptcy is

the destruction of mismanagement, of misallocation. Inept shareholders and management is wiped out and the bond holders take over. They appoint a receiver who can either try to run the company, or liquidate the assets, usually cents on the dollars. If one is liquid, one can snap up stuff, probably without debt and turn it into something very profitable. Tough for the former investors, the degenerates.

1) Hard times are not bad times, they are an opportunity for ordinary folks with guts and luck to make a bundle.

2)Another assertion of the bail out is trying to keep financial firms alive, or even having the government take them over and allegedly even profiting form holding these assets. The ordinary guy who work for Fannie Mae, WaMu etc will continue to have his job, which is fine, and continue to support the local economies.

3) Now, I sat on the board of the Grand Valley Coop Credit Union for 8 years. I can assure you that our little credit union can in principle do exactly the same stuff that Goldman Sachs does, but do it smarter and with less overhead. The bail out asks the already dinged up muttonheads in Michigan to forego the jobs, and pay taxes so that Swells in NYC, Boston and Seattle can retain good paying, genteel jobs. Muttonheads, after all might get ideas.

3)My wife and I were evicted from our home and the place where we had our business and raised the kids in 2004. The city of GR wanted to build affordable housing or something on our property, so we had to find someplace to live. We knew, from listening to real estate agents (the ultimate idiots) that the property prices in GR will never go downand from reading the Economist magazine  about the impending real estate bubble that that market was toppy. We really looked hard at renting, but ultimately bought to smallest, cheapest condo that we could find. Our suspicions have been vindicated. The prices went up until 2006, and then started to come back down again, but the amounts in play are negligible. Two of our kids considered buying, didnt and are better off for their forebearance.

4)I have an MBA, was a stock broker and was exposed to the Black Sholes models for valuing securities and options. I even worked my way through a problem when I was younger and a lot smarter. It uses the normal jiggleof price variation during the past year (or some other period), corrects it for dividend payments, applies a statistical bell shaped curve of the probability that prices will be in some relevant range and assigns a value to options. Dya understand?

This is the model used to manage risk, at least, the way economists define it. Elegant, but I could never make the connection between a predictable jiggle in prices, and the fact that a company or security might, and probably will, find itself in a new economic environment sending the security price into space, or into the toilet. There was simply no recognition that risk is not predictable, in markets risk is mercurial and cant be managed. How did these Ivy League trained geniuses not recognize that they are in a chaotic world?

5)The bill actually passed provides for an enormous increase in the Federal government power to invade our privacy. The IRS, NSA, CIA got that which they wanted, and our rights be damned.

6) The purpose of the bailout is to stabilize real estate prices so that the banks’ will have profits and be able to keep their capital ratios up to snuff. But doesn’t that keep the price of homes up and beyond the reach of so many poor people that the Democrats claim to cherish so dearly? How will the poor working man ever get onto the ladder to financial success if he can’t get on the first run of wealth accummulation?

7) The Japanese had this happen to them in 1989. Banks had invested in the stock market which also had been hyper-stimulated by easy credit. When that bubble burst (the Nikkei fell from 40,000 to as low as 7000, it is now 11,000 as I write) the banks were similarly bankrupt. The Japanese government also did not allow the banks to fail. Interest rates have been close to zero, they have paved over the northern-most island of Japan trying to stimulate the economy. Yet banks could not afford to lend, and companies were not allowed to go bankrupt. A lot of businesses are on life support, pale corpses.

Japan has had a stalled economy for nearly 20 years now. Growth is often negative, there is serious unemployment, and young people cannot afford to marry or have children.

Had they allowed the banks to fail, they would have had the nightmare behind them in a few years.

Why was this model of failure of governmental policy never invoked in addressing our housing bubble.

8) The question markets struggle with is whether the bailout will evolve into an inflationary blowout as in Germany in 1920-23, or into a deflationary grind as in Japan or during our great depression.

. The treasury and Fed both are trying to deflate their way out of the financial pinch. Two problems confront  these  Keynesian geniuses (the economists who have accurately predicted 10 of the last 3 recessions); the Fed makes credit available but that does not guarantee that individuals are credit worthy or that they will want to borrow and so they are pushing on a string, and cant create credig. The second problem with inflation of our money is that Chinese, Japanese, OPEC members all hold huge amounts of dollars, and if they de-dollarize our economy  will really experience exploding prices.

The markets reaction, for it’s worth, seems to indicate deflation
9) The public is being frightened by threats that they wont be able to sell, or buy real estate or live in homes  if banks are in trouble. I beg to differ; one can easily buy and sell real estate much more simply and safely by using land contracts. And businessmen know that in the ideal world, it doesnt make any difference in buying versus renting real assets.
10) Moral hazards is an economic term that describes the displacement of caution shown by economic and other actors if they realize or believe that someone else will step in and relieve them of responsibility or the consequenses of their mistakes. When the government stepped in and allowed the same corrupt companies to survive and even prosper, it opened a flood gate of problems for itself in the future.  These banks, mortgage companies and now even the auto companies have now experienced acting stupidly and yet not being punished for it. What will prevent them from being even stupider and more reckless next time?
11) Austrian economics eshews the false glory of predicting the future. Keynsian economists, on the other hand, claim that they can manage the economy, foresee problems and guide public policy which is why they are popular, especially with politicians and other followers.

I’m a kind of contrarian, and when these Keynsians point the way and claim to guide us  to calm waters ahead, I experience a kind of vertigo. But then, I can’t predict what the economy will look like even tomorrow, but I’m certain that these Keynsian clowns should be credited with far less than tomorrow; they don’t even understand what happened yesterday, or 20 years ago.


16Nov 08

I noted that there was only private money involved, and that the two researchers seemed to be the only or main employees/equity holders. Note the absence of the state or federal government. I predict a great future for MS.


Erwin Haas MD MBA, communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan, and recent losing Libertarian Party candidate for Michigan’s third congressional district.


The specious arguments used by the Rapid included;

1) that using buses is fuel efficient and less polluting than are private cars. In fact, the national Bureau of Transportation Statistics shows unequivocally, year after year, that buses are 20% more polluting and less energy efficient than are cars operationally,(rather than in some ideal world).

2) Misleading financial statements. On their publications and web site, the Rapid presents their operating budget, giving the impression that they have costs under control and greatly understating the actual costs per passenger mile.

3) When the actual budget is compared to other public transportation systems funded by the government, the Rapid has spent double the norm for capital expenditures, year after year, and going back over 10 years with its predecessor GRATA. This has never been challenged.

4) The running condition of the buses that I have used is shabby, they rattle. Do they keep up on maintenance?

5) All of the above were presented to the GRP repeatedly during the campaign to stop the tax increase by opponents, and ignored. The GRP (advertising dollars?), Mr. Varga and Mr. Ehlers (big booster for this pork funding) need to explain their involvement with the Rapid.


Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan.


The big picture on alleged global warming and any political response to it lies in understanding the scientific bases of these allegations; almost all of it arises from computer simulations of assumptions about the atmosphere. These are notoriously subject to the assumptions that are posited at the beginning of the computer run.

There is indeed an approximate doubling of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, and an unknown changes in other gases like water vapor, methane, sulfur compounds, and  particle pollution that have effects on retaining solar energy and so warming the air. There is a minute increase of global temperatures of .3 degrees Celcius measured by the MSU satellites in the last 30 years which is far too little to validate the computer models so far proposed.

A multitude of anecdotes are cited to buttress global warming narrative. Some glaciers have melted and the South polar ice cap continues to increase in size.  Temperatures taken in cities are not valid as population centers predictably become heat islands. Beyond uncertainty about the whether there is man made global warming, lie questions about whether an increase in temperature on earth makes any difference. And if there is some way to discern the potential harm out of the opaque future, then the question arises about whether there is anything that we can do will stop, or reverse global warming.

Mankind adapts to his environment, be it tropical heat among natives in Arfica or artic ice for Eskimos; there should be more



We have to distinguish between the State of Michigan, and of its citizens. The State has only one role, that of protecting the liberties of the individuals who live here. The individuals need the State to defend them from violence and fraud so that they are free to lead their own lives,  be it as industrialists, or drunks lying in the gutter.

An Individual will work, learn stuff, move elsewhere, depending on his own goals and vision of the good life. Call it greed, or a will to life.

Out of this wellspring rises the creativity with all its craziness and unpredictability,  that young people show, and out of which arise the businesses and industries of the future.

The writer, and many others, confuses the role of the State. It does not exist to put people to work, or to structure businesses.

The life sciences increased employment is almost all in the hospital and health care areas, the ones that will be severely curtailed when health care costs are “contained”. Green energy requires continuing state subsidies, and are unsustainable since they waste the resources of individuals.

The two areas in which the writer touts the role of the state are exactly the same as that in almost all the states, reflecting the dull, stereotyped imaginations of politicians. I don’t understand where there is any comparative advantage.

The State of Michigan is never going to attract or retain smart people as long as it tries to tax the individuals here to encourage established, mature firms and industries to come here. There is also the self serving stuff that comes out of tax and industry supported centers that asserts that entrepreneurs will come here if there is “good” public transportation, or cool downtowns. Hooey.

It would be far better for the individuals here if they retained their own money to invest, spend, or waste,  as they saw fit. The state should shrink, and become like the night watchman. Or else the individuals here will continue to leave and go to places like Texas, where a more libertarian culture prevails


Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan


Stirring words, but misleading ones albeit.

The transcendental problem arises from subsidies that have to be pumped into renewals, or else they dont function. The broken window example is useful to illustrate the futility of renewables.

If an urchin breaks the window of a store, we would hear Mr. Heartwell  claim that this is a good thing. The merchant gets a new window, jobs are created making the glass and replacing it in the store, Rubbish haulers are involved.

However, what is not obvious is that the merchant now has lost a large amount of money and cant pay his workers or suppliers as much,  and may have to raise his prices to his cutomers to replace the glass.

Basically, Renewable energy is the broken window; we are forced to pay taxes for stuff that is economically not viable. Glowing rhetoric aside, the jobs produced will probably be for a minimum wage.  We will take money from very much stressed taxpayers and give it to special interest who will investit in schemes that cant compete in the energy markets without the big bailout.

Almost all of the states are also encouraging/subsidizing biology corridors, renewable energy suppliers and producers. Where is the comparative advantage for any one state?

Real scientists are skeptical about whether there is global warming, and the carbon dioxide model does not predict the temperature changes that have happened. Politically, can the USA and a few Europeans convince the rest of the world to go along with an impoverished low carbon future? And even if global temperatures go up, why would we think that that was bad?

Man adapts to worse things than a bit of climate change. Michigan, enthralled by lapdog politicians continues to languish because of the misallocation that these people foist on us.

Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan


Another non sustainable governmental boondoggle will suck up tax payer dollars. Didnt the journalist question the subsidies that make this thing profitable?  The greenjobs of sorting through garbage will be trumpeted by the Democrats and their bedwetting knock offs, the Republicans, will pay ten dollars an hour but are good local environmental jobs that cant be exportedas Im sure Mayor Heartwell will tell us.

I saw three trucks from Texas loaded down with blades for gigantic windmills this week. They werent made in Michigan giving the lie to the politiciansclaims that Green policies would create jobs here in  Michigan.

Greenincreasingly means recycled rubbish.


Why doesnt the GRP feature the other 6 trustees for their ideological stances?  The other topics mentioned in the article all seem to be left wing topics. Where is the diversity? Arent these trustees using my tax dollars to drag the institution into the culture wars?

I have no particular problems with Davis or Avla, but ask where are do we see any critics of governmental failure? Where are Libertarian speakers like Walter Williams, John Stoessel or Father Robert Siricco?

Dr. Ryskamp has his rights of free speach, offers a breath of fresh air to the atmosphere at the college, and adds at least some necessary diversity to the GRCC board.

The examples used in the editorial perfectly illustrate the dysfunctional status of MEGA and MEDC. They are large established firms that provide jobs and services in mature, or even declining industries. Politicians like to stand in front of impressive buildings with the cameras rolling.

News flash; the future is unknown. Very likely the types of industries favored by MEGA will be long since gone. Lump the GRP in with these dying industries.

We dont know what kind of industries, ventures, ideas will make money next year, or 20 years from now. I can tell you that there is, somewhere, a future Bill Gates, or Al Gore (father of the internet) who might be an engineer, musician, dreamer, entrepreneur or just layabout who will in a few years be starved for the capital that these boondoggles waste.

A more progressive use of the money might be to cancel all taxes for all Michigan Businesses. That way consumer prices would be lowered since Michigan stores, doctors, hairdressers etc would no longer have to pass their tax costs on to their clients. It would be a tax free way for progressive legislators to improve our state.

Erwin Haas, Communications director for the Libertarian Party of West Michigan

Are these the economists who staffed the Fed and advised the Congress and caused the housing morass?  Or the geniuses who accurately predicted 10 of the last 3 recessions?


Trumpeting this kind of stuff is irresponsible. Is the GRP the ouija board of West Michigan?


Americans have been conditioned to value medical care more than it is worth. Medicine has become the new religion. People believe that doctors can prolong lives, delay the normal aging processes and make life better. They have been sold on these superstitions by the media that hypes high tech advances in medicine that may only help a tiny percentage of the general public. Americans ascribe the general prolonging of life spans to medical care, whereas the real reasons include public health measures against infectious diseases, better diets and lessening of physical stress. Doctors thump the pulpit by talking gullible families into doing “what we can do” to keep Granny alive, when in actuality they officiously prolong Granny’s dying


Europeans are not caught up in the American creed. It may be that Europeans got “free medical care” at a time when medical care could do little to alter the course of illnesses. Comforting the dying and their relatives was what they expected from doctors a hundred years ago when many of these schemes were introduced. The modest accomplishments of their medical systems has not led Europeans to alter their expectations.


I agree with Europeans. There are a few surgical procedures like appendectomy that save lives. Many orthopedic procedures can make life more enjoyable. Occasionally an antibiotic or an antihypertensive helps. But frying the brains of Ted Kennedy and Robert Novak stretched their lives from 6 months to a year as steroidal zombies.

The Democratic proposals don’t do anything to make Americans reject salvation, so I suppose that the special interests will continue to prosper and medical costs will climb. The Republicans ripped off some Libertarian ideas that would force individuals to confront the cost-benefit calculus, but few of their politicians understand consumer driven health care, and most would reject it if they did.

I don’t see anything in my lifetime curbing the American appetite for the marvelous.

Legalize all drugs, maybe tax em, and let em be sold like booze or cigarettes. Prices will drop and the incentive to push the stuff will fade.

The bulk of the people pushing drugs are like Amway distributors, they are also the main users and need the income, and new customer base. Get rid of the need for income, and the whole chain of money back to wherever it is collapses.

BTW, we had a heroin problem in Vietnam starting about 1970. The South Vietnamese air force almost certainly brought the stuff over from the golden triangle and the Vietcong distributed it. I suspected 30% of our soldiers were addicted, and another 20% used occasionally. Had we been attacked, we would have had 30% casualties armed with M16 inside our own wires. That has to be one of the reasons why we withdrew from Vietnam; we had been defeated militarily by a crafty enemy and the weakness of American draftees.

I dont know why only rapid supporters are invited; how does the rapid confer on a combination of self serving special interests like construction contractors, publicists, transport unions, and frankly gulls credibility, but critics are intimidated and told not to attend a public, and I suppose, publicly financed meeting?


This is an obvious attempt of the rapid to drum up free publicity and support for the agency to mulct yet more money from the taxpayer.

The problem with the rapid is the rapid. Its amassed huge moneys which management, politicians and the various hangers on have used to extend their power. There is a constant campaign of misrepresentation to further their goals.


Ill cite some of their deceptions;  

1) Their web site presented only an operatingbudget, excluding capital spending for buses, buildings, repair facilities etc. Their capital spending is grossly out of line with the spending of comparable public bus-lines elsewhere in the country. The capital budget for bus lines should add around 20% of operating costs; the capital budget for the rapid, both recently, and when averaged for the last 10 years (includes GRATA) adds 40% of operating costs. Why the gross overspending?


2) The rapid falsely claims that buses are greener, and save fuel. The Federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics publishes actual fuel usage per passenger mile each year. It states unequivocally that buses are 20% less efficient than are personal cars in operational use. The further implication is that buses are more polluting than are cars.


3). Their taxes will be levied on businesses and landlords who pass these increases on to customers instead of higher prices for food, clothing, heat, electricity. Very poor people are the victims of their scams.


Monies that are “lost” are “ICE-T” funds, and can be used to fix bridges and roads if not wasted on some of their self serving scams.


If several laws were changed, or abolished, a system of privately owned and operated buses, vans, jitneys, and taxis would soon compete with the public bus line, and efficiently find and solve transportation needs for folks who are too poor, or disabled to drive their own cars. The rapid is not operated for the public good, so much as to enrich the special interests; these do not want to have pesky competition and are powerful enough to thwart any reforms.


Travel 50 miles north of GR and find woods, overgrown fields, rotting barns. Travel 50 miles south, the same thing. In all directions find abandoned farm land.

This reportignores the fundamental reality that farmland is being abandoned by the millions of acres due in part to greater efficiencies on the surviving farms, and, near cities that hope to grow, incursion by suburbs.

Also, the GRP and the politicians who support preservation(has anyone seen land ever disappear?) have to tell us why the oppose free markets and capitalism.


Erwin Haas


I seem to remember Mayor Abe Drasin, and Commissioner Howard Rienstra being politically incorrect and calmly taking a strike by some 750 or so unionized city workers. They brokethe union and won great praise. (Im not against unions but the public service variety clearly serve no economic purpose.)


But my related question is, how did the workforce in the city swell to what I back calculated to 2000 (which was cut by 25% or 500)? Were more of Mayor Heartwells supporters put onto the payroll only to be let go when times got tough?


We lived in the city and paid huge taxes. The city planning commission under Mayor Heartwell decided to zone our and our neighbors property so that the politicians could build subsidized  housing for their supporters. Nice loss of tax base and concomitant increase of costs to the citys treasury. I greatly increased my net earnings and lost a lot of stress when we moved out of Grand Rapids.  I seem to remember Mayor Abe Drasin, and Commissioner Howard Rienstra being politically incorrect and calmly taking a strike by some 750 or so unionized city workers. They brokethe union and won great praise. (Im not against unions but the public service variety clearly serve no economic purpose.)


But my related question is, how did the workforce in the city swell to what I back calculated to 2000 (which was cut by 25% or 500)? Were more of Mayor Heartwells supporters put onto the payroll only to be let go when times got tough?


We lived in the city and paid huge taxes. The city planning commission under Mayor Heartwell decided to zone our and our neighbors property so that the politicians could build subsidized  housing for their supporters. Nice loss of tax base and concomitant increase of costs to the citys treasury. I greatly increased my net earnings and lost a lot of stress when we moved out of Grand Rapids.  



payroll taxes up to seven times higher than high-income earnersis an inchoate statement in an article that otherwise reflects a compassionate though uninformed view of poverty.

Taxes, popularly, are levied on “the rich” and corporations. “The rich” actually are the investors in businesses ore corporations, so there is no real distinction.

Turns out that investors and corporations cannot lose money in the long term. They simply must justify the use of resources, or else cease operations (and there go the jobs). Businesses have to cover their costs with income, and therein lies the kernel. Taxes are a cost, and businesses have to pay them. They usually cover their costs by increasing prices. Businesses do not pay taxes, they merely collect them.

As the government has become larger in the last 30-40 years, businesses have had to increase their prices to customers, thereby passing their increased costs to someone else. That someone else is the working poor that our writer is so concerned about. Folks who are higher on the income scale have bargaining power, and those with union jobs political power to overcome these increases in the general prices for food, rent, clothing, transportation…..

The poor have no bargaining power; they have to take jobs that are offered at whatever wage, and pay whatever prices they encounter. The poor have to contend with a universe in which they pay for the increased burden of government when they buy food, pay rent, and contend with credit cards. This accounts for the observation that the incomes of the poor have not kept up with the general prosperity.

Mr. Long would rationally advocate smaller government with lower demands on businesses. That way the oppression of the poor would ease. Increasing the income of the poor only forces more money and its waste through Lansing.

Erwin Haas is communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan. “The Thinks watching out for the Think nots.”

San. seems to be a Keynsian, the discredited economic school that got us into the current economic morass.

Rich folks do nothing that will lower the income that they require on investments, and that requirement includes progressive income taxes. If you tax interest income at 50 percent, they will have to increase the rates on credit cards and mortgages by 50 percent. Rich folks don’t care about taxes, which is why the left is dominated by Limousine liberals.

The multiplier effect has to do with what the fed does. Injecting money into banks is lent out and swells the amount of circulating money by a factor of maybe 2.3. Has nothing to do with welfare payments to Poor folks. The multiplier effect also debauches the economy, and distorts rational investment.

Demand by poor folks really is insignificant in the overall economy; new construction and the middle class spending really drive growth.

Rich folks invest where ever they get best return with inflation and safety factored in. That is why fat cats, like the Chinese, Japanese, and Suadi’s have invested trillions in our economy. Our investments abroad are insignificant to the incoming investments.




Ive never heard of the ISO standards. You must be very knowledgeable.

Possibly writing for the promotion of self interest?


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Pary of W. Michigan


The election of Sen Brown in Mass last week was certainly a victory for fiscal conservatives. I see it as dangerous shoals upon which our movement can flounder.

We now have to face the prospect  that legislators of both parties will see importance of Making laws”, “by  compromising, and reaching across the aisle, to wit, bastardizing our message that we dont want more laws. If we want anything from legislators is that they restrict themselves to formulating, codifying or clarifying the laws that grow naturally out of our  customs and practices as peace loving citizens. 

The Ehlers and Hoekstras of the world see it as their role to be our leaders to make us better, to improve our health and morals, not as the servants who will administer government, and then retire to the scullery and filch the port wine.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan and will be the LPWM candidate for Michigans 3rd congressional district.


Ive shown previously that PDR is another special interest patronage to increase the value of the remaining land owned by already wealthy guys.

The statement ‘“I dont believe we need to contribute to the high unemployment rate when we have $30 million in reserves,said outgoing Commissioner Bob Synkcaught my eye.

Government jobs have always been patronage and are becoming more so as government metastasizes.

Governmental jobs remind me of the Moorsoldaten. Seems that The national socialists (Nazis) had impounded Communists (international socialists) in some moors near the Dutch border and forced them to dig ditches all day long, and then fill them in during the night.


This continued until the prisoners died. Id like to emphasize that socialists were on each side of this exercise, so no one should feel undue sympathy.

What we can learn is that most civil service jobs consist of make work projects, like the Moorsoldaten. What is more damaging than wasting their time on digging ditches is that the civil service mostly creates work by bothering others. The Sheriffs will spend days filling their quotas for traffic tickets and low risk inmates are victimized because they got caught with a joint or two. We could do without these.


Maybe best to eliminate both the patronage jobs and the PDR, let individuals keep their tax dollars to seek their own happiness.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Possibly I dont get the point here.


The production spends 100 dollars here in Michigan. I as Joe Q. Public put in 42 dollars into the States coffers and the producer 58 dollars of production costs. He hires a few souls here as extras, brings in most of his Japanese and Chinese made equipment, and a big star from Hollywood. He peddles the film around the world and makes a profit.

The state of Michigan manages to tax expenditures from sales and income taxes, minor contributions from property taxes, the sum of which are capped at 10% of what is spent here. So Joe Q. sees at most 10 dollars come back to replace his 42 dollar expenditures.

Not an investment that Rick could have sold to anyone except the innumerate legislators. Hopefully he will get rid of the film industry like its a bodily function.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


I couldnt understand the headlines and struggled to read the article to no avail.

Ill rewrite what I think the author may have said.

The government of Michigan has a financial problem; not enough money in and too much out. A rejiggering seems in order.

The state should streamline the tax system by introducing the Fair Tax (basically what Texas does at 8.25%), get rid the current capricious schemes and watch investment and the economy soar.

At the same time the government must dump the special interests to cut expenditures, to wit, film, MEDC, tourist, prevailing wages on construction projects, public pensions and medical care costs……..

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Greattake, the tax structure is dysfunctional and high and if it were lowered, would certainly help keep legislators from frittering away our resources. The state should streamline the tax system by introducing the Fair Tax (basically what Texas does at 8.3%), get rid the current fickle schemes and watch investment and the economy soar.

I opine that more of the state’s misery is due to regulations which strangle initiative here. The government must dump the special interests to cut expenditures, to wit, film, MEDC, tourist, prevailing wages on construction projects, public pensions and medical care costs……..


The state controls your health care, jobs, property, marriages, divorces, children and education, etc.


Granholme gloried in laying claim to all of the water in the state because of the fantasy that denying Great Lakes water to Arizona and New Mexico would make Michigan richer; remember how she tried to stop a bottled water plant from opening up north because of the ideology. Now in addition to everything else, you have to ask permission to use the water under your own land.

What is the point of endeavor? People who have a future will not work for the commune; they will work to earn and keep what is theirs.</p>

The only answer is for the individual to be set free from Michigan’s bureaucratic whimsies. The state cannot help the economy, or change what is best for the individual. The loss of population should have made that obvious. It wasn’t groups of people who left Michigan, it was one person at a time each seeking his own happiness.

Call it liberty.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

The economic reasoning supporting PDR is 1) for local economic diversity, 2) to create a long term business environment for possible agriculture and 3) to ensure a safe adequate local food supply.

If it were a function of our government to ensure local economic diversity, the Kent County commissioners should support publishing pornography. After all, with all of the religious and music publishing going around here, any citizen can see that more diversification will benefit those very important endeavors and buttress the 2) long term business environment for publishing.


I calculate the total agricultural cash flow of $121 million annually is about 1% of the net income of the economic activity of Kent County of 12 billion. Surprisingly little given the enormous resources devoted to it. Id guess that publishing produces a far greater percentage of the countys output, and of course, subsidizing pornography would only strengthen that industry.


I hope that the commissioners continue to encourage economic diversification by diverting monies wasted on small potatoes like farming and apply that money to the porn industry. For the scenery.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Dear GR, if you dont mind my using your first name;

In defending PDR you have to tell me why you want to have farms near a metropolitan area? The highest economic use of that land is for homes, businesses and factories and not in farming; thats why PDR is a payment to the farmer to buy away that economic surplus. Why do you want to deprive the market of the lowest cost options available for necessary expansion?

Farms, even the toy ones that survive near the city produce smells, sounds and pollutants that finicky city slickers will find offensive; what yet more silly compromise will the Commissioners make when irate voters complain about this creation of theirs? I can picture some very liberal fire brands labeling a hog farm next to a public housing project as state sponsored terrorism, which oddly enough, frankly, makes sense.

Real farms start another five miles out. For the price of a cup of gas you and your descendants (mine have all left Michigan to seek fortunes elsewhere) can to out that much further to get food security, watch peasants and workers happily disport themselves among the weeds and to tolerate whatever scents and sights that real farming might thrust on them.

A caution though, dont go much further than 20 miles from town if you want to see farms. Seems that most all of Michigan, and indeed the upper Midwest is dotted with abandoned farms. Empty barns, rotted weathered homesteads, weed overgrown fences and fields constitute the only scenery that our farming romantic is likely to find from the Kent County line stretching all the way to the Sou, or down to the Indiana Border.

I suppose that the commissioners could spend our money and all that leveraged pelf on preserving a hundred times as much land in lets say, Houghton County. At least they wouldnt do as much economic damage as depriving the market of space in a county where that is still economically relevant.


But if the commissioners really want to improve the livelihoods and scenery for citizens of this great County, they should invest in the porn industry and not fritter it away on the cornball and cheesy PDR

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

Well said, as usual Sage.

And La, you’re right on about nursing. I’ve been counseling new RNs to go to El Paso if they want to work. Texas is a truly progressive state (“Progressive” indicates the direction the worm goes to when it’s moving).

I didn’t read the original article, but I assume it’s the usual maudlin stuff about education and the state supporting health care. BTW, the population of Grand Rapids dropped about 3 percent in the last 10 years despite the “medical mile”.

Clogged toilets repeatedly flushed, and the back up deepens.


The thread here seems to be that Michigan or the USA should prosper by promoting our own kind of protectionism.

But why should I, as a consumer, object to acquiring goods cheaply while the government of China forces poor schnooks to work their fingers to the bone and subsidize my great life style?

The object of providing Americans with shovel-readywork is another crackpot idea. What joy do most Americans find in work? We want stuff, not work.

We know that capital can be substituted for labor. (People interested in economic history may consult the Cobb-Douglas function.) You can dig a the Erie Barge canal in five years, using 10,000 Irishmen with picks and shovels, or you can get your canal in one year, using 100 guys and an investment in giant earthmoving machines. This is the core of capitalism.

I envision a huge factory staffed by robots, with a few guys on loading docks marshalling raw material through one door and shipping finished goods out through another. A few maintenance men grease the wheels. Folks living genteel lives design, direct, and finance the operation from their homes, working a few hours a week.

I’d hate to employ a billion hands manufacturing (hand making) stuff in China when highly robotized machines operate in some place that capital and creative people find most congenial. And I hope this would be a free-trade U.S.A. If the crazy quilt work of regulation, work rules, and taxes in Michigan were liberalized, it might even occur here.

I’d say that the Chinese are in trouble, and meanwhile, lets enjoy the cheap stuff.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

Erwin Haas is the communications director….


You cite Pittsburgh as somehow leading the way. Two of our kids went to P’burgh to make a living. Both are highly trained and enterprising. The engineer worked designing a nuclear power plant in W. Miflin; hated it and left for a nicer environment. Daughter is a statistician at RAND which is affiliated with Carnegie Mellon (actually more prestigious than U. Pitt) a core city phenomenon. She loves it but I’ve warned her about buying housing there.

The reason is that Pittsburgh, despite its halo of having research, great universities and hospitals is slowly dying.

Yep. Greater Pittsburgh had 2.4 million folks 10 years ago, now down to 2.3 and change. The presence of a great downtown, world class universities and medical facilities which employ some 10s of thousands is not able to alter the rather fast decay of the surrounding city, and there is no hope that it ever will change.

Citing Pittsburgh identifies you, along with the editors of the GRP, with the religion of Salvation in “education”. Repeating each other’s cant discourages making effective arguments; rather you just validate each other without relying on evidence readily at hand.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

El Sayed Ali Ahmed Zaki

Former Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Sudan


El Sayed Ali Ahmed Zaki has held a number of distinguished government positions related to public investment and development programs in Sudan. From 1983 to 1989 he was first undersecretary of planning, and from 1989 to 1990 he served as minister of finance and economic planning. He is currently a management and economics consultant. Zaki has been a member of the board of directors of numerous public and private corporations and is now chairman of West Kordofan University and chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Electricity Corporation, Sudan. Zaki holds a B.Sc. in agriculture and an M.Sc. in agricultural economics from the University of Khartoum, and an M.A. in macroeconomics and a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Michigan State University, USA.


Dear Alamo;

Capitalism is the spontaneous deployment in the marketplace of some combination of capital and labor to produce, market and enjoy stuff. (Economically, manufacturing is not a very productive use of human time.)

My point was that someone, somewhere will build a factory or factories that will employ a maximum of capital to make stuff, relieving most folks from the drudgery of labor. This has been the glory of the free enterprise system, pioneered in the West, and now imitated in the Orient. This trend has allowed 1% instead of 90% of the population in the USA to farm and feed the rest of us, and has allowed manufacturing to use ever fewer workers.


BTW, manufacturing in the USA is enormous; it accounts for about 15% of the output and in absolute terms expands as rapidly as does the Chinese manufacturing base. Firms in the USA produce high end stuff.  The complaint of politicians is that there are no manufacturing jobs, never that Americans dont make stuff.


If we got rid of the rigidities of environmental law, zoning and planning commissions, the interference of state and national labor laws, bureaucratic finance constraints, factories could be built here that would produce an enormous amount of stuff at low costs. Prices would drop and even the fellow with a minimum wage job could live well.


Automation would freeze China out of the breadline and they know it. Chinese workers have also lost jobs, probably more than in the USA. The bright and aggressive managers in China are slowly accumulating the capital to automate, but their big problem is their woeful lack of the marketing capacity which accounts for 80-90% of the value of stuff.   This is where western societies and the Japanese still soar above their competitors.


Democrats never got over the industrial revolution and fantasize factories with assembly lines with highly paid union workers adding interchangeable parts to underlying junk,;the same dysfunctional thinking is also applied to the public schools. Republicans want us to live under the Christian equivalent of Sharia law.


Only Libertarians see clearly the power of the individual to imagine, create and enjoy in a free society. Freedom has sadly deteriorated in Michigan and in the USA. Absent our inherent freedoms and liberties, this country will be content with ever poorer, less enterprising and dejected citizens.


Learn to live with it, or else vote Libertarian to allow greed and individualism to work its magic as it did a hundred years ago.


I attended the gun show at the Deltaplex the weekend before the elections. The W. Michigan Tea Party was selling some trinkets along with Snyder, Hillibrand, etc.

I merely contracted my eyebrows because it was obvious that Snyder , like Obama, guaranteed himself election with a flowery vision and brushed off substantial details of what he would do. The press connived with this, never asking questions.


Now the Tea Party activists are treated to the spectacle of Snyder rubbing his worry beads instead of offending anyone. He is too detached to stir the fermenting manure pile so that it will at least heat up much less shovel it out.


Angry peasants will have plenty of manure to throw but all for naught. The new guys are in there for the next 8 years, all the time mollifying the commoners and above the stink.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


Procrustes was a famous highway robber in Ancient Greece. His morbid sense of humor presages that of our Michigan public officials.

Seems that he wanted his victims to be all the same so he constructed a bed and measured all. Those who were too tall had hands and feet cut off to fit the bed. Folks who were too short were stretched on the rack, dislocating joints and causing death, until they too fit Procrustes’ bed.

The Procrustes’ bed was well known and feared among the founders; too bad that many Michigan’s public officials want to produce a drab sameness, emulating Procrustes. Many see it as their duty to produce some sort of equality of results under guise of social justice.

Erwin Haas is the communication’s director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.

I wish Snyder well, but all I need from him is that he not interfere with my and other citizens’ use of our own properties and God given talents to make a living.

In last half century the state has assumed an ever more intrusive stance into private affairs. A culture here has evolved in which we assume that we have to seek the permission of the state to use our property. I always cite Texas for its progressive stance. In Texas you can do what is not forbidden; in Michigan, you may do only what is allowed. Snyder will make an impact only if he can break up this dysfunctional nexus.

The regulatory state is the problem, not the weather. Young enterprising folks leave because they can’t or won’t deal with the bureaucracy. Michigan has become a place where the state sets up the MEDC to help aspiring business not only navigate the maze of regulations and also raise money by taxing possible competitors. It’s crazy.

We should pay the state only to provide protection from those evil men who would deprive us of our earnings. We do not want government officials to equalize wisdom and foolishness, and who see themselves elected to solve people’s problems for them. This has created the servile mind so common in the Press and in the remaining citizens.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


ST, since we seem to be on a first name basis.


How does denying Nevada fresh water make us richer?


We dont improve our lot when we put someone else  at a disadvantage. If Nevada wanted our water, they would have to pay for the transportation  plus some sort of severance tax. This is how its done among adults.  What would happen to us in Michigan if Texas or Louisiana decided that their oil was was too precious to sell to Northerners? Or how much electricity would you enjoy if Wyoming or Montana decided that they didnt want any more holes in their gravel and were too jealous of low sulfur coal to want to share it?


We lose nothing when we sell what we have in unbounded excess. Indeed that is what free markets are all about. We have water, timber, oil and natural gas that remain locked away by government fiat. The one thing that Michigan now exports is labor, and resembles other social democracies like Mexico or Kerala in that regard.


The state of Michigan needs to stop interfering with the pursuit of life, liberty and property.

Absent this, prepare yourself for a long, impoverished grind or else leave and go to where grownups are adults.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


ST, since we seem to be on a first name basis.


Im not sure what a CAFO be, but it sounds like bureaucratic in group talk. In any case, you assume there is no water law separate from the monstrosity pushed through the Michigan legislature about 5 years ago.


The common law (and the law in Texas, where civilized behavior in enjoyed to this day) made provisions for me to sue my neighbor if any of his activities threatened my enjoyment of my property. He could be hauled into court if he fouled the water table, or my air or let his dirt come onto my land. He would have to pay for the legal costs as well as for any damages that I suffered. Issues of property rights were resolved in months to a year.


The environmental laws as practiced in Michigan forbad direct law suits; now the offended property owner has to register the complaint with the local EPA who will investigate, hold hearings and dither for decades, subject of course to political considerations like how big and connected the offender is.


Property subject to bureaucratic whim is diminished property and becomes valueless. Travel from Grand Rapids to the Sou to treat yourself to 250 miles of abandoned farm land, non of it fenced in or even posted, but all of it zoned, regulated and floating in water that belongs to the state.


Compare this dreary wasteland of governmental paternalism to what I have seen in West Texas. The land there is vastly less productive but is fenced. Windmills draw up water for a few cows every few miles. The only Protection that the landowners there would ever use are ancient established riparian and ordinary property rights. Politicians in the state of Texas would never dare try to squelch enterprise in the same way that those in Michigan have.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan


Other than the self serving experts who presented the pros and consof wind energy, this editorial mentions Chris who remains in Michigan because of wind energy.


Reminds me of the attempts of an African government that wanted to teach locals how to work in factories. They had the fellows show up at a certain hour and then carry a rock on their heads across shallow river. After 15 minutes on the other side, they put the rocks on their heads and carried it back. All day for eight hours.


Economically futile Chris. Go to Georgia and sell life insurance.


Im probably the only person alive who has read Huckleberry Finn.


Twain spent the 1880s fulminating against the public schools that were just being started in the 1870s and 80s (His schooling interfered with his education, First God made idiots, that was for practice. He then made school boards).


Huck appeared in 1884. It is a masterpiece up until Jim is freed from slavery and Huck finds out that he may return safely to St. Petersburg since his abusive father has died.


Twain then goes off into a completely unrelated and trivial plot of Tom using his educationto release Jim and Huck from that cabin. Tom goes through some childish contortions that puzzle Jim and Huck who nevertheless remain silent in deference to Toms educated status.


The last 50 pages of Huckleberry Finn mock public education and the professors have yet to tumble to Twains wile.


Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


This measure illustrates the magnificence of our constitution.

Pirates menace American ships and property. The Congress issues a letter of Marque and Reprisal allowing privateers like Prince to address the banditry. The president need  not be involved, and no one declares a war.

The cost is minimal, the USAs reputation are not on the line and no US serviceman will die.

Prince and his roughnecks can make a profit and pay compensation to his employees who might lose lives or be injured while carrying out this assignment.

The libertarian position is that we should have used this provision in the Constitution in Afghanistan.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


Another consideration is that GR had streetcars on at least 4 routes a hundred years ago; they were built and run by private companies but depended on a franchise from the city.

As I understand it, they needed to raise their ticket prices during the 30s and 40s , and the city fathers refused the request forcing the private company to near bankruptcy and the stock to lose almost all its value. The rails were still in the road bed of Wealthy, Plainfield, So Division and one other street in living memory.

GM bought the stock of the distressed streetcar companies around the country and either bankrupted them or terminated their rail operations. Buses, made by GM, replaced the streetcars and were subsidized by the city. A law suit charging GM with monopoly abuse was in the courts for 40-50 years and was only settled in the 1990s. The settlement was written up in the Atlantic Monthly

I don’t know whether the city fathers 60 years ago were influenced by GM, or just hostile to the free market, but it seems obvious that the politicians in GR who are the heirs of the fine fellows 60 years ago , or even in the other 5 cities victimized by the rapid lack the moral standing to force us to pay for their judgments which we now know be capricious at best, or the result of criminal collusion at worst.

Erwin Haas is the communications director of the Libertarian Party of W. Michigan.


“leading-edge medical devices, clean-energy products and other advanced materials”


Note that these are all manufactured goods and in industries that can be unionized. And the three have long since been in the public domain where any unimaginative politician can find them and propose that there be a “public-private partnership” (read a politician using out tax dollars to reward his ward heelers) in his state to compete with the 37 other states whose politicians read exactly the same shopworn rags.


Mr. Miles, Democrats and Republicans who want to runthe state should allow liberty to run rampant. Let people do their thing with their own money. Its not your role to improve people, or to make their lives better. You may think that the one wants to make billions is greedy, that another who wants to drink or gamble away his money is foolish and that the third who has to leave Michigan to earn his bread is disloyal after what weve done for him,but what makes another mans happy is none of your business. Its the government officials role to administer the states laws and act as a neutral judge to mediate disputes. The role of the citizen is to do anything he damn well pleases including founding a business and making a fortune that he wants to keep in an industry that no one else could have conceived even possible and risking his own money, like Olds and Sparrow.


On groundwater, water


The original pertussis vaccine was developed at the State Lab in Grand Rapids in the 1930s by two women, Pearl Kendrick and Grace Eldring, sadly now both gone.  I saw Grace as a patient about a year before she passed. They lived together in retirement in a small house in Comstock Park.

They had developed an antigenic preparation of ground up B. bordetella bacteria which they prevailed on several of the ENT docs in GR to try; it didn’t cause any harm, and so they went into field trials which successfully prevented Whooping cough. The first publication was about the results in Kent County dated 1937, and then their major achievement, the results of testing in Michigan was published in 1947. Their vaccine was accepted by the WHO in 1948 and was the standard of care until 1991, as detailed in the article.


Their vaccination was effective for about 5 years and virtually eliminated pertussis in the general population. The last dose was given to kids when they entered school and it was understood that 10 year olds might well get whooping cough, but at that age, the disease causes few long term problems. I remember having whooping cough at age 11, being sick for over a week, with a wracking cough, bleeding into the whites of my eyes from the pressure of coughing and the family doctor making a house call, giving me an antibiotic which resolved the problem; pretty exotic stuff for a brewery worker’s boy from Buffalo’s east side.


Unfortunately the Grand Rapids vaccine which was so successful had two toxicities,-possible high fever and an occasional seizure,  that bothered better “educated” parents and many stopped vaccinating their kids in the 1980s, resulting in huge outbreaks of pertussis around the world. 

This prompted the development and deployment of the current acellular (only the weakened poisons of the bacteria were used, not the ground up bacterial cell) vaccine, which was not as likely to cause immediate problems. Unfortunately many parents still refuse vaccination for their kids and so the disease smolders among kids and adults develop chronic cough and remain contagious. More importantly, the new vaccine protects for only 3 years and there have been no provisions to revaccinate kids or even adults at this greater frequency. (Adults can get vaccine which helps prevent the disease only every 10 years.)

After the field trials with pertussis, Grand Rapids served as a testing site for other medical and preventative measures for years; the Killed Measles virus vaccine  (abandoned in 1968 as being toxic and not that effective) was  field tested here in 1961. When that vaccine failed, kids (and adults, as I and a colleague first described in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 1976) developed an inverted or atypical measles. 

As a result of that article, I, and my colleague, were written up in the National Enquirer. 

This recitation of claims, called new urbanismor smart growthhave been made loudly for some years now by Marxist university urban planning faculties; the theories have long since been debunked. They assert that young, technologically connected people who are imputed to be job creators, want to move to places that resemble villages and towns that were at their peak 100 years ago (and now look like tourist traps-tree-lined streets and decaying storefronts included.) BTW, these are devoid of foot traffic after Labor Day. Public transit carries less than 1% of trips.


Two problems with this fantasy. The first is that young technologically adept, caring and sharing millenials will create jobs; clearly pie in the sky. They will move only to places (like in the report on Portland Or. which was featured in the NYT some months ago) where they will be hired for a minimum wages and fail to found families. These folks, indoctrinated in public schools and in elite universities, militantly will not start new businesses.


The second flaw in this spiel is the belief in magic; that if some town in Michigan looks like a street in Houston, that smart kids will be attracted-this is a cargo cult.


To explain; primitive islanders in Pacific tried to build replicas of aircraft, runways, chapels in the superstitious belief that these produced the prosperity that they had enjoyed when the American Army had passed through during WW2.


 The same urban planners also enthused about pedestrian malls, urban renewal, housing projects, city planning and the zoning proposed by the Ku Klux Klan. 


I know of no place where this new urbanism, AKA smart growth, has advanced anything except a swindle. Maybe someone can correct me.

It’s difficult to see the picture when you’re inside the frame.



The shell game here is that we should be courting young Millennials because they are good employees. Bullfighters! Thats not what is needed.


We need new industries, but these facile, shallow college grads are not risk takers, innovators or the sort that will hunker down for decades building wealth, but rather are docile followers who want a small paycheck and bigger bennies.


We are to believe that young technologically adept, caring and sharing millenials will create jobs; clearly this is pie in the sky. They will likely move to places that are ideologically compatible, funky places with walkable communities, bike paths and bars that look like a Super-Bowl beer commercials (like in the report on Portland Or. which was featured in the NYT some months ago) where they will be hired for a minimum wages, live on trust funds and fail to found families. These folks, indoctrinated in public schools and in elite universities, militantly will not start new businesses.


Give me the ambitious 40 or 50 year old with a gritty past, who has dreamed, saved, worried and prepared himself in marketing, finances, management and the technical aspects of an enterprise, and then takes the plunge.

We dont need more employees, the unemployment rate is sky high already. We need ambition, greed, even avarice, the qualities of soul that come with age and a hard life, but character traits that have unfortunately been hectored out of millennial youngsters during their fashionable and politically correct toilet training.


And businesses, schemes,





The good and the bad

Jan 7th, 15:53

“Deflation is bad”
Depends on whose ox is gored. Our standard issue economist would point to falling GDP and increasing unemployment, the worrisome debt of companies, individuals and governments as failures. It’s well to remember that these same economists advocated the elements that have led to deflation and, in a sober world, would lose any credibility in trying to fix the mess that they’ve created (unfortunately these guys will continue to peddle their nonsense, but….)
Savers and poor folks will be winners; they need only put cash under their mattresses. Investors will have to be careful to select only ventures that are likely to be winners in the productive environment and not just those that use inflation to make money.
The net result is less work and fewer resources used in wasteful endeavors. No one starves and life is less frenetic. Everyone cites Japan as seriously dinged by deflation, yet I see them using smartphones, women not bearing children and old folks retiring in dignified circumstances.
Life is good. We should not let academic economists and their acolytes in the media dictate to us how we should think.





Trying times

Jan 7th, 13:32

My wife and I were in Turkey 6 years ago and witnessed intimidation and persecution of Christians. Yet this newspaper continued to characterize the AK party as “moderate Islamist.”





The father of freedom

Jan 2nd, 13:39

This blog is a bit muddled; the question is not what Jefferson may or may not have believed, but what innovations he invented in “the statute of religious freedom in his home state of Virginia” and by extension to the federal constitutional first amendment.

There is a consensus that the founders, who remembered the recent religious conflagrations of the 17th century, feared the influence of religion on government, not that of the government on religion. Jefferson’s time was one in which daily life revolved around God much more than around being a political prostitute.

We, and our blogger, no longer believe in God, so we keep inventing extremely poor imitations of him in our secular and governmental lives, so making it easy to lose the prospective that Jefferson confronted 200 years ago.





Unequally enforced

Dec 12th 2014, 18:02

Surveys are still useless.





Unequally enforced

Dec 12th 2014, 17:30

According to the medical journal Addictive Behaviors, underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing validation as well where African Americans in comparison to Caucasians who were urine positive were about 6 times less likely to report cocaine use when other factors are controlled for.
At Johns Hopkins, they tested self-reporting of marijuana use among African Americans: A study of 290 African American men in Baltimore, Maryland undergoing treatment for hypertension showed that self-reporting of illicit drug use is unreliable. Only 48 of the participants reported drug use but urine drug tests revealed that 131 had used drugs.
In other words, this blog is misleading. The simple truth is that African Americans get arrested for drug offenses more often is because they use more drugs, but won’t admit it in surveys (which in turn are worthless.)
As a libertarian, I don’t agree with the whole concept of our government asserting control over what an individual wants to put into his body. In this case, drugs won the war-mainstream media whining not withstanding.





Live poor, die young

Dec 8th 2014, 14:28

What is never said in polite US society concerns the life span of Black men; they died at an average age of 65 twenty years ago, at a time when the “full” retirement age was 65. Their life span is now 67, and the retirement age as increased pari passu to 67.

They pay 15.3% of their income into the system all their working lives and then, never really get anything back. I can make the case that US mandatory social security is the major cause of Black poverty. If the payments were into individualized accounts, the money (say 2-300,000 dollars) would go into their estates to be passed onto family.





Pirates on the move

Nov 28th 2014, 16:02

“Do it with a little ship and you’re a pirate, with a great fleet and you’re called an emperor” Said of Alexander






Send in the helicopters?

Nov 28th 2014, 12:56

I concur with Saspinki below; it may well be that a wealthy and industrius population somewhere loses its manhood, its heedless need for more, and stagnates. Price changes become an independent variable.
My point is that the self appointed experts who pronounce on these things are really just advancing their own protected rackets disguising them as legitimate enterprises.
They invent ad hoc fantasies to keep others entertained.
Europe is on the brink of Islamization, a reversion to the 10th century. And America????






Send in the helicopters?

Nov 27th 2014, 16:27

The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 gave low income couples 600 USD in an abortive attempt to forestall the great recession; we’ve all seen how well that worked.

I’m not sure why anyone believed or today, believes that the fellows who claimed to manage the economy but who got us into recent 6 year unpleasantness have the tools to get us out. We have a history of their failures and should discount their heavenly visions, no matter how beautiful. The Keynesian/Austrian/Moneterain theories have been, I think, debunked in the laboratory of experience and should be discarded. These theories are not robust enough to engineer an economy, but do remain as interesting conversation pieces, no more.
About this blog; we no longer print money, rather, central banks try to create credit; if folks are too impoverished, too uncreditworthy or unwilling to borrow because they foresee deflation, the velocity of money will slow, and nothing has been shown to be able to change that.

Deflation has a bad name because the current “managers” of the economy have deemed it to be so. In actual fact, it will allow very poor, but thrifty folks to save money and even thrive; no taxes but daily increase in purchasing power for cash kept under the mattress. Those with more money will have to invest it only in solid ventures since they cannot count on inflation for salvation.

And as interest rates float down to zero (they were actually negative during the great Depression for a short time), the 4 trillion dollars of long term bonds in the Fed will gain hugely in price, sufficient to pay off out 17 trillion national debt.
Where’s the problem?





Harvard under fire

Nov 26th 2014, 14:43

In all of this, we should all pay homage to Ben Franklin’s observation that graduates of Harvard are unable to earn a living by using their wits.






Trends in low places

Nov 18th 2014, 20:33

I concur; it will be a blessing to savers; no risky investments or income taxes to pay on the cash that we stow under the mattress.

Investors, on the other hand will have to pay attention to the actual business prospects of the companies and governments where they apply their money. Inflation and the melting away with time of debts that allowed sloppy companies to thrive will be a distant memory.






Trends in low places

Nov 18th 2014, 16:09

Another quixotic post by an economist.
The theory (Keynesian, Austrian) is that governments can effect the economy; that fiscal stimuli, central banks “printing” money, jawboningor, whatever will make the economy bounce, to use Pres. Obama’s phrase.
These folks have their heads in the clouds and never look at the ground to see where things are going. I prefer a track record to lofty theories. The Japanese had a similar real estate and stock market unpleasantness in 1989 and stimulated, printed, promised, and 25 years later have achieved deflation, which the learned ones who got us into this mess pronounce to be “bad.” Why would any believe these Brahmins? What distinguishes the Euro or US quandry and reaction from that of the Japanese Government in 1989, or even now?

The Fed announces that they will allow rates to rise, therefore, they rise, and later announce a money creating policy to drive rates down and they go down! This is averred in all published accounts including this bloggers.
Let’s see; in August 2012, the 30 year UST rate stood at 2.5% and the Fed announced QE3 (is that the correct number?) Eighteen months later, the rates stood at 3.9%.
Last winter the dissolution of the easing was started and now ending. The 30 year bond is now 3%.
Did I miss something; aren’t these trends in exactly the wrong direction?
You could make a lot of money betting against the Fed.

In a related and paradoxical issue;
The Fed is now said to hold 4 trillion dollars worth of long term bonds, yielding possibly 3% in the aggregate. At the same time, the Economist newspaper has been grumbling about impending deflation (paradoxical since the intention of the QEs has been to produce inflation.) In a previous bout of US dollar deflation, the Great Depression, UST rates became negative for a few days and hovered just above zero for a years. A fall in rates in the coming deflation to that level could happen again, let’s say to 0.5%. At that rate, the 4 trillion of UST would be worth 24 trillion dollars, enough to pay off the national debt and then some.
And I’ll draw a half dozen comments showing that why I’m mistaken. The social sciences attract the sort of idealists who wish to live in a world rich in fantasies, and I respect that.
But give me your money.





Fear and change

Nov 16th 2014, 14:07

A 22 year old may be willing to take the risk of such a career” “”for website designers,”…”the answer has to be some combination of better education for children.”


I don’t see more schooling imposed by our government as salvation. Quite the opposite; training designed by a bureaucrat or even by our blogger (“be productive,” “toe the line,” “learn how to build better bombs and tanks,” “be a team player”) will lead to even more obedient, more dependent and uniformly dull citizens who are ever more mal-content and knowledgeable only in what has already been discovered. They never have questions or the drive to seek out the new.

If governments fantasize that they can impact the prosperity of their citizens, it is clear that they should allow for individual self individuation, self responsibility, rebellion and even, Gasp!, greed.
Ain’t gonna happen but I have glimmerings of foci where enterprise still struggles to emerge.

Home schoolers have no schooling at all; mom or whoever soon looses interest in the daily grind and the kid begins to have questions and seeks out answers for himself. The Amish have the best schooling if that’s what you imagine might be formally available; they live in families where dad farms or has a small business; the math of how much an acre will produce, its costs and profits are part of their liveliehood. They learn 2 dialects of German and perfect English at one room schoolhouses taught by their 20 year old aunt. By the time they are 25, the married couple run a profitable small enterprise and start an enormous family.

I observe this only to contrast this with the hordes of 30 year old college grads living in beaten up neighborhoods with chipped green paint on the radiators, working at jobs where they wear paper hats trying to pay off student loans (and BTW, a machines at Mac D will now take your order and make the perfect burger) and who hate/avoid marriage since it’s unimaginably expensive.
They did everything that their government wanted, never found a sense of direction in their lives in the calculus that was bolted on or in the gender studies from which they learned logic.

What is needed for flourishing is room for the individual, child or 50 year old, to uncover questions and fashion answers of the most improbable sort, to make small mistakes, and to aspire to making the big money that will make the income gap even wider. (Gasp, you’re a bomb throwing anarchist, Erwin!)





Why mobile data to prevent Ebola has not yet been released

Nov 10th 2014, 17:01

The gaps in my ignorance is only large enough to suspect that the epidemiological explanations seem to be lacking, and that person-to-person contagion does not alone explain the widespread geographical beginnings of this outbreak in villages that are quite cut off from each other and from the larger world.

You’ll not elicit any messianic insights about the future from this beaten down old Doc.





Why mobile data to prevent Ebola has not yet been released

Nov 10th 2014, 13:39

“quickly-enacted emergency precautions have so far been successful”

Unlikely, but pretentious enough to persuade our blogger.
I do Infectious Diseases and am more than a little likely to be exposed and infected, so I pay attention.
The party line is that only fomites spread this ebola to and among humans. I’ve tried to find the original study or data on which this doctrine for this particular strain is founded; can’t find it on the internet because of all of the noise from hysterics and I suspect that its based on mathematical modeling at best.
Any study of ebola’s spread must be based on skimpy and unreliable data; there have been a handful of outbreaks caused by slightly different strains involving hundreds of cases scattered in a few isolated villages in mid Africa. The epidemiologist (I’ll bet he worked for a government somewhere) allegedly went into these villages weeks or months afterward, got whatever data in translated languages from survivors about how close they were, what they did, etc and concluded that fomites were the sole mode of spread. A few medical and other victims left Africa and were diagnosed in Europe or USA and it was from these that other anecdotes were garnered. I’d guess that this gossip was fed into some epidemiological paradigm somewhere and, woolah! We know how it spreads!
Reportedly, the current outbreak started with one infected child last winter and then spread over 4 countries spread over 500-800 miles during 6 months with sick and dead patients infecting other folks in tiny villages that are 6 hours walk from the nearest hospital.
Hmmm; this virus must be evangelical indeed.
I don’t know how any epidemiologist working with the current strain could have gotten cleaner data than they did with the original studies 20 or 30 years ago, and the current virus is one starting 1000 miles away from the River Ebola.
Let me try another tack. The virus is apparently native to fruit bats which are common bush meat. Now it’s probable that fruit bats get around and they could have had an epizootic with the relevant strain, many died but who would know? And the surviving bats carried the strain of ebola much as humans carry the herpes or hepatitis C viruses. Had there been this secular change of this epizootic in the fruit bat or possibly in the hunting practices or needs for meat of primitive natives in West Africa, one could explain the explosive onset and spread among humans, beginning in multiple scattered areas, of a virus not previously known to be present in that region. It would indeed continue to spread via fomites and thence into the health care systems where it created so much chaos. Nothing suggests that the space suits, ebola hospitals or teaching about how to deal with natives who have fever is extensive enough to be effective in isolating the thousands of new patients that were reportedly presenting each week lately.
As the season changes, practices of hunters or of the presence of ebola in fruit bats and native populations matures, the infection of new villages and households may well fall, explaining the recent apparent (and hopefully permanent) drop in new cases.
Epidemiologists, of course, need to be loved and, like all of us, want to be seen as relevant, or even as leaders who are important to mankind. They will claim that their as yet un-finished schemes to handle the ebola outbreak are working unexpectedly well, but it may well be that they caught a chance wave which they are riding without really understanding what happened as this outbreak fades.
At least, that is what I hope, selfishly.





Two depressing thoughts

Nov 8th 2014, 00:40

The media should be more careful about criticizing money in political campaigns; the billions of unregulatedmoney flowing into ads goes to stressed newspapers, radio and tv stations, paying guys who rehash the same scrip.
Has laziness has displaced incompetence?





The gains for gridlock

Nov 5th 2014, 18:39

“one shouldn’t read too much into these numbers.”

This trip down superstition lane should not lend credence or pay homage to the fictions perpetuated by the middle brow media like NPR or Fox- that the week to week, or day to day fluctuations in markets have facile explanations.

Careful observers like Taleb or Joe Grandville preach that explanations are available only in hindsight.






So, is it suppressing voters?

Nov 4th 2014, 12:41

I don’t see any evidence in this blog that the census in 2010 had an effect on the subsequent re-apportionment and allegiances of voters.

Changing barrels when going over Niagara Falls might be disconcerting for some.

The brouhaha about free speechand censorship(it wasnt true censorship in Charlies case because the government did not intrude) in Paris should make us reflect on suppression of expression in America. In the USA, it is true censorship taking place in public schools,  FCC sponsored television, and in governmentally sponsored universities. I refer of course, to political correctness that has become a joke among high school students (at least to our kids.) There is also a gathering of laws and suppression of hate speechthe kind of free give and take that allowed buddies to jostle. A 7 year old who bites his cookie into the shape of a pistol is expelled. Hatred of white males is the party line at our state universities. Capitalism is the only bad guy in the curriculum.

Several weeks ago I referred to the Islamization of Europe in a blog to the Economist; it was pulled. Our government has done a survey of rape on US campuses and the rate is virtually zero yet Im listening to an account on NPR about how rape allegations are being unfairly lampooned.

Foley justifiably criticizes Pure Michigan for editing out African Americans but unaccountably ignores the ocean of topics that are available for serious criticism.


Some basics here;

In the USA we have the first amendment to our constitution that prevents Congress from making any laws regarding expressions of non-violent opinion and of religion.

“Censorship” revolves around the actions of governments to suppress speech of which it does not generally approve.

Then there is libelous, or false and dangerous speech; you can’t lie about someone or yell “fire” egregiously in a crowded theater, and the like.

In Charlie’s case, there existed a tension twixt the commercial and entertainment proclivities of the cartoonists and a large, often violent and poorly integrated Muslim minority that was resolved last week; thugs with motives that many in the media approve, broke into the offices of Charlie and shot the place up; they were pursued, resisted arrest and met their fates. This is ordinary criminal law and we need not probe the motives to reach justice, but the media need to perseverate so we hear it over and over.

This brouhaha about free speechand censorshipin Paris made me reflect on suppression of expression in America.


In the USA, there is true censorship taking place in public schools,  FCC sponsored television, and in governmentally sponsored universities. Id guess that similar practices and laws exist in Europe.

I refer of course, to political correctness that has become a joke among high school students (at least with our kids.) There is also a gathering of laws and suppression of hate speech,the kind of free give and take that allowed buddies to jostle 50 years ago. A 7 year old who bites his cookie into the shape of a pistol is expelled from a public school. Hatred of white males is the party line at our state universities. Capitalism is the only villain in the curriculum. One political party terms anything the opposition posits as racist,the other Marxist.

Phobias of everything (gay sex, women, Hispanics…) rule the airwaves. Our government has done a survey of rape on US campuses and the rate is virtually zero, yet Im listening to an account on NPR about how rape allegations are being unfairly lampooned.


Several weeks ago I referred to the Islamization of Europe in a comment on a blog in the Economist; it was pulled. This is not censorship, but does signal the prejudices of this newspaper in the last 7-8 years.


Our blogger muddles over transatlantic differences but unaccountably ignores the ocean of topics  surrounding the much more dangerous censorship that is available for serious discussion.


Wow, a lot of icons being worshipped here; I almost expected white slavery to be condemned and the 95 theses to be brandished above the briny waves.


Our writer sounds like the dog who hoped to get fat by eating his own tail. The backbone of his thinking revolves around urban planning,and he manages to point to the disasters that these worthies have inflicted on cities in the past (stuff like zoning initiated by the KKK, public housing projects, urban renewal, building interstates through city centers, pedestrian malls, and most recently, hatred of automobiles as embedded in new urbanism smart citiesand the like)

These academics imposed their big ideas on cities possibly leading to the destruction of many weaker ones (I know of no good studies to support this.)


So the essence of urban planning is in correcting the mistakes made by previous planners. We are  now told that Bright Young College Grads (implied to be computer savvy, itching to start the next Google and create jobsfor the local serfs) leave Michigan to go to Chicago, California and the like because they want to live in inner cities, use public transport, walk to work and bars, commune with nature and similar blather. They will go to a placeeven if there are no jobs.


Our Michigan state government listened to the academics (at MSU as I understand it) and is foisting the following swindle on our communities. You must build walkable downtowns with street level entertainment, great public transit, use your waterfronts, make using cars miserable and have folks get around on bikes (January in Lansing, Yeah.) I always fantasize that the cities proposed by these visionaries should look like a tourist trap.

When the bright kids see how Michigan cities comport to their fantasies, why, theyll leave jobs  in Houston and move back to Flint! Great!

One could object that these young, bright, college Grads (Harvard with a degree in transgender studies) is capable of working, much less starting a business.  

Another objection is that why should a BYCG choose a city in Michigan if Buffalo, Allentown and Syracuse also look like a tourist trap.


Our author, who I otherwise enjoy reading on the front porch thing, here espouses a superstition generally called a cargo cult.Look it up.

If a backwash adopts the appearance of successful cities, it will become prosperous. And the bozos who destroyed Detroit, Flint, Erie, and the rest have now, only now, found the potion that will make it all better…Magic.

On the other hand, maybe the dog can fatten up by destroying his past. I dunno.


From Wikipedia on PBBs;

A study was undertaken on 4,545 people to determine the effects of PBBs on human beings. These include three exposure groups all people who lived on the quarantined farms, people who received food from these farms and workers (and their families) engaged in PBB manufacture as well as 725 people with low-level PBB exposure……

No associations could be established between serum PBB levels and symptom prevalence rates…

no statistically significant differences in lymphocyte function were noted……

However, these studies are ongoing and adverse reproductive-system effects continue to be found in the grandchildren of those who consumed tainted farm products……


The grandchildren! Have the poor, self deluded opportunists clinging onto the wreckage of a now ancient incident described some sort of hereditary toxicity?


PBBs are rapidly inactivated by UV light and would have long since disappeared if the contaminated animal carcasses and feed had been left in the sunshine. Our professional engineer has found a report of the half life during which PBBs will deteriorate; after 4 half lives, levels today will be 1/16th of peak-I know enough physical chemistry to do that calculation, and that those should be well below controls in the 1970s.


I empathize with this one journalist who has only one issue that he can flog to make a living, but why would Bridgemi perpetrate the exaggerations and superstitions, the possibleand vaguely menacing tone of an accident that had dramatic impact on farm animals decades ago?  Anecdotes and testimonials do not create diseases except among credulous environmentalists. Plenty of study has been done on PBBs and the spot contaminant incident, all reassuring.


Journalistically, it’s a good story, even if it’s bullfeathers.


The Woozle effect occurs when frequent citations of numerous previous, flawed publications that lack evidence misleads individuals and the public into believing there is evidence, and so ingrained as to become urban myths and  in this case (shudder), laws.

In general, the results of social sciences(sociology, education theory, economics in this article) are fun to use in discussions but are not robust enough to engineer society.


We can discount the nonsense that poverty is increasing; it is measuredby finding the average income and then declaring those who are more than a few standard deviations below this level to be impoverished. There will always be a tail to the normal distribution, and occasionally it will be fatterbut one can never get rid of poverty any more than one can discard ones shadow. There will eventually be a few struggling millionaires among the billionaires.


It may well be that being on the poor end leads to being single and having to raise ones kids, Which came first?


Education does not lead to greater prosperity; folks who start life off with educated parents, prosperous and calm childhoods, brains, money to go to colleges and the like will be much more likely to do better in life; it may well be that going to college makes them poorer. Articles like this one conflate cause with correlation.


The Pre K schooling is another pseudoscience. There is no good experimental study that shows that beginning educationearlier makes any difference. There is a host of poorly done studies, all published by self serving experts that really just show the failure of this strategy. Indeed, one purports to demonstrate that kids subjected to Pre K dont do better in school, but end up as better adjusted young adults (one can massage statistics to say almost anything, but this is an over reach.)

Our media and the politicians have bought into the myth that more education is some sort of investment in the future. To some extent it is like putting manure on a cornfield; too much can create a toxic soil as instruction becomes ever more intrusive and stifles curiosity and creativity.  


And if more education led to more prosperity, then the following would be an outstanding example; some years ago there was a lawyer in western Michigan who earned 3 million a year suing obstetricians who were unlucky enough to deliver a badbaby. The education enthusiasts would have us believe that we could train all of the graduates of some inner city high school each   year, producing hundreds of lawyers (becoming a plaintiffs lawyer take brains made of oatmeal) who would go about the business of suing obstetricians, each making 3 million, each spending all that money in their community, each investing all that money……. The wealth creation, the gain from just investinga few dollars in education!



It turns out that there was a fairly severe complication of “atypical measles” and failure with the original Killed-Measles vaccine which was tested in Grand Rapids in 1961 and used on most kids in the USA and elsewhere from 1962-5. (I understand that the live vaccine occasionally results in this atypical measles immunologic complication.) I was privileged to be the lead author in a 1976 account of the first occurrence in an adult;

Vaccinations have been plagued ab initio with unforeseen complications like Jenner’s vaccination for small pox  leading to progressive vaccinia and Kaposi’s varicilliform eruption, and with Koch’s disaster with a vaccine for tuberculosis. The early live polio vaccine was grown in cells that had been contaminated with an sv40 polyoma virus, since shown to be associated with brain tumors.

I knew one of the two women who developed the original Whooping Cough vaccines in Grand Rapids in the 1940s and know much unpublished material about its development; it was much more effective than the current slop, but caused a few kids high fevers and seizures that must have been terrifying for the parents-leading, I suspect to the current disdain for vaccinating kids. This current whooping cough vaccine has a much shorter duration of effectiveness and is not effectively providing herd immunity. This failure in itself strips away the hallowed argument for the “mandatory vaccinate everyone to provide herd immunity crowd.”

When I was in the US Army in the early 1970s (they had lower standards in those days), we were taught that 1/3rd of army officers died of cirrhosis because of alcohol abuse. Since then it has been found that the yellow fever vaccine (administered to all WW 2 soldiers who were about to be deployed to the Pacific theater) had been diluted with pooled plasma, much of it admixed with Hep b and c virus; many of these soldiers stayed in the army, rose in the ranks and retired only to die early from their unrecognized vaccine-associated hepatitis and liver disease

We still don’t know for how long these vaccines are effective. It is possible that the measles or chicken pox vaccine wears off after 50 years, leaving millions of aging adults liable to infection and leading to a massive public health disaster.

Our writer (and I suspect the younger Paul) probably does not know the history of the many screw ups from vaccines, but those of us who have informed ourselves view this bruhaha with more tolerance for human foibles and with more than usual skepticism with public health authoritarianism. (I attended tha graduation ceremony of the Univ of Mich School of Public Health; talk about wackos….)

My own stand is similar to Paul’s; if you want to protect your kids, vaccinate them, they belong to you and not to the state.

We vaccinated our kids to protect them from the predictable failure of the state and of the chaos out there in the commons. I cite the 60,000 central American kids who were introduced infected with every 3rd world disease including measles, lice, TB, leprosy….into every community in the USA, courtesy of Obama’s Dreamer political scam. I didn’t see our writer waxing eloquent over our freedoms to be protected at that time….


Debt, the leak in the kyke that demands the hole be plugged now and the bilge pump be manned, else nothing else can proceed.


Paul Krugman the Nobel Laureate in economics writes in Mondays NY Times that debt is good, that attempts to pay it off are bad, and that nations and individuals should take on more becasue it will help the economy.”  Elsewhere, he claims that borrowing is OK as long as we can pay the interest. We owe it to ourselves.


What? Krugman has apparently never personally experienced the downside of fixed income securities, or paperas its known in the trade. Many of us in Kentwood know the stress of having to make a car or a mortgage payment when times get tough. The feeling of being trapped, of having to mooch off of friends or relatives, of scrambling to make a few more dollars to keep what you have; if you fall behind, the bank or owner of the paper will take it back and blacken your credit. Paul Hense, a former CPA who had offices in Kentwood often pointed out that wealth is not an excuse to not work, but rather allows people to make better decisions. On the other side, the threat of loss from not paying ones debts causes panic, the irrational and desperate thinking that gets nothing done.


What Krugman misses are the basic features of paper, that the principle will have to be repaid, that debt interferes with ones ability to borrow more, that buying stuff on credit when times are good is easy and pleasurable and payment unnoticed, but that economic times can get tough making servicing those debts becomes a hell.


What I hear around city hall is that the economic slowdown of 2008-11 caused real pain with layoffs and projects defered. Another theme is that we should be saving up for small purchases like fire trucks and computer equipment, but that borrowing for the big stuff should be standard and is even better with our current low interest rates. Of course, we are refinancing all of our previous bond issues to save a few hundred thousand here and there, to great self praise.

The city has a AA credit rating, good for a Michigan city but we had to pay Fitch and S & P to be rated before we could borrow. Our total long term debt as of 2014 is nearly 22.9 million, 19.4 million are in bonds issued since 2002 to pay for the 4 modern buildings from the city complex (Ill bet that most folks in Kentwood have never seen them.) We paid off 1.9 million last year and borrowed a new 2.9 million from a Drinking Water Revolving Fund.”  

Besides debt, Kentwood finances are at risk from now abandoned defined benefit pension plan. We must provide a fixed amount of money for these retirees. This is funded in part by gains in the stock market from which we assume an annual return of 6.5%, conservative among Michigan cities, but higher than the 5% suggested by the Economist Magazine. If there is deflation or some other major disruption in the US economy, Kentwood could be at risk for spending millions to make up for the pension shortfall.


Times, right now, are good. The national and Michigan economies are stable and no one frets about debts. Im a gloomy sort and fret about hard times; they will come and we have made many sacrifices already. Well have to find more. I dont detect any enthusiasm to raise taxes.

Our interest payments were 588K last year plus the 1.9 amortization show that abpout 2.5 million must be paid, or else. Two and a half million  in a 33 million per year operation seems manageable until the income stream is compromised because housing prices are in the toilet or the unemployment rate is over 10%; then the panic sets in, and crazy stuff can happen.

It might be prudent to study ways to cut costs now when everything is calm. Certainly its not wise to increase our expenditures; rather we should be putting a bit aside to buffer a huge downside move in revenues. In Kentwood, there is still room to expand, so new residents and businesses ought be welcomed to increase our tax base.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Krugman sees the benefits of borrowing from the bankers and economists vantage; he ignores the other half of the balance sheat.We in Kentwood have to deal with making repayments. These demands for cash continue even in hard times when our attention should be directed at solving cost cutting problems. Fear and having to resort to panicky plugging in the dykesolutions which solve little is the high and poorly understood cost of living in a pawnshop economy.


Debt, great for businesses, poison for governments.


A lot of politicians tout business experience; I certainly do.

I like to get into numbers, look at cash inflows and outflows, do projections, trade offs between short and long term costs, estimate interest rates in my head, judge the stability of some revenue source and the like. But Kentwood is not a business.

A businessman borrows at lets say 5% (market rates, the perceived risk) and invests in inventory, equipment, speculation or whatever, hoping that his return will be 10% so allowing him to retire the debt and to continue borrowing so that he can make money.

Kentwood and the city commission are not in the money making business; we have only to run a city on behalf of citizens who trust us to maintain the streets, maintain public safety with police and fire, provide for some recreational opportunities and allow them to seek their own happiness in a peaceful manner. We have no mandate to make life better, to provide jobs, business opportunities or to entertain and inspire the taxpayers in Kentwood.

Taxpayers (renters pay for city services indirectly) should however pay for the streets and public services that they need for a civilized life.

If a townhall, library, firehouse and Hall of Justice are necessary, then these should be provided at the least cost for the involuntary users. They should not erected for the edification of politicians who put their names on the brass plaques. The city should provide only those facilities that function efficiently for the city employees and that can easily be accommodated for future needs.

Kentwood had no debts and some decrepit governmental buildings until 12 years ago when the flash inspiration to rebuild swept away thrift. We built 4 contemporary buildings on an otherwise empty patch, a few apartments, an abandoned church and a toxic waste dump on the horizon. Total cost, over 20 million. There were no businesses or other reason for most of us in Kentwood to go near the place. About tastes there must be no dispute, but Im unimpressed. None of my neigbors knows where the city complex is, so I cant get their opinion about fluff like inspiration and public involvement.

A very long pole barn would have been much cheaper, could be easily accommodated to the shifting needs of government and would fit in with the numerous assembly, manufacturing and distributorsbuildings around the airport. Why would the city government want look better than its best taxpayers?

The point is that we borrowed and now have to pay for something that few of those who pay would want to buy. There is no market demand, no hope for profit or great outpouring of public enthusiasm for the governmental complex. No business or homeowner has ever moved to Kentwood because of love of great rococo architecture or for the view.

Borrowing capacity is necessary for governments to fund unexpected emergencies and the function must be retained and carefully nurtured. Our citizens should pay for what they need and nothing more. I doubt that many would fritter away the margin of safety in being able to borrow when the crunch is severe for having trendy buildings and the millstone of debt.


The Planning Commission echos the  City Commission-and Professors with Big Ideas.


A proposal to change the zoning and planning requirements for building a 107 single unit housing development, the Wildflower Creek thing, caught my eye.


The project has been rolling around since 2003. Its an empty field near 52nd and E. Paris. There have been fitful  attempts to build since, all for naught. The experienced builder, VD Hoff has recently acquired the land after the bank foreclosed. He cant make any money if he honors Kentwoods building codes and so wont build.


Two features stood out. The first concerns large caliper treesthat will need to be preserved by building a retention wall. Sounds expensive, and VD Hoff plans a way around the wall. Im a farm boy of sorts (the need to steer speeding tractors backward and weeding/picking strawberries drove me into medicine.) Trees are the enemy! No one  else on the city commission has ever had to deal with these gigantic weeds. Instead we have seem to have elected pagans who have not yet shed their Teutonic worship of the oaks! If a homeowner wants trees, fine, he should plant what he wants, wait a few years and then deal with the consequences. But protecting trees on a plat as a matter of public policy?


The second is actually more serious. Apparently the city code adopted in 2006 specified that new houses be built closer to the road, that each have a front porch and that garages be placed behind the house requiring long driveways. They seemingly specify verticle windows.

You, of course, recognize the stinking footsteps of New Urbanism, aka smart growthand theCool Citiesof  the Granholm song and dance.

New Urbanism is the current fad coming from the urban planning departments in universities. These are staffed by professors without real world experience, whose only qualifications seem to be an imagination akin to that of fashion designers of high end womens evening dress (actresses wear them at awards dinners), an inablility to do math but yet create statistics and pseudoscientific self referential surveysand affable manners that mask  their bottomless shallowness. We shape our cities and then our cities shape us.They award each other advanced degrees, lobby for government jobs  and perpetrate their santimonious pieties among impressionable politicians.

City planning departments in universities have a pedigree that blessed zoning when Denver Mayor Stapleton first proposed it in 1926 and later that year came out as an agent of the Ku Klux Klan. During the 1930s and 40s, they arranged for private, money making streetcarscompanies to be regulated out of existence by city commissioners and replaced by buses made by General Motors-the class action law suit was finally settled about 20 years ago. In the 1940s and 50, they sponsored urban renewal which destroyed GR downtown and other established neighborhoods. Their cure for urban problems was housing projectsin the 1950. Since then, these schoolboys advocated putting extensions of the interstates into downtowns, and pedestrian mallslike our own Monroe Mall (and one in Kalamazoo) of unhappy memory. City planners today see all of these as causing the contemporary malaise and certahinly, do not wish to be reminded of their past. They make a living by railing against and correcting their previous mistakes.

And so we arrive at the latest ruction from urban planners seems to revolve around a hatred of the automobile, and the fantasy that twenty-first century Americans want return to the life styles of a hundred years ago, you know before TV, the internet, supermarkets, and office jobs. We should slow down, walk to work and shop, get to know our neighbor and build community.We must have an excellent public transit systems or use bikes, preserve farmland, be good environmentalists and save the world. Roads will be engineered (bump outs, narrowing, center green spaces) to slow traffic so discouraging car use and new construction allowed only along approved thoroughfares that will allow workers and students to commute using light rail and the like. We sill be crowded by housing built on lot sizes, living in apartments and community housing (recent media push on co-housing.)  Public spaces will encourage us to venture into the commons, meeting our neighbors on porches and at community fairs. Housing developments wil be mixedwith small stores and shops, office and factories, schools, parks and biking trails within walking distance We will be encouraged to bond in neighborhood restaurants and cafes with open air, sidewalk dining areas (in a Michigan snowstorm.)


Very romantic and many would love to live in this ideal community. Some think that this must be patterened on Europe, but none of my 20 cousins in Bavaria would live in such squalor.


Just think about it.


The New Urbanists want you to live in crowded conditions very much in public view. Everyone else will know your busines and any one of them will be able to criticize what he deems offensive.

Contagious diseases like tuberculosis and the Spanish flu (killed 500,000 Americans in 3 weeks) disappeared when folks moved to suburbs and I dont see any good reason to risk a return to crowded conditions.

Public employees will run the transportation systems and if they choose to go on strike?  The neighborhood kids will now form communities, or will they be in gangs?

The noise from any party will murder sleep.

As in our city plans, garages will be behind the house and so the owner must shovel an extra 50 or 60 feet of driveway every snowfall for the rest of his life, and where can he throw it if the driveway is next to his house? Emergency vehiles will have problems navigating the narrow streets and any mugger can disappear in the multiple warrens created.

And if we habituated restaurants and cafesso as to meet neighbors, my family and I would miss our cooked evening meal together, be bankrupt and dissipated in alcohol.

I dont think that Americans want to live in an environment that resembles a movie studio.


But, I am concerned only with our planning in Kentwood. VD Hoff, an experienced builder of private homes states that buyers will not pay for houses that the city demands that he build. Buyers want the garage at the front of the house and dont see the need for a porch. They will not be forced into paying for ideology.

No one is making money as it now stands. And the Urbanist goal of fill inof empty lots is bypassed as new home owners buy or build in outlying rural areas.


Update and correction on New Urbanism

I enquired about the city planning commission’s remarks on Wildflower Creek building codes. The plans on this development had been submitted by another builder and it was these bizarre plans that had approved by the commission in 2006, that long forgotten era when almost any clutter on a field could be collaterized and flipped for obscene profits to someone even more gullible.

Apparently, VD Hoff has used this application and now wants to amend it to make his buildings salable. The planning commission is going along, but I’m unclear about how much.

The lot sizes will be very small, but investors will get what they pay for….

The New Urbanism has not yet captured city hall and I apologize for my misunderstanding of the planning commission’s minutes.


ram the a planned unit development caught my


Our writer sounds like the dog who hoped to get fat by eating his own tail. The backbone of his thinking revolves around urban planning,and he manages to point to the disasters that these worthies have inflicted on cities in the past (stuff like zoning initiated by the KKK, public housing projects, urban renewal, building interstates through city centers, pedestrian malls, and most recently, hatred of automobiles as embedded in new urbanism smart citiesand the like)

These academics imposed their big ideas on cities possibly leading to the destruction of many weaker ones (I know of no good studies to support this.)u


So the essence of urban planning is in correcting the mistakes made by previous planners. We are  now told that Bright Young College Grads (implied to be computer savvy, itching to start the next Google and create jobsfor the local serfs) leave Michigan to go to Chicago, California and the like because they want to live in inner cities, use public transport, walk to work and bars, commune with nature and similar blather. They will go to a placeeven if there are no jobs.


Our Michigan state government listened to the academics (at MSU as I understand it) and is foisting the following swindle on our communities. You must build walkable downtowns with street level entertainment, great public transit, use your waterfronts, make using cars miserable and have folks get around on bikes (January in Lansing, Yeah.) I always fantasize that the cities proposed by these visionaries should look like a tourist trap.

When the bright kids see how Michigan cities comport to their fantasies, why, theyll leave jobs  in Houston and move back to Flint! Great!

One could object that these young, bright, college Grads (Harvard with a degree in transgender studies) is capable of working, much less starting a business.  

Another objection is that why should a BYCG choose a city in Michigan if Buffalo, Allentown and Syracuse also look like a tourist trap.


Our author, who I otherwise enjoy reading on the front porch thing, here espouses a superstition generally called a cargo cult.Look it up.

If a backwash adopts the appearance of successful cities, it will become prosperous. And the bozos who destroyed Detroit, Flint, Erie, and the rest have now, only now, found the potion that will make it all better…Magic.

On the other hand, maybe the dog can fatten up by destroying his past. I dunno.


The media should be more careful about criticizing money in political campaigns; Its all based on the Citizens United decision and that, in turn, was based on the first amendment provision for freedom of the press. It seems that there is no bright line that distinguishes the corporation of the NYT for example, from that of a labor union or of Soros, Adelman, Koch…..

If Mlive can publish their political opinions and blindside the voters and issues on the weekend before election Tuesday, then what objection can they make to mere money doing the same?

I have actually used the Citizens United to devise a way to cut government costs; Private companies and entrepreneurs who successfully lobby and campaign to eliminate costly government programs should receive 10% of the money saved for five years after the program has been terminated.


the billions of unregulatedmoney flowing into ads goes to stressed newspapers, radio and tv stations, paying guys who rehash the same scrip.
Has laziness has displaced incompetence?

I certainly congratulate Mayor Kepley and his staff for gaining Trader Joes for Kentwood, and agree with the notion that other grocers (except for Horocks) will not be impacted. Their demographic is unique. 

Ive never been in a Trader Joes, but the chain is often paired with Whole Foods, and I did venture into one of their stores in Houston.

I was working an especially strenuous contract, 12-14 hour days and no time for dinner. One evening I hankered for chicharones and walked the few blocks to the Whole Foods in River Oaks. I could tell something was special, what with all the Beemers, Volvos and Acuras in the parking lot, but it wasnt until I got inside that I got the message. 

Very quiet shoppers, all in their 30s and wearing their hemp safari threads and fiber sandals. They all looked athletic and healthy, studying labels on the food on offer, quiet discussions. None of those women would ever have children. (Id guess that a lot of the customers had student debts and had rented the cars in the parking lot, but maybe my intuitions are a bit jaded.)

I, of course, felt horribly out of place.  Im just another peasant, lumpy, bald, red faced, 70ish, and stuck with big spade like hands. I wear 20 dollar cargo pants from Sears and pocket T shirts, 3 for a dollar at Meijers. 

I tried to find chicharones, after all this was Houston, a kind of northern Mexico.

Alas! Whole Foods would never, ever, sell fried out, salted pork skins; they are not considered healthy.” 

The reason I made the special trip to Whole Foods really was just hoping for a bigger bag, maybe 3 ounces for $1.29 instead of 2 ounces for a dollar. Nothing that cheap would ever be sold in that excellent store.


 I finally noodled all of that out and bought a 2 ounce bag of porkies as well as a pint of light beer for $2.25, total, in a service station on my way home. The beer, to help me blot out my tactlessness.


Haaslaw of borders


I did a lot of car travel around the USA while working contracts to provide medical care after 1999. One soon finds restaurants and gas stations, and eventually comes to associate them with entering or leaving a state. The state that has the businesses is growing and treats their citizens like adults while the state without takes care of their people and has multiple programs to improve its  economy and people. Businesses near political boundaries have a choice and find their way to the most profitable situation while avoiding unnecessary hassle.


There is nothing on the Michigan side of I69; the huge truck stops, liquor and cigarette stores are all in Indiana. There is a road in the UP that goes in and out of Michigan and into Wisconsin. The bars, stores, villages are all in Wisconsin, the abandoned fields in Michigan.

South of the Borderis a village that caters to travelers going down to Florida from NY City and points north on I 95. It advertises for 75 miles in each direction and lurks in South Carolina just before North Carolina.

As one goes north from El Paso on I10, the 200 store manufacturers outlet (visible, I used it all the time when hiking the Franklin Mountains 20 miles away) and Petro, Flying J all crowd on the Texas side. A few miles north in New Mexico there are 3-5 miles of Holstein cows (7200 on one count) eating alfalfa on the windward side of the interstate; one can feel ones lungs turning brown. Further north on I25, the resort town of Raton in New  Mexico denied Walmarts request to have a store built there because they didnt want commercial activity so the company went 25 miles further north into Colorado and Ratonites have to go that far over a mountain.

The Trader Joes and its probable minimal impact on us ordinary folk reminded me that we in Kentwood face lesser problem than going 25 miles over a mountain when shopping for ordinary groceries and other minor purchases but we do face irritants. There are 2 Walmarts, one in Cascade and the other in Wyoming, and 3 Meijers, one in Cascade, another in Gaines township, and the original on 28th on Kalamazoo. The Family Fare hovers just north of 44th street. They form a nearly perfect circle around Kentwood. There are several stores for groceries in Kentwood like Horrocks, Green market and Sams, but none are not family friendly (25 lb sugar bags at Sams, ladies at Horrocks walking around carrying wineglasses-exotic for average American diets and pantries.

Almost everyone in Kentwood has to get into a car to do weekly shopping, and the trips are usually several miles. We go 2.5 miles one way to the Meijers in Kentwood. I have walked or biked over there, but traffic on 28th street is a hassle and its cold sometimes…..

Id hate to apply my law to a small entity like a city, but having to use a car is an ongoing vexation. The relevant governmental question is of course, are  these large retailers avoiding Kentwood because they dont need to be troubled by our welcoming stance and help, or is it purely random placement, the zoning, traffic and open land in Wyoming, Cascade, etc, being propitious when they were ready to build?

The Meijers on Kalamazoo and Woodland mall were there since time immemorial. Other big stores like Home Depot and the assorted furniture, baby places have settled here since the city was founded in 1967, and they are probably indifferent to political boundaries.

But we shop weekly for groceries, and only yearly for hardware. The costs of that trip are substantial for a lot of us.


Harvesting Ice and Organic Neighborhoods.


We hike or bike daily, and a favorite is in an Amish area where we recently witnessed about 10 young men harvesting ice which, as one explained, they would store insulated underground and use for keeping food cool in the summer. I dunno whether thats practical since they use kerosene or natural gas for refrigeration, but these young fellows learned a lot of physics that day.

The blocks of ice on several wagons up there reminded me of the icebox in the hallway of the upstairs apartment where we lived in Pine Hill just outside of Buffalo. It was about 4 by 2 by 2 feet, oaken on the outside and had a galvanized box inside where the ice was deposited next to the milk and other groceries to prevent spoilage. My father would bring home a 50 lb block weekly from Rheinhards who ran both  the Icehouse and Coalyard about 2 blocks away. The box leaked at long last, and my parents got a Servelle gas refrigerator around 1950 that functioned until around 1973 when I took it apart with a sledgehammer because no one was strong enough to move it in one piece.

In any case, Pine Hill had been built up as mostly  crowded together 2 story duplexes, many with porches and single car garages in the back, during the 1920s before zoning and planning. The German-Americans had been trashed during the Great War and were chary  about pretensions about liberty and the rule of law then prevalent. The early settlers got into bootlegging and made money. Folks kept their affairs private and no one talked. The sons became township police to protect the trade. The end of prohibition ruined that business but WW2 featuring rationing and black markets in meat, sugar, tires, nothing to sniff at were in full swing when we moved in. The housing was cheap in 1943 and my parents bought a beat up place without a basement for 2000 dollars, cash. The war was in full tilt, but my father got whatever it took and made whiskey; I got rid of the family still when we moved to Kentwood 11 years ago.

Pine Hill was about 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks long around the axis of Genessee Street. I once counted 17 saloons (including the Big House, a brothel) in those 5 blocks. It was otherwise lined by small stores including 2 butchers, one baker, one Loblaw, the small supermarket, the five and dime, as well as the Nemmer Furniture store. The latter had a factory and 2 warehouses on the block opposite us. There were 2 funeral homes, a hardware and a soda shop, no restaurants in sight. The house where we lived was on a side street, away from commerce but had an abandoned store in which I played.

Women stayed at home and raised the kids. That family had 10 kids, another 7, and that one only 5. There were no freezers and so groceries had to be fresh and lasted for possibly days in the icebox. They shopped every 2-3 days, many using carts or baby carriages to cart the stuff. I still  remember Hazel, the 50 year old check out girlat the Loblaw. A dairy-truck came around twice a week and left quarts of fresh milk in a box that was built next to the front door of each house. A baker who had a source in NYC brought heavy rye bread to the door weekly. Guys and some ladies went to the saloon daily and staggered home. The public school and Catholic elementary schools, about of equal size, were a few blocks away and all of the kids had to walk. We came home for lunch; I always had bacon and 4 eggs. There were two public parks adjacent, one had a swimming pool where I lived during the summers except when I was gardening in our patch or farmed out to my aunt who grew and peddled vegetables from a small farm north of Buffalo. This was before television. Folks listened to radio and often sat out on porches to socialize. Sidewalks were used and everybody knew who belonged.

My father (and most families) had a car that he used to go to work (malt for beer)  and for major shopping. He would go to a real farmers market (not hucksters) on Clinton street to buy 10 bushels of grapes to make his (illegal) batch of wine or 3 bushels of cabbage for sauerkraut. A bus route ran along Genessee Street that could be used to get around Buffalo, and I used this public transportation when traveling to parochial high school and college, or to work. My mother never learned to drive.

All very romantic, but of what relevance to current problems?

Well, a lot. The New Urbanism has tried to resurrect this world and peddle it as the way to cure all of Americas social ills, starting with global warming, college grads leaving Michigan, poverty, autism, anything else that bothers you, and ending with childhood obesity.

Problem is, were in a new era. Husbands and wives both work and the couple feel exhausted after they have even that one precious child. The kid is pampered, protected from germs or affront from offense, and guided to greatness. The sion is to be raised scientifically by dedicated professionals who will feed, discipline and mold him in daycare and public schools. His play will be supervised. What cooking is done is often microwaved from something frozen, or, for festive occasions, fashioned from exotic spices and herbs found in small shops scattered around the city. Everyone needs at least one car to support job or hobby, and they need to be parked somewhere convenient where they can be easily driven away. No one walks or bikes to go shopping or to go to work; 60 years of Urban Planning have separated neighborhoods from stores or workplaces. A few of us (probably all college grads) drive long distances to hike in the virtually abandoned North Country trail or hike the Musketowa trail. Someone uses a car to do the weekly shop to stock the fridge and wine cellar. If cooking cant be done, why, its off to the Chipottle a few miles off!

Who has time to meet ones neighbors, or to listen to radio when there are internet conversations to maintain or games to play? A pill will take care of obesity and whatever ails you, fewer drink beer and more use marijuana (quietly, so at least the veneer of being law abiding is maintained.)

So the New Urbanism languishes but never gives up. They build a few experimental projects and are successful in fobbing the neighborhoods off on a few zealots. They then survey these investors, made enthusiastic because their life savings and reputations are at stake, and find great happiness among these captives which they can use to claim success for the swindle.

win Haas · Kentwood, Michigan

I’m on the Kentwood City commission and we also have our EDC, albeit smaller and unpretentious.

We were confronted at nearly every meeting with “Company x is going to get a new machine and they will create 2 new jobs. They have in the past increased (or decreased) the number of workers after we gave them a tax abatement. Could you approve exempting the new machine from taxes?” And of course, we always granted the tax relief. (The unlamented personal property tax is no longer applicable so at least that aggravation is quiescent.) I’m always in favor of lowering taxes so voted “Yeah.” I’m not sure what role Kentwood had in “creating jobs” but the planners were enthusiastic.


What the “experts” at Mackinac have never copped to is the Cobb (Cobb, copp not related) Douglas production function, one of the very few economic ideas that has actually been tested and verified. It seems that one can substitute capital for labor and vice versa. An example; it took 10,000 Irishmen 10 years to dig the Erie Barge canal using shovels, pickaxes and wheelbarrows. Had they used plows, oxen and scoops, (more capital,) 5,000 men could have done it in 2 years and if one used contemporary earth movers, bulldozers, 500 men one year.

The unappreciated effect when companies came to Kentwood to get tax abatements for machinery and hired 2 guys was that they would not have to hire 20 guys to produce the same increased output. The economic effect of tax abatements for buying machinery was to reduce the simple, knuckle dragging jobs so dear to the hearts of Snyder, Granholm…..

My understanding is that the current substitute is $150k for one job.


I always ask these companies where the machines are made. Many come from Germany, Japan or the USA, the three countries where most robots and machine tools are produced. Making these machines is the real labor requiring bankers in London or NYC, computer guys in Kerela, craftsmen in Stuttgart, process engineers in Detroit, Sales engineers, investors from China and Mexico hiding their money, truckers who move the goods and a few guys from around Michigan who know how to install the robots, do the electrical work and the like.



Cobb was the math guy and Douglas the economist working at the Univ of Chicago in the 1930s and 40s. They actually did experiments to demonstrate the validity and relevance of their equation. They won a Nobel Prize for same. These guys were solid thinkers; Douglas served as the Senator from Illinois for 12 years.

The substitution of capital for labor was well know 50 years ago, but is, alas, now sadly forgotten. Even the Mackinac with its libertarian impulses can’t properly analyze the basic dynamic of capital and labor which is oft in play when companies use government money (really capital) to “create” jobs.


With MEDC, there is more than one scam in play. It would be fun to tie the bureaucrats and their friends in the media into knots with the simple math of Cobb Douglas. Too bad the Mackinac isn’t up to the job.


characterless young, raised to ignorance and Appropriate Thought by government schools, will question nothing.

I’m a public official and am constantly beset by the new urbanists,  tenured frauds.


I didn’t read Haglund’s article, but I did see Grand Rapids mentioned. Real estate prices in GR are half of what they were, the population is stagnant, the city doesn’t have the money to open its swimming pools and couldn’t plow its neighborhood streets last winter. It peddled the Silver LIne which has had a troubled rollout and has not stimulated any economic activity.


But GR does tout its green credentials and promotes a downtown for young “educated” people. The job creators are the 50 year old Dutch  craftsman and store owners, and German/japanese manufacturing companies tying into the furniture and plastic injection molding traditions here.

The Silver Line is named after an allegedly successful progenitor in Cleveland which stimulated 5 billion dollars in new investmentalong its route. Much of that was by the on route Cleveland Clinic which built new ventures as they received an ever increasing number of Canadian patients; I dont think that they came because of the bus line.


In any case, we now have our esteemed, long anticipated Silver Line with poor service, sketchy finances, poor participation that I observed by the workers and peasants so dear to the hearts of the gullible politicians and their cheerleaders in the media, and ten years of taxes imposed on folks who will never use this service.


In the wings are self driving cars (you can buy limited self driving Mercedes and Cadillacs even now, Im told. Also, computers and the internet are making work and study at home ever more available and attractive. The MOOCs are going to eat weaker sister colleges alive, and already all sorts of smaller places in GR are losing students; the trend will only accelerate. Plus, public transit carries at most 2% of workers. There is no reason to believe that downtown GR will not continue to stagnate.


The roll out of this Silver Line was at least 3 years in the making, accompanied by endless drum rolls, and has been operational for 6 weeks; I detected nothing that was worthy of exaltation, but then I have poor expectations for governmental services, so am not disappointed.


So we confront the unappetizing prospect that the GR area has a 40 million dollar white elephant on its hands and will continue to bleed tax dollars that could be used for genuine economic development.


The various communities that were passed over feel snubbed and want their infusion of Federal and State pelf.


Im not sure why anyone would fantasize that having the exalted bus line go down So. Division would lead to businesses and young people moving there, but it hasnt happened. No one is investing in the trashed out buildings or weedy lots along that route. We have not had any requests for zoning or development licenses from that area. Markets move in anticipation of future price trends, and prices and economic activity in that area would have skyrocketed had anyone seriously thought that So Division would prosper. There have not emerged any of the financial indicators that it will ever develop.


So, a sunk cost, and who will stand up and be responsible? The politicians have long since moved on, and their votes and opinions lost in a pretentious muddle. The media have no skin in the game and why should they care; they filled out their quota of filler and theres no future in criticizing the mistakes of the past. The Rapid? their misdirection was bought with money and the taxpayer wont get that back. Maybe get rid of some of their more flagrant executives if they cant get the few very visible failures corrected, and soon, but still, no financial redress.


No, the taxpayer wins the victims sweepstakes. Poor schlep has been told how good he has it with rapid transit, the swindle.

One of my roles as a city commissioner is to monitor public functions and so I roused before dawn, loaded up my laptop into a backpack so I could use the WiFi, drove over to the 60th street, parked my Ford in a half empty parking lot and dragged my sagging hams to the bus stop. It was about 8:50 There were no real directions, and maybe 5 people ultimately showed up. Tried to buy a ticket but the screen repeatedly locked and then kept on rejecting my credit card. Finally asked two young people about the machine and both acknowledged that the ticket dispensers dont work very well. Pulled out a 5 dollar bill and tried that, but the screen would not prompt me to insert my hard earned money. Then the bus driver, who seemed very kind approached me, asked if I wanted to go along, and instructed me to just push my 5 into the cash slot. A day pass emerged and 2 Susan Anthonies (which I peddled go Speedway for coffee.)


Got on the bus; there were maybe 6 other souls all told. Went up Division, looked the same, pawnshops, used car dealers, boarded up massage parlors….. The bus was possibly supposed to go through signals, but seemed to stop at each one. One stop was not close to being completed. Got my computer out, and then the young fellow behind me informed me that they had planned WiFi for 1 Oct, but the company that was to install it had backed out, so that service not available until ?. Asked the young fellow, hes a freshman at CC and likes the service. Its never busy in the morning, but crowded when he returned at 2 PM. Likes it because he doesnt have to drive his car downtown, and gets nearly free rides as a student. So we clunked along, stopping at most of the cross street lights, picked up a few more, but I doubt that there were any more than 20 all told going down. One derelict got on at 60, fell asleep, had to be wakened and told to get out at the main station. He got back on and returned with me, sleeping the whole way. The bus was warm, peaceful and dry, I guess, and for a 3 dollar pass, worth it. Got to the main station, the busdriver took a 10 minute break and we returned, pretty much the same story, only a few fewer passengers. Took 33.5 minutes on the way back.


All this for 40 million that is now in the hands of the contractors, designers, computer whizzes, and sellers of expensive,greenbuses.

I did see Grand Rapids mentioned. The city touts its greenproclivities and New Urbanism. They ignore that real estate prices in GR are half of what they were, the population is stagnant, the city doesnt have the money to open its swimming pools and couldnt plow its neighborhood streets last winter. The local M live, trying to push the increased sales tax to fix the roads, took pictures of potholes; I was impressed that the only pictures that they could find were taken in the City of Grand Rapids. The public schools are emptying out as people flee, moving to Kentwood and other suburbs.

The media and various political ward heelers (contractors, unions working for the transit company) peddled our Silver LIne along So. Division in GR as a cure-all. No one at Bridge noted the troubled rollout. Fare could not be collected, buses were late, Wifi didnt work, ice on the fabled level access platforms made approaches impossible.

It has not stimulated any economic activity even after 4 years. Markets move in anticipation of future price trends, and prices and economic activity in that area would have skyrocketed had anyone seriously thought that So Division would thrive. We, in Kentwood, had that one lonely application for a new marijuana clinic along highly touted route which the planning commission trashed. I thought that this was unwise; at least the marijauana store was a beginning.

The Silver Line is named after an allegedly successful progenitor in Cleveland which stimulated 5 billion dollars in new investmentalong its route. Much of that was by the on route Cleveland Clinic which built new ventures as they received an ever increasing number of Canadian patients fleeing their collapsing medical system; I dont think that these desperately ill people came because of the bus line. The city of Cleveland still lost 17% of its population 2000-10 and another 1.7% 2010-3, but their Silver Line stimulated economic activity. Behind mountains, more mountains.

In any case, we now have our esteemed, long anticipated Silver Line in GR with poor service, sketchy finances, poor participation by the workers and peasants so dear to the hearts of the gullible politicians and their cheerleaders in the media, and ten years of taxes imposed on folks who will never use the service.

In the wings are self driving cars (you can buy limited self driving Mercedes and Cadillacs even now, Im told.)
Also, computers and the internet are making work and study at home ever more available and attractive. The MOOCs are going to eat weaker colleges like Wayne State alive. Ill bet that its student population is stagnant and that trend will only accelerate.
Public transit carries at most 2% of workers. There is no reason to believe that Downtown Detroit will suddenly become populated with lots of new workers happily carrying their lunch pails to their government jobs because this rail line might be able to deliver one or two thousand extra each morning.

The GR area has a 40 million dollar white elephant on its hands and will continue to bleed tax dollars that could be used for genuine economic development. And now Detroit will follow, wasting 140 million based on disinformation about GR published by the feckless media.

The taxpayer wins the victims sweepstakes. Poor schlep has been told how good he has it with rapid transit, the swindle.

Detroit should make original mistakes-dont repeat the mistakes that others have made.

I recall Napoleans Mules as we replace a Commissioner.

The process consisted of interviewing 20 candidates who wanted us to appoint one of them to the city commission. Can you imagine hearing building community” “ Vibrant” “Partneringand servingevery 10 minutes for four hours? In any case, we needed to whittle the field down to 3 or 4 who would receive more vetting. Criteria varied and mine were distinctly at odds with my fellow commissioners.

It seemed that a history of volunteering, of experience and knowledge of how things ran in Kentwoods city hall was important to the other commissioners. One heard about how much one or another candidate had volunteered or was known to the participants. Many of the interviewees were on a first name basis with commissioners; I knew 3 or 4.  Only a few comments addressed the personal vigor or to the occasional criticism voiced by one or another of our 20 candidates.

I thought that a mistake; we need fresh faces, ones who can see and deal with the accumulated deadwood, but I will be outvoted.

It did remind me of a probably apocryphal account of what Napolean, who specified experience when he needed to replace a general who had fallen. It turns out that 2 mules had been with the emperor on every campaign for 15 years; Napolean had only to choose which he wanted to lead that division.

The State of Michigan Land Division Act (Act 288 of 1967) requires the

Tentative Preliminary Plat Approval step.  The Planning Commission will only review the

proposal once and make recommendation to the City

Phase 1 is 30 homes with front

facing garages and 20 homes with garages in the rear

The Committee did not want to see homes where

the garage is the prominent feature as seen from the street; it was felt that allowing homes

with protruding garages and no front porches would not be consistent with the intent of the

PUD.  The Committee was supportive of permitting a larger percentage of homes to have

front facing garages.

a final tree preservation plan

Build out for Phase I, from approval of the rezoning (2003) to construction of

the final home, will have taken approximately 12 years.

to allow for diversity

in the type of housing offered within the development and 2) allow for larger rear yards

and more in-lot open space without reducing the finished living area of the homes


two homes with forward facing garages could be adjacent to each other;

traffic calming measure

Chris VD Hoff with Bosco Construction. neo traditional plan.

They could not get it to economically to work” “homes that have the garages in the b ack are the most difficult to sell, they are more costly to tmen because of the driveway ane the associated sales on them. …most customers do not like their driveways in the back, they want the traditional fron garage. …Most of the people who boght te rear load garages they do not use their garages. ..this was the main reason to build the garages more to the front.


No one liked my proposal that the Michigan Film hustle be directed at making pornographic film; I was deeply hurt when one commentator wrote that it wasnt funny. I need to re-apply myself to recover from the sting.  Mackinac makes arguments that border on the banal; no imagination and little inspiration. Maybe another idea of mine will resurrect their free market pretense.


Fifty million is plenty of money to stimulate the formation of small businesses. We should look to other successful states where there are plenty of jobs and stable industries for patterns that we can emulate. I know that I can grow lemons and limes in my 4 seasons greenhouse on our condo in Kentwood and propose extending this as a venture that the state of Michigan should subsidize.

We in Michigan pay good money to buy lemons and limes from Florida and Texas; we should grow these in Michigan to diminish the outflow of money to the south.

Farmers in areas of the state where its difficult to grow corn or soybeans would be encouraged to use these subsidies to erect green houses stimulating construction, consultants, economic activity and rural revitalization in parts of the state that are withering.

Especially exciting is the appeal to humorless leftists as part of a locavore movement. Just think of farmers markets featuring yellow lemons and green limes among the limp vegetables peddled by hucksters at these fairs.

Democrats in the state legislature would join all of the Republicans in support of this move by our state toward citrus independence and even, with enough millions, our own export business.

Young  college graduates would return from Houston and Pasadena to relax in the weak watery December sun filtering through the glass of a greenhouse, dripping with condensate.

Our governor would no longer have to wait for local cherries or apples; with fruit grown indoors he can go to regional or even national governors conferences year round bestowing a bushel of golden lemons on his envious fellows.

Some might object that its cheaper to grow citrus outdoors in climes sympathetic to it, but thats not whats at issue here. We need to stimulate jobs. Just think about the fellow who anecdotally knew a lot of people in Michigan who work in the film industry about six months a year, earning more-than-average incomes.I dont know how he learned the income of these film makers, but he could now find thousands of illegals picking our exotic fruit and guess at their incomes.


I Look at what Planning has Wrought.


One of my peeves is the primacy that we humans put on our thoughts and of how we manage to ignore, willfully misinterpret or embrace what happens as a result of what those thoughts entrain. If we deem something good, it must be good and Please dont bother me with details!Innumerable feed back loops have evolved over the eons that constrain extreme deviations from the physiologic in health and when these are lost, the organism or system disintegrates. We humans suffer from an arrogance that encourages follow through with plans and damn the results.

I hoped to get primal feedback  and so dragged my drooping buttocks over to Wildflower Creek Planned Urban Development last week. It was Friday and I had the Planning  Commission recommendation in hand.


To summarize, this parcel of land has been in play since 2003. Apparently in 2006 it was approved for 107 homes to be built in an architectural style called Neotradtional.This is an attempt to recapture the small town feel of a hundred years ago as imagined by New Urbanists. Garages should be behind the house, porches where residents sit and meet informally with neighbors promenading on the sidewalks.

The area was quiet and I managed to talk to one young man who was shoveling his driveway. Most of the sidewalks were snow clogged. A few houses were in construction and two had the number of the builder, Chris VD Hoff, so I called. He was nearby and, much to my pleasure and instruction, came over, showed me the inside of the places he was building ( quality with copper pipes and stone floors, closets, solid doors, other houses built 5-6 years ago by a now bankrupt builder (the front porch roof of one was visibly sagging, an early slum?) and the overall scheme of things.


I focused on several issues;

the demand that a tree stand on the property be preserved at all costs; is this part of some pagan Teutonic worship of the mighty oak?

Driveways that have to stretch around the house to the garage and sidewalks are expensive and shed water directly into nearby streams; not environmentally sentient. They also demand that the owner face a lifetime of shoveling this expanse, and where will he deposit the extra snow? Also, the drive between two story houses gets less sun and that part remains cooler during snowmelts. Water is right at the freezing point when it flows onto the shaded concrete where it freezes. See my pictures above. The ice lurks under the snow waiting to mug the next  passing osteoporotic oldster.

As Chris pointed out, its difficult to make the turn to get into or out of the garage behind the house, and so owners tend to park their cars serially in the drive causing even more hassle. Houses with rear garages sell less well.

The neotraditional style demands 2 floors with a front entrance through the porch. Almost all of the houses had several to many steps up to the front door. The one that I visited had probable 7 concrete steps with a net elevation of 5 feet. It was snow covered. As I gingerly mounted the steps I wondered who would want to shovel this rock pile? And, of course, how does this fit in with the need that the disabled to have wheelchair and other easy access to housing? This two story approach accommodates young people, but one day, they too will become senile, and then who will buy these piles?


Chris told me that the houses are selling well and that there have been few secondary sales. Id counter that private homes in Kentwood sell well during a good economy and as folks flee Grand Rapids. Even turkeys can fly in a rising wind. He would like to build more contemporary style houses as have been built on the adjacent Breezewood, but trying to change the existing plan is too much bother; its been 12 years to get this far.


I noted some troublesome issues above which the existing plans will encase in concrete that will problems for the hundred years lifespan of this neighborhood.

The major policy issues are buried in the 12 years during which this plan has evolved.

Is the Neotraditional style locked in by some understanding with the existing neighbors? If so, is there some mechanism for them to agree to alter this?

Some of the houses in Wildflower Creek were built cheaply and are already showing the deterioration that will impair the prices of the other homes. Is there some building standard that will make construction in any one area more consistent?

Who and what body wanted or demanded the neotraditional style? Did the original developer propose this style? Or is it tied in with some pet ideology  of the zoning and planning commissions like smart growth?

Why does it take so long and so much effort to get plans through the planning and approval?


Storm Water Rules; if only my Septic Tank could Speak


We lived with 3 kids and had 2 medical practices in our home on the Eastbeltline SE in GR for over 25 years. There had been an old septic system and we intended to hook up to city services, but I was misled by the civil engineer supervising the reconstruction of the then new double lane divided highway, so the tank and drain field remained-right next to East Whiskey Creek and about 3 feet above the water table…… 

I once mentioned it to a GR city planner who said that she knew about our drainfield. She visibly wrinkled her nose and shivered at the affront. Let me aver that GR City Planning Commission was in no moral position to look down at raw sewage in those years. I hear that this unelected body has radically improved its observance of right and wrong behavior since.

The drain field was on the lawn, according to code, where grass and sun could help dissipate water. Predictably, it would freeze in the winter and then thaw in the spring, leaking small steams of septic fluid and disgusting smells onto the nearby parking lot and driveway. (BTW, East Whiskey Creek arises in Calvin Colleges woods from a seep that also smells of a septic system; I know it well.)

I tried everything to get the water to drain into the soil (acting on my own, no contractor would touch it.) New gravel, reams of perforated pipe, extending the field, digging a separate drain for the washing machine, working frenziedly on weekends, and yet fermented (biologically safe but smelly) sewage continued to float to the surface.

One of our kids cited one of his teachers at City saying that weeping willows each dissipate up to 500 gallons of water daily. I planted two. These trees were well fed and sported 4 foot diameter trunks 15 years later when we sold out. But the real change happened when I dumped all of our leaves on the lawn in the bare spot between the two trees in the autumn for a few years; no more leakage. I dug down once finding at least 2 feet of mulch, loose, feathery light soil, laden with earth worms and beetles, drilled in every direction by moles. This leaf dump, established by accident, soaked up a huge amount of fluid. It was insulated from the cold in the winter so it never melted in the spring and remained metabolically active year round allowing turnover of water. I eventually recruited wood chips and more leaves from elsewhere, covering a larger area where soil was composted and into which the septic juice could percolate. 

End of Problem. 

My tinkering, trial and error and tincture of time worked. The  formal rules governing septic systems, well supported by research, failed.  Men with larger heads are easily mystified.

Storm Water Rules; Septic Systems and Unorthodox Approaches are smarter than our national Politicians.

The memorandum about new rules filtering down from the US EPA through our Metro Council to the City Commission announces a new proclamation; shedders of storm water have to filter out 80% of sediments before release to the Kentwood system. More seriously, none of this storm water can flow out of our city except during intense storms.

I lost my way here.

The rule of thumb in hydrology in our region is that one third of rain water evaporates, one third sinks in and the last third enters rivers and is eventually flushed out of the system over Niagara Falls. Rain is rain whether it be a trace one day and 2 inches over an hour the next day; what turns mutually rain water into storm water?

Transcending these epistemic problems, what solutions does our Metro Counsel and city engineer propose? Well, we can politicize so that the bureaucracy will let us offload some of our rain into the national waters; warmhearted of them, but, I think that the threat still lurks since the rules are still in place. Water has to be retained on site and allowed to seep away, and not slowly released as it does now from detention ponds. Much of the soil in Kentwood is heavy clay, relatively impervious to seepage.

I can think of several solutions beyond what our engineer proposes. I found that covering my otherwise refractory septic drain with organic debris allowed for great drainage. We might harvest leaves collected during the fall and spread them over otherwise empty areas in parks and woodlands; its a bit hard to divert water from sites that shed water to these unorthodox sponges, but still, if you have a woods at the bottom of your development…..

Another feature of Kentwood is its gypsum mines off of E. Paris. They are said to be full of water, but does this stuff flow or dissipate to deeper levels? If so, why not pump the extra water down to this sump?

Going further; we could dam up any of several creeks in the raw land apparent on any map of Kentwood; the aggregate detention of water might be such that we might not have to discharge any into the state waters.”  This would build up a lake or two with the associated aura of waterfront property, swells building mansions on the shores, swimming beaches, ice fishing and boating. Oh, so many blessings from the rules that we keep our water for ourselves!

As you all know, I harbor a avaricious streak that metastasizes to my surrounding; nothing thwarts my suggesting to Kentwood ways of making money from the tatters of our civilization. What if we tapped a well into one end of the gypsum mines and sold it as expensive bottled mineral water?Enough of these sales might lower the water table enough to allow for room to pump our excess but purified storm water down at the other end of the mine. It would be saturated with the gypsum salts, aka alabaster or selenite as it filtered along the mine and we could sell it to Wyoming and other neighboring, less enterprising burgs.

Well, enough of this governmental caterwauling! I live in a state sponsored whorehouse, Ill never admit to how much I enjoy writing about its perversions, and no one pays me a red cent.

the shimmering scum floating on the deep river of productivity


Serious Thoughts on Commerce on South Division, how its expansion parallels and complements that of our Ford Airport.


Published as a comment on Mlive

Talking about studies that have been cobbled together. Here is one that I generated, and offer gratis; I refuse to let my work be contaminated by pelf.


The prostitutes along So. Division have increased their business by 2 million dollars per year. They attract an additional 5 million of business to local bars and stores, the increased auto traffic from Johns cruising uses one million dollars worth of gas and the indirect costs on the autos is 3 million. There is of course the use of streets that I estimate accelerated the deterioration to the tune of 1 million. Added to this is the increased medical care costs from VD which I recon at 4 million. Then there is the associated crime and need for police; this is serious money, probably 100 million.


So prostitution adds at least 116 million dollars to the West Michigan economy.


Jian,  a 10 million sized city surrounded by Beer Gardens; Building Community and can it Work in Kentwood.


Kris and I just got back from a fact finding tour of China (just like the US Senate, but we paid for it ourselves.)  The Terra Cotta Warriors are located near the city and we would visit them the next day. Meanwhile, we had an afternoon and the 600 year old wall surrounding the old city five minutes walk away.  We ambled over.


Turns out that the wall also had a moat about 100-200 feet outside the wall,  and the entire complex was well maintained including building a long linear city park. We walked this space for a distance of a mile or more.


The sky was partly cloudy, and temperatures around 60 F.  Unlike our parks, this was an alk


Posted on Proposal 1: The right kind of fix for Michigan roads?, from Mlive; modified.

Another cacoon of uncertainty shrouds this proposal; there is a bill nearing approval in US Congress that will attempt to force the sales tax to be collected on internet sales. (Reason Mag, this month) It will apparently be collected by the seller applying the sales tax in the state in which he is based. (I’m not clear about some sort of minimum rate that these vendors will have to apply.)

A consortium of states is proposed that will pass the collected tax on to the customers’ state (I don’t know how or if that will work.)

States having a high sales taxes will impose higher costs on their internet businesses forcing them to go elsewhere. There are at least 4 states without a sales tax, Or., De, NH, and Mt. These will host all of the Amazons, Ebays…..of the future. None will locate in Michigan, another blow to our economy.

And Michigan won’t see a penny of their hoped for 65 million taxes on the books, records, clothes and whatnot that we buy on line.


Stoned for Adultery without the Pleasure


A state notorious for being the only one with a population loss in the last census, where the dominant industry has migrated to backward Asia and its major city sacked by political opportunists, will probably suffer from a poor self image, an inferiority complex in which any claim for being the worst is likely to fluorish. So it is that the conga line of construction companies, politicians with their media enablers, civil engineer groups and other ectoparasites gain an audience with their campaign to tax us to support their road building projects.

I spent 15 minutes compiling the following internet sites using Poor roads in State x.I excluded articles over 5 years old.

Each of these articles cites damage to cars of 3-500 dollars per year, dangerous driving conditions, need for more tax dollars and the general poor condition of infrastructure.”  

Familiar themes on radio and tv? We buy into this nonsense because it makes us happy to be oppressed, to be the greatest victim. Not much fun, you say, and youre right. Think of it as being stoned for adultery without the pleasure.


Pennsylvania roads were rated worst overall by Overdrive magazine.  and–transit-investments-bill-119857199.html


and from Wisconsin;

Wisconsin has 11,095 miles of public roads.

Wisconsin has 13,539 miles of major roads, 21% of which are in poor condition.

Driving on roads in need of repair costs Wisconsin motorists $2 billion a year in extra vehicle repairs and operating costs $502.10 per motorist.


Troubling Features of Planning and Zoning in Kentwood.

Lifting all the barriers to urban growth in America could raise the countrys GDP by between 6.5% and 13.5%, or by about $1 trillion-2 trillion.

arguments go down in local planning meetings, they wilt on closer scrutiny. Home ownership is not especially egalitarian.

First, they should ensure that city-planning decisions are made from the top down. When decisions are taken at local level, land-use rules tend to be stricter.

Any restrictions on building won by one district should be offset by increases elsewhere, so the city as a whole keeps to its development budget.

Second, governments should impose higher taxes on the value of land. In most rich countries, land-value taxes account for a small share of total revenues. Land taxes are efficient. They are difficult to dodge; …a high tax on land creates an incentive to develop unused sites

Zoning codes were conceived as a way to balance the social good of a growing, productive city and the private costs that growth sometimes imposes. But land-use rules have evolved into something more pernicious: a mechanism through which landowners are handed both unwarranted windfalls and the means to prevent others from exercising control over their property. Even small steps to restore a healthier balance between private and public good would yield handsome returns. Policymakers should focus on two things.

The good news is that the worlds urban-land scarcity is largely an artificial problem. The bad news is that that does not make it a soluble one. Redressing strict land regulation is among the most politically fraught of policy issues. It is in many ways like other toxic issues, such as trade or immigration. The society on the receiving end of new imports or population inflows benefits as a whole, but those put out of business by competition or dismayed by cultural change feel a disproportionate level of damage, and organise in opposition. And in the case of land values this opposition will be rich.There are ways to address this with policy. Governments could aim specific assistance at those harmed by dense development, as they have to those affected by liberalised trade. Disbursing some of the tax revenue earned as a result of new development to landowners within a small area around that development to compensate for short-term hardship would reduce opposition to new building.


Or they could heed the advice of Henry George, an American follower of Ricardo who in the 1880s made the case for a land-value tax. It has many theoretical virtues. Most taxes dampen, distort or displace economic activity by changing incentives on the margins. But a land tax cannot reduce the supply of land, and it would stimulate economic activity by penalising those whose land is unproductive. And your tax base is always right therea city lot cannot be whisked off to Luxembourg.

Two passing comments illustrate the threat to Kentwoods tranquility posed by Planning and Zoning.

The first was by Chris VD Hoff in the formal city commission approval of the Wildflower Creek. He was obviously worried about having the project hung up yet longer by the city and just urged passage. During the debate he said something like, We own the dirt for almost nothing,and so can make a profit despite building less than highly desirable houses.

Wow! He got 30 acres of single family lots for almost nothing. Possibly land prices in Kentwood sank to nothing during the 2008-10 financial unpleasantness, but I doubt it; prices for houses and apartments lost 30-35%, a lot, but the drop was not down to nothing.”  

No, something else made this project stall after 2006, and I suspect that the dysfunctional neotraditional style written into the original plan 12 years ago has blighted this project, leaving everyone in the banking (which probably lost hundreds of thousands), as well as construction entrepreneurs leery of undertaking build out of what would ordinarily be a high value development. Yet, the insistence on using Neotraditional architecture was modified somewhat, and could just as easily been discarded by our zoning and planning commissions. The price of this land was rendered nearly worthless by bureaucratic fiat.

A second remark, made by someone at the commission, is even more disturbing. There is a fairly large piece of open land in the center of the city that has long been for sale. It was proposed that the city buy this (with borrowed money?) and then rezoned to suit some ill defined

which has left the entire project


Buying acreage, worthless land…..

We know what we need to do to attract the young.

And from the context, we realize that our author advocates the New Urbanism, aka Placemaking and similar nonsense as a cure for depopulation, if only we had the political will.

No data supports this fantasy. It is promulgated by our academic betters (in MSU, I understand.) There are maybe 50 trust fund kids, ivy league grads, who where taught that they have to live in downtown Grand Rapids and seek this housing. Since there is none, and the demand infinite, price skyrockets and makes headlines. But its still only 50 and none of these guys will ever start a business; it would be beneath them.


And there is no political action that will bring my three kids (Caltech, U of M, MTU and Geo Mason,  2 national merit scholars, a Fulbright, 3 masters) from the East Coast. They each developed their own work and expertise, creating jobs not even contemplated in Michigan. The smart ones, the ones with a future, leave and along with them, jobs and youth bleed away, as detailed.


I can tell you where the jobs went. Texas is growing like crazy. There is a substructure of owners of small businesses, managers, skilled professionals that runs that state. All are from the northeast,  the Great Lakes states and nearby Canada. The entire nursing staff of an ICU in Victoria were Quebecois. The chemists who captained a major oil- New Yorkers, the medical subspecialists from Michigan and Pennsylvania….

They left us 25 or 30 years ago, found less regulated and taxed wide open spaces to use their energy, stayed and prospered. Businesses and jobs center around them.  

I spent a lot of time in Houston, a pleasant prosperous city that famously rejects the charade of zoning and planning is therefore really growing (see last weeks Economist Mag.)

Enron in Houston ( our own Consumers Power invested also-but they got lucky toward the end) speculated in energy derivatives and went bust. They laid off maybe 10,000 young, very smart folks one day. They all stayed and many started businesses. As was stated in the newspapers, opportunities were present, the costs of living and the burn rate through investment capital were low and gave these businesses the time to become established and to prosper.


Our author here is buttering his parsnips. The job creators left decades ago. The gene pool in Michigan and the rest of the rust belt is getting deeper at the shallow end. Young people with plain ordinary greed and plans find no reason to stay and will continue to leave.

The gullible swells who want to live in walkable citiesand use public transit hate capitalism and will find themselves taxed and regulated into a penurious dotage in inner cities built to look like the broken down tourist traps up north.

The only viable public policy to stabilize the populations in Michigan is to decapitate public policy.


Urban Planning; Costly, Cyclic, Model Cities, 1960


Just got the Annual Budget for Kentwood; we had 3 days to review it (just to re-assure our patient taxpayers how we carefully consider their interests.)


Several areas caught my attention, especially in light of the recent Economist showing that urban planning adds substantial costs to life in the big city.


It seems that we may spend 25K to hire a consultant to guide us in re-zoning So. Division to encourage walkable re-development there. Another note mentions the possibility that we may need tax dollars to demolish some of the buildings down there. The Silver Line will not be the last waste!


This is reminiscent of Urban Renewal, you know, the 1950s vapor when excited visionaries got congress to spend good money tear down the original downtowns and established ethnic  neighborhoods as they did in Grand Rapids, destroying the West Side and much of the picturesque Division Ave.

So far as I know, the Silver Line has not performed especially well; one hears little about its ridership leading me to believe that its not great, else the proprietors would have crowed loudly.

To keep the balance sheets accurately; weve spent 40 million to construct the Silver Line, 15.3 million in extra taxes imposed the 350,000 people who live in the 6 cities involved in The Rapid network (thats 44 dollar for each man woman and child in Kentwood, or 2.2 million.)


There has been no interest on the part of investors in properties on South Div, no applications for new housing or businesses, not even any more hot pillow joints, none. The area is an economic zero.

I have no idea where the inspiration for sending more money down this rathole arose. Economically,  eliminating Planning would save us a lot of grief, but saving money, like telling the truth, is an orphan.


I have personally published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, and on the other hand, resigned my Fellowship in the American College of Physicians (publisher of the Annals) in part because of a wildly irresponsible article that they published 35 years ago; nevertheless.


I was not at the symposium, but I know a physician who was. The symposium was excellent, and disturbing. It seems that the Annals, which is one of the fairly reputable 5 general medical mags, gets hundreds of articles submitted for publication and sends most out for peer review. Many are graded as worthy by these “experts” in the fields which the article addresses.


These vetted articles are then sent out for statistical analysis, just routine number crunching to be sure that the research was relevant and valid. NINETY-SIX percent are rejected as being “underpowered” and/or as having other scientific irregularities.  Only 4% get published in the Annals, but 80% of the rest show up in other journals, so the medical literature is overburdened by this flotsam.


These rejected articles often involve novel treatments (probably few are likely to cause harm, but….) on patients done as part of “research” but are so poorly designed that they will add not one Iota of insight into clinical problems.


One of the main points brought out last evening was that there is a lot of junk science out there in the medical wasteland that includes useless and even possibly harmful research.


The reason why I obsess over this “scientific” blather is my increasing recognition that “there is a lot more known than is necessarily true.” If we in medicine can’t design good experiments and our “experts” can’t recognize garbage when they see it, how much confidence can we place in the copious outpourings of the “social sciences” like sociology, political science, economics, psychology, drug rehab, anthropology and the like?


The hard science of physics and chemistry have reproducible, boring experiments that allow for engineering of stuff like bridges, computers and gasoline.


The biological sciences are a step down from the hard sciences,and are a lot less predictable and reproducible. If we try to apply biology, as we do in medicine, the reproducible  is much harder to achieve which is why physicians, especially recently trained ones get a thorough grounding in statistics and the scientific method. Nevertheless, a lot of nonsense and superstition creeps into medical practice.


You’ll notice that hard sciences are boring, and that the semi-hard ones like biology and medicine are often discussed.


The soft sciences as detailed above are part of the daily conversations on the streets and workplaces yet they rely on “surveys” “scholarly opinion” and armchair reasoning; no basis at all to command our allegiance. Yet we use these to structure our government programs, to make things happen, stuff that’s often tragic for a lot of people.


Sociologists told us that we needed a welfare program, and then seem puzzled that the African American family and more recently white family disappears.  Educational experts deemed more education as a cure for economic malaise, and then seem mystified when college grads and even Ph.Ds work at jobs where they wear paper hats. Political and Military scientists sent my young butt to the Central Highlands.


So, the point of that excellent symposium funded by the Devos family is not some blather about the internet, but rather that we should be skeptical about the whole “scientific” jape.


Online Sales Simplification Act of 2015that would make it easier for states to tax online purchases, while also limiting the states’ power by allowing for something known as an “origin-based” sales tax. States would tax Internet sales based on the seller’s location rather than the buyer’s,

I’m not conceding that the BP oil spill was a good thing, but this one sided presentation is a bit over the top. In fact, as I predicted in an article published in 5 years ago, there was an explosion of life in the “afflicted” gulf. Shrimpers are having record harvests and many fish stocks are at unprecedented levels. The die off of salt water mammals seems miniscule and its documentation anecdotal at best, I mean,”consistent with the timing and spatial distribution with the (Deepwater Horizon) oil spill,” is as “scientific” as it gets. Heaven help us if these are the bozos who get to spend a billion or more on pubilisizing their ideology and self interest in a long career parasitic on the fines from BP.

I’ll reproduce my article, just to infuriate nitwits;

I dont understand the commotion over oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico when a drilling operation went sour. Oil has always oozed out of the ground to foul land, lakes and oceans. Thats how people first discovered the stuff.

In nature some oil on the surface evaporates off as naphtha (probably the basis of Greek fire). Other oil is digested by bacteria converting it into simple organic compounds that other organisms feast on, leading to a localized exuberant biodiversity. The heavier components of oil remain as lumps called bitumen or asphalt.

The Dead Sea was called Lake Asphaltites because of the gooey pebbles that floated onto the surface from underwater seeps. This asphalt was used on Egyptian Mummies. Oil found floating on lakes or in puddles was used by Indians to caulk canoes, and as medicines. In ueber environmentalist Santa Barbara County in California an estimated 11 to 160 barrels of oil seep into the ocean daily and have for countless centuries; the locals have made attempts at capping it.

Oil exists under the surface of the earth under pressure that causes it to seep to the surface by any available route. When a well is drilled into a pocket of contained oil the pressure forces it to gush out and over the wellhead. The pressure in the pool of drilled oil gradually falls, and the seep ceases. In this way, oil drilling actually has stopped numerous spills of oil onto the surface where it fouled land and water for eons.

The British Petroleum accident allows environmentalist to make arguments against offshore drilling. If environmentalists really wanted to preserve pristine nature, they would be appalled that drilling for oil has interfered with widespread oil seeps that enriched the environment before man messed things up.

The lingo used in this article is some sort of shibboleth; As we fire through the latest and greatest devices faster than ever cell phones, tablets, TVs, laptops and more it is critical that consumers, businesses, and communities safely recycle their toxic techis possibly poetry, but only aspires to English prose.

Economically, recycling in the USA is generally pointless. As was pointed out (I think), general household trash needs government subsidies and the only participants are the simple fervent environmentalists from the 1970s still mumbling about their messiah.

Nonetheless, there is a point lurking here about toxic heavy metals that goes beyond poisoning the lakes and pregnant women. I think of it as being part of the oligodynamic effect.This has been detailed in numerous environmental and microbiologic article of which I cite a recent one

It seems that essentially all of the heavy metals, especially silver and mercury act like antibiotics to select antibiotic resistant strains of micro-organisms. If one samples bacteria from an environment,say a field of corn, where there has never been the deposit of metals, the bacteria will generally be sensitive to our usual antibiotics. The soil or tailings near a tin or lead mine contains microbes that are resistant to not only heavy metals, but also antibiotics like tetracycline or  streptomycin type drugs. These effects result from almost vanishingly tiny concentrations of metals, concentrations that might result from the mercury emissions from coal burning power plants or the disposal of electronics.

Antibiotic use in the veterinary and medical fields probably does not lead to the emergence of the genetic elements that lead to antibiotic resistance. Darwins spontaneous generation does not occur in hospitals. However, antibiotic use as well as the tiny amounts of heavy metals that bleed into the environments of farms and modern hospitals do select out the resistant strains, so leading to the clinical problems of failing antibiotic effectiveness and the increasing need for newer and more expensive medications to treat always more resistant strains.

I guess that Id agree that we need to recycle our electronics along with discouraging coal burning. (I dont know what happens when I turn my cellphone back to MetroPCS next week for a new one, but I trust that a major name brand would dispose of it responsibly.)

Once these metals get loose, theres no way of getting them back. And there are consequences that greatly increase the costs of medical care.


Public Planning and the Destruction of Wealth.

We were among the victims of Planning and Zoning in Grand Rapids. We owned 3 acres of mostly swamp on the East Beltline SE and foresaw selling it. The property to our south, a magnificent seven acres on high ground and wooded, was for sale. We and that neighbor were surrounded by office buildings and a half mile from Woodland and Eastbrook malls.  Neither of us had garbage collection, water/sewer connections, public schools, parks or grocery stores in sight, but nevertheless we were zoned residential when commercial or even industrial seemed reasonable. The owners of the seven acres who tried repeatedly to change the zoning, all to no avail.

Burton Ridge apartments, quiet, prosperous and settled rental units were on our north. They owned 40 acres of developable land behind us that were platted and prepared for apartment construction at least twice. Burton Ridge were the real victim here.

They held out for about 12 years but finally acceded to city planning. The one called me up and asked me to buy it instead of letting the city steal it; the price was ridiculously low but I saw no future in owning two properties coveted by unscrupulous bureaucrats.

The city plans, based on some transient theory, dictated a low income housing project be built on the seven acres, and sure enough, the buildings went up and were occupied. Things started to disappear and vandalized from our garage, and I tried to institute security to no avail. Burton Ridge renters were really aggravated. I heard complaints of attempted break ins, cars damaged and of confrontations with young thugs. Two of the long term occupants that I knew by name left.

About a year after the housing project was finished, the developer, wanting to build another 36 units, approached us with an offer that was $100,000 short of our asking, but it was better than nothing so we took it. Best thing that we ever did since it got us out of the high tax, no services City of Grand Rapids and into Fox Chase Condos in Kentwood with its low taxes and a wonderful life style.

We count ourselves winners. It was worth $100,000 to get rid of the aggravation related to our new neighbors.

The owners of Burton Ridge lost good renters and the the 40 acres of land behind us has and will not be developed; who would? The mainly elderly occupants who moved had to find new lives elsewhere; their lives were disrupted.

But the minor irritation imposed on me by GR zoning and planning commission did not start with having to move and losing a few bucks. I understand that you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet, and what right do I have to enjoying my egg when great social goods need to be satisfied?

No, the outrage started after we agreed to sell.

The developer, call him Charlie, was a 40 year old from Cleveland, a nice guy who would fly in and manage the project through completion. I got to be his buddy citing my erstwhile real estate license and wanting to learn how the business works.

The sleaze became first showed itself when a young fellow with hot,  burning fanatical eyes, showed up with his brand new SUV marking him as an An Environmental Engineer.He asked permission and then spent 3 days wandering our 3 acres. He asked to see my basement with its old paint cans and epoxy left over from building many boats. On the second day, he called in a consultant and I overheard them saying Of course its wetland, look at those trilliums!(Had I known, I would have mowed that portion of lawn or spread Scotts weed and seed to make it dry land, but wet lands it would be.) The environmental engineer proceeded to mark off most of the front and sides of our acreage. Not much room for 36 apartment and it looked grim, but not for long! Two weeks later, the engineer re-appeared and moved all of his flags at least 75 feet down the lawn and toward the swamp, room enough for our project to proceed. Oh, and then, when the plans changed a year later, he re-appeared and moved the flags to the side of the property to accommodate a parking lot and road. Strange how wetlands can change like that, but who am I to impute financial pressures on our environmentalist that it may have been necessary to deploy?

Charlie took me to at least two city planning commission meeting where he presented his case. He was introduced as a developer who is well known….skilled…does good projectsas though this were necessary. He and I would sit at the back where he would mock some of the commissioners, telling me what each would say and the like. Not that the commissioners didnt make fools of themselves on their own. One mentioned that the current recommendation that hed read about, was for office buildings to be placed next to the road and parking be behind the building.

The commissioners all called Charlie by his first name, and he knew each by their official title. Cozy, you might say. The project went through.

Kris and I did have to go to Okemos for the closing; seems that Charlie was in Michigan that day to play golf. I was too polite to enquire further.



 Manufacturing, especially in mature industries like autos’,  has a dismal future. Cars have become computers with some mechanical elements. GM/Ford, as businesses, make their money from finance, and as corporations, function as defined benefit pension plans that sell the occasional unloved car. But the business and state bureaucrats and legislators live to fight the last battle, so subsidies, training of workers and tax breaks for robots that replace workers go on despite the contradictions. 

A robot replaces one workers if the machine costs less than 150k (my latest info.) There is money to be made in designing, building and marketing this automation of work and there are some in Michigan who have undertaken this business.

The underlying fatal flaw in these reports (boilerplate? Haglund is notoriously devoid of ideas)  is the attitude that MIchiganis responsible for our livelihoods and flourishing. He says:iIf only some thinker could design the winning formula that would turn our few kids (low birthrates) and the many unemployed auto workers, born into original stupidity and supplied with 16 years of schooling by society, into wealthy ward heelers, team players dancing in a conga line with the state of Michigan where, properly conditioned, they will lead the good life.  All that social engineering! In school they are socialized,hear that capitalism and greed are bad,  and that being crowded into inner cities with great public transit and no cars is the boot camp for heaven. The media/government/education cabal obsess that weneed to become team players and of caring for the less fortunate.

These resulting trained fleas will hum along smoothly and never deviate from familiar humdrum into unsettled circumstances where they have to innovate, improvise,  or evolve into something new. Haglund and the the social engineers who write this balderdash envision Michiganas God marching on Earth.  

There are possible solutions for the penury into which some folks in Michigan are sliding. Greed, no training by the State to become like the next manufactured man or woman, get rid of dysfunctional regulations, taxes and the accompanying rigidities, get rid of planning and zoning (these, according to the Economist, costs the US economy 13.5% of its potential growth and is the major cause of the poor getting relatively poorer,  we need to learn from Houston>) Let people sin, make terrible mistakes, and never envy the individual his enjoyment of whatever prosperity he earns.


Libertarians generally believe in individual responsibility, relegating to the state only that which they cannot easily do for themselves. One such delegation is a monopoly on the use of violence to protect property and lives.  Were comfortable with a small army and of police answering 911 calls when some of our rights have been violated.  The army and police are distinctive in the USA.

The history and rationale of policing is a comparatively recent. Until around 1800, cities were small and protection of lives and property was an individual thing using heavy doors, sturdy locks and weapons in the hands of householders. A night watch man patrolled after dark, called out the hours and raised the alarm when he witnessed crime. Sherifs who investigated crime and arrested miscreants worked with the county justice system. The industrial revolution made cities large, wealthy and crime more apparent. A theory based on a few anecdotes emerged that it was better to prevent crime than it was to merely punish criminals. Cities would hire men who would walk the streets watching for suspicious activity and that this surveillance would forestall crime.  The name policewas related to polisthe greek word for city.  New York City had the first police force in the USA in 1840. The image of the cops that most of us have is of a mildly obese, garrulous, red faced Irishman who occasionally uses his nightstick on errant youngsters to steer them away from a life of crime, but who is often in bed with the local mob. I grew up in an neighborhood where bootlegging had been a way of life; all of the distillerssons became township policemen, one needed to protect the business.

There was a crime wave after WW2 with violent crime peaking in the mid 1970s and all crime in 1980. Governments did nothing until the mid 1990s when President Clinton arranged to hire an additional 100,000 policemen nationwide. The three strikeslaws were passed in about half of the states and the broken windowtheory was enacted by Mayor Giuliani in NY City, with the controversial stop and friskgambit, directed at male minorities. These unconstitutional searches often found illegalweapons and chemicals deemed to be drugsleading to arrests. Prisons filled up and men disappeared from African American neighborhoods.

As stop and frisk became unpalatable, another subterfuge needed to be deployed. In Kentwood (and in many other cities) our police chief is very proud of his DDACTS program. The following is from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration web site.


Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) is a law enforcement operational model supported by a partnership among the Department of Transportations National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and two agencies of the Department of Justice: the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Justice.

DDACTS integrates location-based crime and traffic data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources. Using geomapping to identify areas that have high incidences of crime and crashes, DDACTS uses traffic enforcement strategies that play a dual role in fighting crime and reducing crashes and traffic violations. Drawing on the deterrent of highly visible traffic enforcement and the knowledge that crime often involves the use of motor vehicles, the goal of DDACTS is to reduce the incidence of crime, crashes, and traffic violations across the country.

Our chief identifies about the 4 or 5 high crime areas of Kentwood (understand our public housing) where he concentrates his patrols. The cops look for minor infractions on of the fifteen year old beaters that impoverished minorities drive, and in which they usually finding drugs.Looking for crime in and area vastly increases the likelihood of finding crime which in turn validates the initial premise that the DDACTS areas are high crime areas.  Residents in these areas seem to fall into two categories. The younger black men who are often unemployed and despise the public schools hang around in public

qualified immunity an obnoxious doctrine that sets them apart as a special class under the law. A protected class.

Older, settled African American

Im not denying that minorities are innocent here; the

Lately cops have become controversial. Their all too often abuses of their state conferred monopoly on power can now be documented on cell phones, published on social media, amplified by moribund newspapers, television and various political groups who thrive on controversy to arouse minorities into riot. Notice that the neighborhood was no longer being observed for evidence of suspicious activity, but rathe

Sturgeons Revelation states that 90% of everything is crap, so I immediately detected odor (not the first whiff in the commission chambers that evening) when our highly respected city judge proposed that his Kentwood court host a sobriety court,  you know, the contrivances imposing substance-abuse interventions and treatment on defendants who plead guilty of driving while intoxicated or impaired.

Some background; I had served on the Grand Rapids Mayors Task Force on Drugs 15 years ago and researched the scientific literature. There was only one good clinical trial and it showed that even a well funded alcohol rehab trial was no better than threatening the miscreant with severe punishment if he were caught drunk again. Our judge cited some case-controlstudies (close to worthless, but convincing enough for the commission) to put me down. Some other political body would provide the $160k, it was a partial return to Kentwood of taxes that would be sent elsewhere.  I voted yeswith everyone else and he implemented the hustle. The judge was told that he should not expect ongoing funding from Kentwood when the 3 year grant ran out.

Not content with the status quo, the judge recently sent out a widely noised study funded by The Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionalswhich touted the Ignition Interlock Systems that detect alcohol on the breath of drunks and prevents them from starting their cars. He misinterpreted it as showing the effectiveness of sobriety courts. The actual research focused only on Interlocks, commercial products imposed on clients in sobriety courts as allegedly diminishing recidivism as well as other crimes. The authors, trying to bolster their argument, included not just one but two comparison groups, one from a sobriety court and the other from a court using traditional probationers. On page 40, youll notice that there is scarce difference in alcohol recidivism between these two groups at 1,2, and at 3 years.

My point is not especially that sobriety courts are useless (although they are.) The main researcher, (a professor from GVSU, my old haunt) was doing marketing work on Interlocks, a series of commercial products. He never gave the data comparing sobriety courts with standard probationerscourts a second glance; it supported his objective on Interlocks, so he innocently told the truth on sobriety courts. His job was to Evaluate Interlocks, What are sobriety courts?Like many social science studiesthat get reported, this one showed a favorable result for Interlocks, just like previous studies that compared standard probationers courts to sobriety courts showed the superiority of the latter.

This study illustrates the degradation of enquiry in colleges and universities; most of what the social sciences investigate is thinly disguised marketing research done to please someone in business, the press or for our purposes, government. Tools used to investigate human affairs, surveys, experiments with students as subjects, retrospective looks at large data bases and the like, always require investigator interpretation on input variables, what criteria and tools to use in analysis and what studies to report. Negative studies never get reported. Publicity always gets a better deal than integrity, and a researcher who finds unfavorable, even once too often, loses funding. Social science researchers tout their probity in the daylight. At night and in the dim light of anonymity, prostitutes want their money.


Rather, I want to point out the invalidity and irrelevance of the social or softsciences. Social sciences are the non-physics and non Chemistry academic specialties. Some parts of biology are hard sciences, but, as our statistician daughter repeatedly points out to us, much of medicine is not. (My wife and I are retired physicians.)


The soft sciences start off with great ideas and try to do scientific researchwith statistics, surveys, even experiments to bolster their opinions and then implement them in government or industry just like hard scientific theories are applied in engineering. These soft scientists even think of themselves as social engineers.But their research and studies never reveal consistent results. When they apply their recommendations, the effects are often perverse and, instead of revising their theories, they constantly try to correct the


no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. quit living in his head all the time. Sturgeons Revelation90% of everything is crap.

I was drunk sounds better than I was stupid” He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts, for support rather than illumination. Lenten visitor-too old or drunk to perform-G Greene”

Thanks for the followup; this is a case control study, not very sound in its methodology. What I don’t understand is why no one does a random controlled study. This paper has 600 folks in each arm; what’s wrong with assigning the locks randomly and then following the individuals? 

Most social sciences research/surveys/studies are worthless, but this one contains information that the raw material is at least available. Good research is possible with correct, and not even very expensive. randomization and follow through.


So, yesterday I looked up the “methods and materials” used to generate this report. It’s a flawed case control study, virtually worthless, but it’s likely to be cited as “scientific” by those who may have a vested interest. I put it to sleep.
But then, this morning I open my NYT and there at the top left hand corner is an opinion piece on a topic that is a sore point known among those who have been in departments where research and publishing is done. A light went on. 
In any case, I revisited that state wide report which Judge Kelly had mistakenly labelled as showing the effectiveness of sobriety courts. It shows nothing of the sort. 

The thrust of the report is that alcohol detecting devices that stop the miscreant from starting his car seem to have some effect after 2 of even 3 years. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, the research is still flawed.

Unconsciously the author (from GVSU, I got an MBA and taught marketing there 25 years ago; they have obviously since improved their standards) included the results of the sobriety courts compared to traditional probationers 

See page 10 with the bar graphs. I can’t reproduce them here but the two left grouping show clearly no difference between sobriety courts and traditional probationers at 1,2 and 3 years. If anything, the sobriety courts have a poorer result.

Sorry about being so obstreperous.


Our own Sobriety Court, the Nature of Knowing, and Clearing the Mind of Cant


The 62nd District Court in located in Kentwood and represents justice to our residents. It is local and to some extent under the control of our citizens, an excellent example of small government. This happy parochial scene was interrupted when we took on a federal grant to start a sobriety court,a program that aspires to combine punishment for repeated drunk driving with alcohol and drug rehab. I, of course objected since no one has ever produced evidence that these rehab programs are effective. The only real random clinical trialwas done in the 1990s and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It demonstrated the long term reduction of one drink per day  in the treated group compared to those who were told to stop drinking or else lose their jobs. Treatment cost about $10, 000 at a time when that was serious money.

Judge Kelly, whom I highly respect, cited some poorly done studiesthat supported the institution of sobriety courts. These consisted of  anecdotes like We instituted sobriety courts and our success is much better than in the next county where they didnt.”  This kind of scienceis unfortunately prevalent in the general population although it would draw jeers at any meeting of physicians or statisticians. The commission approved implementing sobriety courts since it cost our city nothing. I may have voted for it.


So the program is running and weve gotten enthusiastic reports of how well its being received.

Then Judge Kelly sent around a study that evaluated the use of alcohol detection devices on cars


If the state legislature really wants to improve the livelihoods and scenery for citizens of this great State, they would invest in the porn industry and not fritter our tax money away on cornball and cheesy Hollywood inspired movies like “Birdman.” (“Boyhood,” on the other hand, was a work of Genius.)  


Fifty million would have a serious impact on this small subculture of the cinema business and could move the filmakers and marketing guys to our fair peninsulae. 


I’d intuit that the out put from this art, which is video is distributed mostly on the internet necessitating bigger glass fibers around the state .


And if the legislators were serious about retaining young folks in Michigan, why, they’d have to love putting our  young folks, ones who could perform several times a day, to work as actors.  That would certainly help diminish some of the obesity that worries some.


Porn does not require a sunny, warm outdoors, rather the insides of a worn out apartment in the UP would do as well as a full professional studio. All one needs is some electricity, warmth, a couch or a bed.   It’s likely to be hard on the bed though.


The costs of entry and exit from the industry are low and attractive to poorly capitalized, struggling rural and inner city entrepreneurs who, let’s face it, shouldn’t mind imitating and exhibiting what they admire on reality TV.


Let a thousand point of lighting brighten Michigan! Porn is the ticket out of our malaise. 


Or to extend the Teamster’s mantra not just … a good job creator for the state,but the logical extension of our “Pure Michigan” campaign.   Er. maybe we should reconsider that last bit of fluff.


“The public body is not allowed to consider differences between the quality of the bids,”


Nonsense. I just went through my 2 June 15 Kentwood city commission meeting packet looking for bids on projects that our city funded, parks, fixing up some buildings and the like. Costs were in the $2000-60,000 range so relatively small potatoes, contractors with a half dozen employees, guys selling stuff made in small shops….

We rejected the low bidder 2/4 times, meaning that we elected to go with slightly more expensive companies, based on our experience with using them, the time it would take for them to complete the job, the helpfulness of the bidder in pointing out inadequacies of the city’s own requirements, etc.

Using the “Davis-Bacon” formulae imposed on the state’s projects increases those hourly costs by 6 or more dollars per hour, and does nothing to protect the taxpayer. In fact, these provisions limit the bids made and the choices available to decision makers at the state and federal levels, interfering with the free markets on the one side and trying to confer monopoly powers on one construction union.

Prevailing wage provisions confers on this illegitimately coercing group the the extra money needed to continue to lobby the state legislature, an excellent investment from their point of view.

Id look into the campaign finance of the states legislators who vote to retain this relic from the Hoover era to smoke out some sort of truth. And supporting Bacon-Davs should make the outfit that terms itself non-partisan, fact-based journalism alive in Michigancringe.

Bacon Davis was passed at the behest of labor unions seeking to exclude African Americans from competing on federal construction contracts. Is that what you want?


The problem of South Division.


The city commission is to meet with the planning commission in a special session on 30 Jun 15; I will not be able to attend. The purpose is to discuss development of our portion of South Division. It seems that the Silver Line, touted as being a huge stimulus to redevelopment of that strip has failed to create investment even after 4 years of building stations and of politicians and desperate Rapid officials promising economic development.


Like all roads, it was merely a slit of public access in a sea of private farm land when designated in the 1830s. Later, the privately built and maintained plank road allowed team of oxen and horses to move between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, for a toll, of course. There would have been scattered inns and horse shoeing places along Plank Road, but no reason to have large commercial buildings.

The road way was probably taken over by the state around 1900 and renamed South Division. This highway would have started attracting stores, movie houses, motels and restaurants and a few private homes south from downtown Grand Rapids for two reasons.


The city commission is now bent on finding some way to rejuvenateSouth Division.   I dont know why wed worry except that the strip seems to consume a disproportionate a amount of police resources, and the tax base could be increased if the population and businesses were to return. Many of South Divisions problems were created by governmental do-goodish. I dont see giving these same actors that authority to reverse their mess.

Rejuvenate implies a return to a previous youth, a better time. So we need to review the economic history of South Division. Well see that the sorrows of those bygone days are nobodys savior.

The road led to Kalamazoo and it paralleled the all important rail lines. Factory districts and working class neighborhoods like Cottage Grove, GM, and Steelcase  factories developed because raw material and finished products could be moved to factories and stores. Organic neighborhoods with work places, stores and entertainment evolved all within walking distances of each other. Housing was inexpensive and not regulated. One bought a place near where the husband worked (often ethnic considerations intervened,) women stayed at home, cooked, sewed clothing, shopped every few days walking to the nearby supermarket, bakeries and butchers for fresh food since the iceboxes operated only fitfully.  Kids walked to the parochial or public schools and quit when they were 16 years old. Men walked to the factories or used the family car for business. They patronized local businesses with whom they had personal connections.

South Division businesses also catered to the heavy truck and automotive traffic between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids. The daily shopping from the neighborhood and the needs of travelers along the thoroughfare supported the myriad of small shops and tradesmen in that simpler era.

All this came to an end about 50 years ago. The standard of living had improved and folks stopped having huge families. They could afford a second car and wives needed to go to work to pay for the nicer house in the suburbs. No one felt energetic enough to spend a few hours weekly walking to a local small shop when Meijers Thrifty Acres, Rogers, Eastbrook and other malls were just a short drive away and offered so much more at lower prices.

The final blow came when 131 opened, robbing South Division of its traffic. Motels, restaurants, auto repair shops, distributorships and the like died. Buildings disappeared and the resulting empty lots hosted used car lots. Low end businesses came and went. It acquired a reputation where one could buy illegal drugs or sex.  

Now come the Urban Planners who never yet saw a stable failure that they wouldnt try to make worse. There was free moneyaround and so they built a Silver LIne up the middle of South Division, promising that it would resurrect Lazarus, but theres not been a flicker of life after four years. What to do?

Well, theres always the deeper mysteries of Smart Growth. What our Planners envision for South Division is an eight mile long strip mall with stores on the first floor and apartments full of bright young folks on the second and third floors, all of them visiting their favorite bars and coffee shops daily, strolling among outdoor cafes while talking about internet startups, in January yet. The Planning Svangalis  would re-zone this area into something called form basedcode which means moving 80 year old buildings festooned with awnings projecting over the sidewalks closer to South Division, parking cars behind the buildings, planting trees in the space between the sidewalk and street and slowing or even preventing auto traffic on the road by marking the pavement for bicycle lanes. Cars would be forced into the two central unmarked lanes greatly increasing the likelihood of collisions. (Cars are the enemy for these guys.) The buildings would house businesses that catered to the walk in crowd on the first floor and rental units on upper floors.

Politicians in Michigan and other failed states bought into the notion that computer savvy young people would return from Houston, California and Georgia based on studiesand surveysthat showed that smart, progressive young people were avoiding getting drivers licenses, preferred public transit and living in downtown walkablecommunities which Urban Planners would provide. They would return in droves to Buffalo, Flint, Newberry…..A Miracle!


Ive not been converted.  There is virtually no vehicular traffic on South Division and with New Urbanism, there will be less. Why would a merchant or saloon keeper start a business if few customers see his signs? The neighborhoods along South Division are not the most prosperous and wont support upscale businesses. The residents living within a half mile of the road have long since forgotten how to walk and it will take a federal program to re- inculcate that habit before the proposed sidewalks on South Division will be flooded with eager shoppers and gawkers.

The more fundamental problem arises in finding the businesses that our Planners assume will populate this 2 mile long strip. 28th Street and Alpine Avenue carry an enormous amount of vehicular traffic and have attracted almost all of the national chains that are today deliver the bulk of commerce, but our mayor has struggled manfully to attract just two franchised businesses to our 28th Street corridor even as Ruby Tuesday closed. Serious money will not go to a strip mall to which customers have trouble gaining access. The poorly capitalized and inexperienced businesses, small oriental stores, tattoo parlors, payday lending, a few off brand fast food joints, prostitutes and drug dealers are already there and struggling.

The bottom line is that the population and their earnings is a zero sum game that will support only so many retail outlets. These have long since been established elsewhere. If our Planners foresee new, upscale businesses for the South Division corridor, these will have to be enticed from elsewhere using tax money taken from successful businesses on 28th Street. I dont think that those businessmen will be sympathetic.

I had played with the idea of getting rid of the zoning and planning for So. Division to allow for industrial and more open commercial use. Small factories and distributorships would have great access to the nearby 131 expressway and provide jobs for nearby residents. But nearby are the enormous and empty GM and Steelcase factories; the problem is, once more, that there are too few businesses to use the space.

I blame the public schools for preaching that success is fitting in and getting a good job after finishing instead of dropping out and making the effort of starting your own business.

Just because I have no ideas about what to do about the economic zero on South Division doesnt elevate the schemes of our Planners to anything more than evanescent fantasy.


The sorrows of history are nobodys savior


And South Division also  Life in the 1940s and 1950s was far from idyllic, but as economically efficient as available resources allowed. It was probably paved in part beginning in the 1920s when cars and trucks overtook horses and oxen, but a big impetus to paving was that women in homes and businesses along the route hated the mud, dust and manure that tracked in.


The late Col. Arthur F Shaw was a prominent politician (city commission) and judge in Grand Rapids in the 1920s through 1950. We rented from him (age 94) and his wife when we first settled in Grand Rapids. He would sit on his porch in the Hill District and reminisce.  The Grand Raids Downtown property owners owned the city commission and prevented stores and other businesses from starting within the city, so preserving their monopolies. With the increasing availability of cars, Development continued along


We just returned from a  two week work/biking trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The county is a tourist attraction and there is enormous economic activity related to this. New restaurants, building onto hotels, buses  with retirees from NYC and Philly rolling through the countryside pestering the Anabaptists, much to their irritation. It made me want to look into the highly touted Pure Michigan thing.

This began as an advertising campaign launched in 2006 by the state of Michigan as a subsidiary of our MEDC. The latest figure available to me shows costs to taxpayers 30 million per year. Supporters use the figure of 1.2 billion dollars spent in Michigan by visitors, peddling Pure Michigan as a handsome return on investment.




We can get a handle on Pure Michigans impact by inspecting the BLS labor statistics I tallied the total number of jobs in 6 states in the north central USA and the number of jobs in the Leisure & Hospitality categories. Total jobs in the states fell in four of those states, rising only modestly in Indiana and Pennsylvania. Jobs in tourism related businesses like restaurants, recreation, and hotels rose in all 6 states but to different degrees.


Jobs in Hospitality (000)    Jan 2005 May 2015      Gain over 10 years


Mi.                                      405 421       16


Ill.                                        505 565    60


In.                                        274 301     27


Oh                                        498 547     49


Wi.                                        252 272    20


Pa.                                        480 551    71


It seems that the 5 states that didnt advertise their tourist attractions had a much greater increase in the number of jobs than did Michigan. Pure Michiganprobably repelled visitors rather than attracted them.

Advertising is an unnatural process; its more fun just to do something to see if the thing makes money. The nicest thing about not advertising is that failure costs nothing.


The Cowardice of Politicians faced with Muscled Opposition, or was it an Impending Election and Memory of 2 Years Ago?


Something that I miss in political life is double entry book keeping, and Im not just referring to financial statements. In Much is to be said for assigning expenses to one column and pairing it off with income, of explaining how a property is owned, the depreciation of an asset, and profit. Instead we are faced with disjointed statements of inflows or needs for funding something or another at one meeting, then two weeks later what to do about mountains of cash that have accumulated that are dedicated to some purpose or another. We are told of buildings that have been built but never depreciated. Then suddenly we are informed that one needs a new roof or to be point-tucked, but that theres no sinking fund to pay for these predictable expenses.

The big noise last evening at the committee of the whole meeting involved the requests of about 5 (but about 10 burly guys showed up) homeowners who wanted us to allow them to keep fences, sheds and gardens in easements that served as drainage ditches for the excess water in their neighborhood.  These structures partially blocked the flow of water in those shallow ditches, but everyone in the neighborhood had added something to this area of the commons, and the effect was water retention in the neighborhood. If every owner inserted enough into the commons to back water up only one inch, the effect of having 12 such obstructions would be to raise the water table by a foot. This extra water would keep basements damp and cause an occasional flooding. More generally, the excess water provided areas where mosquitos could breed, water for termites, prevented many plants and lawns from growing because their roots were under water, and increased molds in the soil.


It was pointed out that most of the owners were not aware that 1) what easements were and that their property was burdened, and 2) the effect on their property if drainage were impeded.  


“Michigan must remain focused on improving education to produce a smarter workforce” 


The shell game here is that we should be turning out better manufactured school kids because they are good employees. Bullfighters! Thats not what is needed.

We need new industries, but these facile, shallow college grads are not risk takers, innovators or the sort that will hunker down for decades building wealth, but rather are docile followers who want a small paycheck and bigger bennies. 


We are to believe that young technologically adept, caring and sharing millennials will create jobs; clearly this is pie in the sky. They will likely move to places that are ideologically compatible, funky places with walkable communities, bike paths and bars that look like a Super-Bowl beer commercials (like in the report on Portland Or. which was featured in the NYT some months ago) where they will be hired for a minimum wages, live on trust funds and fail to found families. These folks, indoctrinated in public schools and in elite universities, militantly will not start new businesses.


Give me the ambitious 40 or 50 year old with a gritty past, who has dreamed, saved, worried and prepared himself in marketing, finances, management and the technical aspects of an enterprise. He can do addition in his head and ignores calculus, reads road signs, not Mlive, and drives a pickup. He puts up with the corporate nonsense for years, gets screwed over, quits and then takes the plunge.
We dont need more employees, the unemployment rate is sky high already. We need ambition, greed, even avarice, the qualities of soul that come with age and a hard life, but character traits that have unfortunately been hectored out of millennial youngsters during their fashionable and politically correct toilet training.

Accounting statements of public bodies are notoriously slippery. The web site for the rapid is labelled as operating expenses in very small print; it ignores capital expenditures altogether, “because the federal and state governments pay for them.” So let me assign the 40 million construction costs to the 685k riders (ignore the cannibalization from Rt. 1), and the cost per ride is north of 60 dollars per trip. And that does not include the 30 million for the repair garage and the defined benefit pension plan that they will never be able to pay.


The other issue has to do with “resurrection” of So. Division. The model is a rail line in Cleveland; their Silver Line was luckily sited near several thriving businesses. Possibly, there were 5.8 billion of new construction there, but none was due to the new streetcar. The one business that I know well is the Cleveland Clinic. It has had the good luck of being the destination for tens of thousands of desperate, monied Canadians seeking medical care after their government stopped funding hospital infrastructure up there about 20 years ago. The Clinic built a 350 million dollar radiation unit. Folks who stick around for the 6 week treatment stay in the new hotels and eat at the restaurants that were developed around that facility. 

The Cleveland Clinic isn’t even known for its oncology unit. It does cardiology very well and I don’t know by how much those operations expanded. Meanwhile, the Cleveland population lost over 13 percent of its population from 2000-13, the folks leaving for Texas where they won’t have to waste money on streetcars. Where is the gain for the taxpayers and residents?


In Kentwood’s 2 mile half of So Division, there has been no interest in real estate, prices and sales are stagnant even after we in Kentwood have spent 2 million of poor people’s taxes annualy for four years now. But markets should move in anticipation of future values, and the fact that they haven’t changed indicates the glum prospects for that stretch of highway, especially after the Urban planners have managed to foul things up. 

Our Kentwood city commission has entertained 3 proposals for businesses in the last 2 years. One was for a marijuana clinic which was discouraged by Planning (bad choice on their part.) Another,  last month, for a drug rehab unit was angrily kicked over the side by the neighbors and local public schools. I see a proposal for a food pantry/day care center/church in the pipeline. At this pace, we will have Asian groceries, Salvation Army and sweaty gymnasiums in a few decades. These are all valuable ventures, but hardly the stuff of “vibrant communities” pictured so airily by the used car salesmen who promoted the Silver Line. Vargas addressed our city commission last fall and pulled his punches; So. Division would be prosper only after 10 years. The present value of something political to “help business” in 10 years is nil.


Our mayor has labored mightily to bring new businesses to Kentwood, and succeeded twice. Dave and Buster, and Trader Joes both sited on a busy stretch of 28th street. The mayor didn’t advance South Division for these new and exciting ventures. Why would he? The plans for this stretch are for strangling automotive traffic, bike lanes and outdoor cafes for a Michigan January, and replicating the rotting tourist traps that empty out after labor day. No one with money and business smarts would invest in such a scam, and none do.


I nearly spat out my dentures when I saw this article; it takes off on the comment I posted on

1 year later, $40M Silver Line attracts riders as future remains a guessing game

8/30/2015 9:34 AM

and in numerous places on my blogsite;


Why is this opinion? It should be a headline News article. It popped up on my android as news (else I would not have seen it,)  but buried on the regular Mlive web page as “opinion.” Braun has it right! We need to allocate costs and benefits on a per person basis, to show the disasters that our legislators and unelected regulators wreak on taxpayers and the victims of the ever more complex nonsense that these Svangalis fantasize. They voted to support the rapacious Sales tax increase in May without having the faintest idea of costs on the individual, opine that “we save for small expenses but borrow for the big ones” and force applicants who want to build stuff to comply with codes that are often useless and economically harmful. 

The sad truth is that our Kentwood residents, among others, pay for the ongoing loses of the Silver Line, will have to pay for the “rebuilding” of So. Division if the current legislators have their way, and will need to find other routes to drive to shop and to their jobs as these planners “tame” the traffic in their neighborhoods.  A never ending swindle.


Our Commissioners Receive a Report.  Theres a Punchline in Reporting what They Believe.


At the 1 September meeting, our treasurer, Tom Chase, for inscrutable reasons,  summarized Kentwoods financial positions. The auguries are good and we should stay the course with our current commission. We need to embrace our debts and slavery to the defined benefit pension plans with their rigid repayment demands.

The justification for our borrowing in the past (and presumably in the future) featured the following; we would save for small expenditures but issue bonds for projects ..of sufficient size and urgency to require long-term funding. All the projects funded by bonds issued since 2001 meet this criteria.The justification was that paying off debt would force those who enjoy the benefits of these projects to pay for them.


The shell game begins with trying to discern why saving for some projects and not others is materially. General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.


a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, sometimes, a standard of deferred payment.[


Money’s a matter of functions four,

A Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store.[22]

There is an ugly partisanship in our mayor’s rant. Webb’s opponent’s literature states that he voted to lower the sewage rates by 10%. Deceptive; he actually voted for a tax increase. For one, the sewage rates relate only to Kentwood’s first ward which receives all of its water supply and sewage disposal from our neighboring city. The Wyoming city commissioners determines how much it  charges Kentwood and tells us to pay up. We in Kentwood can and did mark up their charges when we send out the bills. On the sewer side, Wyoming decreased sewage rates by 11.7%. We lowered our rates to our residents by 9.9%. This markup of 1.8% for sewage services is a constructive tax increase for which the then newly appointed commissioner and now candidate voted.The net charges for combined sewage and water dropped by about 3%. and we approved the rates. No one in Kentwood lowered the rates; the Wyoming city commission did. In Kentwood, we only agreed to accept their offer and cut a bit of pork off the pig as it waddled past..

This is two politicians making exaggerated statements during a heated campaign . One seems to imply  problems with our handling of money, the other frankly misleads voters with a fictional account of his non performance.The mayor’s problem is that he chose to point his dagger at the one candidate who made an ambiguous statement and ignored the fabrications of the other. This one sided public eruption from our mayor does not do Kentwood honor.

Erwin Haas, Kentwood city commissioner, 2nd ward

There is an ugly partisanship in our mayor’s rant. Webb’s opponent’s literature states that he voted to lower the sewage rates by 10%. Deceptive; he actually voted for a tax increase. For one, the sewage rates relate only to Kentwood’s first ward which receives all of its water supply and sewage disposal from our neighboring city. The Wyoming city commissioners determines how much it  charges Kentwood and tells us to pay up. We in Kentwood can and did mark up their charges when we send out the bills. On the sewer side, Wyoming decreased sewage rates by 11.7%. We lowered our rates to our residents by 9.9%. This markup of 1.8% for sewage services is a constructive tax increase for which the then newly appointed commissioner and now candidate voted.The net charges for combined sewage and water dropped by about 3%. and we approved the rates. No one in Kentwood lowered the rates; the Wyoming city commission did. In Kentwood, we only agreed to accept their offer and cut a bit of pork off the pig as it waddled past..

This is two politicians making exaggerated statements during a heated campaign . One seems to imply  problems with our handling of money, the other frankly misleads voters with a fictional account of his non performance.The mayor’s problem is that he chose to point his dagger at the one candidate who made an ambiguous statement and ignored the fabrications of the other. This one sided public eruption from our mayor does not do Kentwood honor.

Erwin Haas, Kentwood city commissioner, 2nd ward

“Somebody’s Got Too Much Money”


Kris and I hike or bike daily and one of our favorite haunts is Pickerel Lake, a Kent County park just north of Cannonsburg. It’s a great walk, moderately hilly and blessed with multiple vistas of several lakes. Interestingly, most of what is on view is an artifact, the life’s work of a Lithuanian bachelor who built dams, paths, and culverts that make the hikes so smooth.

The around the lake requires 3 or 4 bridges to cross several environmentally sensitive parts of the  


Thoughts on Improving the Security and Processes  in the City.


We will have our annual bout with the city’s auditor with their emphasis on healthy procedures for city governments, next week. They will recommend stuff and we will promise to correct the problems. Maybe we should consider further measures beyond the usual bland stuff.

We in Kentwood have had at least two employees steal while handling money, one to the tune of at least $300,000, so it’s worth our while to consider ways of preventing fraud. I have no reason to doubt the honesty of any of our employees, but it is prudent to minimize their exposure to the occasions when they might sin. There are other general problems that emerge only as poorly articulated feelings, and so I sit here blogging.

I”ve talked it over with Commissioner DeMaagd, our auditor Peter Heffner and with candidate Thomas Webb. The following are a composite of their ideas;


  1. Apparently individuals can accumulate vacation days without limit and so take a lump sum of money when they retire in lieu of time off. One problem arises when an individual accumulates months of vacation and we have to pay a huge lump sum at termination or retirement. It is capable of wrecking budgets. No one seems to have a handle on how large a liability that we face, but it could be millions. The related problem is that an individual who never or seldom takes vacation might be using his/her monopolizing of a job to commit fraud. If someone else where to do that job in his absence, the fiddle might be unmasked. Somewhere, a long time ago, I was warned to suspect the overly zealous employee, the one who stays late to do the job especially well, when no one is looking. We need a policy of restricting the number of vacation days carried forward, and of forcing employees to take their vacations.
  2. A system of spot checks, of having someone with forensic skills from the outside, take a close look at employees who handle money, at their books, practices, finances, follow up on where and who get checks and the like, on an unannounced and random basis. Perhaps there are accounting firms out there that we could put on retainer for a few thousand. They could do random audits during their slack times, and we could pay them a daily rate. It would take a lot of daily rates to be more expensive than the $300,000 loss from 3 years ago. If no such firm exists, maybe we should start one.
  3. Move people around from one job to another. Extensively cross train them and have them do each other’s jobs on a rotating basis. It would as an intended effect break up fraudulent practices, but also prevent burnout and boredom,  and would give employees a better understanding of the how the enterprise works. Employees would have more skills on their resumes and improve their job prospects. The DPW already do this. I’m told that each of their employees has skills to fix trucks, cars, broken windows, have CDL3 so that they can drive snowplows and the like. Our police force has a similar provision in which each uniformed officer has to do several years as a detective. Firemen inspect, counsel and install fire detectors.
  4. I, and others, are vaguely troubled by statements, promises, projections that are made by management and officials, and that are subsequently lost and forgotten. What did happen to the internal cost accounting from 18 months ago, or the problem with Kentwood’s clay soil not absorbing storm water? We, on the commission, need a tickle file maintained by the city clerk or the mayor’s office so that items could be brought back to the commission on a regular basis.
  5. I have been told that we hire a snow plow service that does a sloppy job, yet this firm continues to win bids and gets taxpayer dollars. There should be a mechanism for reporting and correcting this low level fraud. Certainly complaints lodged by commissioners should be heeded and if not, heads should roll….As it is, commissioners, those who will actually speak are routinely ignored or placated. Perhaps a new commission will correct this paternalistic practice.


medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, sometimes, a standard of deferred payment.

Money’s a matter of functions four,

A Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store.[2

a shrinking amount of money, so deflation. people do not have wealth, in its role as a store of value, rather have devoted their resources to junk, to non productive assets, worthless baubles and give up the products of their labor, they are land rich and cash poor and have diminished options, fewer choices.

Conventional inflation increases the money, greenback or currency in circulation; too much cash, of a medium of exchange, chasing too few goods. Now the fed increases credit, and neglects money as a standard of deferred payment, which is not the same thing

“Peace Officer” A Movie with a Message for our Commission and Police.

Kris and I hike or bike daily missing only when it’s pouring rain or too slippery. This happens occasionally in West Michigan, so there came an afternoon recently when we went to Commissioner Arz’s multiplex at Woodland where they have a series of “indie” films for 5 dollars, about our price range. Kris had been keen to see a documentary called “Peace Officer” and I was sold when I saw a picture of Radley Balko, a writer for Reason and one of my Facebook buddies, on the promo,

It’s a long movie about the police development and use of SWAT teams. The main character and narrator is a retired Utah sherrif named Dub Lawrence who is currently self employed repairing septic tank pumps, something he deems superior to politics. He had developed a SWAT team for his county in the 1970s and was proud of his teams until he personally witnessed his team murder his temporarily overwrought son in law. He did an extensive years long investigation that showed dysfunctional practices of these units as well as an apparently flawed, self serving investigation by the police force. Law suits have not prodiced any relief for the dead man’s family.

Dub went ont ot investigate at least 2 other botched SWAT team incursions, both done to serve otherwise routine warrants. One, done on Christmas had armed men invade the home of a reported Army deserter which terrified the family and in which one of the officers told the man that if he had picked up a gun instead of a baseball bat, that he would have been shot. It was served on the wrong individual.


The other SWAT team incursion was to search for marijuana. The man growing some plants in his basement, was awakened from sleep and didn’t hear the police announce themselves. He had a pistol nearby which he started to use to defend himself. He expended 35 rounds of which 17 hit invading police officers. The police used a ridiculous number of rounds, my recollection was between 500 and 1000, of which 3 hit the man defending his home and 4 killed on of the other police officers. Numerous rounds passed through the home and went through the neighboring home and even into the second house. In the ultimate indictment of the valor of our SWAT team, the miscreant marijuana grower drove a five man SWAT team from his home, and escaped into his garage where he was apprehended by our valiant team. The investigation incorrectly concluded that the miscreant had murdered the police officer.

The film generously allows the involved police, prosecutors and politicians to present their concerns, and many seem to be genuine. One is struck by the clash of what the police investigations had concluded to have happened and easily demonstrated contrary findings.  The flawed investigations in connection with police sovereign immunity leads one to near despair; the police can do whatever they want with impunity.

In Kentwood, we apparently use our SWAT team about 4 times per year. I know of at leasst one (and possibly two officers) who were fired for misconduct in the last few years. Our chief seems to be fairly clear eyed about such transgressions. On the other hand, our officers have been invloved in at least two killings in the last year or so, and both adjudged  to be justified.


There were only 4 customers at our  viewing of “Peace Officer” so its message is not likely to incite domestic unrest, but it should put our commission on notices to monitor our police and their use of military equipment closely. I’m somewhat comforted by my recollections of being in the army; The use of equipment was desultory at best and we certainly didn’t win my war nor many other wars in the last 70 years using these toys. We who are in a fiduciary position must remember that use of these weapons emboldens police and accidents do happen endangering both police themselves and the citizens that they are sworn to protect.  


There are many evils against which one cannot secularly justify the coercive intervention of the state.


The MDEQ; Polluting our Water in Pursuit of What?

” The DEQ is evaluating whether the water is safe to drink, but also whether extracting more from the spring aquifer will harm the environment. “


The environmental religion here dictates “recharging the aquifers” or bringing water tables back to some imagined ideal. This  leads to the  tragic consequences in which environmental-“Green” fantasies poison peoples’ wells.

To illustrate;


There were 50-70 homes around the Knapp’s corner in NE Grand Rapids that suddenly found that their well water which they used in their homes started tasting like Campbell’s chicken noodle soup. Further investigation showed a high level of salt (NaCl.) This was ultimately traced to “a detention pond” that the DEQ and other environmentalists had demanded be installed in the ditches and pipes that drained storm water from the buildings and parking lots from the Meijer and other businesses in that shopping center. During the winter this water was saturated with rock salt used to melt ice on these paved surfaces. The detention pond retained this salty water and allowed it to percolate into the aquifer, so poisoning the wells of private homes and businesses in the neighborhood. I found at least one ten year old academic study from the University of Minn. documenting how detention ponds contaminate ground water with salt. They are known to contaminate water supplies yet the DEQ and environmental groups continue to demand that we build detention ponds, swales and wetlands.


But why would anyone want to detain or keep the water flowing from a paved surface in Michigan?  Some claim that it diminishes the flooding of the creeks and rivers downstream. That’s nonsense. Paved and water impervious surfaces represent possibly 2% of the land area in the USA and contribute only slightly in the increased flow in draining streams.


The real reason is that the environmental lobby wants to “refill the aquifers” and bring the “water tables back” to some imagined ideal that existed before, let’s say, 1800, when Michigan was a malarial and yellow fever infested swamp,  you know, the ideal “wetlands.”


And so, as in this story, the DEQ (the bunch who messed up Flint’s water supply) and environmentalists intend to do good but end up destroying real people’s lives. The 70 homeowners around Knapp’s corners are being forced to hook up to chlorine tasting city water should have a legal case against the city and state that imposed retaining water in their neighborhood. A bulldog plaintiff’s lawyer might make a lot of money taking the phonies and deluded believers in “going back to nature” to court. Makes me almost love the plaintiff’s bar.

Socialist Realism in Kentwood



I took this pic in, I believe Yaruslav, one of prettiest places on our tour of Russia. The foreground is made of cement, classic Socialist realism. (It was 2 days before Victory Day, one of their biggest national holidays, so the flowers.) In the background, a classic Russian Orthodox church, probably 300 years old, built by a merchant to commemorate his good fortune. Which do you think will last?
I use this to illustrate city and other government planning. We in Kentwood are afflicted with the bland, the cheap, what a bureaucrat views as safe and so “grants” a building permit.

Our city’s motto; “Let’s not celebrate wealth, creativity or the disturbing. We need rows of apartment buildings, endless ranch houses and factories built the way the planners let them be built.”

Banish all threats to the city’s master plan!